My place is on fire

Chapter 173 The Legendary Flash Marriage!

Chapter 173 The Legendary Flash Marriage!

After signing, draw and deposit.

Zhang Qian hummed a cheerful song and went into the kitchen to make dumplings.

As for being a godfather to the children of Wu Mingshi and Zhang Qian.

If you really want to go back to the source, you have to go back to when Luo Rongning was a sophomore in college.

Luo Yuning's mention of this today is just a rehash of an old story, not a whim.

While waiting for Zhang Qian to cook the dumplings, Luo Rongning was sitting on the Italian ROBERTO CAVALLI sofa with hundreds of thousands of sets in the living room, swiping his phone boredly.

He didn't know that this sofa was so expensive before, and he didn't know much about household appliances and furniture.

It was only when Zhang Qian asked him on the phone that he realized that this sofa was so expensive!
Not to mention, expensive is expensive for a reason.

ROBERTO CAVALLI inherits the elegant and noble characteristics of the brand, using a variety of materials and multi-craft production methods.

Mix and match materials such as woven brocade, velvet satin, leather fur, gemstone and crystal.

It perfectly shows the gorgeous and chic style of the sofa.

After being reminded by Zhang Qian, when Luo Rongning returned home, she found that her sofa with Hello Kitty printed on it was also of the brand ROBERTO CAVALLI.

When Luo Rongning and Lin Suqing were chatting before, they mentioned that Lin Suqing lived in the apartment he is currently living in for a while when he was in college.

Presumably, that sofa set was also bought by Lin Suqing, a "house sister" who is not short of money.

"Huh? A sweeper?"

When Luo Rongning checked Moments, he saw a Moments that Zhang Qian forwarded 4 hours ago.

The content of Moments is a sales advertisement for a company that sells sweeping vehicles of various brands.

Thinking of the fact that the cleaning department of the scenic spot has to work overtime every day to clean the sanitation of the scenic spot, it is hard and tiring.

Luo Yunning feels that the scenic spot should also be equipped with a few sweepers. can get 10 times the rebate for all the money you spend on the scenic spot.

No white no flower!
With a thought, Luo Yuning summoned the system interface and asked if it is possible to equip the scenic spot with a sweeping vehicle.

The system restricts the white notes on [One Ben Wanli], Luo Rongning didn't bother to read them one by one.

Every time you spend money, just ask the system if you can spend it.

Just as Luo Yuning thought about it, a line of words appeared on the system interface.

[Clean and tidy scenic spots are hygienic, which is conducive to enhancing the tourist experience when tourists visit scenic spots, and can be purchased. 】

[Note 1: The unit price of a sweeping vehicle shall not exceed 10 yuan. 】

[Note 1: The purchase quantity shall not exceed 8 units. 】

Seeing the two notes given by the system, Luo Rongning couldn't help being happy.

Just now he took a look at the content of the circle of friends forwarded by Zhang Qian.

The most expensive one, a purely imported one-person operation sweeper, only costs more than 8 yuan per unit!

The price limit of the system is completely equal to no limit.

As for the purchase quantity not to exceed 8 units...

At present, there seem to be only 8 cleaners in the cleaning department of the scenic spot.

One per person is enough!
"Luo Zi, come serve the dumplings!"

Just as Luo Yuning closed the system interface, Zhang Qian's call came from the kitchen, and the dumplings were cooked.

"Here we come." Luo Yuning agreed, and casually dropped the phone on the coffee table, got up and went to the kitchen to serve dumplings.

After a short time, two plates of dumplings were brought to the table. Luo Rongning and Zhang Qian directly served the plates, one for each person,
Zhang Qian also chopped a plate of pork head meat and fried a plate of peanuts.

Zhang Qian walked to the front of the refrigerator and asked Luo Yuning, "White or beer?"

"Let's have a bottle of beer." Luo Yuning felt that drinking beer alone was boring, and drinking with no one was boring.

Zhang Qian took out a bottle of Snowflake Bravely Traveling to the End of the World from the refrigerator, put it in her mouth, and bit it open with a bang.

"You are amazing." Luo Yuning smiled and gave Zhang Qian a thumbs up in praise.

"Small, drink! Today I will serve as a corkscrew for you."

Zhang Qian walked to the dining table, and with a duang, she boldly put the beer in front of Luo Rongning, while she herself took a can of almond milk.

Luo Yuning held up the bottle to respect Zhang Qian: "First of all, let's pay tribute to one of our great heroes, and thank you sister Qian for the dumplings tonight."

"Luo Zi, you, anywhere is fine, I just want to bother you to be so polite to me and Fatty."

Zhang Qian gave Luo Yuning a white look, and held up almond milk to touch her.

Luo Yuning smiled and said, "This is not being polite, it's being polite."

When the old man was alive, he often taught Luo Rongning to be grateful.

Those who know how to be grateful will be happier.

Even if your biological parents cook for you, you should say thank you and be grateful.

Don't take it for granted, they don't owe you anything.

On the contrary, they brought you into this world, which is the greatest gift to you.

He and Zhang Qian thanked him, it was really not polite, it was just a habit cultivated since childhood.

"Be polite to your sister!" Zhang Qian took a sip of almond milk, put it back on the dining table, smiled and punched Luo Rongning on the arm.

Luo Yuning covered his arms and said with an exaggerated expression: "Sister, you are a martial arts practitioner, so don't bully us ordinary people at every turn, okay?"

Zhang Qian said: "The fat man is not at home, no one will bully me, so I can only bully you."

Luo Yuning said with a teary face, "Hold on... you not only invited me to dinner today, but you also have to use me as a blowing bucket, right?"

"That's right! Hurry up, you won't be beaten until you're full." Zhang Qian smiled and handed Luo Rongning a pair of chopsticks.

Luo Rongning reached out to take the chopsticks, and put a dumpling on his plate.

"Yeah! It tastes good and has improved!"

After eating a dumpling, Luo Rongning stretched out his hand and gave Zhang Qian a thumbs up.

Although... Zhang Qian's cooking skills are far behind Haiyan's, but she is still edible.

Compared with her own cooking skills, she has made great progress.

Luo Rongning will never forget the dark meal Zhang Qian cooked for the first time when he and Wu Mingshi ate.

It was a plate of pitch black and salty scrambled eggs.

At that time, Luo Rongning vomited just by smelling it.

Wu Mingshi, however, ate all of it with a snort, and even extended a thumbs up with a smile on his face and praised, "It tastes great!"

That is, after that incident, Zhang Qian and Wu Mingshi were together, and the relationship between male and female friends was confirmed at the speed of light.

"I am best at dumplings now. Eat more if they taste delicious. Eat vegetables, eat vegetables. You can't just eat dumplings if they are delicious! Try my dishes."

Zhang Qian smiled happily after hearing Luo Yuning's praise.

"The dishes you cook..." Luo Rongning was speechless as he looked at the pig's head meat and the slightly mushy fried peanuts on the table.

It's only Zhang Qian who is cheeky to say that the dishes are made by herself.

"Shut up, it's over!" Luo Rongning opened his mouth, and Zhang Qian knew that he wanted to complain about herself, so she stretched out her big hand to stop it in advance!

Luo Rongning smiled, and swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"By the way, Sister Qian, what's the deal with the sweeper seller you posted in your circle of friends?"

While eating the dumplings, Luo Yuning asked Zhang Qian as if chatting.

"Hey! Talking about this makes me sad!"

Zhang Qian slapped her forehead and said with a sad face:

"The company that sells sweeping vehicles is a partnership between my uncle and his ex-girlfriend.

The supply and customer relationship of the sweeper belonged to his ex-girlfriend.

Originally planned well, after the goods arrive, you can make money by changing hands casually. "

"And then?" Luo Rongning put a peanut in his mouth, with the expression of a melon-eating crowd.

Zhang Qian continued: "My uncle just borrowed money from my dad, grandparents and grandparents to buy a few purely imported sweepers, but it ended up being smashed into my hands, and none of them can be sold."

"What's going on, your uncle..." Luo Yuning suddenly realized that what Zhang Qian just said was his uncle's ex-girlfriend, "Your uncle was cheated by his ex-girlfriend?"

Zhang Qian said: "If we really want to talk about this matter, I really don't blame his ex-girlfriend. If it were me, it would not only be as simple as breaking up with my uncle, but at least I would have to beat him to the point of paralysis."

"What's going on?" Luo Rongning, the melon-eating crowd, became more and more confused the more he ate.

"Hi! Family ugliness should not be publicized, and I have never treated you as an outsider, so it's okay to tell you."

Zhang Qian took a sip of the almond milk on the table, and said with grief and indignation:

"My uncle, I'm dating the girl who sold him a sweeper, a flash marriage!

Good guy, I met on the first day and got the certificate the next day. I was so shocked! "

Excited, Zhang Qian swears even a woman.

"Puff haha..." Luo Yuning was amused by Zhang Qian's exaggerated expression.

Zhang Qian said seriously: "Don't laugh, really, I didn't joke with you, that girl is my aunt now."

"Ahem... I didn't say it was fake." Luo Yuning managed to hold back a smile and said, "So, your uncle's ex-girlfriend broke up with him, and the sales relationship was broken, and a few sweepers fell into his hands. gone?"

"Isn't it! My uncle is not young anymore, he is still like a child, he is too impulsive."

Zhang Qian said with a sad face: "Because of this, my grandma and grandpa couldn't sleep all night."

Luo Yuning said: "Shouldn't they be happy when your uncle married a wife..."

"You don't know, the eight purely imported sweepers cost more than 8 yuan each. Where can ordinary companies afford such expensive sweepers?"

As soon as Zhang Qian mentioned this, she sighed: "Without the relationship between my uncle and his ex-girlfriend, the eight sweepers that my uncle wants to sell will have to wait until the Year of the Monkey!"

"Ahem, that's not necessarily..." Luo Rongning smiled and said, "Maybe all of them will be sold out tomorrow."

Zhang Qian looked up at Luo Yuning, and said with a sullen expression, "I'll lend you a good word!"

Zhang Qian's uncle is called Sun Xiaowei, who is only 5 years older than Zhang Qian, and is a precious son born to Zhang Qian's grandfather and grandma.

Sun Xiaowei's 8 purely imported sweepers from country D have been in his hands for less than half a month.

If you return the goods, you have to bear 3% of the damage, which is a loss of about 20.

For a while, he didn't want to just throw away 20 for nothing.

Therefore, I can only grit my teeth and persevere, and see if I can find another home to sell the sweeper.

However... the situation is not too optimistic.

Sun Xiaowei went to many manufacturers, and they all said that it was too expensive to afford.

Sweeping cars cost thousands of dollars, more than 1 dollars, and more than 2 dollars domestically. There are various price ranges.

Unless it is the kind of rich and powerful owner, he will buy this kind of purely imported sweeper with more than 8 units.

Without the next home that his ex-girlfriend found, it would not be so easy for Sun Xiaowei to find another next home.

For this reason, Sun Xiaowei's parents and Zhang Qian's family worried a lot about him.

If I can't help you with other things, it can still be done by reposting Moments. This is also a helpless solution.

Cast the net widely, just in case someone in need sees it.

"Ahem, Comrade Zhang Qian..." Luo Rongning put down the chopsticks in his hand, looked at Zhang Qian and said, "I'm telling you the truth."

"Who is not serious, I am also very serious." Zhang Qian said, knocking on the forehead, "I dreamed that my uncle would get rid of it sooner.

Don't say tomorrow, I will be Amitabha if he sells out next year. "

Luo Yuning didn't bother to play charades with Zhang Qian anymore, so he went around in circles, and went straight to the point:

"It's a coincidence that our scenic spot has a plan to purchase a batch of sweeping vehicles, and, not too many, just plan to buy 8 units."

"Are you kidding me?" Zhang Qian frowned and looked at Luo Rongning, beating her to death and believing it would be such a coincidence.

Luo Yuning shrugged, spread his hands and said, "I knew you wouldn't believe me if I told you, so I made it clear in advance that I'm telling you the truth."

"No, Luo Zi! You really want to buy sweepers in the scenic spot, and you want to buy 8 sweepers at once?"

Zhang Qian was delighted when she saw Luo Yuning's serious face.

She and Luo Rongning have known each other for five or six years now, and they know each other well.

She knew that Luo Rongning was not the kind of person who would casually make jokes without knowing the importance.

Judging by the way Luo Rongning spoke, it is estimated that the scenic spot is really planning to buy a sweeper.


Thinking of the price of Sun Xiaowei's batch of purely imported sweeping vehicles from country D.

Zhang Qian herself felt that it was not suitable, and the cost performance was not high.

"Forget Luo Zi..." Zhang Qian waved her hand and said, "It's too expensive, my uncle's sweeper is too expensive, buying one from him is enough to buy two or three similar domestically produced ones.

Even if you really want to buy it, I suggest you go to another place to have a look!It doesn't have to be that expensive. "

"It's very necessary!" Luo Rongning had an idea in a flash of light in his mind, and said, "Our scenic spot is preparing to be re-rated.

The environmental protection equipment in the scenic area accounts for a large proportion, so we thought about buying sweepers. "

"We also have very high requirements for sweeping vehicles. Firstly, they must suppress dust, and secondly, they must be low-noise, so as not to affect tourists' visits."

"Our principle is, either don't buy it, or buy it if you want it! It is difficult for our domestic sweeping vehicles to meet the requirements of our scenic spots."

"Originally, we also planned to buy a purely imported sweeper. As for the price of the sweeper..."

"Within 10, we can all accept it."

Zhang Qian was taken aback by Luo Yuning's serious nonsense.

"Luo Zi, are you serious? Are you kidding?" Zhang Qian still couldn't believe it.

Luo Rongning nodded and said, "Of course, very seriously."

"This is really..." Zhang Qian said with a smile, "It's really a coincidence that her mother opened the door for Qiao, and Qiao is home!"

Luo Rongning echoed with a smile: "Yes, it happened to be home."

"I'll call my uncle right now!"

After Zhang Qian confirmed that Luo Yuning was not joking with her, she couldn't help but want to share the good news with her uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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