My place is on fire

Chapter 697 An unexpected situation on the mountain road!

Chapter 697 An unexpected situation on the mountain road!

Although the scenic spot is now open to charge mode.

However, there are still many tourists on Panlong Road.

It is densely packed, looking from a distance, it looks like a bunch of ants.

Moreover, Luo Rongning found that many team members were wearing the same clothes.

Since he mentioned his cross-country running exercise in the scenic spot in an interview with Wang Bingbing after the Beijing Marathon last time, more and more running groups have come to Heilongshan scenic spot to do the same training with him.

Moreover, after everyone came, they found that what he said was true, and their grades had also improved.

When ordinary people climb the Panlong Road, there is a certain chance to trigger the "Physical +1" reward.

Don't look at it as a mere 1 point of physical fitness, but after a person's physical fitness reaches a certain level, he may persist in exercising for a year, two years, or even three years and may not be able to improve by 1 point!
Everyone has their own upper limit. After reaching the upper limit, it is good to keep it without falling. It is more difficult to improve than the space agency landing on the moon!

[Panlong Road] One of the bugs is that no matter whether your physique reaches the limit or not, the probability of triggering the reward is the same!

That is to say, when a person's physique reaches the limit of his body, it reaches 67 points.

He climbed the mountain with a person with only 23 physical points, and the chance of triggering the reward was the same.

If he is lucky and triggers the "Physical +1" reward, then his physical fitness can be directly raised to 68 points.

The improvement of this point has a huge effect on the human body!

"Yunning, the sports atmosphere in your scenic spot is good. I feel that many tourists have a sports foundation."

Zhang Shaohan felt very novel looking at the climbers in professional sportswear on the Panlong Road.

Li Ruijia said from the side: "Since Master Luo won the championship in the Beijing Marathon last time, it has increased a lot of exposure for the scenic spot. Many tourists come here for training, especially for lap runners. the most."

Zhang Shaohan nodded and smiled, "That's right! Your master Luo is now the world's marathon record holder and has broken many world records. It's no wonder so many athletes have become his fans."

The three of them walked and chatted, and soon came to the halfway up the mountain. From here, they could already vaguely see a scenic spot in the sky.

With a gust of cold wind, Li Ruijia tightened the neckline of her clothes, and said expectantly:

"Wow... suddenly it feels so cold, could it be that it's snowing in a scenic area?"

Luo Yuning pretended to take a look, and said with a smile: "It seems to be snowing, and it looks like it's not too heavy.

It seems that God still gives us Jiajia and Sister Han a lot of face. "

"Wow! Is it really snowing? Great! Today is the right time! Let's work harder and speed up!"

As soon as he heard that it was snowing, Zhang Shaohan instantly felt less tired, and his face also had a look of excitement.

The group of three continued to climb up, and after another half an hour, they finally reached the peak of Heilong Mountain.

Sure enough, as Luo Yuning said, it really snowed in a scenic area, and the snow was not small.

A large snow viewing platform cleared out by the scenic spot is already densely packed with people.

Click, click, click——!

Faced with such beautiful scenery, tourists took out their mobile phones or more professional cameras to take pictures.

A rare scene is recorded with lenses and photos.
"Master Luo, take a picture of Sister Han and me!"

Li Ruijia also started to join in the fun, reached out and took out her mobile phone from her pocket and handed it to Luo Rongning, asking him to help take pictures.

"You two cover up so tightly... This is a picture of loneliness."

Luo Rongning looked at the two of them tightly covering each other, and was speechless for a while.

"Go to the place where there are few people!"

Li Ruijia pointed to an empty corner in the northwest corner of the platform and said something, and took the lead in trotting over there with Zhang Shaohan to take a seat.

After standing in a good position, looking around and no one noticed, Li Ruijia and Zhang Shaohan took off their masks and glasses to reveal their true faces.

Luo Yuning walked unhurriedly, followed the two people forward, and took a lot of photos of the two with his mobile phone.

After taking pictures of the two, Zhang Shaohan took a few more pictures for Luo Rongning and Li Ruijia.

Li Ruijia took a few more photos of Luo Yuning and Zhang Shaohan.

The three tossed for a while and took a lot of photos of each other.

"It's really amazing..."

Zhang Shaohan looked out from a high place, looking at the bright sun elsewhere and the snow scene here, feeling like a dream for a while.

"Thank you, Jiajia, and thank you, Yuning. I had a lot of fun today. I have been under a lot of work pressure recently. It has been a long time since I played like today."

After a general tour of the Heilongshan scenic spot, Zhang Shaohan felt that he had fallen in love with it.

This tour is not over yet, she is already thinking that she will come again during the next vacation.

Li Ruijia seemed to see through Zhang Shaohan's thoughts, and said with a smile:

"I will stay here permanently in the future, and sister Han is also welcome to come here often."

Zhang Shaohan said with a smile: "Yeah, I won't be polite to you guys."

Li Ruijia said with a smile: "You're welcome, if you're polite, don't come."

Seeing that the two looked like sisters, Luo Yuning was also happy for them.

The three of them waited at the top of the mountain until around 4:[-] pm before starting their return journey down the mountain.


Before going down the mountain, Zhang Shaohan suddenly let out an oops, slipped, leaned forward and rushed straight ahead!

"Sister Han, be careful!"

Fortunately, Luo Yuning had quick eyesight and quick hands, rushed to her in a flash, and took her into his arms with a stretch of his arms.

"Sister Han! Master Luo! Are you okay, are you okay!"

Li Ruijia was taken aback by the sudden situation, and hurried forward to ask about the situation after exclaiming.

"Hiss~ my feet hurt..."

Zhang Shaohan suddenly knelt down and touched his right foot, tears were about to come out from the pain.

Although she didn't fall or bump just now, her ankle seemed to be sprained.

Seeing this, Li Ruijia said with concern on his face: "Did you sprain your ankle? Go over there and sit down and check!"

" hurts, I can't walk anymore." Zhang Shaohan tried to get up, but quickly squatted down again.

The clear pain from the ankle made Zhang Shaohan realize the seriousness of the problem.

"Master Luo, please hug Sister Han and go!"

At this juncture, Li Ruijia couldn't care less about being jealous, and offered to let Luo Rongning carry Zhang Shaohan over.

There are many seats for tourists to rest on both sides of Panlong Road, and the nearest one is only 30 meters away from Luo Rongning and others.

"Sister Han, bear with me." Luo Rongning supported Zhang Shaohan's back and calves, and a princess hugged her up from the ground.

Walked a few steps to the leisure area beside the mountain road, bent down and gently put Zhang Shaohan on the seat.

" hurts."

Zhang Shaohan turned her ankle lightly, and she gasped in pain because of the sudden pain.

Luo Yuning suggested: "Sister Han, take off your shoes first, and see what's going on."

"Hmm..." Zhang Shaohan nodded in agreement, trying to take off the high leather shoes on his feet.

"I'll help you, Miss Han."

Li Ruijia didn't care about the snow and dust on the soles of Zhang Shaohan's shoes, and squatted beside Zhang Shaohan to help her take off the shoes.

Sure enough, Zhang Shaohan's foot should be sprained, it was red and swollen, and bulging.

"Help! Come quickly! Help!"

Suddenly, another cry for help came from the nearby mountain road.

Following the direction from which the voice came, Luo Rongning saw a girl squatting on the ground with a panicked face guarding a middle-aged woman who had fainted on the ground.

After hearing the girl's cry for help, the people around did not immediately step forward to help, but subconsciously moved away.

The people at the scene may not be medically savvy, so they can't blame them for anything.

"Jiajia, Sister Han, wait a moment, I'll go over and see what's going on!"

Luo Rongning said goodbye to Li Ruijia and Zhang Shaohan, and quickly ran towards the direction where the girl was calling for help.

The situation was urgent, Luo Yuning directly used the [Lingbo Weibu] agility, and the distance of tens of meters almost reached in the blink of an eye.

"Little girl, who are you on the ground? What happened?"

Luo Rongning stepped forward and asked with concern.

"It's my mother. I don't know what's going on. My mother fainted suddenly. Huh..."

The girl must have been terrified too, crying while talking.

Luo Rongning reached out and touched the girl's mother's breath, although it was a little faint, but still there.

The heart is beating very slowly, but it hasn't gone away.

Luo Rongning got up and asked the people around him: "Is there a doctor on the scene? There are patients here who need first aid! If there is a friend who is a doctor, please help!"

"Everyone, let's go, let's go..."

As soon as Luo Rongning finished speaking, a woman in a light green down jacket and a pair of fleece jeans trotted down from the mountain road.

The height of the woman is about 1.6 meters five, and she is also very beautiful.

After seeing the patient lying on the ground in front of Luo Yuning, she hurried forward to check the patient.

"It's a tension pneumothorax! You must hurry up and treat it! Otherwise, your life may be in danger!"

After a brief inspection of the patient's condition, the girl quickly came to her own conclusion, and began to frantically search for items that could be used for first aid from her body.

The girl's name was Li Mingxia, and she was a nurse at the county hospital. She just came out to play today, and she didn't bring any emergency equipment.

However, if tension pneumothorax is not treated in time, the patient may faint or go into shock in mild cases, and may even be life-threatening in severe cases.

Luo Yuning asked with concern from the side: "What do you need?"

Li Mingxia said: "I need a pin and a lighter!"

"I have a lighter here."

While speaking, Luo Rongning took out his lighter from his pocket and handed it to Li Mingxia.

"Girl, can I have a hairpin here?"

Among the crowd, an aunt who seemed to be in her 50s stepped forward and handed over a hairpin that looked like wood and jade.

"I'll try it! Thank you, auntie!"

After Li Mingxia thanked the aunt, she reached out to take the hairpin from her hand, then took out a small bag of wet wipes from her pocket, took out a piece from it, and wiped the hairpin carefully.

After briefly handling the hairpin, Li Mingxia lifted off the clothes of the patient lying on the ground, found the position of the second and third ribs, aimed the hairpin at the target area, and stabbed it hard.

However, due to her lack of strength, and the tip of the hairpin is not very sharp or even rounded.

After trying three or four times in a row, she failed to pierce the chest cavity, and Li Mingxia was so anxious that she was sweating profusely.

Luo Rongning asked from the side: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Brother, your hand is strong, try to see if you can pierce it, go down from here, but don't pierce too deep, it's almost enough to pierce this position."

The situation was urgent, and Li Mingxia had no other choice but to ask Luo Rongning for help and guide him on some rescue points.

"let me try."

Luo Yuning reached out to take the hairpin from Li Mingxia's hand.

Li Mingxia helped him fix the tip of the hairpin at the piercing point.

Luo Rongning exerted a sudden force in his hand, and one end of the hairpin pierced into the patient's chest cavity.

A gust of air blasted out from the patient's chest cavity.

Seeing this, Li Mingxia stepped forward to give the patient artificial respiration.

After nearly 3 minutes, the patient who fainted on the ground finally woke up slowly and opened his eyes.

"Mom!" The girl who called for help woke up when she saw her mother was caught, and burst into tears of joy.

"What's wrong with me……"

The patient looked at everyone blankly, she had no memory of what had just happened.

Li Mingxia told the truth: "You just fainted due to a sudden tension pneumothorax.

We just performed a simple treatment for you.

I suggest that you go to the hospital for an examination as soon as you go down the mountain.

By the way, deal with the puncture wound again. "

"Tension pneumothorax..."

The patient didn't know what it was, but she was startled when she heard that she had fainted suddenly.

The little girl reminded from the side: "Mom, thanks to this sister and brother just now, they saved you."

"Thank you, thank you both, thank you."

After hearing her daughter's words, the woman nodded to thank Luo Yuning and Li Mingxia.

Luo Yuning nodded and said: "You're fine, thank you. The staff from our scenic spot will be here in a while. You can take the cable car down with him."

"Mr. Luo! You are looking for me!"

As soon as Luo Yuning finished speaking, the manager of the cable car operation department came over.

"Take this elder sister and her daughter to the cable car, and arrange a cable car for them to go down the mountain as soon as possible."

Luo Rongning didn't talk nonsense with the manager, and directly assigned him the task.

"Alright Mr. Luo! Both of you, please follow me."

The manager of the cable car department was naturally very obedient to Luo Yuning's words, and hurried forward to help the patient who just got up from the ground.

"You are, are you Mr. Luo from the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area?"

When the patient heard Luo Yuning's self-report, he looked at him gratefully, and thanked him:
"Thank you, thank you very much. I have heard that you are a good person. I saw you today, and you are indeed so."

Luo Yuning said: "Sister, don't talk about this, the treatment is the most important thing, hurry down the mountain and go to the hospital for treatment."

"Okay, thank you, thank you." The elder sister bowed to Luo Rongning again to express her gratitude.

After thanking him, he turned around and walked towards the cable car department with the staff.

(End of this chapter)

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