My place is on fire

Chapter 786: Cleanup operation!

The Dead Zone is filled with mist.

This dead area located in the wealthy area of ​​Abu Dhabi is not much different from the dead areas in China.

After entering the scope of the death zone, all electronic equipment fails, and even the gunpowder no longer reacts.

Modern thermal weapons, guns and ammunition have become decorations, and their function is worse than a kitchen knife.

After Luo Yanning led the people into the dead zone, they spread out in a fan-shaped formation, and the group began to clean up along an edge.

This dead zone is a villa area, which is different from the dead zone in the wilderness that Luo Yanning dealt with before.

According to official data from Abu Dhabi, there are 888 villas in this dead zone.

In any villa, there may be one or more wolves lurking, and it is quite troublesome to clean them up.

Entering the dead zone, walking less than 300 meters, I saw the first villa with a Middle Eastern style.

This villa is a three-story single-family villa. The door is open and there is a large amount of dried blood scattered at the door.

It seems that when the Death Domain appeared, something happened to the owner of the villa or the live-in nanny.

"Everyone, please be alert."

After Luo Yanning reminded everyone, she waved her hand and led everyone towards the villa.

Eight strong men were in the first row, Luo Li and Shen Jingyi were in the second row, and Luo Yanning led Mu Wei at the end. While guarding the rear of the team, he was also responsible for protecting Mu Wei's safety.

As soon as the strong man in the lead arrived at the door, suddenly, with a whoosh, three black figures jumped out of the villa!
At the same time as three beasts roared, the battle was about to begin!
The three strong men have all copied Luo Yanning's [Unstoppable] state, and are now in the activated state. Their strength points have increased tenfold, and they have transformed into strong men.

Bang, bang, bang!
Eight strong men surrounded the three wolves without any suspense and successfully subdued them in less than half a minute.

Luo Li and Shen Jingyi stepped forward with knives and stabbed the main arteries in the necks of the three wolf-eating wolves, successfully killing them.

"Ah this..." Mu Wei couldn't help but be stunned when he saw that the beast that had caused huge chaos to his country was almost unable to fight back under the attack of a group of strong men.

These monsters, which the master calls wolf-eating monsters, even if just one of them escapes, Abu Dhabi officials will have to go to great lengths to kill it, causing great damage and influence.

However, three heads had just appeared at the same time, but in front of the master's team, they were subdued and killed without causing any trouble, which shows their strength.

At this moment, Mu Wei was even more confident that his master could clear out the dead zone.

After successfully killing the three wolves, everyone entered the first villa and searched carefully. No other wolves were found, and they continued to search the next villa.

Everyone rushed to the second villa, but it was empty, with nothing in it.

Then the third building, the fourth building, the fifth building...

Except for the second one, two or three wolves can be found in each of the remaining villas.

Several battles are the same as the first battle. They are all quick battles, basically controlled within 1 minute.

Moreover, only eight strong men, Luo Li and Shen Jingyi can take action, and there is no need for Luo Yanning at the rear.

This situation remained until everyone finished cleaning the 18th villa.

"Everyone be careful, there is a situation!"

As soon as everyone left the villa, Luo Yanning's ears twitched and she reminded everyone loudly.

He has always deduced that this creature named "Wolf Eater" must be intelligent, and its intelligence is not low!

Now, his words are confirmed.

When he led Luo Li and Shen Jingyi to clean up other villas, the Wolf Eaters in the Dead Zone also began to gather, and they were no longer fighting alone.

Roar~ Roar~ Roar~
Hundreds of pairs of red eyes suddenly appeared all around, and behind each pair of red eyes was a wolf-eating wolf.

Unknowingly, Luo Yanning and others were surrounded by hundreds of eating wolves.

"Next, there is a tough battle to be fought."

When Luo Yanning saw the sudden appearance of hundreds of wolf-eating wolves, she was not nervous or afraid, but rather excited.

From the beginning to now, he has been protecting Mu Wei from behind and taking charge of the rear. He hasn't touched his hands yet. He has already itched his hands.

"Be a good boy, so many of them show up at once!" Luo Li was also not afraid and became as excited as Luo Yanning.

"Mu Wei, Luo Li, Shen Jingyi, don't leave me too far, come behind me."

After Luo Yanning greeted the three of them, she walked to the front and faced the Devouring Wolf.

The Devouring Wolf seemed to sense an inexplicable danger. After roaring, it began to launch a group attack.

It's sizzling!

Luo Yanning's eyes heated up, and his heat vision shot out, instantly piercing the Devouring Wolf directly opposite him!
His head turned slightly, his eyes moved horizontally, and his two heat vision lines were like cutting lines, killing dozens or even hundreds of wolf-eating wolves in an instant!

This efficiency of killing monsters is much faster than just cleaning up villas one by one.

"My God..." The moment Mu Wei saw Luo Yanning's eyes emitting heat, he was stunned and dumbfounded.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously and opened them again. Luo Yanning was scanning the surrounding groups of wolves with his heat vision.

Those terrifying beasts, under the attack of heat vision, were like paper, falling to the ground and dying suddenly.

What is the situation!

My actually Superman?

At this moment, Mulvey felt that his world view collapsed. Is there really a Superman in this world?
Mu Wei had only seen Luo Yanning fight one against eight before. Only today did he know that his master was actually a superman!

This is too cool!

After discovering Luo Yanning's secret, Mu Wei was surprised and excited. At the same time, he also made up his mind to hug his master's thick legs tightly in the future!
This fighting ability is no different from Superman on TV!Bang bang bang!
The thermal sight sweep is not guaranteed to hit every wolf-eating wolf. There are still many wolves that slip through the net and attack everyone through some uncovered angles.

Luo Yanning can destroy a Devouring Wolf with one punch and one kick. His movements are simple and capable, without any bells and whistles, and have great mechanical beauty.

[Thermal Vision] This skill is indeed very lethal, but it also consumes a lot of money, and when the monster gets close, this skill is not so useful.

After unexpectedly killing a group of Devouring Wolves, Luo Yanning put away her heat vision and began to use her fists to defend herself and counterattack.

Luo Li, Shen Jingyi and others were also locked in a tough fight. They formed a defensive formation and left each other's backs to their teammates.

Mu Wei stood in a circle surrounded by everyone. In a battle of this size, he could not help at all and could only watch and worry.

"You maintain this offensive and defensive formation and protect Mu Wei. I'll go and sweep away!"

Luo Yanning shouted to the crowd, stepped on the waves, and instantly rushed out of the crowd and rushed into the herd of beasts!
Luo Yanning used several skills in turn, just like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Wherever he passed, there were corpses of Wolf Eaters, just like a harvester harvesting crops. One after another, Wolf Eaters fell at his feet, dead. Under his fist.

Mu Wei looked at the fierce group of masters, and his heart was shocked beyond measure!
Originally, he thought that Luo Yanning could defeat 8 bodyguards by himself, which was already impressive, and his combat prowess was off the charts.

At this moment, after seeing Luo Yanning's true strength, he was shocked to realize that what he had seen was just the tip of the iceberg of his master's strength!
The master with full firepower, apart from being unable to fly, really looks a bit like Superman in the movie, so powerful!

The teammates brought by the master were equally fierce, tearing apart the wolves with their bare hands. Their strength was simply terrifying!
That little lolita has a small body, but she is also very fierce when she enters the fighting state. She can smash the head of a wolf-eating wolf with one kick!
This is a completely monster team!
The combat effectiveness displayed by this team was completely beyond Mulvey's understanding.

For a moment, he thought he was dreaming, and everything that happened in front of him was a dream scene!
In reality, such a fierce person cannot exist!
Especially when Luo Yanning's eyes shot out [heat vision], it gave Mu Wei a feeling of time and space intersecting. In a daze, he thought he had traveled to a world with supernatural powers and magical beasts!

Bang bang bang!
roar roar...

The sounds of fighting continued to intersect with the roars of the Devouring Wolf, and the battle became increasingly fierce.

Hundreds and thousands of Devouring Wolves rushed forward, like a tide, attacking Luo Yanning and Luo Li's team one after another.

Even robots are sometimes overwhelmed and make mistakes. Luo Li, Shen Jingyi, and the eight strong tool men also suffered varying degrees of injuries during the battle.

Some had their legs and feet bitten by the wolf, and some had their arms and fingers bitten by the wolf. There were all kinds of injuries.

After Luo Yanning knocked down a wolf-eating wolf that sneaked up on Loli with one punch, she frowned as she looked at the injured team members.

It seems that I still underestimated the difficulty of this death domain, and also underestimated the wisdom and fighting power of these beasts in the death domain.

If the situation at hand continues to persist, casualties may occur soon, which is definitely not what Luo Yanning wants to see.

"Luo Li, Shen Jingyi, you lead the team and begin to retreat towards the entrance, I will cover everyone!"

Luo Yanning gave an instruction loudly, stepped out of the way, stood in front of everyone, and began to cover their retreat.

After a fierce battle, Luo Li and Shen Jingyi's physical strength was almost exhausted, so after hearing Gao Luoyuning's order to retreat, they decisively executed it and retreated in one direction while fighting.

roar roar...

Devouring Wolf seemed to know that the group that had killed hundreds of his companions was about to run away, and the attack became more intensive.

Just like the death squads who are not afraid of death and don't care about their lives, they launch a final charge towards the team where Luo Yanning and others are.

Bang bang bang!
Luo Yanning's physical strength of over 100 points is still very advantageous. Among the group of people, he is the only one who still has sufficient physical strength and his combat effectiveness has not been affected.

Moreover, among the people present, he and Mulvey were the only two people who were not injured.

Fighting and retreating, about 5 minutes later, the group finally arrived at the edge of the dead zone.

As if they knew that there was heavy firepower ambushed outside the Dead Zone, the groups of wolf-eating wolves suddenly stopped chasing when they were about ten meters away from the edge, then turned around and returned to the depths of the Dead Zone.

Seeing that the defenses outside the Wolf Eater team's death zone were wary, Mu Wei finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally put his heart back into his stomach.

After Luo Yanning and his group rushed out of the Death Zone, the medical team waiting outside the Death Zone quickly came to treat everyone's injuries.

A senior official responsible for clearing the Dead Zone also hurried over and asked Mu Wei about the battle situation inside. He actually didn't have that much trust in Luo Yanning and others. The situation seen by his own prince was more reliable.

"Prince Muwei, what was the result of this battle? How many demon wolves were killed?" Bobaka Pineda felt relieved when he saw that Muwei was intact.

Previously, when Luo Yanning said she wanted to take Mu Wei into the Death Realm, he strongly opposed it, but he couldn't stand it and Mu Wei insisted on going, so he had no choice but to let him go.

"How many? No, no, no, Master Bobaka, you underestimate the strength of my master's team."

Mulvey looked at Bobaca Pineda with burning eyes and said: "During the clearing operation just now, the number of demon wolves my master and others killed was probably at least several hundred."

In Abu Dhabi, the eating wolf is called the devil wolf. It is different from the name in China, but it is actually the same thing.

"A few hundred heads?" Bobaca Pineda was a little confused after hearing what Mulvey reported. "Prince Mulvey, it seems that such a serious matter is not suitable for joking."

Bobaca Pineda also has some experience of the ferocity of the demon wolf. Yesterday, one emerged from the dead zone, and it took three lives to kill the wolf.

The terrifying fighting power of the demon wolf left a deep impression on him.

Mulvey said with a normal expression: "I'm not joking with you, what I said is true."

"Real truth? Killed hundreds of demon wolves?" Bobaca Pineda still felt that it was a bit fanciful.

Just with that small team of 11 people, they killed hundreds of demon wolves in more than an hour?

how can that be!Absolutely impossible!

Previously, Bobaca Pineda sent a hundred-man regiment to clear out the enemy, hoping to rely on the overwhelming advantage of numbers to win. As a result, there were heavy casualties, but the results were not ideal.

One of the lessons he learned is not to outnumber the demon wolf, because it may have more people than you.

Unless a force of [-] to [-] troops is directly sent in to directly push and level the dead area, in that case, although the dead zone can be quickly cleared, it will probably cause a lot of casualties, and no one dares to take such risks and responsibilities.

"I also know that this result is a bit unbelievable. If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it, but it is true."

Mulvey didn't know how to explain what he saw to others, and said:
"Next time my master and the others go in for a cleanup, Mr. Bobaka can follow him in person and witness it with his own eyes."

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