My place is on fire

Chapter 744 New Year red envelope of 8888888!

As soon as he entered the door, Luo Yanning glanced around and saw that everyone was here.

Mom, Lao Xu, sister, grandma, uncle, aunt, grandma, cousin, cousin-in-law.

The nine people in front of him, plus Li Ruijia beside him, are the ten closest people to Luo Yanning in her life.

Of course, the status of Lin Suqing and Shui Miaomiao in Luo Yanning's mind is no less than that of a few others.

"My cousin is here."

"Yanning, Jiajia, it's been a hard journey."

"Brother, sister-in-law."


Everyone stood up and greeted Luo Yanning and Li Ruijia with smiles.

Of course, everyone's attention was focused more on Li Ruijia, who was carefully dressed when going out.

Fair skin, exquisite facial features, perfect figure, elegant temperament.

Li Ruijia was so perfect that even women couldn't help but feel jealous. Gao Min couldn't be more satisfied with this future daughter-in-law.

"Grandma, uncles and aunts, uncle, aunt... Hello everyone."

Li Ruijia had met Luo Yanning's relatives and friends before, so there was no need to introduce them again. She greeted everyone one by one with a smile.

"Oh, well, happy new year."

"Jiajia, this is a New Year's red envelope for you. I wish you good health and success in the new year."

"this is mine."

"this is mine."

Grandma, mother, Uncle Xu, uncle, aunt and other elders all prepared red envelopes for Li Ruijia.

Li Ruijia did not refuse. After thanking everyone one by one, he accepted it generously.

Then, she took out the red envelope from her pocket and gave another one back to everyone.

"Thank you sister~"

"Ah? Do we have one too? Why are you so embarrassed, brothers and sisters?"

"Yeah, I'm so sorry, we weren't even prepared..."

Gao Jiangbo and Hao Xiaoxiao were of the same generation as Luo Yanning. They did not prepare red envelopes for Li Ruijia. Now that they received the red envelope from Li Ruijia, they were really embarrassed to take it.

Luo Yanning said with a smile: "What's wrong with this? It's Chinese New Year, just for fun, take it, brother, sister-in-law."

"Okay, then we'll keep it, thank you, brothers and sisters."

With Luo Yanning's persuasion, Gao Jiangbo and Hao Xiaoxiao accepted Li Ruijia's red envelope and thanked her.

Li Ruijia smiled and said: "My cousin and cousin-in-law are Yan Ning's closest relatives, that is, my closest relatives. There is no need to be so polite."

After the exchange of red envelopes, Gao Min invited everyone to sit down together.

On a huge dining table in the restaurant, there was a table full of dishes, including meat, vegetables and soup.

My first official lunch in the New Year, it was extremely sumptuous.

The wine on the table is undiluted puree wine that Xu Maocheng brought from Heilong Winery. Although it is not very old, the taste is no worse than Moutai.

"I suggest that we all drink the first cup together."

"Happy New Year to everyone~"

"Gong Xi Fa Cai~"

“All the best~”

The drinkers poured the wine, the juice drinkers poured the juice, clinked the glasses together, and drank all the wine and drinks in the glasses.

After drinking the first cup together, everyone entered free mode.

Everyone knew Luo Yanning's drinking capacity, so he didn't refuse if he was asked to have a drink first, just to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

The lunch lasted from around [-] noon to around [-] pm, and everyone had a good time.

Luo Yanning did not use the [Water Control] skill to cheat this time, and drank more than 2 kilograms, which was a bit high.

Fortunately, there was a room for him in the villa. After the meal, Li Ruijia directly helped him back to the room.

Xu Maocheng, his uncle and cousin also drank too much. Fortunately, the cozy cabin they lived in was right next to the villa.

After Gao Min made a call, Luo Ying arranged for several employees on duty at the scenic spot to carry Gao Jun and Gao Jiangbo and his son back to their residence.

Li Xiangyun and Hao Xiaoxiao drank drinks all the time, but nothing happened to them.

However, the old lady had the habit of taking a nap, so after helping them clean up, they both said goodbye and returned to their own residence.

"Ning Ning's partner is quite polite and has prepared red envelopes for everyone."

After Li Xiangyun and Hao Xiaoxiao sat on the sofa in their living room and chatted for a while, they remembered the red envelope Li Ruijia had given her before and took it out of his pocket.

"I feel embarrassed to say it. I said I should prepare one for others, but Jiang Bo said that others don't need it, so I didn't prepare one."

Hao Xiaoxiao still felt embarrassed when he thought about the scene when he received the red envelope.

"It's okay. We are all brothers. We don't have to pay too much attention to it. Ning Ning is not such a narrow-minded person and won't take it seriously. The red envelope I touched is not very thick. It is probably only a few hundred yuan. Everyone doesn't care. Not even close."

Li Xiangyun smiled and comforted Hao Xiaoxiao while opening his red envelope.

"Huh? This is..."

Li Xiangyun originally thought it contained cash, but when he opened it, he found it was a check.

Hao Xiaoxiao was also a little surprised and curious when she saw the check her mother-in-law took out of the red envelope.

"Ouch! Good guy! This is..."

When he saw the amount on the check, Li Xiangyun screamed in surprise and stood up from the sofa with a bang!
"What's wrong mom?"

Hao Xiaoxiao was startled by Li Xiangyun's fierce reaction and quickly stood up.

"880! Xiaoxiao, please help mom find out if her eyesight is dim..."

When Li Xiangyun saw a series of "8"s on the check, he thought he was dizzy and looked in disbelief.

My future nephew-in-law gave me a red envelope of 8888888?Impossible, absolutely impossible!
I must have been blinded, and I didn’t see the decimal point clearly!

"Let me see……"

Hao Xiaoxiao reached out to take the check from her mother-in-law, adjusted the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and looked at it carefully.

The number 8888888 may be misread, but the capital letters "880" on the check are definitely unmistakable!

This check from my mother-in-law is really 8888888!

God, this is...

Unbelievable, unbelievable!
For an ordinary family like Li Xiangyun and others, this is definitely a huge sum of money!
With this money, you can achieve financial freedom and do whatever you want!

This was actually Luo Yanning's original intention of sending this huge red envelope.

In a few years, the earth will undergo drastic changes and the end of the world will come. He wants his relatives and friends to enjoy life in the few peaceful days left.

Do the things you have always wanted to do but couldn't do, buy the things you have always wanted to buy but couldn't bear to buy, and no longer be troubled by money.

"Mom, this check is indeed 8888888..."

After Hao Xiaoxiao confirmed again and again, he carefully handed the check to her mother-in-law.

"Xiaoxiao, tell me...Did Ning Ning make a mistake with his partner? No, I can't take this check, I have to return it to him."

Faced with the fortune of 8888888, Li Xiangyun was surprised but wanted to return it immediately.

Although she likes money very much, she also knows that some money can be taken and some money cannot be taken. "Mom, don't worry, let me take a look at mine."

As Hao Xiaoxiao said this, he quickly opened his red envelope and checked it.

Sure enough, there was also a check in the amount of 8888888.

Then, she opened Gao Jiangbo's red envelope, which also contained a huge check of 8888888.

Li Xiangyun went back to the house and took out her husband's red envelope that had been crumpled and deformed. Thinking of the check inside, she was so angry that she slapped her husband hard on the butt several times.

Opening Gao Jun's red envelope, sure enough, there was still a red envelope of 8888888.

If one person is 8888888, they may fill in the wrong amount or get the wrong amount, but if four people have the same amount, the possibility of filling in the wrong amount or getting the wrong amount is very small.

If you fill it in correctly and take it correctly, is this for you?

A family of four went to my sister's house for a meal and received red envelopes worth a total of 3500 million?

No one would believe this thing!

Li Xiangyun still felt uneasy, so he called Gao Min to confirm with her.

The cozy cabin area of ​​the scenic spot is in a three-story single-family villa.

"What? 888 million? Such a large amount? I don't know!"

"It can't be a mistake... isn't there a capital letter on the check?"

"Okay, let me ask Jiajia. She went upstairs to settle down with Ning Ning. She will probably come down soon."

"Okay, I'll get back to my sister-in-law later."

Gao Min said a few words to his sister-in-law on the phone and then hung up the phone. Then he took out the red envelope that Li Ruijia had given her before from his pocket.

"What's wrong Minmin?" The old lady asked her daughter curiously when she saw her daughter looking at the red envelope with surprise.

Gao Min looked at the old lady and said, "My sister-in-law called me just now and said that there is too much money in this red envelope. She asked me to ask Ning Ning if the person in question put the wrong red envelope."

"Ah? Too much money?" The old lady also took out the red envelope from her pocket and twisted it with her hands. It didn't feel too thick.

As Gao Min spoke, he opened the red envelope in his hand and was slightly startled when he saw the check inside.

He took out the check inside with two fingers and took a look. When he saw the amount on it clearly, he couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

No wonder my sister-in-law felt that the money was too much. It was the first time for her to receive such a large red envelope!

However, Gao Min is a person who has received hundreds of millions in pension money from his son. Faced with a red envelope of 888 million, he acted much calmer than Li Xiangyun.

The old lady on the side also curiously opened her red envelope, took out the check inside, and then opened her mouth in shock.

"Minmin, Minmin, please help mom find out what's inside! Mom's old eyesight is dim and she can't see clearly. Where are my reading glasses?"

While handing her check to her daughter, the old lady began to look for her reading glasses in several pockets on her body.

Just now she saw a series of 8's on it, and she silently counted them several times without counting them all.

Gao Min smiled and said, "No need to look for your reading glasses. This big red envelope your grandson's wife gave you is really big, 8888888, it's very auspicious."

The old lady hurriedly said: "This is, this is too much! I am also an old lady, and I usually don't spend a few cents. I'd better return this red envelope to Ning Ning. They are still young, and I will pay back the money wherever they are used in the future." There are plenty of them.”

Gao Min comforted the old lady and said: "Mom, Jiajia gave it to you as a filial piety, so you can take it with peace of mind.

They must have their own considerations as to why they should be given to these older people. "

"But, this is also..."

The old lady still looked flattered. The total number of red envelopes she had received in her life was not as much as the fraction of this red envelope.

Gao Min said: "You can spend this money if you want to spend it, and save it if you want to. If the children respect you, you should keep it well. I won't give it to you this time, and I won't give it to you next time. The children will try their best." The chance to fulfill one’s filial piety is gone.”

When the old lady heard that what her daughter said made sense, she said, "Then... I will save it for Ning Ning.

Whenever he uses money, you tell me and I will take it out for you. "

Gao Min said with a smile: "You should eat, drink, and spend money. Ning Ning can make money now, and it's not as bad as ours."

After seeing that the amounts of several checks were the same, Gao Min vaguely guessed what was going on without asking Li Ruijia for confirmation.

The transfer may be wrong, the check may not be written wrongly, even if the lower case is written wrong, it is still capital.

Even if you can make mistakes on a check, it's understandable that you make one mistake, but it's unreasonable to make so many mistakes at once.

Therefore, what seems to be the most outrageous explanation is actually the most reasonable explanation. The check was not issued in error, that's all.

Gao Min went upstairs to Xu Maocheng's room and took out his red envelope from his pocket.

Sure enough, there was a check for the same amount inside.

Upstairs, in Xu Kejing's room.

After having lunch with her family, Xu Kejing returned to the house and started the live broadcast because she had nothing to do.

"Happy New Year everyone, have you all had lunch?"

"You don't need to give me gifts, just click some free hearts."

"Our custom here is that lunch on the first day of the Lunar New Year symbolizes the year's fortune and is the most sumptuous meal."

"I ate too much at lunch today. It will take at least a week to get back to practice."

"Speaking of red envelopes, has everyone received them?"

"I'll show you the red envelope I received today."

While Xu Kejing was talking, like magic, she took out the red envelope she received today from her pocket and explained it to netizens.

"This one with a golden phoenix painted on it is a red envelope from dad. Maybe he hopes his daughter will become a phoenix, haha~"

"Want to see how much money is inside? Okay, everyone can guess on the public screen and see who has the closest guess."




"Are you just guessing without looking at it? That red envelope is so big, how could it only be a few hundred! I guess 6666!"

"I guess 8888!"


Xu Kejing has just started broadcasting, and there are only more than 800 people in the live broadcast room at the moment. Everyone has been mobilized by her and participated in the red envelope contest.

"The lottery is really 8888. Many netizens guessed it correctly."

After Xu Kejing opened the red envelope, there was nothing more or less inside, and it happened to be 8888!

After that, the amount in Gao Min’s red envelope was also 8888.

Gao Min helped prepare the red envelope that the old lady gave to Xu Kejing, and the money in it was also paid by Gao Min, still 8888.

"There's no suspense at's all 8888!"

"I envy the anchor. One red envelope is equivalent to one month's salary for me. The red envelope I received in the next year will equal half a year's salary!"

"I can't make so much in a year..."

When netizens saw that the five red envelopes opened by Xu Kejing were all filled with 5, they all became envious.

"The last two, one belongs to my brother and the other belongs to my sister-in-law. These two seem a bit thin."

"My brother and my sister-in-law won't be so stingy, right?"

Xu Kejing showed the red envelope given to her by Luo Yanning and Li Ruijia in front of the screen, and smiled as a joke. (End of chapter)

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