My place is on fire

Chapter 718 Joining the Academy of Fine Arts!

Today is January 1 of the Gregorian calendar and the 23st of the twelfth lunar month.

Shishi Academy of Fine Arts is still on winter vacation.

At this time, there are only some graduate students with research topics left in the school.

When Li Minghao drove Cullinan to the main entrance of the school, a security guard on duty in the duty room trotted out of the room.

"May I ask what you do?"

The security guard's attitude toward Li Minghao was as if he had met the principal, as respectful as possible.

In a small place like Shishi, anyone who can afford to drive a luxury car like Cullinan must be rich or expensive, and it is not something that a small security guard like him dares to provoke.

"Professor Guang Tongfu invited us here. We had already made a phone call before coming."

Luo Yanning lowered the car window to say hello to the security guard, and casually threw him a pack of Huazi that was always available in the car.

"Thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Please wait a moment. I will open the door for you right now."

The security guard did not dare to ignore Luo Yanning's words. After taking the cigarette respectfully with both hands, he turned to the duty room and pressed the light to open the electric gate at the entrance.

"Thank you." Luo Yanning thanked the security guard and closed the car window with a click of her finger.

As soon as Li Minghao drove into the campus, Luo Yanning glanced at him and saw Guang Tongfu and Wang Lianjun walking side by side towards the door.

Seeing this, Luo Yanning ordered Li Minghao: "Pull over and stop, Xiao Li."

"Okay, Mr. Luo." Li Minghao didn't ask why. Luo Yanning told him to pull over, so he pulled over.

After parking the car on the side of the road, Luo Yanning opened the door and got out of the car and greeted the two of them: "Professor Guang, Teacher Wang!"

"Oh! Yan Ning! You're finally here. The flowers I've been waiting for for you are almost gone~"

After Guang Tongfu heard Luo Yanning's greeting, he turned around and saw him, with a look of joy on his face.

"Mr. Luo, long time no see." Wang Lianjun also stepped forward to say hello to Luo Yanning with a smile.

In the art industry, there has never been a distinction between seniority and inferiority based on age. The master has always been the teacher.

As long as your skills are excellent and your painting skills are superb, even an old man or woman in their 60s or [-]s will still call you a master.

After the three of them met, they chatted for a few words, and then followed Guang Tongfu to his office.

"Professor Guang, why did you hurriedly summon me here today?"

Luo Yanning had already thought about it on the way here, but she never guessed why Professor Guang was so anxious to let her come.

Guang Tongfu said whatever he wanted, and instead of playing riddles with Luo Yanning, he said directly:

"This afternoon, the city leaders will accompany a famous painter from the University of Tokyo to visit our school. The painter's name is Miyamoto Miyamoto. He is very famous and very powerful in Japan.

Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that that guy is really talented in painting. At least in our art academy, no one can match him.

Moreover, no matter where he goes, that kid is always sharp and doesn't know what humility is.

When visiting other art academies in our country, they often make some actions that make people embarrassed.

For example, a week ago when he was at Luonan University next door, he used a picture of cherry blossoms to provoke people at Luonan University.

Of course, this kid also has crazy capital, and his painting skills are really good. There is really no one at Luonan University who can compare with him, and he hit him hard!
This time, that guy came to our Academy of Fine Arts for a visit and exchange. I don’t believe how simple his purpose was. He probably came with the intention of making us unable to come to power. "

Professor Guang Tongfu rambled on and told the whole story. After hearing this, Chen Chong nodded and said, Professor Guang is trying to persuade himself to defeat the enemy?

If that kid wants to show off like he did in Luonan University again, will he use his own strength to counteract the pretentiousness and slap him in the face?
"Okay, okay, no problem. I don't have a good impression of those guys in my childhood either. Let's fight one, or a pair."

Luo Yanning agreed without any hesitation. He smiled and agreed. He was very confident in his painting skills, or in "system-level painting technology".

If you can't beat a painter who was just a kid, what kind of "system level" is that?

After Luo Yanning came to her senses, she asked Tongfu Guang with a smile: "By the way, Professor Guang, is there someone on duty at the school right now? You've all come here today, why don't you help me go through the entry procedures?"

"You don't need to tell me this. I've already thought of it. I called the person in charge of the Human Resources Department at that time. He's probably here soon."

Jingle bell, jingle bell--!

As soon as Guang Tongfu finished speaking, his cell phone rang on his desk.

I picked up my phone and took a look. The name displayed on the screen was "Shi Lifeng from the Human Resources Department."

"What a coincidence, Principal Shi is here. I'll take a call first."

Guang Tongfu smiled and said something to Luo Yanning. He connected the phone with a swipe of his finger and said a few words to the other party.

"Okay, okay, just come to my office. Come to my place to meet me first. Then you can go and apply for the job."

"Okay, we'll wait for you."

After briefly talking to the person in charge of the Human Resources Department on the other side of the phone, Guang Tongfu hung up the phone.

Less than 5 minutes after the call ended, a middle-aged woman wearing a light gray long cashmere windbreaker and a short haircut knocked on the door and entered Guang Tongfu's office.

"Principal Shi, let me introduce you first. This is President Luo Yanning whom I often mentioned to you. Yan Ning, this is Shi Lifeng, the head of the Human Resources Department of our school, Principal Shi."

"Principal Shi, I'm glad to meet you."

"Boss Luo is polite."

After Luo Yanning briefly greeted Shi Lifeng, Guang Tongfu hurriedly asked them to go through the entry procedures.

First of all, Luo Yanning's identity must be confirmed, so as not to be reported by some people who are not too bothered by the excitement to report that he is not from the Shishi Academy of Fine Arts. In that case, he will really shoot himself in the foot.

The entry procedures went smoothly. In less than half an hour, Luo Yanning became a serious honorary professor at Shishi Academy of Fine Arts.

Of course, although he, an honorary professor, has never taken a life drawing class, he still has some ability and has both political integrity and talent.

At noon, Luo Yanning, Guang Tongfu and the others ate Xiaozao in the school cafeteria. The Xiaozao served by the school leaders was quite delicious.

Around two o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Yanning followed Guang Tongfu and a group of school leaders and dozens of student representatives to go out to meet the city leaders and the visiting delegation from the University of Tokyo.

Everyone first visited the campus for a while, then went to the school's library and teaching building, and the last stop was the school's painting room.

The painting room is the most core and important building of the Academy of Fine Arts, and it should be visited last.Luo Yanning didn't know anything about Japanese. He followed the crowd and listened to the chatter of the leaders and representatives of the Xiaoli visiting group, but he didn't understand a word.

"Mr. Miyamoto said that after visiting the painting room of your school, he felt a little itchy and wanted to learn his painting skills with a professor from your school."

Luo Yanning understood the words translated by a classmate who was accompanying him as an interpreter.

"As expected! This kid Miyamoto is really arrogant and arrogant. He never forgets to show off wherever he goes!"

"This Miyamoto man is very good at painting cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums. He has long been famous in Xiaozhi. The professors in our college may not be able to match him!"

"I'm here. Wouldn't it be so frustrating to be slapped in the face by a young person in my own school?"

"A week ago, Luonan University was slapped in the face by Miyamoto at this school... It really hurts!"

"I think this Miyamoto just picks up the weak! Why doesn't he go to Qingmei and Central America? What kind of skill does he have to pick a little-known college like ours to show off!"

After hearing what the translator translated, the accompanying group of graduate students from the Academy of Fine Arts started talking in low voices, feeling somewhat unhappy.

"Fortunately, I'm resourceful and invited Yan Ning over first. Little Miyamoto, let's see how you can show off this time!"

Guang Tongfu thought happily in his heart and said: "Professor Miyamoto is interested in finding someone to discuss with. Naturally, we will do our best to help him and not let him down. Then let Professor Luo from our college come and discuss with Professor Miyamoto." Let’s compare notes!”

After Guang Tongfu finished speaking, he looked deeply at Luo Yanning, who was standing beside him.

The eyes of everyone accompanying him also came to Luo Yanning.

"Huh? Why does this Professor Luo look a little unfamiliar?"

"Huh? Familiar? I was about to say it looks familiar!"

"I also think it looks a bit familiar. It seems like he is the King of Black Dragon Mountain in the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area?"

"Ah! I remembered! It's really him! The world marathon record holder! He is a master of realistic sketches!"

"Today is a strong showdown! Look how crazy that boy Miyamoto is!"

"If the king takes action, he will definitely make Xiaoli depressed until he vomits blood!"

"Huh? I'm the only one curious why the king is the professor of our school?"

"As far as I know, the king seems to have just graduated from college at the age of 24 this year, right?"

"That's awesome. You became a professor right after graduating from college? 666!"

"Is this news reliable? I am already 27 this year!"

"I've been living on a dog for decades!"

When someone in the crowd recognized Luo Yanning, they passed it on to others, and soon everyone knew him.

As the most popular Internet celebrity in Shishi City, Luo Yanning is still well-known.

A group of graduate students from Shishi Academy of Fine Arts even wailed when Guang Tongfu introduced him as a professor.

Most of the graduate students who were traveling with him were 27 or [-] years old, several years older than Luo Yanning.

After Luo Yanning heard Guang Tongfu introduce her and Miyamoto's "discussion", she came out with a smile and looked at him with disdain.

After Miyamoto felt the disdain in Luo Yanning's eyes, he suddenly felt a burst of anger in his heart, and vowed to make him look good later!

"Mr. Miyamoto said that he is going to paint two paintings today, namely cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums."

"The cherry blossoms symbolize the unity and collectivism spirit of the little days, as well as the beautiful qualities of hard work, bravery, friendship and peace. They have a very important position in the hearts of the little days."

After everyone heard the words translated by the accompanying translator, they all felt that Miyamoto was unusually thick-skinned.

The beautiful qualities of hard work, bravery, friendship and peace?Let me go to your uncle’s house!How shameless!

"Chrysanthemums, because of their noble and gorgeous appearance and elegant demeanor, are very suitable for the tastes of the royal family of Xiaoli. They have long been a symbol of the royal family of Xiaoli. And because of their noble character and bravery in the cold, they are deeply loved by the people of Xiaoli."

"Although the current laws of Xiaori do not specify the national flower of the country, based on the history and culture of Xiaori, the people of Xiaori and the international community regard cherry blossoms and chrysanthemums as the national flowers of Xiaoni."

When the translator was translating the last two sentences of Miyamoto, his expression was as ugly as if he had eaten poop, which showed that he was also disgusted by Miyamoto.

After Luo Yanning heard the words translated by the translator, she looked at Mr. Miyamoto with admiration in her eyes. He had never seen such a shameless person!
"Sakura and chrysanthemum, right? Today I'm going to play with you, buddy!" Luo Yanning was so disgusted that she decided to take this discussion seriously and teach Mr. Miyamoto how to behave!
Let him know what "the land of China is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers"!
The back-and-forth between the two sides was just some conversational talk, and it was useless to talk more. The discussion session soon began.

The reason why Mr. Miyamoto dared to be arrogant and flamboyant in the country was because he had some ability. He was able to draw a blooming chrysanthemum with just a few strokes.

For Miyamoto, who has been painting chrysanthemums and cherry blossoms for decades, he is already familiar with them to the extreme. With the help of God, he quickly painted a cluster of chrysanthemums.

What he is going to paint today is his famous painting "Flying Butterflies among Chrysanthemums". It was this painting that originated from ancient China, and he made certain modifications to it that laid the foundation for his artistic career in his childhood. status in the world.

Swish, Swish, Swish--!

"Picture of Butterflies Flying Among Chrysanthemums" quickly took shape under the pen of Miyamoto Honda, and everyone was amazed when they saw it.

Although this guy's character is not good, his painting ability is definitely top-notch.

At least Guang Tongfu and Wang Lianjun felt inferior to him. If they were allowed to take the role, they would definitely not be Miyamoto's opponent.

"Look over there, Your Majesty! Oh my god, what kind of hand speed is this!"

"I'm sorry, I don't have such strong hand speed even in LOL!"

"This is too intense! It would take me several days to paint, but others can finish it in one or two hours."

"If only people could become professors at a young age, I would be completely convinced!"

"Some people are really being chased by God to feed them! Your Majesty is still so young and has already achieved such success."

What Luo Yanning prepared today is an "Ammonite Picture", which is a very classic picture of chrysanthemums.

Although it is his first time to draw chrysanthemums, Luo Yanning is still very confident with the blessing of "system-level painting skills".

At least, it is more than enough to PK the Honda man!
Swish, Swish, Swish--!

The "Ammonite Picture" written by Luo Yanning is also coming to life at an extremely fast pace.

It only took about ten to ten minutes. Luo Yanning arrived first and finished her painting first. (End of chapter)

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