My place is on fire

Chapter 167 Crying Babies Have Milk! (Happy New Year's Eve! Please subscribe!)

Chapter 167 Crying Babies Have Milk! (Happy New Year's Eve! Please subscribe!)
Luo Rongning hung up the call with Shui Miaomiao and glanced at the time displayed on the phone.

It's only 5:[-] in the morning.

"Grandma, don't let me find out who did it."

Luo Rongning cursed and began to get dressed.

Although very reluctant, but also had to get up early.

Kick on the slippers, go to the bathroom to wash up, and change into a casual suit.

After going downstairs, I didn't even feel like eating breakfast, so I drove straight to the scenic spot.

There is also an advantage to going to work early in the morning.

There are only a few cars on the road, and the road is unimpeded.

After driving in the urban area for about 5 minutes, Cayenne got on the Shiwan Expressway to Wanshan County.

There are fewer cars on the highway, just like the special lane for Cayenne, and you can’t see a car after driving for half a day.

It took half an hour for Luo Yuning to come from the bed in Tianyuan Community to the small road outside Luojiazhuang Village.

Today is the first day of November, so it is already late autumn.

At 6:[-] in the morning, the sky is still not bright, and today's weather is a little cloudy, and the vision is still a little dim.

From a distance, Luo Yunning could see many people standing by the side of the road.

When I got closer, I saw that it was Shui Miaomiao, Liang Dingxiang and other leaders of the scenic spots.

There are also several village cadres from the Luojiazhuang Village Committee.

Luo Rongning stabilized the car and pushed the door to get off.

"Boss Luo, you are here."

"Boss Luo has worked hard on the road."

When Luo Rongning got out of the car, a group of people surrounded him with a clatter, saying hello to him in a hurry, full of cards.

Several leaders of the scenic spot are from Luojiazhuang, and they all live in the village.

As soon as the few people heard that something had happened, they followed without saying a word.

Several village cadres are also family members of the leaders of the scenic spot, and naturally they are all focused on the scenic spot.

Under Luo Haifeng's call, they all assembled urgently.

In Luo Haifeng's words, it means brainstorming and teamwork.

"Good morning everyone, thank you for your hard work."

Luo Rongning nodded slightly, responding to everyone's greetings.

"Boss, I'm sorry... I can't handle such a small matter."

Shui Miaomiao lowered her eyes and stepped forward to say hello to Luo Rongning.

As the vice president of the scenic spot, she couldn't share her worries about the total. She felt that her work was not in place.

Extremely inadequate!
The boss gave me a salary of more than 8 yuan a month, and I couldn't even do this well.

It shouldn't be.

"I don't blame you for this. You can only be a thief for a thousand days. There is no reason to guard against thieves for a thousand days."

Luo Rongning comforted Shui Miaomiao and looked at the "accident scene".

Two thigh-thick utility poles lay across the path.

The section of the utility pole looked like it had been smashed with a blunt object.

There are also colorful wires scattered on the ground at the accident scene.

Judging from the situation at the accident scene, it is [-]% man-made.

Specifically what to do, the first object of Luo Yuning's suspicion is Luo Dayong's gang.

However, it remains to be verified whether it is them or not.

"I measured it with a pencil just now, and these wires are all charged."

Luo Haifeng stepped forward and said to Luo Rongning: "If there were no these wires, our brothers would have moved the poles away, and the trouble would be these live wires."

Luo Yuning turned to look at Luo Haifeng and asked, "I remember that there is a 24-hour emergency repair service at the power supply bureau?"

"Hi! They said it was a 24-hour emergency repair, but they turned it down with any excuse!"

Luo Haifeng said with a look of displeasure: "It was only around 5 o'clock when we discovered the accident.

After discovering the accident, he immediately called the department that repaired the line.

As soon as the man answered the phone, he said that he was working elsewhere and he would not come to our place until eight or nine o'clock. "

The accountant Luo Erhe said angrily, "Then where is the grandson fooling the ghost! I can't hear the grandson's speech, so I must have not woken up yet!"

Luo Yuning asked again: "Where is the electrician in charge of our village's wiring? He won't come either?"

With the popularization of smart meters in recent years, it is no longer necessary to read the meters one by one, so the number of electricians in the village has also been reduced a lot.

Here in Luojiazhuang, several villages share one electrician.

Luo Haifeng said: "Yang Fabao's grandson said he was not at home and went to visit relatives at the eldest daughter's house in the city, and he will not be here until morning."

"What a coincidence!" Luo Rongning smiled, feeling that the coincidence was a bit too much.

The 24-hour rush to repair the phone made excuses and could not come, and the electrician in charge of the village line happened to be away.

If you continue to wait, I really don't know when you will have to wait, and traffic jams are foreseeable later.

"Do it yourself and have enough food and clothing. If you want me to say, let's do it ourselves!"

Luo Haifeng gritted his teeth and said, "I'll go find some insulated gloves and insulated shoes. Everyone should protect themselves, and there should be no problem."

"Yes! Let's do it ourselves! We can't affect the business of the scenic spot because of this!"

"Count me in! I have insulated shoes and insulated gloves at home. I'll go home and get them!"

After Luo Heishan finished speaking, he turned around and went home to get his things.

"Count me in!"

"And I!"

"And I!"

A group of leaders of the scenic spot and cadres of the village committee present had something to do, and one by one came forward to clean up the scene.

"I understand everyone's intentions, but we can't act recklessly." Luo Rongning waved his hand and stopped him, "Everyone, don't be impatient, I will think of a way."

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what.

None of the people present were professional electricians.

Luo Rongning was really worried that something would happen, so it wouldn't be worth it.

Even if it was a day's delay in business, he didn't want to call anyone because he repaired the line privately.

Electricity is something you can't see, but you can touch it.

It is best to have it repaired by professionals.

Luo Yuning was quite good at speaking in Luojiazhuang. After hearing his words, everyone immediately quieted down and listened to his orders.

Stretching out his hand to take out his mobile phone from his pocket, the first thing that came to Luo Rongning's mind was Dong Haiqing, Dong Xiangchang.

As the saying goes, it's better to be in charge of the county magistrate now, and Dong Haiqing is the boss of Beiqi Township, so you can go to him if you have anything to do.

It has not been a few days since Luo Rongning donated the 150 million yuan for building a house to the village, so the money cannot be spent in vain.

Thinking of this, Luo Yuning turned around and walked aside, found Dong Haiqing's phone and dialed it.

beep beep... beep beep...

The phone rang for almost ten seconds before it was connected.

Dong Haiqing's voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

"Xiao Luo? So early? What's the matter?"

Although he didn't know why Luo Rongning was looking for him, Dong Haiqing was keenly aware that there must be something wrong with him looking for him.

The relationship between the two is not good enough to call each other early in the morning to say good morning.

Luo Rongning smiled and said politely to Dong Haiqing: "Did you disturb the mayor Dong's rest?"

When Dong Haiqing heard Luo Rongning's tone of voice, he thought that it must not be a big deal, and his tone of voice suddenly became much lighter.

"You kid just can't remember, how many times have you said, call me Lao Dong, why have you separated from me after a few days?"

Luo Rongning was really not used to addressing Dong Haiqing for a while:

"Ahem... so old Dong, I have encountered some troubles in the scenic area, and I want to ask you to help me."

Dong Haiqing nodded and said, "What's the matter, tell me, I'm listening."

"It should have been last night. I don't know who broke the electric pole on the road leading to our scenic spot, and all kinds of wires were scattered all over the place..."

Luo Rongning told Dong Haiqing about the circuit accident at the entrance of Luo Rongning's village.

"There is such a thing!" Dong Haiqing frowned after listening to Luo Yuning's narration, feeling a little angry in his heart.

Dong Haiqing is an upright person. What he dislikes the most is the kind of organization or individual who is behind the scenes and engages in malicious competition.

Listening to what Luo Rongning just described, it is obvious that someone is maliciously sabotaging and engaging in unfair competition.

"A similar accident happened some time ago. Someone continued to block the road of our scenic spot in the name of repairing the pipeline."

"It is precisely to avoid such things in the future, so the board of directors of our scenic spot held a meeting and decided to build a landscape avenue of our own."

"This landscape avenue hasn't been repaired yet. I didn't expect another accident that was worse than before."

"Our staff called the power supply station, but the other party ignored us and repeatedly shirked..."

As the saying goes, a crying child gets milk.

Taking advantage of today's opportunity, Luo Rongning confided to Dong Haiqing the "unfair treatment" encountered in the scenic spot.

"It's outrageous! It's outrageous! These people are so presumptuous!"

Dong Haiqing was very angry after listening to Luo Yuning's complaint, extremely angry!

"Xiao Luo, don't worry, I will ask the police station to assist in a thorough investigation of this matter!"

"Be sure to find out the bad guys behind it, and give your scenic spot justice."

"Also, I'll call the power station right away! If they dare to delay, I won't spare them!"

A special unit like the power supply station belongs to dual leadership.

Although Dong Haiqing, the mayor of the township, cannot manage the director of the power supply station in business, he can manage it administratively.

Therefore, the director of the power supply station has always been extremely polite to Dong Haiqing.

After all, Dong Haiqing is the boss of Beiqi Township.

As long as he was messing around in the territory of Beiqi Township, everyone would have to sell his face.

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Luo Yuning said with a smile: "Then there is Lao Dong...then there is Lao Dong, I will treat you to dinner another day."

"Let's not talk about eating, I'll find someone to solve this matter for you, first of all, hang up."

Dong Haiqing has always been a vigorous and resolute style of handling affairs. After finishing a sentence, he hung up the phone without waiting for Luo Rongning to respond.

After hanging up the call with Luo Rongning, Dong Haiqing found Wang Yishan's number in the phone's address book, where the power supply station of Beiqi Township was located, and dialed it.

beep beep... beep beep...

The phone rang for a while before it was connected, and Wang Yishan's flattered voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Major Dong! I'm really sorry, I really didn't expect to receive your call so early!"

It was just past six o'clock in the morning, and most of the people were still asleep.

Dong Haiqing didn't blame Wang Yishan for being slow in answering the phone, it was completely understandable, so he went straight to the point:

"Yishan, I have some urgent matters here and I need you to supervise them for me."

Wang Yishan said bluntly: "Major Dong is very polite, just say what you want!"

In Wang Yishan's mind, since Dong Haiqing found him, this matter must be within his ability, so he didn't shirk it.

"It's like this..." Dong Haiqing relayed to Wang Yishan the incident of the destruction of the electrical circuit at the entrance of Luojiazhuang Village, and solemnly explained:

"The Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area is a key enterprise in our Beiqi Township, and no mistakes are allowed! I will personally supervise this matter!
Even if the line is repaired, I still have to call Director Zhao and ask him to investigate thoroughly!
If anyone finds out who did the good deed, he will be punished severely! "

Wang Yishan heard the anger in Dong Haiqing's words, and he didn't dare to shirk:
"Major Dong, don't worry, I'll call the team leader in charge of repairing the circuit right away."

Dong Haiqing softened his tone, and said: "The sooner the better, send someone there quickly! Don't affect the business of the scenic spot, and call me after the clearing is complete."

After the two finished speaking, they hung up the phone, and it was as if Wang Yishan had taken over the "baton" from Dong Haiqing.

Dang even found Zhang Dong, the team leader of the emergency line repair team, on his mobile phone and called him.

beep beep... beep beep...

The phone rang for a while before connecting.

"Wang Suo, it's so early!"

Zhang Dong's reaction after receiving Wang Yishan's call was the same as Wang Yishan's reaction when he received Dong Haiqing's call just now.

There is even more than that.

Wang Yishan didn't bother to chat with Zhang Dong, so he went straight to the point and said, "Zhang Dong, you immediately, immediately, immediately take someone to Luojiazhuang to repair the line!"

"Go to Luojiazhuang to repair the line..." Zhang Dong's heart beat faster when he heard the line Wang Yishan mentioned.

When Luo Dayong destroyed the line at the entrance of Luojiazhuang Village last night, Zhang Dong was their internal response at the power station.

Zhang Dong and Luo Dayou are good buddies, they were bribed for a meal and a big health care.

He didn't have to participate in it himself, he just helped his good buddy pull the power outage for a few minutes.

So it's not a big deal to him.

As for refusing to wait until work time after receiving a call for emergency repairs, it is a routine operation.

Zhang Dong used to do this often!

Early in the morning, how comfortable the bed is, who is willing to repair the line for you!

As long as it is not a key unit, a key enterprise, or the situation is particularly urgent, Zhang Dong has always used the "dragging formula".

Procrastinate as long as you can, and resolutely do not go to work after get off work.

Wang Yishan also rose from the team leader step by step. Naturally, he knew Zhang Dong's careful thoughts, and solemnly confessed:
"Go now, don't give me any delays, just go there immediately.

Dong Xiangzhang directly called me here. If you can't handle this matter well, don't be the team leader after the Chinese New Year. "

As soon as Zhang Dong heard Wang Yishan's words, he was startled, and hurriedly patted his chest to reassure him: "Don't worry, Wang Suo! I'll go right away and promise to complete the task!"

When Zhang Dong heard that his position was related to whether he could do this job well, he quickly agreed, not daring to delay any longer.

Wang Yishan said: "Hurry up, the sooner the better, call me when you're done, and I have to report the progress to Township Chief Dong."

"Okay Wangsuo, I'll go right away!" Zhang Dong heard that he had to report the situation to the mayor at any time, and he didn't dare to delay.

After finishing the call with Wang Yishan, Zhang Dong called several members of the circuit repair team while getting dressed.

After meeting at the unit, a group of people drove an engineering emergency vehicle straight to Luojiazhuang.

 I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve, family reunion, consummation, health and happiness!
(End of this chapter)

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