My place is on fire

Chapter 40 National Anti-Fraud Center!

Chapter 40 National Anti-Fraud Center!

"Tui! What the hell!"

After going out, Luo Rongning walked down the stairs, feeling unhappy with Tian Wenbin.

Director Tian really dared to ask for a price.

There is no specific criterion for judging this kind of cooperation, it all depends on mutual trust.

In other words, it depends on character and luck.

I have spent my money, and I have no way of knowing whether the other party will help me promote it.

If the other party takes the money and does nothing, I have nothing to do.

If you spend 1000 yuan, you can spend it, even if you are prostituted for nothing, you don’t feel bad.

5000 yuan was too much beyond Luo Rongning's budget.

When he got down to the second floor, Luo Rongning glanced and saw that the cleaner aunt who had shown him the way before was sitting on a stool on the second floor with a broom and chatting with an old lady.

The heads of the two were brought together, whispering in low voices, chatting passionately.

After passing the two of them, Luo Rongning stepped back, holding on to the railing, and looked at the two of them thoughtfully.

This auntie cleaner who was chatting with patients reminded Luo Rongning of Yang Erni from yesterday.

Both of them have "the same approach but the same effect".

"Yang Jingtian's clinic has directly surpassed Yang Jingtian, and through Yang Erni's help to promote the Niangniang Temple, this Chinese medicine hospital can also surpass Tian Wenbin..."

Thinking of this, Luo Rongning was a little disappointed just now, but suddenly became cheerful again.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Luo Yuning waited until the cleaner's aunt finished chatting with the old lady.

The two held hands, saying goodbye like real sisters.

Seeing the cleaner auntie walking towards the next patient with a broom, Luo Rongning quickly took two steps to catch up.

If we talk about this again, it might take another ten minutes!

"Auntie, auntie, please wait a moment."

"Are you calling me?"

Dong Ruilan turned her head to look at Luo Rongning, pointed to her own face and asked in confusion.

The corner of Luo Yuning's mouth twitched to reveal a harmless smile: "Yes, Auntie, I'm calling you, can you take a step to talk?"

Dong Ruilan looked Luo Rongning up and down.

The young man is handsome and has a good figure.

He looks kind, not a bad guy.

Dong Ruilan nodded and said, "Say what you have to say."

"Ahem... it's such an aunt, I can't explain this matter for a while."

Luo Yuning smiled and said, "It's not convenient for Auntie to find a place with few people, so let's communicate well."

"Well, let's go to my rest room." Dong Ruilan pointed to the end of the corridor.

Luo Yuning nodded and said, "Yes, yes..."

The two entered Dong Ruilan's rest room one after the other.

The rest room is very small, probably less than 4 square meters, and there are only two stools and some cleaning tools in it.

Entering the rest room, Dong Ruilan greeted Luo Yuning: "Young man, you can sit whatever you want, the place is a bit small, and there is nothing to entertain you."

"Thank you, Auntie." After thanking Luo Rongning, he sat on one of the stools.

Dong Ruilan sat across from Luo Yuning, and asked curiously: "Young man, what do you want to talk to Auntie about? Do you want to ask that doctor who has good medical skills and a good heart?"

"Uh, that's not true, it's like this, auntie..."

Luo Yuning told Dong Ruilan about the Bixia Yuanjun Niangniang Temple in a false and true manner, and made it clear that she wanted her to help promote it.

"Our empress has helped more than a hundred villagers from ten miles and eight villages realize their dream of being parents. It is very effective. Auntie, if you have time, you can take the time to take a look. After seeing our empress temple, you will know that what I said is true .”

"Such a efficacious lady, we certainly hope that more people will know and benefit more people, but, to be honest, there is a small problem in the operation of our scenic spot, and there is not much money to invest in advertising drainage, and , Even if you have money, TV stations are forbidden to promote the theological culture of the Niangniang Temple."

"Only relying on the word-of-mouth publicity of the villagers in the surrounding villages, the effect is very mediocre, and the spread is too small, so I came to our hospital for publicity and promotion, and I want to find a publicity specialist."

"Through the open and unannounced visits of our scenic spot staff, we feel that Auntie is very suitable for the job of this publicity specialist."

"As long as my aunt helps us to promote our Niangniang Temple while she is working, our scenic spot will pay her a monthly promotion fee of 1000 yuan."

"A promotional fee of 1000 yuan per month?" Dong Ruilan couldn't help being moved when she heard the price Luo Rongning offered.

She does cleaning in the hospital, and she only earns 1500 yuan a month when she is on full duty.

The publicity fee of 1000 yuan almost caught up with her monthly salary.

It's just a simple verbal publicity that Niangniang Temple has an extra salary of 1000 yuan per month.

This kind of good thing is like a pie falling from the sky!
In here...

Will there be fraud?
Thinking of all kinds of anti-fraud common sense mentioned in the "National Anti-Fraud Center", Dong Ruilan instantly became alert again.

There has never been a pie in the sky in this world.

There is only a trap in the sky.

Dong Ruilan asked with a vigilant look: "Young man, you publicity specialists, don't you need to pay a deposit or something? Or pay for the entry medical examination, clothing fee, training fee or something?"

"Deposit? Physical examination? Clothing fee? Training fee?" Seeing Dong Ruilan's expression, Luo Rongning understood what was going on in an instant after listening to her words.

This aunt probably thought of herself as a liar.

Luo Rongning took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Dong Ruilan: "Don't worry, Auntie, we are a formal scenic spot, here is my business card.

Our publicity specialist is also a regular part-time job.

No deposit, no entry physical examination, no clothing and training fees.

As long as you agree to help us publicize, you can start working immediately.

In addition, I can also pay you a month's salary first. "

Dong Ruilan was still a little worried and said: "The liar will kill the whole family."

"Puff haha~" Luo Yuning was instantly amused by the aunt's anti-fraud skills, and added, "Yes, the whole family will die if you are a liar!"

Dong Ruilan said again: "Young man, don't look at Auntie's age, but Auntie has downloaded the National Anti-Fraud Center on her mobile phone, so it's not so easy to deceive."

"Don't worry, Auntie, I will never fool you or lie to you." Luo Rongning promised again.

Seeing Luo Yuning's sincere face, Dong Ruilan nodded and said, "Okay, then Auntie will be your commissioner."

"Propaganda Specialist." Luo Yuning said again, "However, when Auntie is promoting, try to avoid the doctors in our hospital, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings."

Dong Ruilan nodded: "I understand, Auntie understands everything!"

Luo Yuning added: "Also, our publicity major is a temporary position. Whether we want to keep it depends on the publicity effect. If the publicity effect is not satisfactory, we may cancel it at any time."

This article was thought of by Luo Rongning on the spur of the moment, in order to prevent being prostituted for nothing, and it can be regarded as a little pressure on the "propagandists".

Dong Ruilan slapped her chest loudly: "Young man, don't worry, since Auntie has taken your money, she will help you do things wholeheartedly."

"Then please leave it to Auntie, I wish us a happy cooperation." Luo Rongning held out his hand to Dong Ruilan with a smile on his face.

Dong Ruilan and Luo Rongning shook hands: "It's a pleasant cooperation."

The two added V letters to each other, and Luo Rongning immediately transferred 1000 to Dong Ruilan.

 Thank you rokee2018 boss for the reward, thank you for the monthly ticket of Silent Empty City boss, ask for a collection of comment books, thank you Yanzu and little fairies who voted.

(End of this chapter)

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