My place is on fire

Chapter 1013 Surrender!

Chapter 1013 Surrender!

The strength of the adult form of Dahua is comparable to that of the Thunder Winged Tiger Zodiac Enemy in the underground cave.

Even not weaker than Luo Xuning himself.

Back then in the underground cave, Luo Xuning relied on the strategy provided by Ye Chen to kill the Thunder Winged Tiger Zodiac Envoy and obtain the pet egg, and then hatched Dahua.

The current Dahua can be said to be the "second generation" of Thunder Wing Tiger.

Under Luo Xuning's careful training, Dahua's strength even surpassed the "first generation" and reached a higher level.

So, when Luo Xuning parted with Kelina this time, he arranged Dahua to be with her, so he basically had nothing to worry about.

If even the big flowers can't protect Kolina, I'm afraid I'll fail even if I come. Of course, this possibility is very small.

It has been more than half a year since Luo Xuning arrived on the Ape Planet. He has accumulated millions of points and has not encountered any strong opponents so far.

That is, he suffered a Waterloo in the underground cave of the Mother Tree Secret Realm, and had been advancing sideways in the Ape Forest.

Obtaining points is as easy as taking candy from a bag.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, a Dahua with similar strength to himself can basically sweep the Ape Forest dungeon.

The facts were exactly as Luo Xuning had expected. Although those Moro people pretended to be strong, they were as weak as paper in front of Dahua.

A ball of lightning killed dozens of people.

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle~

With Dahua's current strength, he can release skills like ball lightning continuously for seven or eight hours without any pressure.

In addition to its huge size, a single charge or trampling could kill more than a dozen Moro members.

The moment Dahua joined the battlefield, the situation began to reverse instantly. The Moro people retreated like a tide, running for their lives.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"Ah! Help! How could there be such a monster?!"

"The Ye Clan has summoned a divine beast! Run for your lives!"

Faced with Dahua, who had super strong attack power, super strong defense, super fast speed, and was almost a comprehensive warrior in the shape of a hexagon, the Moro people instantly gave up resistance.

Resistance is futile and will only cost you your life. Only by escaping can you have a chance of survival!

The members of the Ye tribe, who had been suppressed and beaten, also took the opportunity to launch a counterattack and began to beat the fallen dog!

Ye Wen and his son Ye Tian were the first to bear the brunt of the attack. They rode the Red Flame Bull and charged violently. Although their power was not as strong as Dahua's, their lethality was also very strong!
Dozens of flying rats also attacked the Moro people on the ground in the air.

Every time he stabbed with the obsidian spear in his hand, he could take the lives of several Moro people.

Although the father and son were extremely powerful, there were too many enemies facing them. Faced with the siege of hundreds of people, the two were overwhelmed and could only passively defend against attacks and threats from all directions.

Now, with Kolina and Dahua coming to the rescue, the pressure on the two was reduced, and they finally had time to fight back and kill to their heart's content!
After taking the top-grade plant spirits, Kolina's strength took another step forward.

Although she didn't have a very handy weapon, she could just pick up a discarded weapon on the battlefield and use it as a hidden weapon.

He picked up a big knife that someone had thrown away, swung it around and threw it out, and the knife flew away with a whistling sound.

The Moro people who were hit by the sword along the way were either killed or disabled, and lost their fighting ability in an instant!

He kicked up a spear on the ground with his toes, exerted force from his spine, and threw it out with a whoosh, instantly stringing up six Moro people like a candied haws.

Strolling leisurely in the bloody battlefield, Kolina is like a Valkyrie, killing anyone who stands in her way, and even gods who stand in her way!
At first, when the Moro tribesmen saw that she was a girl, they wanted to resist, but they were ruthlessly killed.

After witnessing Kolina's terrifying strength, the Moro people were so frightened that they no longer had the slightest thought of resisting.

The Ye clan's defense battle lasted for three days and three nights, and no one in the entire Ye clan, including Kolina and her father, rested.

There was not even time to eat. When I was hungry, I ate some fruit. When I was thirsty, I drank the spring water in the forest.

Kolina led the few remaining members of the Ye tribe and continued to pursue the Moro tribe for three days and three nights, with the death toll exceeding 7000!

The powerful Moro tribe was almost wiped out after this battle.

The biggest contributor to this defense battle is naturally Dahua.

Even though Kolina took the best grass spirits, her physique was comparable to Dahua's, but her means of attack were far less powerful than Dahua's.

It is estimated that no less than 5000 Moro people died under the claws of the big flower hoof. This was also its most exciting battle!
When they pursued to a plain area, after a day of continuous fighting, Kolina and the others were tired and decided to stay where they were.

"Korina! Look what that is!"

Ye Wen suddenly pointed forward and gave a warning.

Kolina, Ye Tian and others looked in the direction of the sound and saw a dozen Moro tribesmen riding their horses and galloping towards the direction where they were setting up camp.

These Moro tribesmen all had two white flags on their horses, which clearly meant they wanted to surrender.

Boom, boom, boom, boom~
A dozen Moro tribesmen soon came to Kolina and others.

When he was still more than fifty meters away from the crowd, he reined in his horse and then dismounted.

After getting off their horses, everyone knelt down on the ground, and only one person remained standing.

"We are the Luo tribe members of the Moro peace faction, and we request to have a dialogue with the chief of the Ye tribe."

The only Moro tribesman standing asked for a meeting with a sincere face and an extremely cordial attitude.

Although there were constant wars on the Planet of the Apes, it was normal for the various tribes to fight and kill each other.

The vast majority of tribes have a brave and warlike style of behavior.

However, there are also many tribes where two voices appear, forming two schools.

For example, the Qing tribe headed by Qingshan in the Qingye tribe was the pro-war faction. They always advocated the continuous expansion of power and the expansion of the influence of their own tribe.

But the Ye clan headed by Ye Wen is a peace-loving clan that advocates peace.

Develop more cooperative relationships with the surrounding tribes and make more allies, so that you can also achieve the ability to protect yourself, and then slowly develop.

The leader of the Aoba tribe at that time was Qingshan, so naturally the voice of advocating war was louder than that of the peace faction.

After hearing the name of the person who came, Korina looked at her father. After seeing his encouraging eyes, she looked across and said:
"Come forward and speak!"

After getting Kolina's permission, the old man who claimed to be a member of the Luo tribe walked towards Kolina and others step by step with a solemn expression.

When the old man saw the huge tiger standing next to Kolina, his fear reached its peak, but his legs did not weaken, which showed that his mental strength was very strong!

The old man stopped when he was about five meters away from Kolina and the others, and then, like the other tribesmen behind him, he knelt down on the ground with a thud!
"Lomandi begs Chief Ye to spare our people's lives. We are willing to belong to the Ye Clan and be their slaves forever! We have no second thoughts!"

Compared with death, eternal slavery at least offers a way out.

This is also the only way that Luo Mandi can think of to save his people! "Chief Ye, our Luo tribe has always advocated peace. When the Mo tribe invaded your tribe, we also strongly opposed it."

"Because I opposed the war, I was imprisoned by the clan leader Mo Tianlun for more than ten days. I swear to the Lord God that every word I said is true and there is no falsehood!"

"As far as I know, the Ye clan of Patriarch Ye is a pacifist just like our Luo clan. I believe you can understand our beliefs."

"We, the Luo tribe, have completely broken off with the Mo tribe, and we have captured the tribe leader, Mo Tianlun, and we are at your disposal!"

"Bring Ferran up!"

Luomandi suddenly turned around and shouted at several tribesmen who were kneeling on the ground.

Ye Wen was surprised to find that there was a man in black among the group, whose hands and feet were tied and his mouth was stuffed with a wooden stick.

The man in black was in his fifties, with a stocky build and a fierce look. He was staring at Lomandi with resentment.

"Sinner! Kneel down!"

After two members of the Luo tribe brought Motianlun to Luomandi, they simultaneously touched Motianlun's legs.

After Motianlun's knee was attacked, he fell to his knees with a thud. The look he gave Romandi was as if he wished he could eat him alive.

He could never have imagined that after all his heroic deeds, he would end up being betrayed by a member of his own tribe.

Of course, different positions lead to different concepts.

Mo Tianlun felt that what he did was fine and that he was brave and heroic, but in the eyes of Lomandi, he was just cruel!

Similarly, from the perspective of Kolina and the Ye clan members, Motianlun in front of them is also their blood enemy!
"We, the people of the Luo tribe, are willing to surrender to the Ye tribe. We hope that the chief of the Ye tribe will give us a way out."

"During this invasion, our Luo tribe did not send a single soldier. I hope that Chief Ye will understand!"

Romandi looked at Kolina and others sincerely. What he said was completely true and not a lie.

"Father, what do you think?"

Kolina looked at her father and asked for his opinion. Although she was the clan leader, she had just taken office and had no experience.

For such a major event as this, it would be better to ask my father for his opinion.

Ye Wen and Ye Chen beside him looked at each other, and nodded as if they had telepathic communication, and they both agreed.

"Mo Tianlun and the Mo tribe's people are guilty of unforgivable crimes. They killed hundreds of my people. This blood feud must be avenged."

“As for the Luo Clan… my Ye Clan is now depleted of talent, and there are less than a hundred people at this point in the battle.”

"We also need to absorb some outsiders to strengthen our strength, resume production, and enhance our own defense capabilities."

Ye Tian gave his suggestion on the spot, and Ke Lina nodded thoughtfully after listening.

It is indeed as my father said, the Ye clan has been killed to the point where only a few dozen people are left, and there is a serious population shortage.

In the future, whether it is planting or hunting, manpower will be needed, and there seems to be no harm in absorbing the members of the Luo tribe.

The key point is that the Luo tribe is also a peace-loving group and not the kind of people who are extremely evil.

Moreover, in this war, the Luo tribe did not launch any attacks on the Ye tribe, showing great goodwill.

Now that he has surrendered voluntarily, we can also see his sincerity.

"Okay! I accept your surrender!"

Corina looked at Lomandi and her calm tone carried the majesty that only a superior could have.

With her powerful strength and experience on the battlefield, Kolina is becoming more and more like a clan leader, and has become the Valkyrie of the Leaf Clan.

At first, although everyone did not dare to say anything about Kolina being the tribe leader, they were definitely dissatisfied psychologically.

After all, there has never been a female clan leader in the history of the Leaf Clan, and Kelina can be said to be the first one since the beginning of time.

However, after fighting together for the past few days and witnessing Kolina's unparalleled strength, the members of the Ye clan were all convinced!

Gender is just a small matter, but it is nothing in the face of powerful strength!

Seeing that it was Kolina who was speaking, Lomandi and the two members of the Luo tribe were a little surprised.

They have always regarded the tall and imposing Ye Wen as the patriarch of the Ye clan.

After all, Ye Wen was the patriarch of the Ye clan before, and he couldn't fake the temperament of a superior.

Wherever he stands, you can tell that he is different from others.

As a result, no one would have expected that the chief of the Ye tribe, who had chased the Moro tribe all the way and made them flee in panic, was actually a woman!

And she is such a young woman!
"Thank you, Chief Ye! Thank you for showing mercy! On behalf of the 1245 members of the Luo tribe, I thank you for not killing me!"

"Thank you, Patriarch Ye, for not killing me!"

"Thank you, Patriarch Ye, for not killing me!"

Luo Mandi and a dozen members of the Luo tribe shouted at the same time, thanking Kolina for not killing them.

As the saying goes, a good death is worse than a miserable life. Even being a subordinate or a slave of the Ye clan is much better than being killed!
Furthermore, according to Lomandi's analysis, the Ye tribe is also a peace-loving tribe, and most of its members are kind and gentle.

Even if you become their slave, it won't be too miserable.

"But no one from the Mo tribe can be left alive!"

Kolina looked at Motianlun who was tied to the ground, two balls of burning anger burned in her eyes, and her tone suddenly became cold.

Ye Wen and Ye Chen, who were standing on the left and right sides of Kolina respectively, also agreed with Kolina's decision.

The people of the Mo tribe are the blood enemies of the Ye tribe. If he and others had come back a little later, they would most likely have been massacred!

There is absolutely no possibility of being soft-hearted or negotiating with such a brutal enemy!
Even if the Mo tribe launches a sneak attack, Lina will not accept it!
"big flower!"

After hearing Kolina calling her name, Dahua seemed to have understood what she meant.


Dahua pounced forward and arrived in front of Motianlun who was kneeling on the ground.

He opened his mouth and swallowed Mo Tianlun whole!
Click, click, click, click…

Dahua chewed it and actually ate Motianlun raw!
Lomandi and others looked at Dahua's chewing mouth in horror.

They now felt more and more that the decision to surrender was the right one.

To make an enemy of such a terrifying beast is simply to seek death!

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