My place is on fire

Chapter 216 Lesson!

Chapter 216 Lesson!
The system prompts that the apprenticeship is successful.

Luo Rongning got specific information from Du Enya.

【Name: Du Enya】

【Manual Ability: 38】

[Relationship: master and apprentice]

【Status: Unlearned】

[Others: not unlocked]

[Remarks: The ability value reaches 80 points to meet the standard of being a teacher. 】

"Subtracting 80 from seems not as difficult as I imagined."

Luo Yuning breathed a sigh of relief after reading the rules for starting a teacher introduced by the system.

"You just grab your best thing first, and I'll see how you are."

As Luo Rongning said, he opened the drawer, took out a few packs of plasticine and handed it to Du Enya.

"Oh..." Du Enya took the plasticine, looked up at the ceiling, lost in thought.

Originally, Du Enya was very confident in her craft.

After all, it's one of her hobbies.

After seeing Luo Yuning's amazing craftsmanship, she is now a little embarrassed to say that she is also a handicraft lover.

The difference is too big!
Luo Yuning enlightened from the side: "Take your time, don't worry, don't have any pressure, just test your level, and I can teach you in accordance with your aptitude."

"Okay brother Yuning, I know..." Du Enya looked at Luo Rongning, smiled and nodded.

After saying a word, Du Enya seemed to have an idea. She unpacked the plasticine with her two little hands and started kneading the clay.

1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes...

Du Enya naturally didn't have the speed of Luo Rongning. Three minutes passed, and she just made a rough outline of a human body.

"Ha~" Luo Yuning yawned out of boredom, got up, walked to the window, opened it and lit a cigarette.

Du Enya seemed to be immersed in a state, unaware of Luo Rongning's departure, and continued to pinch her clay figurine.

After Luo Yuning finished smoking a cigarette, she was still pinching it.

Luo Yuning went out to Yujingxuan to untie her big hand, but she was still pinching it when she came back.

Waited for almost two hours.

After Luo Rongning went out and inspected various departments, Du Enya finally handed in her first "answer sheet".

After seeing Du Enya's work, Luo Rongning was slightly taken aback.

She even pinched a small Luo Rongning. Although it was not as realistic as Luo Rongning, the similarity reached about 50%.

"It's not bad." Luo Rongning turned the statue over a few times in his hand, and smiled encouragingly.

So far, Luo Rongning has a general understanding of the level of his little apprentice.

Du Enya's level is definitely top-notch compared to the current staff in the handicraft department of the scenic spot.

The employees in the manual department are still in the stage of pinching small animals.

If taught, Du Enya is definitely qualified to be a teacher to everyone.

Du Enya shyly said: "I've done my best in front of Brother Yuning, I've tried my best..."

"You've done a good job, now, let's start our first lesson."

Luo Rongning nodded in encouragement, took out two sets of plasticine again, one for himself and one for Du Enya, and started his own teaching.

"First of all, the plasticine should be kneaded to a moderate degree of softness and hardness. If it is too hard or too soft, it will not be easy to shape..."

There are two masters and apprentices, one is teaching sincerely and the other is studying with heart. With the blessing of [Teacher Halo], the teaching progress is very gratifying.

The first class lasted about an hour.

At the end of the lecture, Luo Rongning found that Du Enya's manual ability had increased from 38 to 39, an increase of 1 point.

"1 point per hour. According to this progress, you only need to teach for 1 hours before you can become a teacher."

It took 42 hours to transform from a layman who made clay figurines to an expert. No one would believe it.

It's just that I don't know what the level of being a teacher is. This has yet to be verified.

"It turns out that there are so many specialties in making clay figurines! Listening to Brother Yuning's lecture, I feel that I have learned a lot!"

Du Enya benefited a lot after listening to the first class.

Luo Rongning raised his hand and glanced at his watch, it was already 11:58 in the morning.

"Come here first in the morning, and I'll teach you for a while in the afternoon, and go to eat first."

Luo Rongning stood up from his seat and stretched.

I taught the little apprentice hand in hand for an hour, but I wasn't physically tired, but it took a lot of energy and I was mentally tired.

Du Enya asked: "By the way, brother Yuning, when will I go through the entry procedures?"

Luo Rongning slapped his forehead, and was too busy teaching to catch up with the progress, and forgot about Du Enya's entry into the job.

In addition to going through the entry procedures for Du Enya, I have to arrange a place for her to settle down. There are still many things to do.

Luo Rongning looked at Du Enya and said, "Forget it, the teaching in the afternoon will be cancelled. You should go through the entry formalities first after work in the afternoon."

"Oh, yes." Du Enya nodded obediently, and Luo Rongning did what she said.

"Let's go, go eat first, I'm hungry."

Luo Rongning waved to Du Enya and took her out for dinner.

The staff canteen in the scenic area is still being remodeled, and the conference room has become a temporary canteen.

When Luo Rongning brought Du Enya over, there were already many people in the conference room.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Luo!"

"Boss Luo hasn't eaten yet."

"Mr. Luo, sit here with me!"

When a group of people saw Luo Yuning, they got up and greeted him.

"Boys, especially the sisters and sisters in the live broadcast room are blessed, show everyone that we are the most handsome man in Heilongshan!"

Shui Xiangdong also happened to be eating, and was broadcasting live while eating. After seeing Luo Rongning, he picked up his phone and pointed the camera at him.

"Wow! Is this the legendary rich, talented and handsome Mr. Luo!"

"very handsome!"

"Not only is he handsome, but he is also rich and talented. Such a man is too rare!"

"The girl next to Mr. Luo is so beautiful! I found that there are many beautiful girls in this scenic spot!"

"Vice President Shui is always alone, and Assistant Yang is also pretty. This girl looks smaller than Vice President Shui and Assistant Yang. She is not as tall as them, and her looks are about the same."

A group of people in the live broadcast room talked a lot after seeing Luo Rongning and Du Enya.

Shui Xiangdong is also very measured, but the camera shakes Luo Rongning for a while, and he keeps taking pictures, which is annoying.

After Luo Rongning and Du Enya took their meals, they walked to Shui Xiangdong and sat down.

"Old irons, let's start the broadcast here this morning, let's broadcast it again in the afternoon, see you later."

Seeing Luo Yuning sitting next to him, Shui Xiangdong quickly turned off the live broadcast.

"Mr. Luo, who is this?" After Shui Xiangdong turned off the live broadcast, he looked at Du Enya curiously.

Some employees who were eating nearby also pricked up their ears, waiting to hear Luo Rongning's introduction.

Being watched by everyone, Du Enya felt a little shy, her little face was flushed and very cute.

Luo Rongning turned to look at Du Enya who wanted to bury her head in her chest, and said:
"Say hello to everyone, we will be colleagues from now on."

After Du Enya heard Luo Yuning's words, she knew that he intended to exercise, so she took a few deep breaths before raising her head.

"Hi everyone, my name is Du Enya, please take care of me in the future."

Although very nervous, extremely nervous, Du Enya stood up bravely and introduced herself briefly to everyone.

Luo Rongning added from the side: "Du Enya is a new employee of our scenic spot and also my big apprentice."

After hearing Luo Rongning's supplementary introduction, everyone looked at Du Enya with envy and blessings, not just looking at newcomers.

"Welcome Xiao Du to join the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area!"

"Welcome Xiao Du to join the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area!"

Shui Xiangdong took the lead in applauding, and everyone applauded to welcome him.

After a small welcoming ceremony, everyone began to eat.

"Mr. Luo, eat slowly. I'm done eating. Make room for others."

Shui Xiangdong greeted Luo Rongning with a smile, and prepared to leave with his lunch box.

Luo Yuning thought for a while and said, "Dongzi, don't leave in a hurry, I have something to tell you."

"Mr. Luo, tell me, I'll listen." Shui Xiangdong put down the lunch box in his hand, and pretended to listen attentively.

Luo Rongning pointed to Du Enya next to her and said, "Can you pack Xiao Du and bring her live?"

"Ah? Me, can I do it?" When Du Enya heard that Luo Rongning asked her to start the live broadcast, her expression suddenly became tense.

Luo Yuning smiled and encouraged: "If you are asked to start broadcasting directly without training and learning, you will definitely not be able to.

Whether it's making clay figurines or live broadcasting, it needs a learning process. "

Shui Xiangdong smiled and said: "Boss Luo is right, no matter what you do, don't you learn it slowly?
We walk, ride a bike, talk, don't we all learn it after a lot of practice? "

After hearing what the two said, Du Enya suddenly realized, turned her head to look at Luo Rongning, and nodded firmly:
"I know Master, I will listen to you, and I will do whatever you tell me to do."

Du Enya also knew in her heart that no matter what Luo Rongning asked her to do, it must be for her own good.

Luo Rongning will definitely not harm her.

Shui Xiangdong said: "Actually, the industry of live broadcasting is nothing to put it bluntly, it is easy to learn.

Xiao Du, your appearance is very good, and then pack it well, and it will be hot! "

"Thank you, thank you for your compliment." Du Enya was a little embarrassed to be praised by Shui Xiangdong.

Luo Rongning immediately made a decision and said, "Then I'll leave Du Enya to you. If you need anything or someone, just go to Vice President Shui and apply."

"Ahem..." Shui Xiangdong coughed in embarrassment, and said, "Boss Luo, I definitely can't do this by myself, after all...After all, men and women are different, you say so."

Luo Yuning nodded: "Well, you have something to say."

"Hey..." Shui Xiangdong scratched his head in embarrassment, "Mr. Luo, can you ask my girlfriend to help? She can shoot short videos, put on makeup, and match clothes. She can do everything. Row."

"You boy." Luo Rongning smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Shui Xiangdong on the shoulder, "Yes, let her come to the scenic spot to report, and go through the entry procedures with Du Enya in the afternoon."

"Thank you Mr. Luo! Thank you Mr. Luo! Long live Mr. Luo!" Shui Xiangdong achieved his goal and happily jumped three feet high.

Before Shui Xiangdong was incorporated into the scenic spot by Luo Rongning, his girlfriend An Youqing was his full-time videographer.

Since he joined the scenic spot, his girlfriend has lost his job.

In the past few days, Shui Xiangdong is thinking about whether to buy a sign for his girlfriend to enter the scenic spot.

It's just that the work indicators of the scenic spot are still in short supply at the moment.

An indicator has been fired to [-] to [-], and there is still a price but no market.

Even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it!

Now with Luo Rongning Jinkou Yuyan, I immediately saved more than [-] yuan!

Several employees who were eating around heard that Luo Rongning promised Shui Xiangdong's girlfriend to work in the scenic spot, and all looked at him with envy.

At this moment, Shui Xiangdong's family of three, plus his grandfather, his girlfriend, and the whole family are all working in the scenic spot.

A large family can earn more than 2 a month in salary, which is really enviable.

Beiqi Township is a poor town, and the annual income of many families is only more than 2 yuan, which is less than 3 yuan.

At this moment, Shui Xiangdong and his family are considered top-notch in the village.

Luo Yuning smiled and waved his hands, and sent water to leave eastward: "Okay, don't be silly here, hurry up and call someone."

The reason why she agreed to Shui Xiangdong's request was to give Shui Miaomiao face.

Shui Xiangdong and Shui Miaomiao are a big family, and the relationship between the two families is still very close.

Secondly, as Shui Xiangdong said, he and Du Enya were alone, and there were indeed many inconveniences.

Finding a female assistant is the best option.

"Then I'm going to Mr. Luo, see you this afternoon! Xiao Du, see you this afternoon!"

Shui Xiangdong greeted Luo Rongning and Du Enya with joy, then turned and walked towards the door.

In the afternoon, Du Enya and An Youqing went to Shui Miaomiao to go through the entry procedures together.

Luo Rongning drove to the business district to find a place for Du Enya to sleep at night.

There is only one Black Dragon Mountain Hotel in the business district, so there is no choice.

"Mr. Luo! Why did you come to my shop here!"

After seeing Luo Rongning, the small owner of the hotel, Luo Junjie, hurried out from the service desk to pass cigarettes to Luo Rongning: "Boss Luo, you smoke."

Luo Rongning took the cigarette and asked casually, "Junjie, how is business doing recently?"

Luo Junjie lowered his eyebrows and said pleasantly: "Thanks to you, it's very good!"

Luo Yuning went straight to the point and said, "Your room is the quietest and cleanest. I want to rent a room with you for a long time."

Luo Junjie said: "2 on the 208nd floor. I used to live in the quietest, cleanest room. Now that my new house has been built, I'm going home to live in it. That room is empty."

Luo Rongning said, "Take me up there to have a look."

"Mr. Luo, please." Luo Junjie made a gesture of invitation to Luo Yuning, turned around and led the way.

The two went up to the second floor and came outside the door of Room 208.

Luo Junjie took out the key from his pocket to open the door, and led Luo Rongning into the room.

"The other rooms are single rooms with only one or two beds and no bathroom. Only this room has a bathroom and a water heater."

After entering the door, Luo Junjie showed Luo Rongning and introduced him.

The accommodation conditions of such small private hotels around the scenic area are definitely not comparable to the national chains such as Home Inns and Hanting.

The function of the rooms in the Black Dragon Mountain Hotel is very pure, that is, to sleep.

There is only one public bathroom on each floor, let alone taking a shower.

"Okay, this is the room." Luo Yuning had no choice but to wrong the little apprentice first.

(End of this chapter)

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