My place is on fire

Chapter 1015 Edge of the Forest!

Chapter 1015 Edge of the Forest!

The height of an adult big flower has reached about four meters and the body length is more than ten meters.

When the wings are spread out, they are more than ten meters long.

When the people of the Gu Yu clan saw the big flower swooping down from the sky, they were so scared that their legs went weak!
Some people were even so scared that they peed their pants!
As people who deal with pet animals all year round, the Ancient Yu Clan has come into contact with countless ferocious beasts.

Fierce beasts like saber-toothed tigers, lions, cheetahs, etc. can be tamed by them as pets.

But... a ferocious beast like Dahua is far beyond their imagination!

There was another loud roar. The big flower man was still high in the sky. As its huge mouth let out another loud roar, a ball of lightning with thunder flashing on its surface fell among the people of the ancient driving tribe.


After the ball lightning hit the ground, there was a loud bang, and a vacuum zone with a diameter of about ten meters appeared instantly!

Dozens of ancient Yu tribe members and their pets who were originally in the vacuum zone disappeared without a trace, as if they had evaporated from the face of the earth.

" could this happen..."

Gut stared at the scene in front of him with his mouth wide open. Suddenly, he felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. This feeling was stronger than ever before!
After decades of fighting and keeping his head on the belt, he has never felt such a strong sense of crisis and powerlessness as he does today!

There was another loud noise, and a vacuum zone with a diameter of about ten meters appeared again among the crowd of the Ancient Yu Clan!



The deafening sound of thunder continued to ring out, and each thunder could take the lives of at least seventy or eighty members of the Ancient Yu Clan.

In just a few tens of seconds, more than three hundred people from the Ancient Yu Clan had been killed or injured!

After the people of the Gu Yu tribe recovered from their shock, they instantly lost their composure and began to flee in all directions!

"It's a mythical beast! It's the legendary giant tiger! Run for your life!"

The people of the Gu Yu tribe were screaming and shouting, and their attack formation was instantly broken up. No matter how the man next to Gut shouted, it was of no use.

When people's inner fear exceeds the limit of their psychological endurance, the will to survive will take over their bodies and make the most favorable choice for survival!

Facing a terrifying beast like Dahua that is like a divine beast, any resistance is futile and the only thing you can do is to escape!

Running away is also the best choice!

Dahua launched dozens of thunder attacks in succession in the air, feeling his mouth a little sore. He dived to the ground and rushed into the crowd of the Ancient Yu Clan!
Dahua was fed by Luo Shu Ning using plant spirits and fine plant spirits. It was seriously injured during a battle with the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac in an underground cave. Luo Shu Ning even used a fine plant spirit to heal its wounds.

After Dahua recovered from his injuries, his strength was greatly enhanced, and the strength of his bones, muscles, and fur were also improved by several levels!
The current Dahua is as strong as steel and her defense is so abnormal that it is indestructible!

Therefore, in the crowd, it simply ignored those members of the ancient Yu tribe who were holding weapons, and also ignored those pets that were like kittens and puppies in front of it.

One flutter, one collision, one swing of a hoof can cause casualties.

In front of Dahua, the members of the Guyu tribe are as fragile as paper men and cannot withstand a single blow!
"Retreat! Retreat! Evacuate!"

The tribe leader Gut also had no will to fight. He sat astride his pet saber-toothed tiger and ran away faster than anyone else!

"Damn it! Mo Tianlun! What kind of powerful person have you provoked? He can actually control the terrifying monsters here!"

"Hurry, hurry, hurry! Sabretooth, hurry! Use your fastest speed!"

Looking at Dahua who was rushing towards the crowd, Gut's eyes were also filled with fear!

If he had known that the Moro territory was guarded by such a powerful beast, he would never have come here even if you killed him!
The Ancient Yu Clan came with great force, but their defeat was extremely quick and decisive.

On the city wall, Kolina and others watched Dahua defeat a powerful tribe by himself, and each of them showed excitement on their face.

"The fighting power of this big flower is too terrifying. I don't want to be its enemy in my life. Fortunately, it is our partner!"

"I don't think I could last more than three seconds in front of it... It's too powerful."

"With Dahua's protection, no one will come to attack our Ye clan again. The fate of the Gu Yu clan is an example to us!"

"Dahua! Come back!"

Seeing that there were only a few scattered stragglers outside the city, Kolina stopped Dahua from chasing and summoned it back.

After hearing what Kolina said, Dahua stopped chasing the enemy and turned to fly towards the city wall!
It flew to the city wall and slowly landed next to Kolina and the others. Its docility at this moment was completely different from its brutality just now.

"Well done, Dahua~"

Kolina touched Dahua's hoof from behind and encouraged her with a smile.


Dahua is as docile as a sheep in front of Kolina. Others don’t know the relationship between Kolina and Luo Xuning, but it knows that she is its mistress.

A few dozen meters away from the Ye clan and others, Luomandi and others who were also defending on the city wall witnessed the entire process of Dahua repelling the Guyu clan.

Clean, neat, and unstoppable, like a god descending to earth!
"Huh... It's an honor for Mo Tianlun to die at the hands of this kind of divine beast!"

At this moment, Lomandi once again felt in his heart that he had made the right choice this time.

Going against the Ye family is definitely not a wise choice!

The fate of Motianlun and the ancient Yu clan speaks for itself!

Some of the Luo tribe members around were psychologically resistant to the idea of ​​becoming slaves to the Ye tribe at the beginning.

After all, who would voluntarily be a slave to someone else for a lifetime?
Any man with a bit of blood in him cannot accept the fate of slavery.

Many young people of the Luo tribe have always thought that if they find the opportunity one day, they must fight for freedom!
At this moment, everyone witnessed Dahua's terrifying fighting power. It defeated the ancient Yu tribe's army of thousands of people by itself. Its strength has exceeded everyone's imagination!

How can we resist? To resist is to seek death!
How many people are there?
The entire Luo clan has only more than 1000 people in total. Even if the entire clan joins in the rebellion, the success rate is almost zero!

The Ancient Yu Clan, whose strength was several levels stronger than theirs and whose numbers were several times greater, had all returned in defeat. What kind of waves could they and their companions make?

It's just seeking death!

Forget it, forget it. I should think about how to perform well so that the Ye clan will treat my people better.

This is wiser than the Leaf-Making Clan's rebellion!
After this battle, the Luo clan became more loyal to the Ye clan.

"Lomandi, take your men to clear the battlefield outside the city. Don't leave any of the invading enemies alive."

Ye Tian came to Luo Mandi and conveyed his sister's instructions. "Okay, Elder Ye! We will go now!"

After hearing Ye Tian's order, Luo Mandi did not dare to delay at all. He hurriedly took dozens of Luo tribe members down the city wall, opened the city gate and went outside the city to sweep the battlefield.

The battlefield that Dahua had swept through was littered with weapons, protective gear, even food, and the money carried by the ancient Yu tribe members.

Cleaning up the battlefield is actually a process of plundering resources.

When seeing a member of the Gu Yu tribe who is seriously injured but not dead, the Luo tribe members will give him a final blow to help him end his pain.

As for why not to rescue...

Even a peace-loving tribe like the Luo would not be so compassionate as to rescue an invading enemy!

After the crisis was resolved, Kolina and others returned to the chief's tent to discuss the future development direction and strategy of the Ye clan.

"There are only 78 people left in our Ye clan. We are too few. Even if we have all taken the essence of plants and trees, we can fight ten enemies at once. But if we send out thousands of people to attack the city like the Gu Yu clan did just now, without the help of Da Hua, it will be difficult for us to win on our own."

"We can continue with the elite troops route, but we must also properly develop peripheral forces and unite all forces that can be united. Only in this way can we gain a firm foothold in the Ape Jungle."

"For a big country like Xumi, even if they don't provoke others, no one dares to provoke them."

Like the Luo tribe, the Ye tribe does not advocate strengthening themselves by invading other tribes, but they will also strengthen themselves through other means.

Only by having strong enough strength can we have deterrent power and avoid becoming the target of invasion!

These two battles with the Moro and Guyu tribes were opportunities for the Ye tribe to strengthen its development path and determination.


Puff puff!
Puff puff!
Puff puff!
Three top-grade obsidian spears easily pierced through more than a dozen giant apes and harvested more than a dozen points.


After returning to the ground from the underground cave, Luo Shuning felt like a college student returning to kindergarten.

The Jade Rabbit, Giant Ape, Gale Wolf, Sabre-toothed Tiger and other ferocious beasts in the Ape Jungle are simply not on the same level as those led by the Twelve Zodiac Animals in the underground caves!

The strength is weak and the points are pitifully few.

Luo Xuning had begun to miss the time spent in the underground cave of the Mother Tree Secret Realm.

Although it is very tiring to kill enemies intensively every day, it is also very helpful in improving your strength.

At the same time, you can also gain a large number of points that can be used to redeem various items and skills in the points mall.

Returning to the primeval forest now is really not challenging at all for him!
No matter how ferocious the beast is, it cannot withstand a blow from the obsidian spear.

Luo Xuning was too lazy to do it himself at this moment, so he just used the object control technique to control ten obsidian spears and killed people in the Ape Jungle.

"I'm used to the efficiency in the underground caves, but now this snail-like efficiency is really driving me crazy..."

After killing more than ten giant apes casually, Luo Xuning shook his head and smiled helplessly. He even wanted to go back to the Leaf Clan and find Kolina to lie down for a year, waiting to enter the secret realm of the mother tree again.

Because Luo Xuning discovered somewhat helplessly that the points he got from killing monsters in the Ape Jungle for a month were not as many as those he got from killing monsters in the underground cave in a day!

That is to say, even if Luo Xuning worked diligently and persevered in killing enemies intensively in the Ape Jungle for a whole year.

The points he earned were probably just the points he earned from ten days or so in the lower cave!

This huge gap is a fatal blow to mentality and enthusiasm, it is so discouraging!

"How big is this Ape Forest? I have been flying at full speed in one direction for more than a month, and I am still in this forest."

"There are only forests and forests. Is this planet covered entirely with forests?"

"From what Mr. Ye Chen said, the Ye clan has lived in the Ape Forest for generations, and it seems that no one has ever been able to leave this forest in their lifetime."

"Today's score-brushing activity has come to an end. After dinner, we will continue on our journey. I want to see how big this forest is."

Thinking of this, Luo Xuning had an idea and put more than ten obsidian guns into the space ring in his hand, preparing to eat something to comfort his stomach first.

It was already evening. He had been killing monsters continuously since this morning and had only drunk some mountain spring water without eating a single grain of rice.

Ugly creatures like the giant ape are not on Luo Xuning's menu. Just looking at them makes him feel sick, let alone eating them.

He still prefers cute little animals like rabbits, which are not only pleasing to the eye but also have delicious meat.

He cleaned the Jade Rabbit skillfully and then roasted it directly using thermal vision, even skipping the step of making a fire.

Luo Xuning has now mastered thermal vision to a very sophisticated level. Controlling the heat for barbecue is a piece of cake for him and he can do it with ease.

It took less than 3 minutes to roast a rabbit. Although the taste was not as good as the meat roasted by Kolina using fruit wood, it was still a success.

After eating four jade rabbits in a row, Luo Xuning was barely 4% full. At this moment, he couldn't help but begin to miss the days in the underground cave with Corina.

You don't have to worry about anything, just kill enemies and gain points.

Every time when I felt tired and hungry and returned to the underground space, Kolina had already prepared barbecue and was waiting for me.

I'm used to Corina's gentleness, thoughtfulness and meticulous care.

Luo Xuning felt really uncomfortable with leaving her so suddenly.

But... as the chief of the Ye clan, Kolina has to stay in charge of the Ye clan and lead the Ye clan.

I can't force her to stay with me just to let her take care of my daily life!
You can only get used to it slowly, and it will be fine once you get used to it!
After eating and drinking, Luo Xuning flew into the air again and headed towards the east at full speed.

He didn't plan to kill monsters for the rest of the day. He just wanted to travel at full speed to relax.

Feeling the strong wind blowing in my ears and looking at the dense forest receding rapidly below, it feels like flying in the air in a plane.

We flew from dusk until sunset, when two huge full moons rose into the sky.

Luo Xuning has become accustomed to seeing these two big moons, one red and one yellow, and doesn't find them anything novel.

"Huh? What is that! I seem to have flown to the edge of this forest!"

Just when Luo Xuning was thinking about ending today's journey and landing on the ground to rest, he suddenly glanced and saw the shimmering water below the giant yellow moon, which did not look like a forest.

Seeing this, Luo Xuning suddenly became energetic again and flew at full speed towards the direction of the giant yellow moon!
(End of this chapter)

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