My place is on fire

Chapter 666 More than 30 online dating experiences!

Chapter 666 More than 30 online dating experiences!

Not far away, Wang Bingbing and Chen Yunan were surprised to see people constantly giving money to Taoist nuns.

The two of them had just watched for more than ten minutes, and already had an income of more than 10 yuan.

"This is... too profitable! So many people donate to the merit box in such a short period of time?"

Chen Yunan turned to look at Wang Bingbing, and whispered something.

"It's true... a bit of a huge profit."

Wang Bingbing nodded and said: "However, from another perspective, it can also be proved that the empress in this temple may really be efficacious, right? Otherwise, there would not be so many people coming to fulfill their wishes."

"That's right, if it doesn't work, who will come!" Chen Yunan nodded, agreeing with Wang Bingbing's words.

"Let's go, let's go to another place."

Both Wang Bingbing and Chen Yunan are not married yet, so it's just a small joke to say that they want a child.

Both of them had no need to seek a child, they visited the Niangniang Temple as if they were on a horse, and then turned and left.

After leaving the Niangniang Temple, continue to move forward, and after walking less than 200 meters, the two came to the wishing pool scenic spot.

"Wow! Shenlong! Watching this on the spot is much more shocking than watching the pictures taken by netizens on the Internet!"

After Chen Yunan saw the dragon in the wishing pool with his own eyes, he couldn't help being amazed. He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and clicked on the huge dragon in the wishing pool.

Wang Bingbing also took pictures with her mobile phone. Although she was not as startled as Chen Yunan, she was no less shocked than Chen Yunan.

After the photo was taken, the two took a few group photos next to the wishing pool.

"Is it the first time for the two girls to come to our scenic spot? Make a wish, tourists say that the wishing pool in our scenic spot is very effective!"

When Wang Bingbing and Chen Yunan were taking pictures, an employee in the overalls of the scenic spot came forward to chat with them with a smile.

"Oh? Is it really so effective?" Chen Yunan saw that there were not a few people making wishes around the wishing pool, and his face also had an expression of eagerness to try.

The staff reached out and handed Chen Yunan a coin, and said with a smile:
"Wishes always come true, what if they come true by accident?"

Chen Yunan looked at the staff's hand holding the coin, and said with some doubts:

"How much is a wish?"

In many scenic spots around the world, making a wish also costs money, ranging from 1 yuan to 100 yuan.

There are all kinds of fees, and there is no standard for this thing.

How much to charge depends entirely on the conscience of the scenic spot operator.

The staff explained with a smile: "This girl, you can rest assured that wishing in our scenic spot is completely free, there are no routines, you can rest assured to make a wish boldly."

"It's completely free? Does it include this coin too?" Chen Yunan looked at the coin in her hand after hearing what the staff said, with a slightly surprised look on her face.

The staff smiled and nodded, "Yes, it's completely free, including this coin."

"Then...thank you first, big sister." Chen Yunan said while reaching out to take the coin from the staff.

"Girl, you can come too."

"Okay, thank you ma'am."

After Wang Bingbing thanked the staff, he also got a free coin.

After getting the coins, the two waited for a while before finding a free seat, and hurried to make a wish.

After making the wish, Chen Yunan asked Wang Bingbing curiously: "Bingbing, what wish did you make?"

Wang Bingbing said while walking: "It's nothing, just to keep the family safe and healthy."

"I'm really convinced of your filial piety... I finally came out to play, and I still miss the whole family in my heart!"

Chen Yunan rolled his eyes at Wang Bingbing speechlessly, and then said yearningly:
"I'm different. I just made a wish. I hope that Shenlong can send my true son to me."

"Yunan, you... want to fall in love again?"

Wang Bingbing was also speechless after hearing Chen Yunan's words.

Chen Yunan is not tall, but also very fat, with average facial features.

After all, she was just an ordinary girl who couldn't be more ordinary.

However, she is a love brain, and she has always been interested in love!
From college to now, she has had more than 30 online dating experiences.

The shortest is 1 hour, and the longest is more than 2 years.

The reason why online dating is beautiful is because the lovers have a good imagination of each other.

Once reflected in reality, 10 and a half out of 9 online relationships will die in the face of light!

For Chen Yunan, the chance of dying by seeing the light is astonishingly 100%!

The beginning of every love affair ends in failure!
However, another advantage of Chen Yunan is his indomitable character.

Even after experiencing more than 30 broken loves, she can't stop her yearning for love!

"Didn't that aunt just say that? Dreams are still necessary, what if they come true by accident?" Chen Yunan looked in the direction of Heilong Mountain with longing.

"Hello beauty, can you take a picture for me next to the wishing fountain?"

As soon as Chen Yunan finished speaking, a boy's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

When she turned around, she saw a boy in a light green jacket with a long SLR camera in his hand looking at her with a smile.

The boy's height is about 1.7 meters [-], and his facial features are not the very handsome type, ordinary, but very clean and tidy, and his smile is very sunny.

Moreover, Chen Yunan especially likes boys' voices, which sound gentle and refined, with great quality!

"Are you...calling me?" Chen Yunan asked, pointing to his chest with some unconfidence.

Because usually few people call her a beauty!

"Yes, can you take a picture for me?"

The boy turned around and pointed to the wishing pool, and said:

"The wishing pool in Heilongshan Scenic Area is the most spectacular and unique wishing pool I have ever seen. It is very suitable for taking pictures here."

Chen Yunan nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah, yes, this dragon looks so alive, it looks like it's real, and it's really worth checking in and taking pictures."

When the boy and Chen Yunan were there, you talked to me, and I talked to you, and we chatted quickly.
In just a few words, the two became acquainted like good friends traveling together.

"..." Wang Bingbing watched the two go from stranger to acquaintance, feeling speechless for a while.

"Could it be that the wishing pool really appeared? Yu Nan just made a wish, and it will come true?"

"It wouldn't be so coincidental would it?"

Wang Bingbing suddenly felt that she seemed a little redundant by the side, so she said:

"Well, Yunan, you guys chat first, I'll go to the bathroom over there, and I'll come over to meet you later."

"Okay, okay, go, if you can't find the other party later, let's make a phone call."

Chen Yunan was actively chatting with the boy at the moment, after waving goodbye to Wang Bingbing, he continued to chat with the boy.

"..." Seeing this, Wang Bingbing cursed in her heart, this guy who values ​​sex more than friends!
However, if the two of them can really achieve a positive result, she will also bless them!
Wang Bingbing and Chen Yunan are not only working partners, but also good friends and sisters.

After waving goodbye to Chen Yunan, Wang Bingbing turned and walked towards Yu Jingxuan.

Between the wishing pool and Yujingxuan, there is an open space for newly built high-standard toilets, with a total of more than 100 pits.

The ratio of male to female pits is 30:70.

There are often long queues at the women's toilets in other scenic spots, but there is no such situation in the Heilongshan scenic spot.

The door of the toilet was deserted, only a few tourists were waiting for their companions.

However, there was a long queue outside Yujingxuan, 100 meters away from the bathroom.

The tourists at the end of the line are almost at the toilet.

"Those who really don't know what to think, there is a clean bathroom here, but they have to queue up there, and it will cost 60 yuan!"

"It's a rare thing for rich people! I think it's purely a waste of money!"

"That's right, isn't it just going to the bathroom? What's the difference!"

At the door of the bathroom, several aunts pointed at the location of Yujingxuan and discussed loudly.

A well-dressed aunt wearing a light pink sportswear on her upper body and a pair of white trousers on her lower body said:
"You guys must be coming to the scenic spot for the first time, right? Let me tell you, the Yujingxuan is really different from ordinary bathrooms!"

"I went there last time when I was here, and the experience..."

"Let me tell you this, go experience it yourself, and keep it so that you will never forget it!"

"That's all I've said. Believe it or not, I'll go in line!"

While talking, Auntie in White Pants walked past the door of the bathroom without going in, and went straight to the queue at Yujingxuan.

Aunt Bai Pants' words immediately attracted Wang Bingbing's attention and aroused her curiosity.

She wasn't in a hurry to go to the bathroom right now, so she simply went to queue.

When you come out to travel and play, you have the opportunity to experience novel things, so naturally you have to experience it yourself.

The meaning of travel is not only to see the unseen scenery, the experience on the way is also an extremely important and valuable part.

I waited in line for about 60 minutes before arriving at Wang Bingbing. I bought a ticket at the gate for [-] yuan before I was able to enter.

To be honest, Wang Bingbing felt a little expensive to spend 60 yuan to go to the bathroom.

However, as soon as she entered the door and smelled the unique fragrance of Yujingxuan, she felt that the money spent was not too unfair.

10 minutes later……

When Wang Bingbing went out from Yujingxuan, she immediately felt that the 60 yuan was worth it!

If Yu Jingxuan was built in front of their house, she would definitely come every day, every time!

Some other tourists who bought tickets to enter Yujingxuan had similar experience to Wang Bingbing, and all of them were full of praise for Yujingxuan.

After experiencing the Yujingxuan, Wang Bingbing continued to move forward with the group, and soon came to the entrance of the Taohua Island scenic spot.

"What? The ticket for this scenic spot is 200 yuan? The ticket for your scenic spot is too expensive!"

"Forget it, don't go, don't go, it's too expensive."

When some tourists heard that the entrance ticket to Peach Blossom Island cost 200 yuan, Dang even retreated, complaining and leaving.

"Give me a ticket."

Wang Bingbing doesn't mind spending 200 yuan to go in and experience it. After all, the experience of Yujingxuan, which just cost 60 yuan, is very good. She also has high expectations for Taohua Island.

After buying the ticket, go to the entrance to check the ticket and enter the scenic spot. As soon as she entered, Wang Bingbing was fascinated by the pink peach blossoms in the room.

"Oh my god... this is too beautiful!"

I couldn't wait to walk a few steps forward, and came under a peach tree, and I could smell a faint, quiet fragrance in my nose.

Putting everything aside, just being able to see such beautiful peach blossoms in the winter is already worth the price of admission!
After admiring, Wang Bingbing quickly took out her mobile phone, and snapped a photo of the pink and tender peach blossoms.

After taking pictures of the peach blossoms, I reversed the camera, took a few selfies, and posted them on Moments.

"Surprise, surprise, I didn't expect to see such beautiful peach blossoms in the cold winter months! Heilongshan Scenic Area is really a treasured scenic spot!"

After the picture and text were completed, they sent it out with one click.

Less than ten seconds after the Moments post, people started to like and comment.

"Where is Bingbing? Have you traveled abroad?"

"Your background is so fake! Could it be the fake background of the whole job?"

"Where did Bingbing go? It's such a beautiful scenery, send me the location quickly, I'm going too!"


A post was sent out, and the circle of friends exploded.

While replying to all the friends, Wang Bingbing wandered in the pink peach blossom world, feeling very happy.

Moreover, Wang Bingbing found that the tourists on Peach Blossom Island seemed to be very happy, and from time to time, laughter like silver bells came into their ears.

Walking in it, the eyes are full of pink petals and the quiet fragrance of flowers. At the beginning, I just felt that all troubles were isolated from myself. Gradually, as I continued to enter it, I slowly entered a state of selflessness.

I forgot my troubles, pressure, and even who I am, where I am, and why I came here. There is only a kind of joy from the depths of my heart left in my heart.

This feeling lasted for more than 20 minutes, as if I had given my soul a deep massage. From the inside to the outside, the whole person felt a lot lighter.

It seems that all the burdens on the body and mind have been removed, as if the whole person has lost more than ten catties!
In this era where the rhythm is getting faster and faster and all kinds of pressure are coming, the decompression attribute of Peach Blossom Island can definitely be called a god-like attribute!
Jingle bell, jingle bell--!

A sudden ringtone of the mobile phone broke Wang Bingbing's state of "fugue wandering".

He took out his phone and saw the name on the caller ID: Yu Nan.

Wang Bingbing connected the phone with a swipe of her finger:
"Hey Yunan, I'm on Peach Blossom Island, this scenic spot is so beautiful, come and have a look!"

After answering the phone, Wang Bingbing couldn't wait to recommend Peach Blossom Island to her friends.

"What? Who are you and...Old Xu...Old Xu?"

"No way! Are you already that familiar with that photographer?"

"Hey! Yunan, don't be too careful, don't be betrayed!"

"Okay, okay, you go first, I don't plan to go anywhere this afternoon, I want to go around Taohua Island again."

After finishing the call, Wang Bingbing put the phone back into his pocket and continued to wander aimlessly on Peach Blossom Island.

(End of this chapter)

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