My place is on fire

Chapter 1027: Huge rewards!

Click, click, click—!

A series of cracking sounds suddenly occurred, and the bones in the giant soft-bone rabbit's body were also aged faster by Luo Xuning, becoming fragile.

The aged bones can no longer support its current body.

The giant soft-boned rabbit was like a pile of building blocks that were kicked by a naughty child and began to collapse rapidly!
In less than a minute, the giant soft-boned rabbit that was so ferocious just now turned into a pile of shapeless flesh and bones on the ground.

Its bones have become brittle, its skin has ulcerated, its blood has dried up, and its organs have failed...

[Ding! Congratulations on killing the Soft Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy clone and earning 10 points! ]

[Ding! Congratulations on helping to kill the copy of the Soft Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy and earning 5 points! ]

Almost at the same time, a prompt message popped up in the void in front of Luo Xuning and Luo Li.

As the main force who killed the soft-bone rabbit, Luo Xuning directly obtained 10 points!
Although Lori didn't contribute much, she was also considered an auxiliary and also received 5 points!
She really won by doing nothing, it's like she picked up 5 points for free!
Blah, blah, blah--!

The body of the soft-bone rabbit suddenly disappeared from the spot, leaving only a pile of golden items, and in the end there was a huge explosion!
"Boss! We're rich!"

When Lori saw the pile of glittering gold objects on the ground, she was overjoyed and her money-grubber nature was clearly revealed!

"Let's go see what's there."

Luo Xuning was much calmer.

He had seen so many treasures before, and although the reward for the Soft-Bone Rabbit was generous, it was not generous enough to move him.

"Wow! There is actually a top-grade plant spirit! This reward is too generous!"

The moment Lori landed, she saw something extremely familiar. Wasn't this the top-grade plant spirit that her boss had given her not long ago?

As an experiencer and beneficiary, she naturally knows the preciousness of this top-grade plant spirit!
If measured by the monetary value on Earth, the value of such a top-grade plant spirit would be at least 1 trillion!

What’s more, it’s the kind that’s out of stock and you may not be able to buy it even if you have money!

The best grass and tree spirits not only enhance a person's physique and strength, but also enhance the whole body from the inside out!

It strengthens a person at the cellular level!

After taking the spirit of the finest plants, a person's physique will undergo a huge change like a qualitative change.

For ordinary humans, living to around 100 years old is considered tall and thin.

For those humans who live to the extreme age of 120, their organs have basically failed and they can hardly take care of themselves!

However, people who take the spirits of the finest plants can easily live to be over 200 years old!
Moreover, even when he is 200 years old, when his end is near, he can still take care of himself!
The fact that it can prolong life alone has already established it as the ultimate plant spirit; it's no exaggeration to call it an elixir of longevity!

An elixir that can make you live 100 years longer is hard to put a price on. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a priceless treasure!
Therefore, the preciousness of a top-grade plant spirit can be seen!
Of course, the reason why it is precious is also because it is extremely difficult to obtain!
Even if Luo Xuning has mastered the powerful skill of [Fusion], as long as there are enough materials, he can fuse items infinitely and improve the quality of the items.

But when faced with the 0.0000000001% success rate of synthesizing the top-grade plant spirits, he can only rely on the blessing of the god of luck!
Up to now, Luo Xuning has consumed hundreds of thousands of plant spirits to impact the top-grade plant spirit. He has tried hundreds of thousands of times, but has succeeded less than ten times!
At this moment, Lori was naturally very happy to have picked up such a precious and top-grade plant spirit from the rewards dropped by the Soft Bone Rabbit!
However, she had already taken the top-grade plant spirit once, and taking another one had no effect at all.

"Boss, here you go. Consider this as my return to you. Let's make it even~"

Without any reluctance, Lori threw the top-quality plant spirit that she had just received and was not even warm yet to Luo Xuning, and winked at him mischievously.

"Haha, OK, we're even."

Luo Xuning didn't bother to be polite with Luo Li. He smiled heartily and put it into his space ring with a thought.

"Is this the water of life? After drinking it, your life span will increase by 10 years! Wow, this is a good thing too!"

After Lori picked up the second item, she shouted excitedly again, "Increasing lifespan by 10 years is still very attractive to humans, whose lifespan is not long to begin with!"
As the saying goes, time is more valuable than gold. No matter how rich a person is, he cannot buy even an inch of time!

At this moment, Lori directly picked up "ten years" of life. If measured by the values ​​on Earth, it would be worth hundreds of billions!

"Whoever finds it belongs to them. If you find it, use it yourself! It's yours."

Luo Xuning smiled heartily and generously gave up his right to compete.

He already has the more powerful skill [A Glance at a Thousand Years] and doesn't need the Water of Life at all.

The effect of the skill [A Thousand Years at a Glance] is even stronger than the Water of Life!
However, there are certain limitations when using this skill!

Just like when Luo Xuning first learned this skill, he used his own arm to experiment, and it can be used continuously.

But if he uses it like he just did against the clone of the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac, it can only be used once a month.

Moreover, there is a one-month cooling-off period after each use!

This is actually easy to understand. It's like there is a big bucket of water in front of you. If you use a small spoon to pour the water out one spoonful at a time, it will take a very long time.

But if you use a big bucket to pour the water, it may take less than five minutes to finish!

The same is true for the skill [A Thousand Years at a Glance].

If it only has a small effect, accelerating the flow of time in a very small area, less energy will be required.

However, if the flow of time is affected over a large area, the energy required will increase exponentially!
Just now, Luo Xuning's various attack methods had no effect on the clone of the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac User, so he had to choose to use the [A Glance A Thousand Years] skill to decide the outcome.

The skill of [A Thousand Years at a Glance] did not disappoint him and achieved the result he wanted, defeating the clone of the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac User.

However, because the energy of the disturbance is too great, the skill has entered a cooling-off period and will take up to a month to cool down.

"Thank you, boss! I'm welcome then!"

Luo Li didn't bother to be polite with Luo Xuning. She smiled sweetly and put the bottle of exquisite water of life into her pocket, then went to pick up other items on the ground.

As for relatively common items like the Fruit of Strength and the Fruit of Agility, Lori didn't bother asking Luo Xuning, she just picked them up and put them in her pocket.

Luo Xuning naturally wouldn't care about these things.

The value of a top-grade plant spirit exceeds everything Lori picked up.

Seeing how happy she was in picking up treasures, Luo Xuning just let her pick them up and didn't compete with her for them.

"Wow! Boss! It's the Rejuvenating Pill! There's actually a Rejuvenating Pill here!"

When Lori picked up a rejuvenation pill from the ground, she was happier than when she picked up the top-grade plant spirit!
In discussing value and function, the top-grade plant spirit is definitely hundreds of blocks ahead of the anti-aging pill.

But for women, especially those who love beauty, the anti-aging pill is more precious than the finest plant spirits!

After taking the anti-aging pill, one can stay young forever and never grow old again. For women, this is still a great temptation! "Hehe, after taking this, I can be beautiful forever. I don't have to worry about being abandoned by my boss one day because of old age!"

Lori said this with a giggle, and immediately took the anti-aging pill she had just picked up.

"Haha, am I that superficial?"

Luo Xuning touched his nose and smiled. He had never really thought about such a distant question.

Now, he has even mastered the skill of manipulating the laws of time, such as "A Glance to See Ten Thousand Years".

Age has no meaning or use to him anymore. In the years to come, it will be difficult for time to leave any trace on him.

He can reverse the aging of his body anytime and anywhere. He can go from young to old, and from old to young, as he pleases!
After taking the "Anti-aging Pill", Lori continued to happily pick up treasures on the ground.

Luo Xuning glanced and saw a large group of soft-bone rabbits appearing in the distance, and more points were coming to him.

"Lori, you can pick up the points here slowly. If there are points delivered to your door, I will go and collect them."

"Yes! Go ahead, boss! I'll leave those little shrimp soldiers and crab generals to you! If you encounter someone you can't handle, come back and call me anytime!"

When she killed the clone of the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac just now, Lori also obtained 5 points, which was a great surprise.

Therefore, she is not in a hurry to earn points now, and will pick up the rewards dropped by the Soft-Bone Rabbit first.

Swish swish, swish swish--!

Although he had just fought a fierce battle with the clone of the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac User, Luo Xuning's physical strength was hardly affected.

With a thought, eight fine obsidian guns flew out from the space ring!

These obsidian spears controlled by Luo Xuning's object control technique were like well-trained soldiers, forming a semicircle in front of him.


Luo Xuning moved his mind, and eight obsidian spears shot out, rushing towards the charging soft-bone rabbits!

Puff puff puff, puff puff puff--!

Luo Xuning's super strong willpower, coupled with the obsidian spear's super strong attack power and sharpness.

Those ordinary soft-bone rabbits were like paper, with no room for resistance at all. They were pierced through by Luo Xuning in an instant and turned into his points!

[Ding! Congratulations! You have earned 100 points for killing a soft-bone rabbit! ]

[Ding! Congratulations! You have earned 100 points for killing a soft-bone rabbit! ]


In the information interface, the interface for obtaining points is constantly refreshing, and Luo Xuning's points are also growing rapidly!

In less than five minutes, Luo Xuning killed all the attacking soft-bone rabbits, leaving no one alive.

At the same time, I also earned more than 3 points.

After the battle, hundreds of obsidian spears appeared densely on the ground.

Luo Xuning decided to go all out and directly put all the obsidian guns on the ground into his space ring.

These obsidian guns are of no use to him, but they can be used to arm a team!
Even this lowest-level, most common obsidian spear can be considered a magical weapon on Earth!

Luo Li picked up all the rewards dropped by the clone of the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac and then came to Luo Xuning to meet him.

"Boss, I'll give you all of these. I have nowhere to put them."

As Lori spoke, she handed a big package to Luo Xuning.

"I'll keep them for you first. These things are still yours. You can come to me anytime to use them."

Luo Xuning said with a smile, and with a thought, the big package that Luo Li was holding disappeared in an instant and entered his space ring.

"It's still more convenient to have a space ring! I can carry as many things as I want!"

Lori looked at the space ring on Luo Xuning's finger and almost drooled with envy.

Luo Xuning smiled and said, "Haha, I'll get you one if I have the chance. Right now, my ring is a little small, so I can't give it to you."

"This is what you said, boss! It's a deal!"

Lori smiled sweetly, feeling that the boss's promise was enough.

Boom, boom--!

As soon as Lori finished speaking, a rumbling sound of footsteps was heard in the distance, like thousands of horses galloping, and the earth was shaking!

Turning around suddenly, sure enough, another group of soft-bone rabbits appeared and were surrounding the two of them!

Luo Xuning reminded Luo Li, "Get ready for battle~ Be careful!"

"Okay, you too, boss!"

As soon as Lori finished her words, dozens of ice blades as long as an adult's arms condensed around her in an instant!

Luo Li can control these ice blades to attack, which is similar to how Luo Xuning uses the art of controlling objects to control the obsidian spear to attack.

Just as Lori was ready for battle, the soft-bone rabbit in the front had already arrived in front of the two of them, and their bloody and terrifying face could be seen clearly!
Whoosh whoosh whoosh--!

Now when facing the soft-bone rabbit, Lori has gradually become accustomed to its ugliness and horror, and has basically completely overcome her fear.

He took the lead in controlling the ice blade to attack the soft bone rabbit!
Five of the dozens of ice blades shot out, attacking the eyes, neck, left chest and right lung of the soft bone rabbit respectively!
Regardless of the species, these five parts are its fatal weaknesses, and attacking these parts will be very effective.

Before the soft-bone rabbit in the front row could react, the ice blade shot out by Lori had accurately pierced several weak points on its body, killing it instantly!

Although the ice blade is completely condensed from the water element in the air, its toughness is no less than that of an ordinary sword and its power is also very considerable.

The Ice Blade skill may not be very effective against the clones of the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac, as it cannot break through the defense at all, and attacking the body is just like tickling.

But when dealing with these ordinary soft-bone rabbits, it is still very effective and can basically kill them instantly! (End of this chapter)

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