My place is on fire

Chapter 814 The net worth suddenly increased to 573 billion!

In Shishi, a three-story single-family villa in a high-end villa area.

  It was already past one o'clock in the morning, but Liu Shiqi didn't feel sleepy at all.

  Wearing a neat suit, he sat on the coffee table on the balcony on the third floor with the lights turned off, drinking cup after cup of tea.

  The battle in the stock market that lasted for more than half a month ended in a tragic defeat. The wealth and net worth that he had worked hard for throughout his life were wiped out in just a dozen days.

  Now, Liu Shiqi is no longer a billionaire, but still owes billions in foreign debt to banks and investment institutions.

  Now, he is 65 years old, and he may not be able to repay the billions of foreign debts in his lifetime, and he has no plans to pay them back.

  If you owe the bank one hundred and eighty thousand, you are a grandson. If you owe more than one billion, you are still an uncle!
  "Lin Jianlong, Lin Jianlong, I really underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be so capable..."

  Thinking of the tens of billions of orders signed by Zhuoye Group, Liu Shiqi also had a new understanding of Lin Jianlong's abilities.

  If it were him, he would definitely not have the ability to win such a big project.

  "I didn't lose unfairly this time, but I still can't swallow this breath. You made me impoverished, and I made your family ruined. If it doesn't work once, just twice. If it doesn't work twice, there will be a third time."

  Liu Shiqi sipped his tea with a dark gleam in his eyes. It was obvious that he didn't intend to admit defeat so happily. He wanted to take revenge, and he wanted to take revenge severely!
  Destroying a person's wealth is like killing his parents, let alone his enemy who bankrupted his family!

  At this time, Liu Shiqi had fallen into the final madness, and he also cared about how much money he spent.

  If the money in his hand is not spent, in ten days or so, he will be forcibly taken away, and even the properties and cars under his name will also be executed.


  Suddenly, there was a loud noise downstairs.

  Liu Shiqi suddenly stood up from his seat with a panic expression on his face.

  Before he could react what was going on, two men in black sportswear rushed up from downstairs and came to him.

  Liu Shiqi swallowed and pretended to be calm: "Who sent you?"

  It's sizzling!

  The two men in black didn't talk nonsense to him and just started to fight.

  Four hot gazes shot out, instantly vaporizing Liu Shiqi's head.


  Two hours later, two men in black found Liu Jingyao's residence.

  Liu Jingyao was sleeping with a peripheral girl in his arms, and he was also captured by the two of them instantly.


  At this point, Mr. Liu, who was once brilliant in Zhuoye Group, was completely removed from the world.

  In the next half month, stimulated by various good news, Zhuoye Group's stock price continued to rise, hitting the daily limit for more than a dozen times.

  When the market closed on June 6, Zhuoye Group's total value had risen to a record high valuation of 2 billion.

  When Luo Yanning originally invested 70 billion in Zhuoye Group, he got about 20% of the shares.

  According to his shareholding ratio, the 70 billion he invested has now turned into 573 billion. He successfully used the incident of the Zhuoye Group's business war to achieve a huge leap into the wealth class.

  From a rich man with a net worth of several billion to a rich man with a net worth of tens of billions!

  The Lin Jianlong family's shareholding ratio in Zhuoye Group is 27%, and their net worth has also surged to an exaggerated level of 774 billion.

  There is no doubt that the Luo Yanning and Lin Jianlong families became the biggest beneficiaries of the stock market war launched by Liu Shiqi and his son.

  Before the stock market war, the market value of the entire Zhuoye Group was only over 500 billion. Now, the value of the shares held by the Lin family alone is as high as 774 billion!

  Zhuoye Group has become the biggest dark horse in the stock market this year, and some people who bought the shares of Zhuoye Group at the bottom have also made a lot of money.

  Uncle Luo Yanning's family was the first to enter the market and also invested the most at one time. Besides Luo Yanning and Lin Jianlong's family, they were also the retail investors who made the largest profit this time.

  The more than 500 million that Hao Xiaoxiao invested in the stock market at the beginning turned into more than 3000 million.

  When the stock price was relatively stable, after consulting Luo Yinning, Gao Jun's family also successfully cashed out and received about 3000 million in cash. Through this battle, they achieved financial freedom.

  Luo Yanning is now free and no longer has to worry about money.

  He can mobilize his own more than 500 billion at will, and he can also use Lin Suqing's family's more than 700 billion at his disposal.

  At this time, Lin Jianlong no longer cared much about the affairs within the group company. He had retreated behind the scenes and took his wife to Black Dragon Mountain to live in seclusion.

  Lin Suqing succeeded in taking the position and became the trusted chairman of Zhuoye Group. With her attitude towards Luo Yanning, even if she was asked to sell Zhuoye Group, she would not hesitate at all.

  Of course, Luo Yanning wouldn't do that. With the current rate of making money, the money he earned was enough to spend.

  Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple and Wishing Fountain, as well as several skills [One Book with Ten Thousand Profits], can earn about 1 million a month guaranteed.

  Of course, in the past, Luo Yanning thought that a monthly income of 1 million was already an exaggeration.

  However, after getting Tianxin Pill and Tianyang Pill, this little money is just a small amount of money in his opinion.

  Just sell a Tianyang Pill and you can earn a small target, and the money comes in faster than stealing money!
  Recently, Chief Moder bought 10 pills, 7 Tianyang Pills, and 3 Tianxin Pills from Luo Yanning, and made another 10 small goals.

  Now, he can’t spend all the money he earns!
  No special tasks have been triggered in the recent period, and the tasks triggered before have not been completed.

  There are no other projects in the scenic area except the [Jurassic Park] and the ancient city wall project that are under construction.

  There is no need to spend money for the time being. Luo Yanning has saved all the money she earned, and there is definitely no need to spend other people's money.


  On the morning of May 6th.

  Luo Yanning had just finished a set of ancient Tai Chi in the office when there was a knock on the door from outside.

  Listening to the frequency of the knocking on the door, Luo Yanning knew who was outside the door.

  "Come in, Miaomiao."

  The office door opened, and Shui Miaomiao appeared at the door wearing a professional suit.

  "Boss, in ten minutes, the judges from the tourism department will be here. It's time for us to set off."

  There was a hint of excitement in Shui Miaomiao's gentle tone.

  Today is the day when the tourism department re-rates the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area. It is also a crucial day for the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area.

  The various conditions, facilities, and passenger flow of the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area have already exceeded the current rating, and she is confident of obtaining a better rating.

  Everyone in the scenic spot unanimously believes that this time the 4A rating is definitely stable, and it depends on whether they can get the 5A rating at once.

  There are a total of 8 members in the rating jury this time. If we can get the 6A rating from 5 judges, Heilongshan Scenic Spot will become the second 5A Scenic Spot in Wanshan County. “So fast? Okay, let’s set off.”

  Luo Yanning raised her hand and glanced at the watch on her wrist. Unknowingly, it was already around 9:50 in the morning.

  The jury is expected to arrive at the entrance of the scenic spot around 10 a.m., so it’s just a good time to go out and greet them.

  Taking a light gray casual suit off the hanger and putting it on, Luo Yinning and Shui Miaomiao went out together and walked towards the entrance of the scenic spot.

  at the same time.

  A bus with an official license plate parked in a public parking lot outside Luojiazhuang Village.

  There were a total of 14 people in the car, including the driver, and 8 of them were members of the judging panel.

  The remaining five are leaders from Shishi, Wanshan County and Beiqi Township.

  "Judges, we are here. Next we will transfer to the scenic spot's free shuttle bus to the scenic spot."

  Cao Yuchun introduced to the members of the jury with a smile on his face.

  “In order to give tourists a better tour experience and to solve the traffic congestion problem in the entrance area of ​​the scenic spot, Heilongshan Scenic Spot has invested heavily in purchasing hundreds of shuttle buses to shuttle tourists between the scenic spot and the parking lot for free. .”

  While Cao Yuchun was speaking, the driver opened the electric door and the group got out of the car together.

  After getting off the car, stepping on the solid hardened road in the parking lot, looking at the spacious and clean parking lot and the various clear markings in the parking lot, a group of jury members spoke highly of this parking lot.

  "Not bad, the standard of this parking lot is very high! The scenic spot must have spent a lot of money on this."

  "Indeed, looking at the hundreds of scenic spots in Hebei Province, there are really few free parking lots with such high standards."

  "The details are evident. The Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area is truly worthy of its reputation! I'm already looking forward to it!"

  Although most of the members of the jury are middle-aged and elderly people in their [-]s and [-]s who don’t check their mobile phones much, they have also heard about the famous Heilongshan scenic spot.

  Seeing that there are no less than hundreds of cars parked in the parking lot, and there are still many cars driving in, it is obvious that the business in the scenic spot is busy.

  After a brief chat, everyone took the scenic spot's free shuttle bus to the entrance of the scenic spot.

  After the shuttle bus drove out of the parking lot, it quickly entered the landscape avenue that leads directly to the scenic spot.

  Looking at the beautiful, clean and tidy landscape avenue, a group of jury members once again marveled.

  Even before we arrived at the entrance of Heilongshan Scenic Area, we were already very fond of this scenic spot.

  In 5 minutes, the shuttle bus took everyone to the entrance of the scenic spot.

  “Welcome all leaders to come and provide guidance. I am Luo Jinning, the general manager of Heilongshan Scenic Area.

  After Luo Yanning saw the jury coming, she smiled and stepped forward to say hello to everyone.


  "Hello, Mr. Luo."

  "Mr. Luo is younger and more handsome than online."

  Luo Yanning is now considered a celebrity in Hebei Province. From an eighty-year-old man and an old woman to a seven- or eight-year-old child, there are not many people who don't know him.

  All the judges on the jury had done their homework before coming, and they also knew some information about Luo Yanning.

  Moreover, before coming, the jury also received instructions from a senior leader of their superior unit.

  In the past, when I went to other scenic spots, there were a bunch of arrogant jury members, but when I came to the Heilong Mountain Scenic Spot, I didn't dare to show off at all.

  After a group of people chatted at the entrance of the scenic area, Luo Yanning and Shui Miaomiao led everyone into the scenic area from the entrance of the scenic area gate.

  Entering the scenic spot, the first attraction to inspect was the Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple. Looking at the colorful, resplendent, unique and bustling Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple, the jury members could not find anything wrong with it. They were unanimous. Good review!
  "This color combination is bright and colorful without being too flashy. The scale is just right. It's simply art!"

  "The simple shape and exquisite craftsmanship are breathtaking. This temple can be called a handicraft!"

  "Good review! I have seen more than a thousand temples, but this is the first time I have seen such an exquisite and unique temple as the Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple in Guijing District!"

  "This inscription is also very expressive! It's unique. It doesn't look like any other calligrapher's handwriting. It has its own style and is very brilliant!"

  Hearing this kind of praise for the Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple, Luo Yanning, Shui Miaomiao and other scenic spot leaders were extremely happy.

  A group of leaders in the scenic area have a strong sense of belonging and honor for their own scenic area.

  They are happier when the scenic spots in their own scenic spots are recognized than when they themselves are recognized.

  After visiting the Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple, the next stop was Taohua Island. After visiting Taohua Island, a group of jury members were full of praise and unanimously praised it.

  Next, we visited the Wishing Pond, Panlong Road, Sky, and [Time and Space Tunnel] and other attractions.

  The reason why these Internet celebrity attractions have become Internet celebrity attractions is because they have been tested by netizens, and naturally they will not disappoint.

  Starting at 10 a.m., it took three hours to tour the scenic spot. At 3 p.m., after a group of jury members finished touring the scenic spot, they all gave 2A praise!
  The inspection report will be submitted to the superior department and will take about a month for approval.

  After the approval opinions of the superior department come down, the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area can get a new rating.

  Due to discipline constraints, the members of the jury did not eat or stay in the scenic area. After completing the quality inspection and review work, they returned to the original route.



  "We're going to be promoted to 5A!"

  After seeing off a group of jury members, everyone in the scenic area was excited.

  From a small A-level scenic spot to a well-known 5A scenic spot, the scale of the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area's leap this time is simply unbelievable.

  "I'm treating you to the Carnegie Hotel for lunch today. Everyone can eat and drink as you like."

  The scenic spot is about to be promoted to 5A. Although there are no changes on the surface, Luo Yanning is still very happy in her heart.

  Treating guests to dinner or whatever is trivial.

  "Long live President Luo!"

  "Thank you, Mr. Luo!"

  A group of leaders chattered their thanks to Luo Yanning, but they also felt proud in their hearts.

  From A-level small scenic spots to 5A famous scenic spots, they are also participants and witnesses.

  Although... the common threads they made are extremely limited, but there is still hard work without credit!
  Luo Yanning waved her hand and took a group of people to the Jianing Hotel to have a big meal and celebrate in advance that the scenic spot won the 5A title.

  This matter is almost a certainty, so there is nothing wrong with celebrating in advance.

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