My place is on fire

Chapter 779 Shopping in the mall!

Luo Yanning had just finished the phone call when Mu Wei stepped forward and asked him if he could help him find a translator.

"Aren't I just a ready-made translator? Wherever you want to go, I will go with you."

Luo Yanning had nothing to do in the afternoon, and he didn't mind accompanying his apprentice for a walk, and by the way, he could ensure his personal safety.

Mu Wei smiled and said: "Master, you are the boss of the scenic spot. How can the scenic spot leave you? I just want to go out for a walk, so I don't need to bother you."

"Well, if you want to find a translator, I really have a suitable candidate here." After Luo Yanning heard Mu Wei's words, she knew that he might have something that would make it inconvenient for her to follow him, so she agreed to help him find a translator. .

He remembered that the manager of the finance department, Luo Xiaohui, could speak Arabic. The scenic spot had also entertained several customers from the Middle East before, but those customers were not as distinguished as Mulvey.

Luo Yanning immediately called Luo Xiaohui and told her about being a translator for Mu Wei.

Luo Xiaohui agreed without hesitation when she heard that she was working as an interpreter for the prince of the Middle Eastern royal family. She was overjoyed and felt that her Arabic learning was not in vain and she was worthy of her hard work during school!

Being able to serve as a translator for the princes of the Middle Eastern royal family is definitely the ultimate dream of all students learning Arabic.

Luo Yanning thought for a moment and then said, "Let Luo Li and Shen Jingyi follow you. They will be responsible for your safety."

Although the domestic public security is well-known internationally, we still need to be prepared just in case.

After all, when a noble prince from a Middle Eastern royal family like Mulvey goes out on the street, he is like a walking ATM machine. He is not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case, so it is better to be cautious.

Of course it's best if nothing happens. If something happens, it will be a big deal. There is no need to take such risks. Be careful and sail with caution.

"Thank you, master! Then I'll help you two beauties." After Mu Wei thanked Luo Yanning, he cupped his hands with Luo Li and Shen Jingyi, making a very quaint gesture.

Mu Wei likes to watch domestic TV dramas, especially those martial arts dramas with ancient costumes. He yearns for the martial arts dramas in them. He likes Chinese Kung Fu because he has watched a lot of martial arts dramas.

After becoming a disciple of Luo Yanning, Mu Wei already regarded himself as a member of the world, so his behavior began to be closer to that of a member of the world.

"Haha, brother master, this foreigner is so interesting." Luo Li was so amused by Mulvey's actions that she giggled.

The expression on Shen Jingyi's face did not change at all, like a piece of cold ice. Only when facing Luo Yanning and Luo Li, the frost on her face would melt away.

Maybe in her heart, only Luo Yinning and Luo Li were the important people, and everyone else was indifferent to her. Even Luo Ying, who also came from the [Super Scenic Area System], she rarely paid attention to.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "Luo Li, let's talk about it, let's talk about it. When we go out later, we can protect Mu Wei and don't let any strangers approach him."

"Okay master, brother, don't worry, Luo Li will do the work. I promise to complete the task!" Luo Li said, and also made a decent salute gesture to Luo Yanning, which looked both cute and a little funny.

Luo Yanning looked at Shen Jingyi and said, "Luo Li's personality is too out-of-the-box, so you should pay more attention."

"I know." Shen Jingyi spoke with a rare gentle voice.

"A little bit~"

Luo Li was sticking out her tongue and making faces. She was very lively and funny.

If her figure wasn't hot enough, Luo Yanning would really doubt whether she was a legal loli.

After explaining Shen Jingyi and Luo Li, Luo Yanning called her driver Li Minghao and asked him to be the driver for Prince Mu Wei later.

After everything was arranged, Luo Yanning took Mu Wei, Luo Li and Shen Jingyi down the mountain to meet Luo Xiaohui in the office area.

"Boss Luo!"

Luo Xiaohui waited downstairs after receiving Luo Yanning's call. When she saw him coming with someone, she hurried forward to say hello.

While saying hello, Luo Xiaohui glanced at Mu Wei. At first sight, she was attracted by his handsomeness and the noble temperament that seemed to be inherent in him.

After all, he is a member of the royal family. In addition to learning cultural knowledge and other courses since childhood, he also learned etiquette and behavior. His noble temperament cannot be imitated by even the best actors.

Mu Wei also looked at Luo Xiaohui with interest. To be honest, Luo Xiaohui's facial features could only be considered delicate, not as beautiful as Luo Li and Shen Jingyi.

However, when Mu Wei saw her, the admiration in his eyes was far more than when he saw Luo Li and Shen Jingyi.

"Xiaohui, let me introduce you. This is Mu Wei, my apprentice. He wants to go out for a walk later, so you can translate for him."

After Luo Yanning introduced Mu Wei to Luo Xiaohui, she introduced her to Mu Wei in Arabic:

"Mu Wei, this is Luo Xiaohui, the financial manager of our scenic spot, and the only person in the scenic spot besides me who can speak Arabic. Let her be your guide today."

"It's an honor to meet you."

"Nice to meet you."

Luo Xiaohui smiled and reached out to shake Mu Wei's hand.

Mulvey also smiled and stretched out his hand to shake her hand.

Even though he liked this girl a little bit in his heart, he was not rude and still maintained a gentleman's demeanor, and the two of them separated their hands as soon as they touched her.

"It's getting late, so go ahead."

Luo Yanning arranged bodyguards, drivers, and translators for Mu Wei. He did everything he could and left him alone.

"Okay, master, go to work! Let's go, Ms. Luo." After Mu Wei said goodbye to Luo Yanning, he asked Luo Xiaohui to walk towards the parking lot together.

"Ms. Luo? This guy Mu Wei is quite polite. He is indeed a noble gentleman and well-educated."

After Luo Yanning watched Mu Wei and Luo Xiaohui walk away, she sighed with a smile, then turned and went upstairs.


Luo Xiaohui first took Mu Wei to the place where Luo Yanning parked his car to meet Li Minghao.

After a brief greeting, the group got into the car together.

Shen Jingyi sat in the passenger seat, and Luo Li sat in the back seat. The two formed a protective formation, one behind the other.

Mu Wei and Luo Xiaohui sat on the two seats in the middle.

After several people got in the car and sat down, Luo Xiaohui told Li Minghao to drive to Wanda Plaza in Shishi, which was the destination of the trip.Li Minghao was already very familiar with that place. He started the car and drove towards Wanda Plaza on a familiar road.

"Ms. Luo looks very young and can hold the position of manager in a scenic spot. It must be because of her strong work ability that she is appreciated by the master, right?"

While the car was driving, Mu Wei chatted with Luo Xiaohui as if he had nothing to say, and gave her a thumbs up to praise her.

"No, actually, I feel like I don't have much ability. When I joined the scenic spot, I had just graduated from college."

"Uncle Luo has a very good relationship with our family, as well as with my father and mother. I think he must have taken special care of me by asking me to be the manager!"

Luo Xiaohui is still very self-aware, and the situation she said is basically infinitely close to the truth.

After all, as long as the salary is in place, some of them have doctorates and masters. With the current popularity and salary of Heilongshan Scenic Area, what kind of managers cannot be recruited!
Why did you recruit a student like yourself who graduated from an ordinary undergraduate university?Luo Xiaohui and her family are all familiar with what is going on here, and they all remember Luo Yanning's kindness.

Now, Luo Xiaohui works as the manager of the financial department in the scenic spot, with a monthly salary of up to 1 yuan. Her mother, Liang Dingxiang, works as the cleaning manager in the scenic spot. Although the monthly salary is not as high as hers, with miscellaneous benefits, the monthly salary is more than [-] yuan. bucks.

The couple's monthly salary together is 5 to [-] yuan, and all the villagers in Luojiazhuang are envious.

Luo Xiaohui's family's income level is quite acceptable even in a big city like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, let alone a small mountain village like Luojiazhuang.

Mu Wei smiled and asked Luo Xiaohui: "Do you like your current job?"

Luo Xiaohui said with a smile: "I like it! I like it very much! I feel that I can work in the scenic area for the rest of my life. As long as Uncle Luo doesn't drive me away, I will work in the scenic area until I am 60 or [-] years old, until I retire."

Mulvey shrugged and said, "It seems that you really like your job. Few people want to stay in their position for a lifetime."

"First of all, the salary in our scenic spot is very good. Even though we are located in a remote area, the salary level is comparable to that of a big city, and the consumption is much lower than that of a big city."

"Also, the food quality in our scenic spot is very high. Everyone likes to eat in the scenic spot, and the working atmosphere is also good..."

Luo Xiaohui talked about a lot of the benefits of the scenic spot like a treasure trove, and it was obvious that she really liked the scenic spot.

Mu Wei asked jokingly: "I heard you said so many good places in the scenic spot, so...are there any bad places? Or shortcomings?"

Luo Xiaohui said: "The bad things... There are bad things about the scenic spot! The food in the scenic spot is so good. I have gained almost 10 kilograms in weight within a few months of joining the company."

"Hahaha..." Mu Wei was amused by the greedy and fearful expression on Luo Xiaohui's face.

After spending a while with Luo Xiaohui, he felt that this girl was very interesting and special.

Luo Li, Shen Jingyi, and Li Minghao did not participate in the conversation. Mainly because the three of them neither understood nor spoke Arabic, so they simply closed their eyes in their seats to relax.

At around 4 p.m., Cullinan drove into the underground parking lot of Wanda Plaza, and Li Minghao waited in the car.

Luo Li and Shen Jingyi got off the car together, sandwiching Mu Wei and Luo Xiaohui one after another to protect their safety.

As soon as a group of four people appeared in the hall, they immediately became the center of attention.

Whether it is Mu Wei with a piece of cloth on her head and full of aristocratic temperament, or Luo Li and Shen Jingyi, they are all eye-catching presences.

Among the four, Luo Xiaohui seemed a little more ordinary.

"Wow! Look at the wealthy people! I heard that only nobles with status in the Middle East can dress like this."

"He is so handsome and has such a temperament, he looks like a prince from a fairy tale!"

"This Middle Eastern man seems familiar? I think I've seen him somewhere?"

"Ah! I remembered, I saw him in the Black Dragon Mountain King's live broadcast room before! It is said that he is a prince from some royal family in the Middle East!"

"No wonder there is such a big fuss when going out for shopping. It turns out that one's status is so noble!"

"Is that hot little lolita his bodyguard? She's so cute! I just don't know what her strength is."

Customers shopping in the mall saw a group of people discussing in low voices.

Mulvey seemed to be used to everyone's reactions. He had experienced this kind of situation many times, so he didn't take it seriously. He simply ignored the comments and curious looks of others.

A group of four people took the escalator of the shopping mall to the third floor and arrived at the Hermès store.

The reason why Mu Wei didn't take Luo Yanning out with him, but went out alone, was to prepare a little gift for the master's mother.

"Good afternoon, four ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to Hermès. How can I help you?"

When the clerk saw Mu Wei, who was wearing a white robe and a white cloth on his head, he immediately stepped forward to serve him with enthusiasm.

There are often videos or news on Weibo of wealthy people from the Middle East shopping in certain high-end shopping malls.

The wealthy people in the Middle East are famous for their treachery, and they are also famous for their generous dealings.

The clerk came into contact with all kinds of rich people every day, and his eyes were very vicious. He identified Mulvey as a big customer at a glance.

"This, this, this, this, and this, put them all up for me, and this, this, this..."

After Mu Wei led Luo Xiaohui and his party through the door, he pointed at the bags, necklaces and jewelry on the shelves without asking the price and asked the clerk to pack them.

His relaxed and leisurely attitude is just like ordering food in a restaurant. In his eyes, Hermès, which ordinary people call luxury goods, is just ordinary goods that he can buy as much as he wants.

Luo Xiaohui swallowed and translated with a shocked look on her face: "Pack...pack all the products he ordered."

"What! Everything...Okay, okay, okay, please wait!" The clerk was shocked when he heard Luo Xiaohui's translation, but he quickly came to his senses and hurriedly called two colleagues to help.

"This, this, and this, this..."

Mulvey walked alone in front, clicking on the ones he saw that pleased his eyes. Several clerks followed him in a hurry, taking down and bagging all the products he ordered.

In less than half a minute from the moment he walked in, Mulvey had already bought more than 30 items, with the total value conservatively estimated to have exceeded 200 million.

Among them, the most expensive is a diamond-set rose gold watch with a chamfered diamond dial and a pearl gray matte crocodile leather interchangeable short strap. The price is just over 22.

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