My place is on fire

Chapter 159 Impulsive consumption of 150 million!

Chapter 159 Impulsive consumption of 150 million!
Maybe, maybe, probably just really hungry.

Dong Haiqing felt full after eating two servings of dumplings in a row.

"Hic~" Hiccupping his stomach, Dong Haiqing got up and walked to the cashier to pay the bill.

Dong Haiqing pointed to his table and asked, "Big sister, how much is my table?"

Yu Haiyan took a glance and said with a smile:
"A total of 20, may I ask if you want to pay by cash, QR code or Black Dragon card?"

"Black Dragon Card." Dong Haiqing immediately took out a Black Dragon Card with a face value of 30 yuan from his pocket to pay the bill.

After Yu Haiyan took the Black Dragon Card, she swiped it on the credit card machine with a beep.

After operating the computer to deduct 20 yuan, Yu Haiyan held the card in both hands and handed the Black Dragon Card back to Dong Haiqing.

"Thank you for your patronage, welcome to come again next time."

"Definitely, definitely..." After Dong Haiqing took the Black Dragon Card, he gave a thumbs up and praised without hesitation:
"The dumplings in your store are the best dumplings I've ever eaten. If I come back next time, I'll eat two more."

Yu Haiyan smiled politely: "Thank you for your compliment."

After chatting a few words, Dong Haiqing turned around and walked towards the door. He was going to go out and consume all the balance of the Black Dragon Card in his hand.

After leaving the dumpling restaurant, Dong Haiqing went to a nearby pharmacy to buy some cold medicine and antipyretics.

The weather is getting colder and colder, everyone will prepare some medicine.

After buying the medicine, Dong Haiqing went to a shop selling local products and bought some hickory nuts.

He kept buying, buying, and buying a lot of things, and only then did he spend all the Black Dragon Cards in his hand.

"Obviously I'm here for a trip, why does it feel like I've come to the wholesale market to buy?"

Dong Haiqing looked at the big and small bags in his hand, and couldn't help but be a little bit dumbfounded.

Putting the large and small packages into the trunk, Dong Haiqing raised his hand and glanced at his watch.

At this moment, I just thought it was 4:[-] in the afternoon, and there was still an hour and a half before the scenic spot got off work.

"It's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, why not meet that Mr. Luo today."

Dong Haiqing thought about it and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. Just as he was about to make a call, he suddenly heard someone calling himself behind him.

"Major Dong! Are you ready to go home?"

When Dong Haiqing turned his head, he was immediately happy when he saw the person coming.

Coincidentally, just as he was about to call Luo Haifeng, Luo Haifeng came over by himself.

"Haifeng, you came just in time. I just wanted to call you."

Dong Haiqing greeted Luo Haifeng with a smile, and said straight to the point: "You know Mr. Luo's phone number, right?

You ask him if he is free now, I want to meet him. "

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll call Boss Ronaldinho right away!"

Luo Haifeng didn't dare to neglect, he quickly took out his mobile phone, found Luo Rongning's number and dialed it.


Heilong Mountain Scenic Area.

In the general manager's office.

When Luo Rongning received the call from Luo Haifeng, he was checking how much money was in his charity account.

"148 million!"

However, Luo Rongning could not dispose of this money at will, it could only be used for donation or charity purposes.

He donated 35 yuan from the previous charity account to the village committee to build a new office.

The current 148 million...

He is thinking about how to spend it.

jingle bell ~ jingle bell ~
Just when Luo Rongning was thinking about how to spend the money, the phone on the desk rang.

He picked up the phone and saw that the name on the caller ID was "Director Haifeng".

Luo Rongning connected the phone with a swipe of his finger, and greeted casually: "Good afternoon, Director Haifeng."

Luo Haifeng's voice sounded from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Luo, good afternoon, are you busy now? Are you free?"

"Not busy, tell me something."

"Mr. Luo, Mr. Dong wants to meet with you. Look..."


After hanging up Luo Haifeng's phone call, Luo Rongning got up and went out, driving straight to the Luojiazhuang Village Committee.

5 p.m. exactly.

Luo Rongning parked the car at the gate of the village committee, opened the door and got off.

"Boss Luo, you're here. Township Chief Dong is inside, and Director Haifeng and the others are talking with you."

Luo Erhe, who was waiting at the door to greet Luo Rongning, hurried forward to greet Luo Rongning after seeing Luo Rongning.

"Yes." Luo Yuning nodded, followed Luo Erhe into the village committee.

"Boss Luo, you are here!"

"Good afternoon, Mr. Luo!"

"Boss Luo has worked hard."

As soon as Luo Yuning entered, several members of the Luojiazhuang Village Committee stood up to greet him.

Although he is not a member of the village committee, his prestige in the village committee is absolutely unmatched.

"Mr. Luo, let me introduce you. This is the mayor of Beiqi Township, Dong Haiqing, the mayor of Dong."

"Mr. Dong, this is the general manager of our Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area, Mr. Luo Yuning and Mr. Luo."

Luo Haifeng hurriedly got up to introduce Luo Rongning and Dong Haiqing.

Luo Rongning stepped forward and greeted politely: "Hello Dong Township Chief, I am Luo Rongning."

"Hello, hello, the young man not only does things beautifully, but also looks handsome!"

Dong Haiqing looked Luo Rongning up and down, and greeted him with a smile:

"Don't be too formal, don't need to be nervous, just like meeting friends, talk casually, chat casually."

"Eh..." Luo Yuning smiled bluntly, he was really neither restrained nor nervous.

As the saying goes, no desire is strong.

In Luo Rongning's eyes, Li Guohua, the richest man in the county, is just an old man with some money.

He has no desire or desire for Dong Haiqing, so naturally he will not be nervous.

"Sit down, sit down, everyone, don't stand up, why are you so polite."

Dong Haiqing turned against the guests and greeted everyone from the Luojiazhuang Village Committee to sit down.

Under Luo Haifeng's signal, Luo Rongning sat down on Dong Haiqing's left.

Dong Haiqing turned his head to look at Luo Yuning, and said with a smile, "I am about the same age as your grandfather, do you mind calling you Xiao Luo?"

Luo Yuning smiled and said: "I don't mind, in front of Dong Xiangchang, I am Xiao Luo."

"Xiao Luo, you are very good and wonderful. I visited your scenic spot today and I have a lot of feelings..."

Dong Haiqing, let's go, let's talk about what he saw and heard in the scenic spot from beginning to end today.

After all, he is a big boss who often makes summaries at various meetings, and has rich experience in summarizing and speaking.

Dong Haiqing talked for seven or eight minutes alone, as if talking about cross talk.

Luo Rongning and a group of leading cadres from the village committee were completely flattering, and they just echoed from the sidelines.

"Xiao Luo, if you encounter any problems or difficulties in the operation of the scenic spot in the future, you can call me directly and I will take care of it for you!"

Dong Haiqing finally patted Luo Rongning on the shoulder and said earnestly: "Your scenic spot is willing to contribute to the economic revitalization of our township.

Our village should also escort your scenic spots as a matter of course. "

Everyone looked at each other after listening to Dong Haiqing's words, and they could feel the importance he attached to the scenic spot from Dong Haiqing's words.

"Thank you Dong Xiang, you have helped our scenic spot a lot."

Luo Yuning nodded with a smile, with a calm expression: "This time we are planning the landscape avenue project in our scenic spot, thanks to Dong Xiangchang's help. Otherwise, we don't know when we will start construction."

Luo Haifeng also echoed, "This time, I'm really thankful to Township Chief Dong for supporting our Luojiazhuang Village Committee and the work of our scenic spot."

"By the way, Xiao Luo, when it comes to your landscape avenue, it will cost a lot of money to build the road, right?"

Dong Haiqing changed the subject, looked at Luo Yuning and asked concerned: "Is there any difficulty in funding for road construction? Although the village can't help your scenic spot in terms of money.

But if you need a loan or something, I can say hi to you.I am an old acquaintance with President Dong of our ICBC sub-branch in Wanshan County, so he has some right to speak. "

After hearing Dong Haiqing's words, the village committee members were surprised again.

Luo Yuning didn't know the relationship between Dong Haiqing and the president of the Wanshan County Industrial and Commercial Bank Branch, but Luo Haifeng and his gang knew about it.

Dong Haiqing and Dong Xiaorui are uncles and brothers, and Dong Haiqing's words at the branch really work.

Several members of the village committee thought at the same time: "It seems that Dong Xiang also attaches great importance to Mr. Luo!"

Luo Yuning smiled slightly, with a look of flattery: "Thank you, Township Chief Dong, for your concern, the funds for Landscape Avenue have been put in place.

The construction team for road repair has also been contacted, and the construction can start immediately after all the procedures are approved. "

Dong Haiqing laughed and said, "Okay, okay! Just as long as there is no problem.

The repair of this landscape is a good thing for our scenic spot and the villages around our scenic spot. "

Luo Haifeng and others echoed from the side: "Yes, yes, yes, if you want to be rich, you have to have more children and build more roads!"

"If the landscape avenue is repaired this time, the convenience of transportation will not belong to the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area next door at all."

While chatting, the topic came to the old rival Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area.

"This time, our Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area finally felt proud under the leadership of Mr. Luo!"

"I also went to see the Wishing Pool in Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area. To be honest, it is not at the same level as the Wishing Pool in our scenic spot."

"The difference is not a star and a half, the difference between the sky and the earth."

Luo Haifeng finally said: "I hope that our Heilong Mountain Scenic Spot can become a big scenic spot like Baiyun Mountain Scenic Spot one day!"

After Luo Haifeng finished speaking, everyone turned their heads to look at Luo Rongning.

Even Dong Haiqing looked at Luo Rongning curiously, wanting to hear his attitude.

Although the Niangniang Temple, Yujingxuan and Wishing Pool in the Heilongshan Scenic Area are very unique and beautiful.

Even, the shape and specifications of the Wishing Pool far exceed the scenic spot of the same name in Baiyun Mountain next door.

But... Objectively speaking, there is still a huge gap between the two scenic spots.

The Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area has an investment of several billion, accepts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year, and pays tens of millions of taxes every year.

The Baiyun Mountain Scenic Spot also greatly promotes the economic development of the entire Baiyun Town.

If the Heilongshan Scenic Area wants to fully surpass the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, it has a long way to go.

Luo Yuning said confidently: "In the future, our Heilong Mountain scenic spot will definitely surpass Baiyun Mountain and become the number one scenic spot in Wanshan County."

[Super Scenic Spot System] is the biggest reliance of Luo Rongning, and it will be a matter of time before it surpasses the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Spot.

"Beyond Baiyun Mountain..."

Everyone was taken aback by Luo Rongning's bold words, they really didn't dare to think so.

In their cognition, it would be unnatural for the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area to develop into the same scale as Baiyun Mountain.

"Okay! Young people must dare to think and do! I like you, Xiao Luo!"

Dong Haiqing praised with a smile, then changed the topic and said: "I still say that, if you have difficulties, go to the village.

As long as it is a matter of the scenic spot, I will personally go and supervise it for you! "

Luo Yuning sincerely thanked: "Thank you Dong Xiangchang for your concern and support."

"The better the development of your scenic spots, the greatest support for my work."

Dong Haiqing said with a smile: "If you support me so much, of course I will support you too. Give me peaches and give me back!"

Although it was the first time meeting Dong Haiqing, the contact time between the two was only about an hour.

But from his words and deeds, Luo Rongning felt that the village head was easy to get along with and had a good impression of him.

"Throw it with peaches, and return it with plums...Since this is the case." A flash of inspiration flashed in Luo Rongning's mind, and he found a place to spend the 148 million in his charity account.

Luo Yuning looked up at Dong Haiqing and said, "Major Dong, our scenic spot wants to donate a sum of money to our township. Look..."

"Donate money to the village? I am very pleased that Xiao Luo has such thoughts, but... I advise you to think about it again!"

Dong Haiqing asked with concern: "Isn't your scenic spot going to build a landscape avenue soon? A project of several million is not a small amount.

Now is the time for your scenic spot to spend money. The village can't help you much, so why do you have the nerve to ask for money from your scenic spot? "

Luo Yuning smiled and said: "Our scenic spot is well-funded, and it is my heart to donate money to the village."

"Really think about it? Do you really want to donate?" Dong Haiqing said with a smile, "Don't just because I said a few good things to your scenic spots here, you have to donate money to the village. Impulsive consumption is not allowed."

"Haha... Township Chief Dong is really humorous." When Dong Haiqing called Luo Rongning's donation to the township an "impulsive consumption", everyone laughed cooperatively.

Luo Rongning also smiled and said, "I really thought about it. It's not an impulsive consumption. I've wanted to donate this money for a long time."

"Oh? Then how much are you going to donate to the village? For what purpose?"

Everyone who should be persuaded has been persuaded, and Dong Haiqing's focus has shifted to this donation.

Beiqi Township rarely receives donations from the public.

The last donation was the old Jetta donated by Luo Yuning's grandfather, Luo Yuanshan, to the village more than ten years ago.

Of course, at that time, the old Jetta was not the old Jetta, it was the new Jetta.

From the standpoint of the township head, Dong Haiqing naturally would not refuse someone to donate to the township.

This is good news for the country.

After all, as a poor township, there are many places where money is needed.

Luo Yuning said: "After discussion with the leadership team of our scenic spot, we decided to donate... 150 million to the village."

Luo Yuning felt that the 148 million in the charity account was a lot of odds and ends, which sounded awkward, so he simply added another 2 to make up the whole number.

" much?" Dong Haiqing thought he had heard the number wrong after hearing the number in Luo Rongning's mouth, and looked at Luo Rongning in surprise.

As the head of a poor township, Dong Haiqing, the head of the township, has never had access to such a large amount of funds.

A group of people from the village committee were not as surprised as Dong Haiqing.

At this moment, every job index in the scenic spot has been fired to 10 yuan.

150 million is nothing more than 15 work indicators, which is drizzle for Mr. Luo!
Just today, Luo Yuning issued a work quota to each of the 20 employees in the scenic spot.

Isn't this more than 200 million!

Luo Rongning smiled and repeated.

After all, Dong Haiqing was the head of the village, and he quickly recovered from the shock and asked, "What is the purpose of this money?"

Luo Yuning said, "Build an office building."

Dong Haiqing was very moved after hearing Luo Yuning's words.

The offices in Beiqi Township had wind leaks in winter and rain leaks in summer, causing the roof to burn back every now and then.

It's time for a new one!

Dong Haiqing wants to build a new office building more than anyone else.

He applied to his superiors every year, and was rejected by the superiors every year on the grounds of financial constraints.

(End of this chapter)

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