My place is on fire

Chapter 772: Test the results in actual combat!

In order to facilitate the teaching of several apprentices, Luo Yanning specially built a practice room in the cozy hut area.

This practice room is different from ordinary people's housing. He asked Luo Yiba and the others to customize it.

It covers an area of ​​more than 300 square meters, with no partitions inside and is completely open.

There were no beds or anything like that, the floor was only covered with silicone mats for practicing.

After finishing the call with Gao Yaling, Luo Yanning got up and went out, walking downstairs towards the practice room.

"Good morning, Mr. Luo."

"Good morning, Mr. Luo."

Employees walking around the office area took the initiative to say hello after seeing Luo Yanning, with humble smiles on their faces.

"Good morning."

Luo Yanning didn't have any airs and responded to everyone who greeted him one by one.

After going downstairs, it’s not too far to walk to the practice room. It takes less than 5 minutes to walk.

"Good morning, Master."

As soon as Luo Yanning entered the door, she saw Shi Mingsheng already standing there and practicing Zhuang Kung Fu. There were beads of sweat rolling down his forehead. It looked like he had been practicing for a long time.

As the saying goes, if you don’t practice martial arts, you will be in vain.

Zhuang Kung Fu is the foundation of many martial arts, whether it is Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Baji Quan, etc., etc., etc., you need to practice the Zhuang Kung Fu solidly.

A tall building is thousands of feet tall. If the foundation is not solid, it may topple over at any time.

After Luo Yanning came in, she closed the door, smiled and praised, and said:

"Okay, Lao Shi, among the brothers, you are the one who works the hardest and is the most diligent."

Shi Mingsheng said with a smile: "I am the stupid bird who flew first. The senior sisters and junior sisters are both smart and younger than me. If I don't work hard, I will be far away from the senior sisters. The gap is too big."

Luo Yanning nodded and said: "Not bad, keep up the good work, God rewards hard work, and hard work will always be rewarded."

While the two were talking, a gust of cold wind blew into the house, the door opened, and Gao Yaling in a white sportswear rubbed her hands and pushed the door open and entered the house.

"I'm freezing to death, but it's still warm in the house~ Master Luo, Brother Shi, good morning."

Gao Yaling waved her hands to Luo Yanning and Shi Mingsheng, and said hello to them with a smile.

"Good morning, Junior Sister Gao."

Shi Mingsheng also responded to Gao Yaling with a smile.

After Gao Yaling became a disciple of Luo Yanning, she became a junior sister, and Shi Mingsheng finally became a senior brother.

After the two said hello, Gao Yaling went to press her legs on the equipment next to her.

A pair of long, slender legs stretched straighter and more slender on the equipment.

[Lingbo Weibu] Although there is no need to fight or compete with others, basic skills are also very important, even more important than Wing Chun and Tai Chi.

Not long after, Zhao Rui arrived last.

"I'm sorry, master, I was going to the hotel with my parents to go shopping at that time."

After Zhao Rui entered the door, he stuck out his tongue in embarrassment and confessed to Chen Chong.

Chen Chong asked curiously: "Huh? Haven't your parents returned to Beijing already?"

"Well, I went back after the New Year. It's not Saturday anymore, and they're here again."

Zhao Rui said with a smile: "My parents now really regard our scenic spot as a place for weekend vacations. They come here on weekends. They have even discussed retiring and living here in our scenic spot."

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "Haha, is that so? Our scenic spot is quite attractive."

Zhao Rui smiled and said: "Yeah, that's right! I really like to stay in our scenic spot now. I practice kung fu and take walks every day. It's like a fairy life."

Zhao Rui is now not only Luo Yanning's apprentice, but has also been recruited by him to join the scenic spot's new media promotion department and become a deputy manager. Her monthly salary is more than 6 yuan. Add in her daily live broadcast income, and her monthly income of 10 yuan is still very high. simple.

After following Luo Yanning's footsteps from the capital to the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area, her Wing Chun skills have greatly increased, and her income has also increased several times compared to when she was in the capital.

Zhao Rui is very satisfied with her current living situation and likes it very much.

After chatting for a while, Luo Yanning started his most disliked teaching job. If it weren't for the lottery, he, a salty fish master, would really not want to accept a disciple.

According to the order of first come, first served, Shi Mingsheng was first instructed in Tai Chi and patiently explained to him various practices of Tai Chi.

"That's alright, Lao Shi. Let's practice pile work here first. Adjust your heartbeat and breathing first. Tai Chi mainly focuses on calming the heart, mind, and finally the spirit."

"Exclude all distractions, do not see or listen to things in the world, do not relax your mind, and focus your thoughts. Inner quietness, keep your spirit and energy within yourself, your mind will guide you, your energy will follow you, and your mind and energy will be combined."

"Yes, master!" Shi Mingsheng followed Luo Yanning's words and began to take a deep breath to adjust his condition.

Luo Yanning continued: "The second point is to be 'empty', empty in heart, empty in mind, empty in spirit, and empty in body.

The hollow is open and the whole body is empty.Use the heart to guide the mind, use the mind to guide the qi, and use the qi to move the body.The whole body is full of breath. "

Following Luo Yanning's guidance, Shi Mingsheng calmed down his mind and spirit, then began to relax himself and enter a state of practice.

"The third is to be 'loose'. If you don't cultivate looseness when practicing boxing, you will end up in vain. Relax your heart, mind, spirit, and body. The internal organs should be loose, the limbs and bones should be loose, the joints should be loose, and the whole body should be loose. Every movement is empty and full. , every movement is loose and soft, loose and unremitting, hard and soft, with intention without exerting force."

Luo Yanning taught and practiced Tai Chi at the same time. Every move was so standard and standardized. He looked relaxed and free-spirited, quite a bit like a master.

"The fourth is to be 'happy' and enjoy it. Laughter is a smile that comes from the heart. It contains laughter inside and expresses comfort on the outside. Laughter makes the energy flow down to the body and refresh the mind."

"The fifth point is to be 'round'. Tai Chi is a circle, with yin and yang in half, and they tolerate each other. Every movement is a circle, and every time it is still, it is a circle. Whether it is tenting, stroking, squeezing, pressing, picking, rowing, elbowing, leaning or Moving forward, backward, looking left and right, all move in arcs and circles.”

While Luo Yanning was speaking, he demonstrated several movements. Shi Mingsheng stared closely at his every move, studying, imitating, and comprehending carefully from behind.Under the influence of [Teacher Halo], Shi Mingsheng's understanding increased by 100%, and he gained a lot of insights during the training process.

"Sixth, be gentle. Step like a cat, move like a thread. Soft but not soft, rigid but not hard, tent but not frame, loose but not loose. Move like iron wrapped in cotton, bend and stretch softly and gently. , calm, comfortable and gentle."

Luo Yanning's steps moved lightly, as smoothly as a spider treading water, but a strong gust of wind was brought up during the movement, and the legs of her pants made a sound.

"The seventh point is 'connection'. From the starting position to the closing position, it is a continuous series of movements. Standing upright and comfortable, with the waist as the axis, the movements are like flowing clouds and flowing water, evenly and continuously."

"The eighth point is 'tong', which means that the heart, mind, mind, and the whole body are connected. The internal organs, limbs, and bodies are all connected. Everything is unmoved when you move. If you move, the roots will be loose and destroyed, the middle will be unobstructed, and the breath will be slightly released. Traveling leads to a place where there is no stagnation.”

"The ninth point is 'slow'. The energy sinks into the Dantian, alternating between movement and stillness. The thoughts are highly concentrated. One move after another, slow and even speed, the mind and Qi are unified, slow and smooth."

"The tenth point is "integration", which means up and down, left and right, internal and external. External: shoulders and hips, elbows and knees, hands and feet. Internal: heart and mind, mind and Qi, Qi and strength. Integration. Hands, eyes, body, Dharma and steps should be in harmony, and spirit, form, mind, and qigong should be in harmony. Opening and closing should be natural and smooth, and the whole body should be coordinated and integrated."

"During the practice, you must follow these ten rules and key points. If any point is not done properly, the efficiency will be greatly reduced."

While teaching, Luo Yanning finished a set of boxing moves, made a movement to stop the work, and stood tall.

Clap clap, clap clap -!

Zhao Rui and Gao Yaling listened and watched. Although they didn't understand many things, they didn't know how serious it was.

After Luo Yanning finished speaking, the two of them applauded together, not stingy with their own applause.

Shi Mingsheng said with a respectful look: "I understand, Master, listening to your words is better than my hard training for half a month and ten days. This time I have many new insights."

"Hey~ It sounds nice to say, and it looks nice to fight, but it's just a show."

Suddenly, a very discordant voice sounded from the window. Everyone turned their heads and saw eight strong men, a tall Middle Eastern man with a white scarf on his head, and a young man wearing a white suit standing practicing kung fu. outside the room.

At first glance, this group of people is quite extraordinary and impressive, especially the Middle Eastern man with a white scarf on his head, who has an aloof aura about him.

The first time she saw the Middle Eastern man, Luo Yanning thought of a meme on the Internet: "I am the richest in the world with a piece of cloth on my head."

The dress of the Middle Eastern man in front of me is exactly the dress reserved for the wealthy people in that region.

While Luo Yanning and the others were looking at the group of people outside, the group of people outside were also looking at them with interest.

The man in the white suit and the Middle Eastern man with a piece of cloth on his head chattered something in Arabic, looking in Luo Yanning's direction from time to time.

Luo Yanning smiled and invited the people outside: "You are guests from afar, why don't you come in and have a chat?"

After hearing what Luo Yanning said, the man in the suit chatted with the Middle Eastern man for a few more words, and then the group of people opened the door and entered the practice room.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Xie Zhonghui. I am the young master of the Baji Sect of the Xie family in G East. This is Prince Muwei of Abu Dhabi."

When Xie Zhonghui introduced himself and the prince of Abu Dhabi, he had a arrogant expression on his face.

When Xie Zhonghui introduced that the Middle Easterner was actually a prince from the Abu Dhabi royal family, Luo Yanning and others were all surprised.

The Abu Dhabi royal family is one of the top Middle Eastern royal families in the world. It controls a wealth of about 1500 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to one trillion yuan in RMB. This is the kind of family that is inhumane.

The first time Luo Yanning heard about this family was in 08, when a widespread economic crisis broke out around the world, and the Burj Khalifa project in Dubai also faced an unfinished ending due to lack of funds.

At that time, it was the Abu Dhabi royal family that took action and directly lent USD 150 billion to Dubai. So when the Burj Khalifa was completed, it was directly renamed to the name of the sheikh of the Abu Dhabi royal family, Burj Khalifa!

Moreover, when Dubai and the Abu Dhabi royal family discussed when to pay back the money, Khalifa directly said that he did not want the 150 billion and would give it to you.

What did 08 billion in 150, or US dollars, represent in the context of the global economic crisis at that time?
"If you give me 150 billion U.S. dollars... I can't build it all!"

After Luo Yanning sighed secretly in her heart, she looked up at Prince Muwei and introduced:
"Hello, I am Luo Yanning, the manager of Heilongshan Scenic Area. These three are my apprentices Shi Mingsheng, Zhao Rui and Gao Yaling."

Luo Yanning couldn't understand Prince Muwei's Arabic, and similarly, he couldn't understand Luo Yanning's Chinese. Xie Zhonghui, the young master, acted as the translator for the two of them, translating Luo Yanning's words to him, and then translated Prince Muwei's words. To Luo Yanning.

"Prince Muwei said that he is somewhat interested in the Tai Chi you just taught your apprentice, and asked you if you could do it again for him to see. If you do well, he will reward you."

When Xie Zhonghui was translating, he looked at Luo Yanning with contempt, as if he was talking to a juggler, without a trace of respect.

Zhao Rui, Gao Yaling and Shi Mingsheng were all angry at his attitude, but without Luo Yanning speaking, they did not dare to say anything, lest they ruin the image of their master and their scenic spot in front of foreigners.

Luo Yanning looked as usual, looking at Xie Zhonghui and Prince Mu Wei with a smile, and said provocatively: "What's the point of just practicing? Why don't you let the apprentices I teach come and practice with you? You, or your bodyguards, come out with me or me The disciples have a fight."

"Oh? You are quite confident in yourself and your apprentice!" Xie Zhonghui looked at Luo Yanning with contempt. He didn't believe how capable this "Internet celebrity master" was.

Xie Zhonghui had also heard and understood some of Luo Yanning's deeds, but in his opinion, they were just mediocre.

The Xie family's Baji Sect is not an ordinary small martial arts school that is found all over the streets in society. Like Yang Xiaolan's Tianlan Sect, it is a serious ancient martial arts sect that practices ancient martial arts.

Even if the national martial arts champion stood in front of him, Xie Zhonghui would not look down on him, let alone an "Internet celebrity" like Luo Yanning.

Although he despised Luo Yanning and his disciples from the bottom of his heart, Xie Zhonghui still translated his words to Prince Muwei, perhaps because he wanted to laugh at him.

When Prince Muwei heard that Luo Yanning wanted to practice in actual combat, an excited smile appeared on Gujing Wubo's face, and he immediately agreed to Luo Yanning's request and let one of his bodyguards go out to fight.

This bodyguard is about 1.9 meters tall and weighs over 100 kilograms at least. He looks very tall and strong.

Luo Yanning looked at Shi Mingsheng with a smile and said, "Old Shi, you have been practicing with me for so long, now it's time to test your skills, go ahead."

"Yes, Master!" Shi Mingsheng didn't hesitate or show any cowardice. He immediately took a step forward and stood opposite the burly bodyguard.

Shi Mingsheng is 58 years old this year. Due to illness, his body looks a little thin. Standing next to the burly bodyguard opposite him, he looks even thinner.

Zhao Rui and Gao Yaling looked at Shi Mingsheng nervously, feeling secretly worried for him.

The two of them have absolute confidence in Luo Yanning and their master.

But there is obviously some lack of confidence in the stone scenic spots.

The main reason is that the physical difference between the two sides is too big. (End of chapter)

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