Chapter 76
It's just that one thing is one thing.

Things that should be arranged still need to be arranged, no matter whether the Uchiha clan is playing tricks or not, even if it is based on the opinions of Shimura Danzo, Mitomon Yan, and Zhuanju Koharu, the necessary attitude still needs to be expressed.

To put it bluntly, this is Sarutobi's measure to kill three birds with one stone, to deal with Danzo Shimura, to test the Uchiha clan, and to find out the truth of this series of disappearances.

If the [-]% probability is really fulfilled, and some people from the Uchiha clan are playing tricks behind the scenes, this is also a good test for Shisui and Shoji. If both of them can pass the test smoothly, Sarutobi Hizan will directly set off the liquidation of the Uchiha clan, just like what his teacher, Senju Tomonama, did more than [-] years ago.

But what if Zhishui and Jiang Si are really deceiving themselves!

Instead, Sarutobi Hiruzen would choose to stay silent for the time being, because with no one to take care of the Uchiha clan, if the village really wants to take coercive measures against the Uchiha clan, it is very likely that both sides will suffer!
Sarutobi Hiruzen will adopt the seemingly gentler, but actually extremely ruthless means to deal with the Uchiha clan. At that time, the Uchiha clan will be the real peace with the village, and there will be no possibility of any relaxation.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a deep breath of his pipe, and then slowly exhaled a layer of thick smoke. Many memory fragments flashed through his brain, and finally froze on a slender, straight black-haired figure.

'Mirror, I hope your descendants can be like you, truly transcend the limitations of one clan, and look at all problems from the perspective of the entire village. . . . . '

On the other side, the general who left the Hokage office building and headed back towards the clan's residence at a high speed had a very serious look on his face.

He doesn't believe that Hiruzaru Sarutobi would really do anything to the Uchiha clan. This is not the relationship between the original work and the plot of the original work. The plot in the future can no longer be used as a reference.

It means that through the analysis of the current situation and the character of the three generations of Hokage, the general secretary can draw this conclusion, why the change in this period is different from that in the original work, the general secretary does not understand, if there is any difference, That is the fact that he joined Anbu, but this seems to have nothing to do with the disappearance case?
Don't say that it is impossible to expose the contact between yourself and Dashewan.

Even if he took a step back and was really exposed, arresting himself must be the top priority!

Mysterious identity, Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and contact with Orochimaru.

One of these reasons alone can make Hiruzaru Sarutobi attack him, let alone three together.

Therefore, all these factors can be ruled out.

The rest of the words.

"It's [-]% that someone is making trouble behind the scenes, and it must be that soulless guy from Danzo!"

There was a gleam of coldness in Jiang Si's pupils.

After eliminating all impossible answers, the remaining one, even if there is no evidence, is the only correct answer.

Even if you don’t have the understanding of Shimura Danzo when you read the original work in the previous life, if you judge only by the memory and experience in this life, you can quickly lock on Shimura Danzo, the reason is very simple, no one else can be as a second consideration Well, Danzo Shimura's performance in the original book is almost completely full of hatred for the Uchiha clan!

If there are any doubtful people and things, it will fall on Shimura Danzo's head immediately, and it may not be so wrong once in [-] times!
Therefore, the general can think that this is a normal thing at this level.

If this old guy hadn't been staying in the village, or even in his own base, the general would have taken a certain risk to kill him first. After all, this guy is a bomb that could explode at any time.

'But the most important thing now is to deal with current matters first. '

The general looked at the approaching clan resident, secretly planning in his heart.

As I am now, while still implementing the first plan, I have two choices. One is to let Fuyue lead the members of the security department to cooperate with the Anbu to conduct a joint review according to what I said, but in that way, it is easy to irritate the whole family. Despite the atmosphere that has been so hard to maintain in the village now, don't look at the current appearance of calm.

But everyone in the family knows it clearly.

The fire of anger has not been extinguished.

The vast majority of people kept silent only because they saw that the head of the family and the elders, as well as the most representative figures of the younger generation, Zhishui and General Si, all adopted peaceful means to resolve disputes. .

If everything can develop steadily according to the established plan, these people will indeed be gradually divided one day, and the resentment will slowly dissipate, but once there is a new stimulus, the anger of the clan will explode again.

In the original book, Zhishui and Fuyue just didn't stand up to this "public opinion"!
In this life, even adding generals is useless.

Therefore, this choice will only make the clan go back to the old path in the original book, it just means that the high-level people may be satisfied, because the Uchiha clan gives up the dominance of the security department!

This can be said to be the most sincere performance of the Uchiha clan.

It is also because of this that although this option is in the selection list of General Secretary, it must be at the bottom. Regardless of the general voice and emotion at Sarutobi Hiruza just now, most of them are pretending.

Even if the general does not have any experience in political struggle, the technique of mixing lies with truth has been honed to the point of proficiency.

Therefore, after excluding the above options, there is only one choice left for the general.

The station that disappeared, went all the way to the residence of Uchiha Fugaku.


The general has arrived at his destination.

Gently knock on the door.

"Oh? It's the general. Is there something urgent to come here so early in the morning?"

A black-haired woman wearing a lavender robe and an apron appeared in front of Shoji. This woman with a gentle smile was none other than Uchiha Fugaku's wife, the mother of Itachi and Sasuke—— Uchiha Mikoto.

"Yes, Aunt Meiqin, I have some urgent matters and I need to find the patriarch. Excuse me, is the patriarch at home?"

General asked softly.

"Well, Fu Yue's words are in the living room, you can come in directly."

Mikoto turned sideways and said.

"Yes! Then I'm being rude!"

After the general made a slight bow and saluted.

No longer hesitate.

The figures that filed in went straight to the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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