My place is on fire

Chapter 148 The chicken soup is not in vain! (Please subscribe.)

Chapter 148 The chicken soup is not in vain! (Please subscribe.)



All the way home in the rain, Luo Haifeng caught a cold successfully.

This also strengthened his idea of ​​buying a car.

"I have to buy a car. Isn't buying a car these days just like buying a mobile phone more than ten years ago!"

"Sneeze!" Another sneeze, and the snot came out.

Luo Haifeng reached out and tore off a piece of toilet paper to wipe his nose, and casually put the toilet paper on the dressing table after wiping his nose.

Then I started to take off my pants and prepared to change my wet clothes.

Just halfway down the trousers, the door opened with a creak.

Liang Dingxiang came in from the outside wiping her hair with a towel.

"Haifeng, you..."

As soon as Liang Dingxiang entered the door, she saw Luo Haifeng's half-faded trousers, and then looked at the toilet paper on the table for wiping his nose,

"Damn! What are you doing! You're an adult, don't be ashamed! Put on your pants quickly."

Liang Dingxiang gave her husband a shy look.

"I... what can I do? Change clothes."

Luo Haifeng spoke with a nasal voice, and explained:

"In the afternoon, I went to the village to do errands for Mr. Luo.

Isn't it raining? It's all wet. "

"Oh, I thought you..."

Liang Dingxiang covered her mouth and smiled, before finishing the rest, she turned around and opened the closet to find a cotton shirt and fleece pants for Luo Haifeng and threw them to him.

Luo Haifeng wiped his body with a towel, put on dry clothes, and instantly felt much warmer.

"Leader, shall I discuss something with you?"

After Luo Haifeng changed his clothes, he went out and joined Liang Dingxiang who was sitting on the sofa in the living room watching TV, with a flattering expression on his face.

Since Liang Dingxiang became the director of the cleaning department of the scenic spot, Luo Haifeng called her "leader".

The economic base determines the superstructure, and whoever makes more money in the family is the leader.

No problem.

The treatment of village cadres is directly related to the local economy. The salaries of village cadres in areas with prosperous economic development are relatively high, while the salaries of village cadres in areas with backward economic development are relatively low.

In a remote mountain village like Luojiazhuang, the secretary and director are shoulder-to-shoulder, and the apparent salary is only 2000 yuan.

Liang Dingxiang's monthly guaranteed salary is more than three times that of Luo Haifeng.

If you include the big red envelopes and bonuses that Luo Yuning gave out every now and then, her salary alone would be equivalent to Luo Haifeng's half a year's work.

Right now, Liang Dingxiang is the well-deserved leader of the family.

Liang Dingxiang turned her head to look at Luo Haifeng, and couldn't help but said, "Speak."

Luo Haifeng cautiously probed: "Look, our it time to buy a car?"

"Buy a car?" Liang Dingxiang frowned slightly, "Why do you remember being here again.

Both of us are in the village, and we don’t go far all year round. Why don’t we buy a car and put it at home? "

"You can't say that, leader! If you don't buy it, you won't need it. If you buy it, you can use it. You won't let it eat ashes."

Luo Haifeng moved forward again, next to Liang Dingxiang's body, and said flatteringly:

"Furthermore, the two of us are now well-known figures in Luojiazhuang.

You are the director of the scenic spot, and I am the secretary and director of our Luojiazhuang.

Everyone else has bought a car, our family can't fall behind, and we can't make people laugh. "

"Tch, you've only been a secretary for a few days, and you're starting to lose face."

Liang Dingxiang cut it and said, "Why don't I buy you an old man too? Luo Zhiqiang will drive that."

Luo Haifeng said with a look on his face: "Who is he, Luo Zhiqiang? Can he compare with ours! It must be better than his."

"Furthermore, after buying a car, I will be able to drive my daughter to pick her up during winter and summer vacations. I don't have to take the train or the shuttle bus anymore."

"When we go to your house during the Spring Festival, let's drive a new car. Doesn't this also make you look good?"

Luo Haifeng talked about a lot of benefits of owning a car, and Liang Dingxiang was a little moved by what he said.

"But...our family doesn't have enough money to buy a car!"

Liang Dingxiang is in charge of the family's money, and she knows best how much money the family has.

All the savings of the couple's first half of their lives were used to build a house and support their daughter's schooling. Now they only have a regular passbook of 5 yuan in their hands.

"Ahem..." Luo Haifeng looked out the window with some guilt, then turned to look at Liang Dingxiang and said, "This is the leader, today President Luo gave me 10 yuan..."

Luo Haifeng told Liang Dingxiang everything about how Luo Rongning gave him the money and the purpose of giving him the money.

"When he gave me the money, Mr. Luo also said that the excess is mine, and if there is less, I will ask him for it."

"Today, I didn't spend a penny to help Boss Luo get things done, so this money..."

Although Luo Haifeng didn't say it clearly, the meaning he expressed was very clear.

This matter is known by heaven, earth, him, Liang Dingxiang, and no one else.

No one would say anything about the money Luo Rongning gave him even if he put it in his pocket.

10 yuan is still very tempting for a rural family.

There is no one in this world who doesn't like money.

Luo Haifeng likes it, and so does Liang Dingxiang.

Based on Luo Haifeng's understanding of her "leadership", she should have no objection to taking the money.

The 10 yuan has already entered his pocket, like a duck in his mouth, and there is absolutely no reason to spit it out again.

To Luo Haifeng's surprise...

Liang Dingxiang stood up from the sofa after listening to Luo Haifeng's narration!
"Luo Haifeng! How dare you!"

"You have to do something that I'm sorry to Mr. Luo! I'm divorcing you!"

Liang Dingxiang looked at Luo Haifeng angrily, she was really angry.

Luo Rongning poured chicken soup on her every now and then, but it was not in vain.

At the critical moment, she really stood by Luo Rongning.

"Ah?" Luo Haifeng was taken aback by Liang Dingxiang's violent reaction, and also stood up from the sofa.

"Luo Haifeng! Where's your conscience! Has your conscience been eaten by dogs!"

Liang Dingxiang reached out and touched Luo Haifeng's heart, angrily said:
"Don't forget! How did you get your secretary! How did I get my director!
Boss Luo is so kind to our family, you actually want to steal his money!Are you still human!
Without Mr. Luo, I still have to work hard in the textile factory day and night.

Without Mr. Luo, I would only earn more than 2000 yuan a month after working so hard.

Without Mr. Luo, without scenic spots, where would our family be today!
The money of the pit boss is the money of the pit scenic spot, and the money of pitting me, Liang Dingxiang!
10 yuan and me, you choose one! "

Liang Dingxiang stretched out her hand and turned her head to look away, her chest hurting with anger.

Compared with President Luo's charisma, 10 yuan is nothing at all!
As one of Luo Rongning's loyal followers, Liang Dingxiang's stand was extremely firm.

Even if someone gives her 100 million, 1000 million, don't make her do anything wrong to Luo Rongning!
A gentleman loves money and obtains it in a proper way, and a scholar dies for his confidant!

Luo Haifeng looked at the furious leader with a mask on his face.

Is this... still my daughter-in-law who loves petty gain?
Since becoming the director of the cleaning department of the scenic spot, the ideological consciousness of the leaders seems to be getting higher and higher.

"Leader, don't... don't be angry, I was wrong, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again."

Seeing that his leader was really angry, Luo Haifeng hurriedly explained:
"Aren't I just asking you for instructions? If I really want to rob Mr. Luo of this money, I won't tell you.

Wouldn't it be better to secretly put it in your own pocket as private money? "

"You still have some conscience!" Liang Dingxiang looked at Luo Haifeng with an angry face and said:

"I'm not joking with you. If one day you dare to do something wrong to Mr. Luo, I will really divorce you!"

"No, no, absolutely not! The leader puts a hundred hearts, a thousand hearts!"

Luo Haifeng hurriedly promised: "If I dare to do something wrong to Mr. Luo, I will not be allowed..."

"Okay, stop talking, it's unlucky." Liang Dingxiang blocked Luo Haifeng's mouth with his hand before he could finish speaking.

Luo Haifeng said with a silly smile: "It's still my family leader who loves me..."

"Stop talking nonsense, bring the money, and I'll return it to Mr. Luo."

Liang Dingxiang gave Luo Haifeng a blank look, and reached out to him again.

Luo Haifeng said: "It's in my phone, I'll transfer it to you right now."

After Luo Haifeng finished speaking, he went back to the house and took out his mobile phone, and transferred 10 yuan to Liang Dingxiang.

10 yuan and his wife, Luo Haifeng chose the latter without hesitation.

If he chooses 10 yuan...

First, the wife is gone.

After decades of husband and wife, he could tell whether Liang Dingxiang was joking with him or really angry.

This time I was definitely really angry.

The relationship between the husband and wife has never been as tense as it is today.

Secondly, Liang Dingxiang brought this matter to Luo Rongning for him, and he, the newly appointed secretary, was done.

Luo Haifeng knew in his heart that this was his only and correct choice.

"Don't offend Mr. Luo...Think about your predecessor, Luo Zhiqiang!"

"Don't think about plotting Mr. Luo... think about Luo Dayong!"

"I'm so confused, how could I think of plotting against Mr. Luo! Fortunately, the leader woke me up by scolding me!"

After being reprimanded by Liang Dingxiang, Luo Haifeng suddenly woke up like a blow to the head.

The villain with devil horns in his mind disappeared without a trace in an instant.

At this moment, although he lost 10 yuan, Luo Haifeng felt that his personality had been sublimated.

More meaningful than getting 10 bucks!
【Ding!Alipay accounted for 10 yuan! 】

After hearing the incoming text message, Liang Dingxiang didn't say anything, found Luo Rongning's Alipay account and transferred it back to him.

jingle bell ~ jingle bell ~
Liang Dingxiang had just finished transferring the money to Luo Rongning when the cell phone rang in her hand.

"Yes... President Luo is calling."

As soon as Liang Dingxiang raised her hand, she saw that the remark name on the caller ID was "Dear Mr. Luo" and quickly connected the call.

"Good evening, Mr. Luo, are you home yet?"

After answering Luo Rongning's call, Liang Dingxiang changed her mood instantly and greeted her with a smile.

"You said this money, this is the money you gave Haifeng this afternoon..."

"After the township head heard about our scenic spot, he readily agreed to do it without spending a penny."

"Ah? What! No, no, no, this can't be done!"

"Mr. Luo, how grateful are you for calling me and Haifeng like that!"

"Mr. Luo, I... I won't say anything!"

"I, Liang Dingxiang, have lived most of my life, and following you is considered to be the right person. You can watch my performance from now on!"

"Okay, Mr. Luo, you are busy, so hang up."

During the conversation between Liang Dingxiang and Luo Yuning, her eyes became more and more red.

Hanging up the phone, she threw herself into Luo Haifeng's arms with a whimper and burst into tears.

"Leader, what's the matter, this is, don't scare me..."

After decades of marriage, it was the first time for Luo Haifeng that Liang Dingxiang lost his composure, and he was in a hurry, not knowing how to coax and persuade her.

"Woooooo... Boss Luo is really, really, very kind to our family."

Liang Dingxiang's eyes were red from crying, and she looked at Luo Haifeng tearfully and said, "Haifeng, promise me that we will never do anything wrong to Mr. Luo in the future."

"All right, all right, I promise, I promise." Although Luo Haifeng was a little confused, he hurriedly agreed.

【Ding!Alipay accounted for 10 yuan! 】

Just as Luo Haifeng finished his sentence, Liang Dingxiang's phone rang again for an account information.

Moreover, it is 10 yuan!
"This is..." Luo Haifeng looked at Liang Dingxiang in astonishment, and his face was confused.

While unlocking the phone, Liang Dingxiang said with a moved face, "Boss Luo transferred the money back again."

"Ah? This is..." Luo Haifeng felt that his brain was not enough.

In half a day's work, the 10 yuan went back and forth several times.

In the end, it was transferred back to the leadership of the family.

Liang Dingxiang unlocked the phone, opened Alipay and checked her account balance: 106588.

Speaking of which, the more than 10 yuan was all given by Luo Rongning.

10 was just transferred, and 6588 was snatched by Liang Dingxiang from the big red envelope sent by Luo Yuning.

After Liang Dingxiang confirmed her account balance, she looked up at Luo Haifeng and said:

"When Mr. Luo came home this afternoon, he saw you riding a bicycle in the rain.

Mr. Luo said, you are also the secretary of a village now.

In the future, if I want to take charge of the work in the village, I will inevitably have to go to the village for meetings.

Seeing that winter is coming, the weather is getting colder and colder, so...

Mr. Luo said let us use the 10 yuan to buy a car. "

Liang Dingxiang told Luo Haifeng the content of her conversation with Luo Rongning.

Luo Haifeng, an old man, couldn't hold back his red eyes after hearing Luo Rongning's words, his eyes were full of hot tears.

The weather is getting colder and colder. When you go out, your parents will ask you if you are cold and tell you to wear more clothes and cotton gloves.

Mr. Luo directly sent money to himself to buy a car!

"I...I'm so sorry for Mr. Luo! I'm not human! How can I think about Mr. Luo's money!"

Luo Haifeng gritted his teeth, and slapped himself hard on the face a few times.

Impressed, extremely moved!

Growing up so big, Luo Haifeng has never been so moved like this moment!

"Daughter-in-law, you are right, Mr. Luo is so kind to our family!"

"Treat me like a gentleman of the country, even if I go through fire and water for Mr. Luo from now on, I will not hesitate!"

At this moment, Luo Haifeng was also deeply moved by Luo Rongning's personality charm.

Like Liang Dingxiang, he also joined the ranks of Luo Rongning's diehard loyalists.

Tianyuan Community, Building 79, Room 1002.

After taking a shower, Luo Rongning sat on the big sofa in the living room and turned on the system to take a look at today's business status.

Bixia Yuanjun Niangniang Temple, plus the Wishing Pool, the two scenic spots cost 1198569 yuan, which is about 120 million!
"120 million a day!"

Luo Rongning's operating system withdrew 120 million to his bank card account.

[Industrial and Commercial Bank of China]: Dear savings card customer, your account ending in 999 has received a transfer of 1198569 yuan from other banks, and the current balance is 22568974.68 yuan.

This money does not include the 1000 million in the Wanshan County branch card.

When you have no money, you feel that money is very important, extremely important.

A penny beats a hero!

When assets reach tens of millions, money becomes a number for Luo Rongning.

a tool.

Using 10 yuan to buy people's hearts, Luo Rongning felt that it was a good deal.

 Thank you, Origin, Destruction, Destiny, Dark Wind 1988 two big bosses for their rewards, thank you Yanzu Yu Yan Guanxi for your subscription and support.

(End of this chapter)

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