My place is on fire

Chapter 747 The "lazy guys" in the cozy cabin!

Chapter 747 The "lazy guys" in the cozy cabin!
When he first entered the [Time and Space Tunnel], Meng Fantong knew that he was in a scenic spot.

However, gradually, she began to forget the time, the scenic spots, and the scenic spots.

Everything in the [Time and Space Tunnel] seems so real.

It's as if I have really become an astronaut, exploring the infinite mysteries of the universe.

I can feel more and more the vastness and emptiness of the universe, and I can also feel my own insignificance and nothingness more and more.

The entire space was generally very quiet, absolutely silent, just like entering a soundproof room for a hearing test.

Occasionally, there will be sounds. Although the sounds have no rules, they give people a feeling that is shocking to people's hearts, like a perfect symphony.

It only seemed like ten minutes had passed, but to Meng Fantong, it felt as if several years or more than ten years had passed.

At the beginning, I just felt extremely shocked and a little excited.

Gradually, she began to feel very lonely, as if she had been wandering alone for decades.

Just when Meng Fantong started to feel a little anxious, he suddenly saw a black hole in front of him.

All the light seemed to have disappeared, there was no trace of light, it was extremely dark.

After getting close to the black hole, she felt a huge suction force. Before she could realize what was going on, she suddenly entered the black hole!


The world was spinning before her eyes, and Meng Fantong only had time to let out a scream. The next second, she suddenly felt as if her back was leaning on something, and the feeling of weightlessness disappeared immediately.

Meng Fantong hurriedly opened his eyes and found that he was lying in a huge pool filled with ocean balls.

When she turned around, she found a huge slide behind her.

Only then did she realize that she had left the [Time and Space Tunnel] attraction and returned to the scenic spot.

"Miss, are you okay?"

A girl wearing scenic overalls came forward, asked about Meng Fantong's condition with a smile, and reached out to pull her up.

"It's okay, thank you." Meng Fantong reached out and took the staff member's hand. With her help, he stood up from the pool and took off the helmet on his head.

The staff reached out to take the helmet and asked with concern: "How is your experience? Is there anything uncomfortable? There is our infirmary over there."

"No, thank you, I'm fine, everything is fine." Meng Fantong felt that except for being a little lonely, everything else was fine.

After a few brief exchanges, Meng Fantong walked out of the [Time and Space Tunnel] scenic spot from the exit under the instructions of the staff.

After going out, she realized that she had returned to the foot of the mountain from near the top of the mountain.

This movement in space gave her a novel and strange feeling.

"Huh~ This space-time tunnel attraction is really something!"

After finding a free bench and sitting down, Meng Fantong felt that the 9999 ticket was well worth it as he recalled the process of touring the time and space tunnel.

This is the first time in her life that she has visited such a unique and interesting attraction.

"It's a pity that we can't live broadcast inside..."

As Meng Fantong spoke, he took out his mobile phone and folded selfie stick from his pocket and restarted the live broadcast.

As soon as the live broadcast started, hundreds of people poured into the live broadcast room.

"Has the host finished experiencing the attractions? Is it so fast?"

"In more than 20 minutes, I earned 1 yuan. This money is so good!"

"Anchor, tell me your feelings. Is it worth it?"

On the public screen in the live broadcast room, curious netizens began to ask Meng Fantong about her travel experience.

"Friends, the design of this space-time tunnel attraction is so exquisite. If you have the conditions, you must come to the scenic spot to experience it in this life. It will definitely not be a loss."

"How do I put it specifically? It was fine when I first entered, but I slowly got into it. Maybe it was because the scenes inside were so realistic, so I felt very immersed, just like I was traveling in the real outer space. Same."

"Inside, you can see countless stars, nebulae, and all kinds of big scenes that can only be seen on the science and education channel."

Meng Fantong has a story to tell, without exaggerating or slandering her, she tells everything about her travel experience.

After listening to her introduction, netizens were yearning for her, but since they had no money in their pockets, they could only feel envious.

The price of 9999 is destined to target some high-end customer groups, and ordinary people can't afford it.

However, among Luo Yanning's fans, there are also many high-end customer groups.

In particular, most of the tourists who have the ability to rent the cozy cabins in the scenic area for a long time are petty bourgeoisie or elites in a certain industry.

After all, the room price at the Sweet House is the same as that at the Jianing Hotel, which costs nearly 2000 yuan a day.

The 9999 ticket for the [Time and Space Tunnel] attraction may be a few months' salary or several months' living expenses for ordinary tourists. It is an unbearable huge sum of money.

But for the high-end customer group who rents for a long time in the cozy cabin area, it is only three or four days' room rate.

Tourists who rent here at [Warm House] have a very common habit, which is lazy beds.

The superposition effect of the two attributes [Sleep Soundly] and [Refreshed] is too weird.

Those who can resist the two attributes of "Sleep Soundly" and "Refreshed" and insist on getting up early to exercise like Luo Yanning are even more perverted.

10 o'clock in the morning, inside a mushroom house.

After Zhang Jingling woke up from the bed, she stretched out with a satisfied look on her face, saying that she had slept well again last night.

After opening my eyes, I felt full of energy, like a fully charged battery!
Affected by work, Zhang Jinling used to stay up late every night to work on manuscripts.

I obviously have a lot of time in the day, but I just don’t want to code a word.

Only in the evening do I get inspiration and start typing words.

After Ao Ye, the quality of sleep was extremely poor, and the whole person was in a long-term sub-health state.

No matter how much sleep I get every day, I still feel tired, sleepy, and have no energy at all.

Zhang Jinling also knew that her work and rest habits were very bad, but it was not easy for her to change the habits she had formed over the past ten years.

Insomnia, excessive dreams, repeated waking up from dreams, etc., etc., there are a lot of negative buffs.By chance, Zhang Jinling stayed in the Mushroom House in the Warm House. After only one night of experience, she fell deeply in love with it.

She had forgotten how long it had been since she felt that refreshed feeling after waking up every morning.

Originally, she thought it was just a coincidence. It happened that she slept well that night, and it happened that she didn't suffer from insomnia that night.

However, as the time she lived in the cozy hut increased, she had to admit that the effect of the cozy hut was indeed incredible!

In order to verify the effect of the cozy cabin, she had previously conducted several sleep experiments at B&Bs and cozy cabins in the village.

The experimental results are also obvious. The cozy cabins in scenic spots do have a significant effect on improving sleep conditions!
Since then, Zhang Jinling has moved out of the B&B she rented in the village and moved into a cozy cabin in the scenic spot.

The rent of nearly 2000 yuan a day may be a big burden for ordinary people. The monthly rent alone costs 6 yuan!
However, for Zhang Jinling, who has achieved financial freedom by writing books at a young age, this rent is within her affordable range.

Moreover, since she moved into the cozy hut, her energy and energy are completely different from before. She is full of energy every day. When writing calligraphy, she has more inspiration and her work efficiency has been greatly improved.

Subsequently, her income has also increased. Now her daily royalties are 8000 to [-] yuan higher than before!
The room fee of 2000 yuan is completely worthless to her!
After waking up, get out of bed, wash up, then put on clean clothes and prepare to go out for the first meal.

"Bring me a fennel meat dumpling and a small portion of egg soup, thank you."

After Zhang Jinling finished ordering her meal, she found a seat and sat down to wait.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, there were not many tourists dining in the delicious restaurant.

Most of the people who dine at this place are "lazy people" who rent the cozy cabin.

"Writer Zhang, you just got up."

As soon as Zhang Jinling sat down, she heard someone saying hello to her. When she turned around, she saw a girl waving hello to her across the dining table.

Zhang Jinling was looking down at her phone just now and didn't notice her.

"Didn't you just get up too?"

Zhang Jingling smiled and rolled her eyes at the other party. The girl who greeted her was named Yu Mingyu. Like her, she was also the author of a certain Chinese website.

Moreover, Yu Mingyu's grades are also very good, just as good as Zhang Jinling's, and their works often compete for rankings.

You may take first place this month, and I will take first place next month, and I will definitely win.

Fans of the two often engage in fierce battles in various forums and forums.

However, the relationship between Zhang Jinling and Yu Mingyu in real life is far from as stalemate as the rumors spread by online fans of both parties.

In real life, they are still good friends. Yu Mingyu came to visit the scenic spot because of Zhang Jinling's recommendation.

Yu Mingyu originally came here just for fun, but she didn't expect that, like Zhang Jinling, she didn't want to leave after she came.

"Jing Ling, I heard that there is a new attraction in the scenic area. Do you want to try it together later?"

Without Zhang Jinling's invitation, Yu Mingyu took her plate and sat on a cute sheep-shaped chair opposite her.

"Oh? It's Chinese New Year. Are there any new attractions in the scenic area?"

After Zhang Jinling heard Yu Mingyu's words, she looked very curious on her face.

Yu Mingyu said: "Don't you use your mobile phone? There are already several videos about new attractions on TikTok."

"I just woke up and didn't bother to look at it. What type of attraction is it?"

As Zhang Jinling said this, she reached for her phone from her pocket, quickly opened the quick video, and clicked on the same city.

Sure enough, on the same city page, the first video is from the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area.

Nowadays, in the boundary of Wanshan County, Heilongshan Scenic Area can be said to be unique. It dominates the popular recommendation interface in the city every day, and other scenic spots can only be envied.

Zhang Jingling clicked on the first video with her finger, and saw a large number of people gathered around the entrance of the [Space-Time Tunnel] in the video, watching.

"Let's show everyone something awesome. It's an attraction in our village. The ticket price is 9999, which is awesome!"

"Good guy, I'm so awesome! I can't even afford a ticket to such an attraction with three months' salary."

"A beautiful woman just went in to experience it. When we come out later, we will ask how it feels. We will never be able to experience it in this life."

The video was taken by a nearby villager. He didn’t have any skills and it was just a casual shot. However, it has been viewed tens of thousands of times and has become a local hit.

"Time and Space Tunnel, the ticket is 9999? What kind of attraction is this? Such an expensive ticket."

Even Zhang Jinling, who earns 50 million yuan a month, feels that the ticket prices for this attraction are not low.

"Are you curious? Would you like to form a group to experience it?"

Yu Mingyu said with a smile: "As a loyal fan of my king, as long as it is an attraction opened by him, whether it is ten thousand or two, I will definitely support it!"

Zhang Jinling said jokingly: "Aren't you afraid that others will say you were cut off?"

"Even if the king cuts leeks, I am willing to do so. Besides, is our king that kind of person?"

Yu Mingyu was very confident in Luo Yanning's character and said:

"If the king wants to make money, he wants to cut leeks. There are plenty of leeks who are willing to be cut by him, but when have you ever seen him trick fans? As the top Internet celebrity in the country, people don't even look at the products. "

Zhang Jinling nodded and said: "This is true. The king is really different from other Internet celebrities and anchors on the Internet. When others become popular, they only think about how to bring goods and how to cash in. He is not anxious to make money at all."

While the two were talking, the waiter brought the meal Zhang Jinling had just ordered to the table.

Yu Mingyu said: "How are you, Lao Zhang? Do you want to form a group to experience it? Just treat it as an opening for the king. I think most people there are waiting and watching. There don't seem to be many tourists who can accept this price."

"Go ahead, I'm also a fan of the king, so I should support him." Zhang Jinling nodded and agreed.

"Then hurry up and eat. I can't wait. The price is 9999. There must be some great scene in it."

Yu Mingyu has already begun to imagine what kind of scene is inside the [Time and Space Tunnel].

The ticket price for the [Peach Blossom Island] attraction is 199. At first, everyone thought it was very expensive.

But any tourist who has visited [Peach Blossom Island] says it is well worth the money.

The same goes for the [Time and Space Tunnel] this time. The price of 9999 is absolutely expensive.

There is an example of "Peach Blossom Island" in the past, and there must be a lot of articles in "Time and Space Tunnel", so it will never disappoint people.

(End of this chapter)

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