My place is on fire

Chapter 802: An investment in Yang Xiaolan!


Luo Yanning and Li Ruijia reunited after a long absence.

There are not many words, everything is said without words.

It started around 02 o'clock and ended around 30:[-] in the morning.

Luo Yanning's own physical fitness has been improved to 120+ on Panlong Road.

In addition, he can take one more Tianyang Pill than others, and now his physical fitness has increased to 320 points.

The muscles all over his body are tangled and explosive, and he has a somewhat inhuman momentum.

The delicate Li Ruijia was naturally no match for him. She was so tired that she fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.


The flames flickered, and Luo Yanning took out a cigarette from the cigarette case on the bedside table and lit it.

After some strenuous exercise, he was not sleepy at all now and became full of energy.

After smoking a cigarette and still not feeling sleepy at all, Luo Yanning got out of bed, went to the bathroom to wash up, put on a bathrobe and went to the small living room.

Sitting on the sofa, lighting up a cigarette, and briefly summarizing this trip to Abu Dhabi in my mind, I felt that I had gained a lot.

First, the cash harvest of more than 60 billion yuan has greatly eased his financial pressure. Many projects in the scenic area that had been put on hold due to lack of money can be carried out.

However, it is now difficult for Luo Yanning to be excited about financial gains. He now takes money very lightly. He no longer has much feelings about how much he earns and how much he spends.

On the contrary, Luo Yanning likes the "crystal core" obtained by clearing the dead zone and the Tianyang Dan bottle obtained by lottery even more.

With a thought, two crystal cores that were like luminous pearls began to rotate around Luo Yanning. These two crystal cores cannot be used now and will not take effect until the rules of the world change.

The crystal core can allow ordinary people to awaken superpowers and become more powerful. If this thing is known to the outside world, it will definitely be a priceless treasure. It will not be a problem to sell it for more than ten to two billion.

However, the problem is that in the future, the rules of the world will change, and the apocalypse will break out, and all money will become useless waste paper. If it is more than 20 to [-] billion, it will be different from waste paper?

Therefore, before the apocalypse breaks out, Luo Yanning will not consider selling these two crystal cores unless there is a special shortage of money or if it is not necessary.

Rather than selling it for "waste paper", it is better to leave it to the people around you to strengthen them.

"One for Mom, one for Jiajia, one for Su Qing, and one for Miaomiao... Zhang Qian."

Luo Yanning was thinking about some people he cared about, and the two crystal nuclei in his hand were not enough.

"Forget it, don't worry about this thing. According to Luo Ying, when the end of the world breaks out and the beast tide emerges, as long as the strength is strong enough, things like crystal cores will still be easy to obtain."

With a thought from Luo Yanning, the two crystal cores disappeared in a flash and were stored in the storage space of the system mall.

Since she couldn't sleep, Luo Yanning got up and did a few sets of real and ancient Tai Chi on the floor of the living room to increase her proficiency.

After the exercise, she felt even more energetic. Luo Yanning put on another sportswear and went out to the Panlong Road.

Teng Teng Teng, Teng Teng Teng--!

After reaching 320 points of physical fitness, Luo Yanning's physical ability is exaggerated even in the normal state without turning on [Unstoppable Bamboo].

The winding and climbing mountain road felt like flat ground under his feet, and he climbed at a speed that would make even a world track and field champion admire him.

With super explosive power and the footwork of Lingbo Weibu, Luo Yanning climbed to the top of the winding mountain road of more than 3000 meters in just over 3 minutes.

He dared to use his full strength without scruples in the dead of night. During the day when people were coming and going on Panlong Road, he didn't dare to be so casual.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Fellow Daoist Luo's kung fu has improved a lot!"

On a big rock on the top of the mountain, Yang Xiaolan couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw Luo Yanning suddenly appeared.

"Fellow Daoist Yang started practicing so early. He is really very diligent."

Luo Yanning actually discovered Yang Xiaolan's existence a hundred meters away. However, he did not hide his strength and still sprinted to the top of the mountain with all his strength.

Yang Xiaolan smiled and said, "Isn't it the same with Fellow Daoist Luo? Moreover, I see that you are much more diligent than before. We haven't seen each other for a while, so you must have gone to some precious place to practice in seclusion, right?"

After Luo Yanning took two Tianyang Pills, his physique increased by 200 points, and his strength improved by two-thirds than before. Such a huge improvement naturally could not be hidden from Yang Xiaolan's eyes.

"To be honest, Fellow Daoist Yang, I went back to my master this time and got something good. My improvement in strength is related to this thing. I don't know if you are interested in it."

When Luo Yanning sold the Tianyang Pill to Mu Wei and his family, he had already thought of "giving" one to Yang Xiaolan after returning to China.

After all, they lent me 8 million yuan unconditionally, without any interest or a return date.

If I ask for money from others again, my situation will seem a bit small.

He planned to give away several of his apprentices for free, and Yang Xiaolan was not the least of them.

Moreover, some time ago, the Tianlan Sect sent people to claim Yang Xiaolan.

Luo Yanning also noticed that she would probably stay here in the scenic spot from now on.

Of course, her intention to stay in the scenic spot has a lot to do with the aura provided by the attribute [Zhong Lingyuxiu].

With the effect of the skill [Zhong Ling Yuxiu], the aura within the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area is much richer than in other places.

The rich spiritual energy is not only beneficial to the body of ordinary people, but also has a significant effect on ancient martial arts practitioners like Yang Xiaolan.

It is no exaggeration to say that one year of practice in the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area will produce better results than ten years of practice elsewhere!
Uniting powerful masters like Yang Xiaolan to his side will also be a big help to him when the apocalypse breaks out in the future!
Her own constitution of more than 100 points, plus the 100 points provided by Tianyang Dan, totaled more than 200 points, which was also a huge improvement for her.

The Tianyang Pill given to her was regarded as an "investment" in her.

"Oh? What good stuff?" Yang Xiaolan looked very interested.

Any ancient martial arts practitioner would be interested in anything that could improve their strength, and Yang Xiaolan was no exception.Luo Yanning looked around and said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's find another place."

After his physique was enhanced, Luo Yanning's vision and perception abilities were also greatly enhanced. He sensed that a couple was already climbing at the foot of the mountain.

"Okay, let's go to my residence." Yang Xiaolan stood up from the big stone and made an inviting gesture towards Luo Yanning.

Luo Yanning knew where Yang Xiaolan's residence was, and that area was specially allocated to Yang Xiaolan by him.

The two of them arrived at Yang Xiaolan's residence one after another. After Yang Xiaolan brushed his face at the door, he took Luo Yanning into the room.

Yang Xiaolan's residence is designed with four bedrooms and three living rooms, with a total area of ​​more than 200 square meters. In addition to the normal living areas such as bedrooms, living rooms, and restaurants, there is also a practice area with an area of ​​more than 90 square meters.

The practice area is also facing the sun. Directly south is a huge floor-to-ceiling glass, facing the lush trees at the foot of the mountain.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, please sit down."

After Yang Xiaolan brought Luo Yanning to the practice area, he invited him to sit on a futon in the rest area.

"Fellow Daoist Yang, please."

Luo Yanning did not show politeness to Yang Xiaolan and sat cross-legged on the futon, facing Yang Xiaolan.

"This time when I returned to the master's school, I got a few Tianyang Pills from the master. After taking them, a person's physique can be strengthened in a short time. I specially left one for Taoist Fellow Yang."

Luo Yanning did not follow Yang Xiaolan's roundabout ways. After finishing his sentence, he took out a small jade bottle from his pocket and handed it to Yang Xiaolan.

"A natural nourishing pill that strengthens a person's physique in a short period of time?" Yang Xiaolan was surprised when she heard Luo Jinning's words. She had heard of this kind of thing.

According to her master, practicing various arts, some ancient martial arts sects are good at refining elixirs. The elixirs they refine have various effects. Of course, there are also elixirs like what Luo Yanning said that can enhance a person's physique in a short period of time. medicine.

Yang Xiaolan's master was lucky enough to get one. After taking it, his strength did increase. However... the strength increased through the pill only lasted less than a year and then was all lost.

If you encounter an emergency, taking this elixir is indeed a very effective way to deal with it, but in the long run, this "opportunistic" approach is not advisable.

After seeing Yang Xiaolan's reaction, Luo Yanning asked curiously: "Fellow Daoist Yang, have you ever heard of this kind of elixir?"

"I have indeed heard that ten years ago, my master..." Yang Xiaolan did not hide anything from Luo Yanning. She directly told her master about purchasing elixirs from a certain sect at a high price. She also had no idea about the effect of that elixir. hide.

After hearing this, Luo Yanning said with a smile: "Friend Daoist Yang, please rest assured that our master's Tianyang Pill will not have the problem you mentioned, and the effect will be much more significant."

"That's it." Yang Xiaolan nodded. She had complete trust in Luo Yanning and knew everything he said. Naturally, she would not doubt his words.

Luo Yanning's own strength is the best proof!

He is only 25 years old this year, and his strength already far exceeds his own.

Yang Xiaolan prides herself on her talent in ancient martial arts training, but compared with Luo Yanning, she is still far behind.

"This kind of elixir must be extremely precious, and the price must not be cheap, right?" Yang Xiaolan put her nose to the mouth of the bottle and smelled it. A strange fragrance penetrated straight into her nose. The smell alone gave people a relaxed and happy feeling. .

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "We won't discuss the price. Besides, if this thing is not given to a good friend like Yang Daoyou, I will not sell it no matter how much money I pay."

Yang Xiaolan's eyes flickered after hearing Luo Yanning's words. She could tell from Luo Yanning's words that he valued her.

"I'm narrow-minded, don't mind, Fellow Daoist Luo." Yang Xiaolan smiled with relief and stopped talking about money.

In fact, when she lent Luo Yanning 8 million yuan, saying it was an interest-free loan and there was no stipulated return date, she had no intention of asking for that money again.

To her, money is also a series of cold and meaningless numbers. At this time, she has very few places to spend money in the scenic area except for eating.

Luo Yanning's eyes encouraged her: "Fellow Daoist Yang, please take the elixir. The absorption process will be a little painful, but don't worry, it's a normal reaction. I will protect you."

"Okay." Yang Xiaolan didn't hesitate at all. She raised her slender and white neck and swallowed the Tianyang Dan in the bottle.

Tianyang Dan melts in the mouth and instantly turns into a stream of heat that enters the body along the esophagus and then spreads to the limbs and bones.

Less than 5 seconds after swallowing the Tianyang Pill, Yang Xiaolan's face suddenly turned red, and fine beads of sweat oozed from her forehead.

Even Mu Wei and his family can bear the pain of Tianyang Dan, let alone ancient martial arts practitioners like Yang Xiaolan.

Except that her face was a little red and there were a lot of sweat on her head, the expression on her face was very calm, as if nothing happened.

One hour passed quickly, and all the effects of the Tianyang Pill were absorbed by Yang Xiaolan. She suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes shining brightly.

"Fellow Daoist Luo! Today's Yang Dan..." Yang Xiaolan looked at Luo Yanning with surprise.

Originally, she thought Luo Yanning's "more significant effect" was an exaggeration.

At this moment, after completely absorbing the Tianyang Pill, Yang Xiaolan was pleasantly surprised by the surging power in his body.

Although there is no specific visual standard, she can feel that her strength is much stronger than before she took Tianyang Dan!
The effect of this day's elixir is not only "more significant", it is not an exaggeration to call it a magical elixir!

It was at this moment that Yang Xiaolan realized how precious the Tianyang Pill given to him by Luo Yanning was.

It is no exaggeration to say that the value of this elixir is definitely difficult to measure in terms of money. Even if I spend all my wealth, it cannot compare with the value of such an elixir.

Luo Yanning said calmly: "The effect of Tianyang Pill is very good, but a person can only take one in a lifetime. You seem to have absorbed it now, but in fact you have not. If you want to absorb all the effects of Tianyang Pill, At least it will take 80 to [-] years."

Yang Xiaolan cupped her hands towards Luo Yanning and said, "Yang Xiaolan is very satisfied to be lucky enough to receive one in this life. Fellow Taoist Luo, I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. If you can be of use to Yang Xiaolan in the future, just ask. As long as I can do it, I will never do it." decline."

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Yang. I'm giving you this elixir purely because of the good relationship between us. I'm not trying to repay you." The more Luo Yanning said this without any intention of repaying, the more Yang Xiaolan felt. I felt indebted to him and silently recorded his kindness in my heart.

After a few polite words, the two chatted for a while. The sky outside began to light up, and Luo Yanning also stood up and said goodbye to Yang Xiaolan.

It was just past 5 o'clock in the morning, and there were already more tourists on Panlong Road.

Luo Yanning could no longer exert all her strength, so she slowly went down the mountain step by step, admiring the scenery along the way.

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