My place is on fire

Chapter 253: The Golden Scale Is a Thing in the Pool!

Chapter 253: The Golden Scale Is a Thing in the Pool!
Luo Yuning talked continuously for about ten minutes.

Put forward your future plan to Dong Haiqing.

Dong Haiqing nodded repeatedly, interjecting from time to time to ask a few key questions.

"Okay, okay, Mr. Luo, the plan for your scenic spot fits perfectly with the current strategic plan for beautiful villages and rural revitalization that our country is vigorously supporting."

Dong Haiqing applauded repeatedly after hearing Luo Rongning's development plan.

"If you are determined to develop your own industry in the countryside, we will naturally spare no effort to support you!"

"Three barren hills and about 1500 acres of mountains, right? All right! No problem!"

"It's too late today, it's Sunday again, let's go Monday! After I get to work on Monday, I will personally supervise this matter."

Beiqi Township is a town with nothing to do, and the work of attracting investment has been extremely slow.

Even preferential policies such as tax exemptions rarely attract foreign companies to settle in, develop and invest locally.

Enterprises like Luo Rongning who take the initiative to ask for land and plan to invest in the local area.

Dong Haiqing naturally wants to find ways to meet his requirements in order to achieve the goal of making his investment successful.

"Then I'll trouble Mayor Dong with this matter." Luo Rongning didn't expect Dong Haiqing to be so eloquent, so he nodded his thanks.

Dong Haiqing waved his hands and said, "No, no, Mr. Luo can take root in our Beiqi Township and seek development. We should pave the way for you."

"By the way, Township Chief Dong..." Luo Rongning said again, "Our board of directors of the scenic spot is urgently urging this matter. It's best to get it done within two days. Look..."

"Within two days? Are you in such a hurry?" Dong Haiqing was slightly surprised when he heard Luo Rongning's words.

Contracting three mountains and more than 1500 mu of mountain land is considered a relatively important matter in Wanshan County, not to mention Beiqi Township.

Generally speaking, for such an important project, the township needs to hold a meeting to discuss it first.

After the discussion in the village, do another field survey.

Then send it to the county for review, and the county will send people to investigate before entering the final approval stage.

The entire process can be completed within half a month, which is relatively fast.

After all, the county is so large, with a population of several 10, and there are various things to deal with and arrange every day.

It is impossible for you to have someone come and approve you as soon as you submit the approval plan.

"To be honest, Mayor Dong, our board of directors is not just a company in our scenic spot, and there are many places to spend money."

Luo Yuning opened his eyes and made up nonsense: "I managed to win this investment opportunity, and the board of directors only gave me three days.

If I can't figure it out within three days, the board of directors will invest the 5000 million yuan in other projects first.

If I want to apply for this investment again, it may not be so easy to apply.

Sometimes, there is only one opportunity, and if you miss it, you may never have it again. "

"Mr. Luo, are you saying that your scenic spot is expected to invest 5000 million this time?"

Dong Haiqing was surprised when he heard the investment amount mentioned by Luo Rongning.

The huge investment of 5000 million is definitely the largest investment in the history of Beiqi Township!

Luo Yuning nodded and said, "Yes, this time our board of directors expects to invest an additional 5000 million yuan in our scenic spot."

"Mr. Luo, don't worry! Even if you lose your leg tomorrow, I will help you get rid of this matter!"

After hearing the investment amount Luo Yuning said, Dong Haiqing immediately raised the importance of this matter to the highest level.

This 5000 million investment is very important to the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area, and even more important to Beiqi Township!

This is a real achievement!

The previous township heads, which township head has raised such a large investment for the township?
If this matter is done, then I will be the most successful village head in the history of Northern Qi Township!
This 5000 million investment will definitely leave a mark in the history of Beiqi Township!
Luo Yuning nodded and smiled, "Then I'll trouble Magistrate Dong with this matter."

"No trouble, no trouble, it should be, it should be, I will call the comrades in the village to discuss this matter in a while."

Dong Haiqing waved his hands again and again. If this is troublesome, he hopes that there will be more troubles like this.

"Then I won't bother Township Chief Dong, I'll leave this matter to you." After talking about the business, Luo Rongning got up to say goodbye to Dong Haiqing.

[Prepare for a rainy day 2] The deadline for this mission is only 3 days. Luo Rongning has to run elsewhere after finishing Dong Haiqing's place.

Dong Haiqing also wanted to advance this matter quickly, so he didn't hold back, got up and said, "Then I'll send Mr. Luo downstairs."

"Brother Luo? Are you leaving?"

Dong Yangyang heard that Luo Rongning was leaving in the room, so he hurriedly opened the door and came out to see him off.

Luo Yuning smiled and said, "Yeah, Yangyang, I have other things to do, so I'll come see you another day."

"Then... well." Dong Yangyang was slightly disappointed when he heard that Luo Rongning had other matters.

Originally, she wanted to keep Luo Yuning at home for dinner, but just now in the house, she reported a lot of ingredients to her mother Zhao Huiping.

After a few words of farewell, Dong Haiqing and Dong Yangyang sent Luo Rongning downstairs together and watched him drive away.

"Hey, hey! Everyone has disappeared, why don't you watch it?"

Dong Haiqing stretched out his hand and shook it in front of his daughter, with a smile on his face.

"Ahem! Dad!" Dong Yangyang understood the meaning of his father's smile, and stomped his feet, feeling a little shy.

Dong Haiqing looked at the direction in which Luo Yuning was going, and said meaningfully: "Xiao Luo is a good young man, with ability and conscience."

"Really? Dad, do you know Brother Luo very well?" Dong Yangyang tilted his head and looked at Dong Haiqing with a very interested look.

Dong Haiqing said with a smile: "I haven't been in contact for a long time, and I'm not too familiar with him. However, according to my intuition, I feel that Xiao Luo's future future is limitless. At least, according to the current situation, he is definitely our Beiqi Township The best of the best, the best of the best."

"You have a very high opinion of Brother Luo! I've never heard you praise someone so much."

Dong Yangyang was slightly surprised when he heard Dong Haiqing's generous praise for Luo Yuning.

"Just wait and see, Jinlin is not a thing in a pool, it will turn into a dragon when it encounters a storm, the future of our Beiqi Township depends entirely on Xiao Luo."

After Dong Haiqing said a word, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, looked at Dong Yangyang while dialing, and said, "Yangyang, you go upstairs first. When your mother comes back, tell her that I won't eat tonight. It's very important to go to the village to open a restaurant." s meeting."

"Okay Dad, take your time on the road and remember to eat at night."

Dong Yangyang knew that his father was going to rush about Luo Rongning's affairs, so after waving goodbye to him, he turned and walked towards the entrance of the corridor.

Dong Haiqing made four phone calls in a row, and in the WeChat group at work @ a group of township leaders to gather in the township urgently.

It is a project with a huge investment of 5000 million yuan, and none of the township leaders dare to neglect it.

No matter what you are doing now, put down what you are doing and gather towards the village from all directions.


At the same time, Luo Haifeng and Liang Dingxiang were also busy with Luo Yuning's affairs.

Luo Yuning was used to being a shopkeeper, so he handed over the task of contracting the other two barren mountains to Luo Haifeng and Liang Dingxiang.

Luo Haifeng represented Luojiazhuang, Liang Dingxiang represented the scenic spot, and Luo Rongning gave them great authority.

After eating at the Wanlong Hotel at noon, Luo Haifeng and Liang Dingxiang came to Yangjiazhuang and found the home of Yang Weicai, the village secretary of Yangjiazhuang.

"Aiya! Secretary Luo is here to welcome you! Please come in, please come in!"

Yang Weicai was extremely polite after seeing Luo Haifeng.

During this period of time, the development of the Luojiazhuang business district was in full swing, and the passenger flow of the scenic spot also reached a record high.

Luo Haifeng, the village party secretary who has just taken office, has done his best in front of the village head in the village.

Every time Dong Haiqing saw Luo Haifeng, he had to praise him a few words, and asked other village party secretaries to communicate with him and learn from him.

Luo Haifeng has now become a big celebrity in front of the township chief, Yang Weicai and others can only be envious and jealous.

Who made my village have no scenic spots or commercial areas?

"Secretary Yang, long time no see, you look pretty good."

Luo Haifeng didn't put on airs, and greeted Yang Weicai with a smile, and introduced Liang Dingxiang: "This is my lover Liang Dingxiang, who is also the director of the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area."

"Yo! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Director Liang, please come in!"

When Yang Weicai heard that Liang Dingxiang was the director of the scenic spot, he became more polite to her.

"Secretary Yang, you're being polite." Liang Dingxiang had an approachable smile on his face, also showing no airs at all.

The three of them greeted each other at the door, Luo Haifeng and Liang Dingxiang followed Yang Weicai into the door, and sat on the sofa in the greeting.

"Secretary Luo smokes." Yang Weicai hurried into the room and took out his best cigarette, opened it and handed it to Luo Haifeng.

Yang Weicai and Luo Haifeng are both secretaries, so flattery is not counted, they just want to build a good relationship with Luo Haifeng.

It is still necessary to have a good relationship with powerful neighbors, and you may be able to get some credit at any time.

Luo Haifeng reached out to take the cigarette, took out the lighter from his pocket and lit it.

"Secretary Yang, if it's an emergency, I won't play around with you."

After Luo Haifeng lit his cigarette, he took a sip, looked up at Yang Weicai who was opposite him, and said straight to the point:

"We Mr. Luo want to contract the barren mountain in our village. Can you rent it? Tell us a good word."

"Mr. Luo wants to...contract the barren hills in our village?" Yang Weicai almost jumped up from the ground when he heard Luo Haifeng's words!

It's like the residents of urban villages in big cities who are looking forward to demolition.

He was looking forward to the stars and the moon, and he was looking forward to the attention of Luo Rongning who started to hit the hill in Yangjiazhuang that day!
Just now I was thinking about building a good relationship with my neighbors, maybe I can follow suit in the future, and it seems that this is about to happen.

"Yes, 50 years, 100 million." Luo Haifeng didn't hide it, and directly quoted the price given by Luo Rongning.

After hearing Luo Haifeng's words, Yang Weicai became even more excited.

Yangjiazhuang, like Luojiazhuang, is a very traditional, or very old village.

There are no enterprises in the village, and the old people and women left behind in the village are basically engaged in farming.

Or, raise some livestock.

Beiqi Township is a poor township, and Yangjiazhuang is the poorest poor village in the poor township.

An astronomical figure of 100 million, before today, Yang Weicai did not even dare to think about it.

Luo Haifeng urged: "The time is only today, Secretary Yang, this kind of opportunity, after passing this village, there will be no such shop."

"Only today?" Yang Wei was taken aback after hearing Luo Haifeng's words.

He also wanted to call the village cadres in the village to hold a meeting to study whether to increase the price.
Liang Dingxiang said leisurely from the side: "Yes, Director Yang, if the mountain in your village refuses to be contracted to Mr. Luo, we will discuss the contracting rights of the mountain behind our scenic spot."

"Bag, bag! Who said we won't do it anymore! We will do it!" Yang Weicai hurriedly agreed when he heard that there was still a competitor.

A huge sum of 100 million was delivered to his lips. If it cost more, Yang Wei felt that he had no place to cry.

Yangjiazhuang Village Committee is not the same as Luojiazhuang Village Committee.

The Luojiazhuang Village Committee is relatively democratic. Generally, everyone expresses their opinions on any matter, and finally discuss it.

The Yangjiazhuang Village Committee is basically Yang Weicai's voice. He does what he says, and he can make up his own mind without discussing major and minor matters.

"I brought all the contracts. Director Yang, if there are no problems, we can sign it now, and we can get the money after signing."

As Luo Haifeng said, he took out a pre-printed contract from the briefcase beside his hand.

"Is it so fast..." Yang Weicai felt a little too anxious about today's matter no matter how he thought about it.

Luo Haifeng paused for a moment before putting the contract back into the briefcase: "Why don't Secretary Yang think it over and reply to us another day?"

"Don't, don't, Secretary Luo, don't! Don't change the day! I just said that casually, why do you take it seriously. Today is it!"

Seeing that Luo Haifeng was about to change his mind, Yang Weicai hurriedly apologized with a smiling face.

Then Luo Haifeng took out the contract from his briefcase and handed it to Yang Weicai.

"Secretary Luo wait a moment, I'll take a look at the contract..."

Yang Weicai said with an apologetic expression, and began to look through the contract Luo Haifeng handed him page by page.

Although Yang Weicai is not well-educated, he has been a village secretary for more than ten years, and he is no stranger to contract contracts. He began to browse contract contracts at a glance.

Looking through the contract, Yang Weicai did not find anything wrong.

"Secretary Luo, there is no problem with this contract, shall we sign it now?"

Yang Weicai couldn't wait any longer, he had never seen what 100 million cash looked like in his dreams.

Liang Dingxiang said lightly from the side: "Director Yang, I will sign with you on behalf of President Luo."

"Okay, Director Liang, I'll sign it!" Yang Weicai finished his sentence, and signed his name in place of Party A of the contract.

Yang Weicai handed over the contract to Liang Dingxiang after signing.

Liang Dingxiang signed his name in the place of Party B after checking that it was correct, and marked it as a proxy.

"Director Yang, it's a happy cooperation. This card contains 100 million cash, and the password is the last six digits of the card number."

After signing the contract, Luo Haifeng handed an ICBC savings card to Yang Weicai.

So far, two of the three barren hills in the task of [Prepare for a Rainy Day 2] have been settled.

(End of this chapter)

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