My place is on fire

Chapter 261: King of Black Dragon Mountain!

Chapter 261: King of Black Dragon Mountain!

Unbelievable shock!
Liu Gensheng looked at the giant panda that Luo Rongning had painted, and opened his mouth so wide that he could almost swallow his own fist.

As a painter who has been in the industry for more than 20 years, although Liu Gensheng is not a professional, and he is not very accomplished in mural painting, he still has some vision.

From an artistic point of view, there is nothing wrong with the giant panda that Luo Rongning just drew, it can be said to be almost perfect!
The most important thing is that Luo Rongning didn't make any alterations in the process of painting, and it was done in one go!
This is a bit of a "show off"!

Moreover, the melon-eating crowd watching around were really shown off!

"Oh my god, I finished the drawing in 5 minutes. If it were me, I probably didn't even draw the outline!"

"It's amazing! Such a large painting only took 5 minutes!"

"It's fine if you draw well, but you can draw so fast, this is the rhythm that will kill an artist!"

"Master, I, can I take a photo with you! I am a student of Shimen Academy of Fine Arts, you are amazing! Can you please sign me?"

After finishing the painting of a panda eating bamboo, Luo Rongning became a huge fan on the spot. Several young people who looked like students came forward to take a photo with him and ask him for an autograph.

Seeing this, Shui Xiangdong hurried forward to maintain order, and protected Luo Rongning behind his back: "Everyone wait a moment, we are recording a video, and if you want to sign, wait for Mr. Luo to finish the drawing before signing for everyone."

"Please obey the order, thank you for your cooperation!"

Seeing that there was a danger of losing control at the scene, An Youqing also hurriedly ran from behind the stand holding the camera to Luo Rongning and formed a human wall with Shui Xiangdong to protect Luo Rongning.

The addition of An Youqing made Shui Xiangdong a little more relaxed, and continued to persuade: "Please don't affect our normal shooting. You can pay attention to our personal BL account of Mr. Luo, King of Black Dragon Mountain. Later, Mr. Luo will be in Signed for everyone on the spot, thank you for your cooperation.”

Under the persuasion of Shui Xiangdong and An Youqing, the scene returned to calm, and everyone looked forward to Luo Rongning, waiting to see his next work.

Many onlookers also took out their mobile phones, cameras and other equipment, waiting to start shooting.

Luo Rongning felt the feeling of "everyone's attention". He didn't enjoy this feeling very much, but he didn't reject it either.

After the crowd quiets down, move on to the next animal.

The second animal is the very popular mascot this year, the leopard.

With a few strokes, the prototype of the leopard is finished.

With the blessing of "system-level painting skills", the brush in Luo Rongning's hand seemed to come alive, and the brush was like a dragon and a snake, and it was done in one go.

This time it took less time than the last giant panda. It took about 4 minutes to draw a majestic yet cute leopard.

The previous giant panda was the first time Luo Rongning painted on the wall, and he was still a little unskilled.

This time I am much more familiar with painting leopards.

"Oh my god! This is too realistic! My hairs stand on end!"

"Oh my god, this leopard is more real than the one I saw at the zoo!"

"Niu Niu Niu! Super God!"

"Crack, click, click!"

After the painting of a leopard was finished, there was another burst of exclamation and the sound of pressing the shutter to take pictures.

"Mr. Luo, you are my god! It's even faster than last time!"

An Youqing was amazed again when she saw that Luo Yuning had finished drawing the leopard in just a few minutes.

"Okay, okay, it's too similar, it's too similar, Boss Luo is awesome!"

When Shui Sheng saw the leopard painted by Luo Rongning, he clapped his hands and clapped vigorously.

Liu Gensheng looked at the stunned little apprentice and asked, "Xiaofeng, how long did it take this time?"

Just now, when Luo Rongning started to draw the leopard, Liu Gensheng asked Song Xiaofeng to time it.

Song Xiaofeng looked at his mobile phone and said incredulously, "4 minutes and 29 seconds..."

"4 minutes and 29 seconds..." Liu Gensheng swallowed, completely convinced.

It usually takes about one morning for him and Song Xiaofeng to paint a mural, which is pretty fast.

Compared with Luo Yuning's speed, the efficiency of the master and apprentice is not enough at all.

The third painting is the giraffe, a very popular animal in the zoo. Luo Rongning finished it in one go.

After drawing the giraffe, draw the Tyrannosaurus rex.

It took about half an hour in total, and all four small animals were painted.

"Cow, that's awesome!"

"An awesome life needs no explanation!"

"Kneeling, it's too powerful! I can't even spend half an hour!"

"It's okay for the painter to beat me by eight blocks, but the work efficiency also beats me by eight blocks, which is a bit too much!"

After the group of onlookers sighed, they didn’t forget to take pictures, and took a quick photo of the 4 small animals on the wall!
Those who take photos take photos, and those who take videos take videos.

Everyone spontaneously shared the pictures they took on Moments, BL Station, Kuaijiu, Xiaohuangshu, and other social software.

"Boss Luo, the filming is over! It's great, perfect!" An Youqing saw that after Luo Rongning finished work, she also pressed the stop button and stopped the recording.

Shui Xiangdong also stepped forward, and said with a smile, "Mr. Luo, I just watched Youqing's shooting content. I don't think it needs to be cut, just send it to the BL station."

"Don't you need to edit the film?" Luo Rongning was slightly surprised.

Although he is a rookie on the BL station, he also knows that every video of those UP masters on the BL station must be carefully edited before it is released.

Cut off the redundant and boring parts, keep its essence, and finally present the finished product in front of the audience.

Shui Xiangdong smiled and said, "The video we just recorded is only about 20 minutes long. I think every frame is worth keeping, so..."

An Youqing also echoed, "That's right, Mr. Luo! Your sense of camera and performance are great, even those first-line Internet celebrities in China are not as calm and composed as you."

Luo Yuning looked at Shui Xiangdong with a smile and scolded: "You really don't need to cut it? Are you trying to be lazy, kid?"

Shui Xiangdong hurriedly explained: "No, no, I guarantee my life. It's definitely not for being lazy. Your performance and sense of camera are really too strong. I feel that the original flavor is better."

"That's fine, you can figure it out!" Luo Rongning nodded and said nothing more.

Shui Xiangdong is more professional than him in live broadcasting, and Luo Rongning is [-]% assured that the task of posting the video is assigned to Shui Xiangdong.

Shui Xiangdong asked, "Then I'll log in to your account and post it?"

"Okay, let's publish it!" Luo Rongning nodded in agreement.

In order to complete the special task of [Fan Rising Devil], he also had to experience the feeling of being an Internet celebrity.

"Okay! I have a hunch, once our video is released, it will definitely become popular!"

Shui Xiangdong said something excitedly, and then took out his mobile phone and computer to fiddle with An Youqing.

"Mr. Luo, can I ask you to sign this time? From today onwards, I'm your fan. Your painter is really amazing. Do you accept apprentices? I can pay for the tuition!"

Luo Rongning had just been free for a few seconds when a boy in a black and red plaid shirt and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses stepped forward to ask for an autograph and to learn from a teacher.

"Classmate, I think you are still a college student?" Luo Rongning turned to look at the boy, and smiled helplessly, "If you want to learn painting, you should learn from the teacher at school. I am from Yeluzi, and I learned it by myself. I really don’t know how to teach students.”

System-level painting skills have the effect of [teacher's halo]. If Luo Rongning wants to teach students, he must be better than the teachers and professors in the school.

However, one's energy is limited, and he really doesn't have the energy to teach other students right now.

Even Du Enya can't teach it.

"You are, you are self-taught! Mr. Luo, you are too good!"

When the boy heard that Luo Yuning was self-taught, his admiration for him immediately began to flow like a torrent of water.

"That's right, at your level, we probably won't be able to find anyone who can match you in the entire Academy of Fine Arts. You are truly a genius!"

The boy gave Luo Yuning a thumbs up, his eyes full of admiration.

Luo Rongning didn't want to argue with the boy, so he signed his name and sent the boy away.

"Mr. Luo, you've worked hard, drink some water."

As soon as the boy left, Shui Sheng, the owner of Shui Sheng Supermarket, stepped forward with a smile and handed Luo Rongning a bottle of Pulse.

Luo Rongning was not polite to Shuisheng, he reached out to take the pulse and unscrewed it, and drank half of the bottle in one gulp.

"The painting is too good. Mr. Luo, if you don't go to the Academy of Fine Arts as a professor to teach students at your level, it's a waste of resources!"

Shui Sheng looked at the four vivid animals on the wall of his house, and couldn't help admiring.

Before Luo Yuning started to paint, Shui Sheng had very low expectations for him, it can even be said that he had no expectations.

As long as it is drawn by Luo Yuning, even if it is at the level of children's graffiti, he is happy!
His supermarket is today thanks to Luo Rongning's help, so no matter what Luo Rongning does, he must be the first to support it with all his strength.

This time Luo Rongning was going to paint murals on the walls of the villagers' homes, and Shui Sheng naturally did his part and bravely grabbed the first place.

Never expected that Luo Rongning's painting level is so high, it's supernatural!

Luo Yuning smiled modestly and said, "Boss Shui, you think highly of me too much, how many students will be delayed if I become a teacher."

Shui Sheng laughed and said: "That can't be done! Whoever can learn a little from Luo Rongning from you will surely have nothing to worry about in this life!"

While the two were chatting, Shui Xiangdong and An Youqing had edited the video they just shot and posted it on the BL station with BGM.

The account that posted the video was under the personal account of "Black Dragon Mountain King", which is Luo Rongning's account on the BL station.

Once the video of Luo Rongning's painting was released, it quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the BL website.

"Damn it! Has this gang of Huahua guys come to the BL station recently to attract fans? Brother Bird has only been popular for a few days, and another one of comparable strength is here!"

"Little brother is so handsome and talented!"

"Brother! This is my husband! No one should steal it from me! Please! Please!"

"I love it, I have no resistance to boys who can draw!"

"In the front, I think you are coveting the beauty of my little brother!"

"Obviously you can rely on your face to make a living, but you have to rely on your talent! You have coins!"

"It's the first time to insert coins, little brother, come on!"

The number of views and bullet screens of the video increased, and soon it was on the popular channel of the BL station, and was pushed to more people by big data.

The number of followers of the "Black Dragon Mountain King" account also changed from 0 to 1000+, and soon broke through [-].

The popularity of the video is still increasing, and Luo Rongning has not been idle after painting the wall in front of the aquatic supermarket.

He also walked along the central street of Luojiazhuang, helping farmers living on both sides of the street to paint murals.

In one afternoon, Luo Rongning drew another seven or eight paintings.

The villagers have different preferences, some like animals, some like landscapes, and some like characters.

Relying on superb skills, Luo Rongning met everyone's requests one by one.

Shui Xiangdong and An Youqing also took several shots.

The two of them are not in a hurry to release these materials, but are going to wait until tomorrow to maximize the value of the manuscript!

If you send several manuscripts at the same time in a day, the playback volume may not necessarily be high.

At 41:[-] p.m., after finishing painting, Luo Rongning rented a house and packed up his things to get off work.

After an afternoon of practice and practice, Luo Rongning felt that his level and painting efficiency had improved.

Especially in terms of efficiency, the improvement is very significant.

"Xiangdong, Youqing, you both worked hard today, get off work and go home early, you don't need to go back to the scenic spot to check in, I will talk to Vice President Shui later."

Luo Rongning handed the paint tray of the brush to Shui Xiangdong, and told him and An Youqing to get off work.

"Yeah! Thank you Mr. Luo! Then we'll go back first."

"See you tomorrow, Mr. Luo!"

An Youqing and Shui Xiangdong were not polite to Luo Rongning either, and after waving goodbye to him, they turned and headed home.

Looking at the appearance of the two in pairs, and then looking at myself alone on the ground.

A feeling called loneliness suddenly emerged in Luo Yuning's heart.

"It must be too tired, so I thought about these things..."

Luo Rongning shook his head, throwing away some chaotic thoughts in his mind.

Jingle bell, jingle bell~
The cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Luo Rongning took out his mobile phone and looked at it. The name on the caller ID was "Fatty", and he answered the call with a swipe of his finger.

"Hey Fatty."

"Luo Zi, grandson has come to Shishi. He wants to invite some students from our class to have a gathering at night. Are you going?"

The phone was connected, and Wu Mingshi's voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Has grandson come to Shishi?" Luo Rongning smiled after hearing Wu Mingshi's words.

The grandson's name is Sun Liqun, and he was the monitor of Luo Rongning's class when he was in college.

When he was in college, Sun Liqun often helped Luo Yuning and Wu Mingshi sign in, and also helped them with cooking, and he was almost becoming their nanny.

After graduation, the classmates went their separate ways. Luo Rongning, Wu Mingshi, Zhang Qian, and Shen Xueli stayed in Shishi.

Sun Liqun went north with his girlfriend.

"It's been more than a year since I saw my grandson. Now that I'm back, we must get together."

When thinking of Sun Liqun, Luo Rongning thought of the carefree time in college, and agreed casually.

Wu Mingshi said: "Okay, are you still in the scenic area? You pick up Shirley, and I'll drive to pick up Sister Qian later."

Luo Yuning asked, "Where do we gather?"

"The one we used to go to when we were in college, the old place."

After Wu Mingshi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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