My place is on fire

Chapter 35 Everything can be marketed!

Chapter 35 Everything can be marketed!

Print out the content of the post on Infertility Bar.

Luo Yuning first circled the infertility hospital in Wanshan County with a pen.

His plan is to develop the hospital closest to the scenic spot first from near to far.

The closer the distance to the scenic spot, the greater the chance of patients coming to the scenic spot.

It's too far away, and the patients probably don't bother to come.

"There are five in Wanshan County, and the closest to the scenic spot is Yangjiazhuang Yang Jingtian Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic..."

Luo Yuning took a piece of paper and first wrote down the addresses of the five infertility hospitals in Wanshan County.

"Yangjiazhuang is next door to Luojiazhuang. This one is the closest. Why don't you go to this one first."

After recording, Luo Rongning put the paper in his pocket, stood up from his seat.

It's just 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still two hours before get off work.

Luo Rongning planned to stop by to test the situation.

As soon as he went out, Luo Rongning saw that Mrs. Yang had just come out of the women's toilet in the office area.

Luo Rongning remembered hearing from Shui Miaomiao that the old lady Yang Fengxian's natal family seemed to belong to Yangjiazhuang.

"Grandma Yang, wait a moment." Luo Yuning greeted Mrs. Yang, and quickly walked a few steps to catch up.

After hearing Luo Yuning's voice, Mrs. Yang turned her head to look at him: "What's the matter, Mr. Luo? What's the matter?"

Luo Yuning didn't go around in circles, and asked straight to the point: "I heard that the Yang Jingtian Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Yangjiazhuang is quite famous for treating infertility?"

"That's true!" The old lady nodded and said, "Old man Yang is not only famous around us, but also often drives all the way from other places to see him."

Luo Yuning nodded and agreed: "So, this Doctor Yang really has a lot of skills."

"What's the matter, Mr. Luo, you..." The old lady glanced at Luo Rongning with a puzzled look on her face.

Luo Yuning didn't know whether to laugh or cry and waved his hands: "It's not me, it's not me, a friend of mine asked me to inquire."

"I said, I'm startled, don't worry if you're okay, grandma, I'm still waiting...cough cough..."

Mrs. Yang didn't finish her sentence, and suddenly realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, so she quickly stopped talking and said with a smile:
"I'm sorry, Mr. Luo, I'm old, and I don't have a gatekeeper. I just say what's on my mind. Don't mind."

Luo Rongning smiled and said, "It's okay, it's nothing..."

"There's nothing else, I'm going to work..." Seeing that Luo Rongning looked a little embarrassed, the old lady hurriedly found an excuse to leave.

Luo Yuning waved goodbye to the old lady, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the scenic spot.

"Hi Boss Luo, long time no see."

"Boss Luo, when will our scenic spot recruit people again..."

"Boss Luo..."

As soon as Luo Rongning went out, the elders and aunts lining up at the door greeted him one after another.

Luo Yuning said a few perfunctory words, drove the old Jetta away from the scenic spot, and drove towards Yangjiazhuang next to Luojiazhuang.

Yangjiazhuang is only 3 kilometers away from the scenic spot. Starting from the scenic spot, it takes less than 5 minutes to drive to the entrance of Yangjiazhuang village.

From a distance, I saw a small two-story building with a sign "Yang Jingtian Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic" hanging on it.

There are four cars parked in front of the clinic, two of which are taken from other places.

"It's true that there are foreigners who come all the way to see a doctor. Seeing is believing. It seems that this old Chinese doctor really has something."

Luo Yuning pushed the door and got out of the car. He didn't enter the door in a hurry, reached out and took out a cigarette from his pocket to light it, and began to think in his mind how to sell his Niangniang Temple to the old Chinese doctor when we met later.

Everything can be marketed, let others accept their own Niangniang temple, and help themselves recommend it to others, to put it bluntly, it is also a kind of marketing.

I am not related to this old Chinese doctor, and I can think with my toes that the other party will definitely not help me sell it unconditionally.

There is nothing more than the word "profit".

After smoking a cigarette, Luo Rongning was thinking about it, so he raised his legs and walked towards the door.

"What are you doing, young man? Are you seeing a doctor? Come to me first to get the number."

As soon as Luo Rongning arrived at the door, a middle-aged woman sitting on a stool at the door waved to him and told him to go and get a number.

"Sister, how many people are there in front of me?" Luo Rongning raised his legs, walked up to the middle-aged woman and stopped, and asked casually.

Yang Erni hissed, tore off a number from the notebook in her hand, and replied:
"There are 28 people in front of you. Our old man only sees 10 patients a day. Come over at this time three days later. The registration fee is 50. Please pay the money first."

While talking, Yang Erni handed the torn-off number to Luo Rongning who looked confused, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and clicked on the payment code on the V letter.

"Good guy, the clinic is not big, but there are quite a lot of rules, and the registration fee is not usually expensive..."

"However, there are so many people registering in front, at least it shows that this old Chinese doctor has some real skills."

With some complaints in his heart, Luo Rongning took out his mobile phone and scanned the QR code to pay 50 yuan to Yang Erni.

Seeing that the avatar of the receiving account was the elder sister in front of him, Luo Rongning couldn't help but look at Yang Erni more.

"Young man, you don't have to wait here anymore. Our old man leaves work on time at 5 o'clock. Even if the king of heaven comes to see a doctor, he won't be seen. You can go back and wait."

After Yang Erni collected the money, she waved to Luo Rongning and told him to go back and wait.

"Sister, what's your surname? My name is Luo Yuning, and I'm the general manager of our Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area. Actually, I'm not here to see a doctor. I want to talk to Dr. Yang about something."

Luo Rongning stood still and introduced himself with a smile on his face.

When Yang Erni heard Luo Yuning's self-report, she couldn't help being surprised and said, "Huh? You're the general manager who delivered eggs to everyone?"

"General Manager Quehuner?" Luo Yuning heard Yang Erni calling her this, and the smile on her face froze. When did she have such a nickname?

"Hahaha~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my mouth is bald, young man, don't mind."

Yang Erni laughed a few times, and explained: "Everyone calls it that in private. They say you lack a soul, but they are actually praising you. There is absolutely no malice."

"Our Zhuang Kuaren's words are quite special..." Luo Yuning was also speechless when he heard the words.

Yang Erni smiled heartily and said: "People in the village are stupid, and boasting is like hurting others. Don't mind, young man. My eldest sister is Yang Erni, and Yang Jingtian is my father. You can call me Big Sister Yang."

"Hello, Sister Yang." Luo Rongning was not too surprised when she heard that Yang Erni reported her family name as Yang Jingtian's daughter.

Just now seeing Yang Erni using her own payment code to collect money, Luo Rongning had already guessed about this.

Private clinics like this are generally family-owned and rarely use outsiders.

Moreover, Luo Rongning reckoned that the money collected by the elder sister would not be handed over, and most of it went into his own pocket.

"It's better to be famous than to meet each other. The old women in the village who went to the scenic spot to pick up eggs all said that the new manager of the scenic spot is young and handsome. It's true when I saw it today."

Yang Erni's eyes glanced up and down on Luo Rongning's body, and she praised her, then changed the subject and asked:
"Does the young man have a date? If not, the eldest sister will introduce you to some good girls in our Yangjiazhuang, fat and thin, sweet and crispy. What kind of sister do you want to introduce to you?"

"It's just talking about the person I'm talking about..." Luo Rongning was also speechless for a while.

"Cough cough..." Luo Rongning coughed strategically, and then got back to the topic, "Sister Yang, I want to ask you, Doctor Yang will be off work later, can you arrange for us to meet?"

"This..." After hearing Luo Rongning's request, Yang Erni looked a little embarrassed.

"Of course, the younger brother will definitely not make the elder sister busy for nothing."

Luo Rongning looked left and right to see if there was no one there, and whispered:

"As long as my eldest sister can help me arrange a meeting with Dr. Yang, the 200 yuan red envelope will be indispensable to my eldest sister."

"Success! Big brother, smoke a cigarette at the door, wait for a while, sister will go and arrange it for you."

When Yang Erni heard that there was a big red envelope, she quickly got up from the stool, greeted Luo Rongning, and walked towards the clinic.

(End of this chapter)

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