My place is on fire

Chapter 729 [Time and Space Tunnel] First experience!

Chapter 729 [Time and Space Tunnel] First experience!

A week passed by in a hurry.

Time soon came to the 26th of the twelfth lunar month.

When Luo Yanning approached her office just after work, the system interface refreshed and a prompt message automatically popped up.

[The construction of the space-time tunnel has been completed. Congratulations to the host for getting a new attraction. Please keep up the good work! 】

"Finally finished!"

Seeing that the construction of the [Time and Space Tunnel] was completed, Luo Yanning turned around and went out with excitement, striding toward the location of the project.

At 9:10 a.m., Luo Yanning arrived at the construction site.

The [Time and Space Tunnel] is located halfway up the Black Dragon Mountain.

Luo Yiba is directing a dozen workers to clean up and do the final finishing work.

"Boss! You're here. Fortunately, you have fulfilled your mission and the new attraction has been completed as scheduled."

When Luo Yiba saw Luo Yanning, he smiled and said hello to him with a flattering expression on his face.

"Thank you for your hard work. Take me to see you quickly."

Luo Yanning was also looking forward to this sci-fi attraction, and couldn't wait to let Luo Yiba take him to see it.

"Mr. Luo, please come with me and be careful of the garbage under your feet. I have been busy meeting deadlines these days and haven't had time to clean it up yet."

Luo Yiba said to Luo Yanning respectfully, stretched out his hand to make an invitation gesture, and then led the way.

[Time and Space Tunnel] This scenic spot covers an open-air area of ​​only more than 500 square meters. The entrance of the scenic spot is a bit like the entrances and exits of subway stations that can be seen everywhere in the city. It does not seem to be large in scale.

However, the area below is very large, with a huge space of more than 2 square meters, which can accommodate thousands of people visiting at the same time.

"How to play in this attraction?" Luo Yanning looked at the empty and dark entrance to the attraction, and looked at Luo Yiba with a puzzled face.

[Time and Space Tunnel] The entrance to the attraction is downwards, like a big hole dug underground, pitch black and bottomless.

Luo Yiba carefully reminded: "Mr. Luo, there is still a very important task that you haven't completed yet."

"Oh? What mission?" Luo Yanning was stunned by what Luo Yiba said.

Luo Yiba said: "To visit the time and space tunnel attractions, you need to purchase a special helmet from the system mall."

"Is this thing available in the system mall?" Luo Yanning remembered that there seemed to be only one item for sale in the system mall: [Donor].

Luo Yiba said: "When the attraction is completed, it will be refreshed. Have you not noticed?"

"Let me take a look." Luo Yanning opened the system interface with a thought and quickly entered the system mall.

Sure enough, there was an additional [Space Helmet] item for sale in the system mall.

The shell of the helmet is pure white, with dots of stars on it, a bit like the stars in the night sky.

The mask is made of transparent glass, with ripple-like blue light flashing on it.

The overall shape is highly similar to the helmets worn by astronauts.

This helmet looks very good, full of futuristic sci-fi style.

The price of the helmet is not cheap either, one costs 9999 yuan!
[Would you like to spend 19998 yuan to buy two space helmets immediately? 】


Luo Yanning first bought two helmets, one for him and Luo Yiba. They planned to experience the [Time and Space Tunnel] attraction first and serve as guinea pigs for tourists.

After Luo Yanning placed the order for the helmet and successfully deducted the fee, Luo Yiba trotted to the helmet collection area of ​​the attraction and took out two brand-new helmets, one for each of them.

"The real thing looks more advanced than the picture."

Looking at the actual helmet of [Space Helmet], Luo Yanning felt that the money was well spent.

After holding it in his hand and watching it over and over for a while, Luo Yanning put the helmet on his head and tried it out.

There is no pressure like when ordinary helmets are worn on the head, and it is very light.

The breathability is also very good, and the overall feeling is very comfortable!
It feels like you are naked when you are wearing it.

"Then what?" After putting on his helmet, Luo Yanning turned to look at Luo Yiba and asked him what to do next.

Luo Yiba pushed away the helmet mask on his face, pointed at the deep pit at the entrance of the scenic spot and said:

"The next step is to jump."

Luo Yanning was shocked: "Jump down? Are there no safety protection measures?"

Luo Yiba said with a confident smile: "No, there is no need. You will know after you try it."

"Okay." Luo Yanning still trusts Luo Yiba and knows that he will not joke with her about such things.

He turned around and looked at the dark hole, took a deep breath, rubbed the ground, and jumped resolutely towards the hole!

The feeling of falling rapidly made Luo Yanning feel weightless, and her heart was tense to the extreme!

In just a few seconds, it felt like a century had passed.

Suddenly, the feeling of falling disappeared, but the feeling of weightlessness became more obvious.

When Luo Yanning came back to her senses, she found that she was floating in the air just like in a science fiction movie!

Without any support, he was just suspended in the air. Looking around, there were dots of stars against the black background.

There are countless meteorites of different shapes and sizes floating in the void.

At this moment, he looked like an abandoned pawn abandoned in space.

Suddenly, a whirlpool-shaped black hole appeared ten meters away from Luo Yanning.

The entrance to the black hole is pitch black, like a drop of thick ink.

The meteorites around Luo Yanning all accelerated towards the entrance of the cave, and he could also feel the strong suction.

"Mr. Luo, step aside~"

Luo Yiba's voice sounded inside the helmet. Luo Yanning looked up and found that he was swimming towards her as if swimming in water.

"This tour will end after being sucked out by the black hole. The other end of the black hole is the exit."

Seeing Luo Yanning's confused look, Luo Yiba explained again.

"Oh I got it."

Luo Yanning hadn't had enough experience yet, so naturally she didn't want to go out and end the experience, so she imitated Luo Yiba and paddled to the side with all her strength.

This experience of floating in the void and being able to move is still very novel.

As for the principle behind this, Luo Yanning didn't know, she just thought it was awesome!

After meeting up with Luo Yiba, the two continued to tour, and the background of space was constantly changing.

In addition to black holes, there are also various gorgeous, fantastic and breathtaking cosmic celestial phenomena taking turns to be staged.

Sometimes colorful comets with long tails pass overhead.

From time to time, colorful and extremely abstract planetary nebulae appear and disillusionment occurs.

Pillars of Creation, magnetic clouds, supernova explosions, clouds of alcohol, etc., etc...

During the tour, Luo Yanning gradually forgot that she was just visiting an attraction in a scenic spot.

Forgetting all the surrounding background, it is just constructed of countless LED screens and electronic components.

It was as if I had really entered the depths of the universe, and I felt extremely shocked, desolate, and lonely...

"Mr. Luo, do you see there? That's the Earth." Luo Yiba suddenly pointed at a blue planet spinning in the sky and introduced it to Luo Yanning.

Luo Yanning followed Luo Yiba's finger and looked at the planet he pointed at, which was mostly surrounded by blue water.

Indeed, it is no different from the Earth seen from a space perspective.

Luo Yiba pointed to a cabinet-like object suspended in the air not far away and said:
"That's the space elevator over there. In addition to being sucked out by the black hole, we can also take the sky elevator out."

"Let's go and experience the space elevator you mentioned."

Luo Yanning waved to Luo Yiba and took the lead in "swimming" towards the location of the space elevator.

The moment they entered the space elevator, the feeling of weightlessness disappeared. The two of them were down to earth again and occupied the elevator car.

There are two buttons on the elevator, one is "up" and the other is "down".

Luo Yiba pressed the "down" button, and the elevator began to descend slowly.

After about 100 seconds, the elevator hit the bottom and stopped. The door opened, and Luo Yanning and Luo Yiba walked out.

"This is..." After Luo Yanning got out of the elevator, she looked around and found that she had arrived at the bottom of the mountain from halfway up the mountain.

There is a big sign right in front with the words [Exit of Time and Space Tunnel] written on it.

Luo Yiba took off the helmet on his head and introduced with a smile: "Mr. Luo, we have arrived at the exit. Welcome back to Earth."

"This scenic spot is really good. It definitely has the ability to become the masterpiece of our scenic spot. Luo Yi, you did a good job. Thank you for your hard work."

Luo Yanning took off the helmet on his head and gave his own evaluation of this tour, and also gave Luo Yiba high praise.

The evaluation of "Scenic Area Representative Work" can be said to be very high.

The last scenic spot he named "Scenic Spot Masterpiece" was Peach Blossom Island.

Peach Blossom Island is beautiful, but in terms of novelty and shock, it has to be the [Time and Space Tunnel].

Luo Yanning had a thought and checked the introduction of the [Space-Time Tunnel] in the system.

When she saw that the ticket price was no less than 9999 yuan, Luo Yanning had a calm expression on her face and was not surprised.

As the first user to experience the [Time and Space Tunnel], Luo Yanning feels that the price is really not expensive.

The so-called 5D, 36D and so on currently on the market are nothing compared to the real experience of [Time and Space Tunnel].

Just the weightless and suspended experience when you are in the [Time and Space Tunnel] is worth the price of admission.

The price of the world-famous Virgin Galactic one-way space travel is as high as US$250000 (approximately RMB 160 million).

There are also higher-level services available, with prices exceeding US$500000 (approximately RMB 320 million).

It only costs 9999 yuan to experience a space journey in the scenic spot. This price is really reasonable!

【Ding!Congratulations to the host for triggering linear mission 3: selling 10000 tickets for the space-time tunnel!After completing the task, you will be rewarded with a lottery opportunity. 】

The system interface pops up automatically, and a piece of heart-warming system information appears on it.

"1 tickets? It's indeed a big challenge."

After an in-depth experience, Luo Yanning felt that it was worth the money, but for those travelers who have not experienced it, the price is still quite expensive.

The ticket price of the [Time and Space Tunnel] attraction is positioned in the high-end market, targeting high-consumer groups.

Jingle bell, jingle bell--!

Luo Yanning and Luo Yiba had just walked out of the attraction area of ​​[Time and Space Tunnel] when their cell phones rang in their pockets.

I took out my phone and saw that the name on the caller ID was Shui Miaomiao.

"Hey Miaomiao."

Luo Yanning flicked her finger on the Jietongda phone number.

"I'm at the scenic spot, okay, I'll be there right away."

After a few simple words on the phone, Luo Yanning hung up the phone.

"Okay, go and do your work, I'm going back."

Luo Yanning patted Luo Yiba on the shoulder, said goodbye to him, then turned and walked towards the scenic area office area.

Today is the last rehearsal of the company's annual meeting. Luo Yanning, the top leader of the scenic spot, naturally wants to eat.

The rehearsal location this time was downstairs in the scenic office area, and the place was quite spacious.

The units participating in the performance are Heilongshan Scenic Area, Kangning Drinking Water Co., Ltd., Delicious Food Factory, and Heilongshan Liquor Industry.

The four companies under Luo Yanning's name gathered together to hold an annual meeting, which Luo Yanning and Luo Ying agreed to.

From the small Heilong Mountain Scenic Area with only two bosses and two employees, to the Heilong Group with more than 2000 employees.

This year’s annual meeting has special commemorative significance and must be held beautifully!

"Good afternoon, Mr. Luo!"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Luo!"

"Hello, Mr. Luo."


When the general managers of various companies who were already waiting at the scene saw Luo Yanning, they all stood up to say hello to him.

The current top leader of Heilongshan Scenic Area is Luo Ying, and Shui Miaomiao is the vice president.

The top leaders of Kangquan Drinking Water Co., Ltd. are uncle Gao Jun and general manager Yang Ligang.

The general manager of the delicious food factory is Yu Haiyan, and the vice president is his aunt Li Xiangyun.

The general manager of Heilongshan Winery is Xu Maocheng, and the vice president is concurrently served by Luo Haifeng, the village supporter of Luojiazhuang.

These people who can hold high positions within the Black Dragon Group are all people that Luo Yanning can completely trust.

After everyone met, they exchanged a few polite words and sat back in their seats. The rehearsal officially began.

This time, the four companies under the Black Dragon Group have prepared more than 40 programs.

The talent show alone lasted more than 3 hours.

Coupled with the year-end summaries of the leaders of each company, as well as the lucky draw that everyone is most looking forward to.

This annual meeting is expected to last for a whole day and is unprecedentedly grand.

The first program was a group dance prepared by the scenic spot’s marketing department. There were both men and women in the team, and they were full of energy.

In the second program, an employee of the Delicious Food Factory presented an adapted song "My Delicious Food Factory and Me".

The third program was a talk show performed by a female employee of Heilongshan Liquor Industry, and the jokes were all original and written by herself.

Fourth, fifth, sixth...

Among the more than 2000 employees of Heilong Group, there are really many talents, and various programs are emerging one after another.

Dance, songs, talk shows, cross talk, sketches, acrobatics, musical instruments, etc., etc.

Luo Yanning felt that the program carefully prepared by everyone was even better than the current Spring Festival Gala!

The rehearsal started at 4 p.m. and ended at nearly [-] p.m.

Each of the 40 programs has its own merits, and it can be seen that everyone has put their heart into it.

(End of this chapter)

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