Reinvigorating Uchiha starts with filmmaking

Chapter 74 An Exceptional Summoning

Chapter 74 An Exceptional Summoning
Mutant state of affairs.

This is a somewhat unexpected development. Hiruza Sarutobi really did not expect that Shimura Danzo would bring him such shocking information. The real culprit behind the scenes is not very reasonable no matter how you look at it, Hiruzaru Sarutobi can't think of a reason for the Uchiha clan to do this.

No benefit?
Even if it was the Nine-Tails Rebellion a year ago, Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't really believe that he was actually related to the Uchiha clan. There were too many inconsistencies. The Uchiha clan really wanted to stage a coup It is absolutely impossible to make such a hasty decision to control Nine Tails.

Just these things.

Hiruza Sarutobi cannot tolerate any speculation or inferential reasons to make a decision.

After all, the Sharingan in the pupils of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox is so obvious. Just like in this incident, no matter how unreasonable, Sarutobi Hiruzen still had to choose to keep it. Therefore, in Shimura Danzo, Mitomon En After the three of them left, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun, this third generation also immediately summoned the two captains of the two sub-teams in charge of investigating the missing cases in the Anbu directly under him.

The focus must be to speed up the progress of the investigation.

When necessary, it's okay to cross the line a little bit.

The Uchiha clan is the real culprit behind this series of incidents, and the disastrous consequences brought about by it are even more serious, and there is no need to pay attention to some taboos at this time.

Moreover, Danzo always gave Hiruzaru Sarutobi a sense of disobedience. In order to avoid bigger problems, Hiruza Sarutobi felt that he had to take stronger measures after doing these things.

When the time came to the next morning.

In the residence of the Uchiha clan.

The general got up and packed everything, and just stepped out of the clan's resident, and was about to go to the dark part of the base. When performing the daily check-in task, a figure suddenly appeared and stopped in front of the general.

Seeing the white hair and familiar breath of the visitor.

"Squad leader!"

The general was startled, and then immediately bowed slightly to salute.

It has been more than ten days since he joined Anbu, and because he has not performed tasks together, the commander still has no way of knowing whether this white-haired Anbu is the famous Hatake Fifty-Five.

It is even impossible to meet each other in daily life, and can only see each other in the base.

This early in the morning, he appeared on his way to 'go to work', and it really stunned Jiang Si for a moment.

But in the next second.

"Eagle, don't go to the base yet, the third generation has an order! Let you go to see him immediately."

The moment to hear the words of the leader of his own team.

The general's expression didn't seem to change, but deep down in his heart he was suddenly pulled.

what happened?

I just went to see Orochimaru last night, and the third generation is going to summon me today?Could it be that his whereabouts have been exposed?Or did Orochimaru discover something strange, and then revealed his identity through special channels?


None of this is possible.

Leaving aside the fact that it is almost impossible for Orochimaru to discover his identity, even if he really notices something strange, there is no reason for Orochimaru to do so. As for the Anbu, if someone can track him without being discovered by him.

Then this person's strength is not super shadow, it must be the strongest group in the shadow level, and it must be an existence that is good at concealment.

According to Jiang Si’s understanding of the original work, there is no such character in Konoha today. You must know that when I went out and returned yesterday for the insurance period, I almost always turned on the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and my identity was exposed. , the possibility is infinitely close to 0, and it is really exposed, and it must not be the situation in front of us. The high probability is that there is something wrong with the clan, so that the third generation must summon himself temporarily!
In those few seconds.

Jiang Si's brain quickly turned those many thoughts.

Gradually clear thoughts, the body that was slightly tense before slowly relaxed at this moment, and then nodded with a serious face and said in response: "Yes, I understand!"

Following from that.

The commander straightened his body, changed direction, and galloped towards the location of the Hokage office building. When the commander arrived, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was checking and comparing the relevant information collected by the Anbu two teams before. Various intelligence and information on missing cases.

Before Sarutobi Hiruzen was going to say take it easy, don't overwhelm the snake, and want to catch it as soon as possible, but now the situation is forcing Hiruzaru Sarutobi to change the pace of his plan. The possible impact can only be passively endured.

"Three generations of adults!"

Seeing Hiruzaru Sarutobi's exhausted state, which obviously hadn't slept all night, Shoji's eyelids twitched slightly, and then immediately knelt down on one knee, shouting with a touch of respect.

"Oh? General Secretary, you are here. I have summoned you so early because I have a very important matter to ask you. I think you know it well."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi rubbed his temples lightly, looked at the general with those seemingly cloudy but deep eyes, and said in a slightly low tone.

"Yes, three generations of adults!"

The general still had a calm expression on his face, keeping his head slightly lowered, and replied softly.

"Well, then, General, what I want to know is, in the recent period of time, no, to be more precise, has there been any abnormal changes in personnel of the Uchiha clan in the past six months, especially in the security department? This issue is very important, General Secretary, it is related to the adjustment of specific policy of the village in the future!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded lightly, then placed his hands crossed on the table, his body leaning forward slightly, looking straight at Shoji Uchiha with an unprecedented serious expression, and asked in a slightly stern tone.

'Unusual personnel changes?And it's still in the police department? '

Although he had been psychologically prepared to a certain extent, when he heard Hiruzaru Sarutobi's words, Shoji subconsciously jumped in his heart. Could it be that something happened in the clan that he didn't know about?And within half a year?

"My lord, as far as I know, during this period of time, there hasn't been much change in the members of the clan. Only the clan members who came back from the battlefield in the past were arranged by the clan leader Fuyue to return to the security department. Nothing else, as for the past six months, I am very sorry, three generations of adults, I am not very clear!"

I don't know what the purpose of the third generation is.

While his brain was running at high speed, Shoji was carefully considering suitable words and replied.

The general's answer did not exceed Sarutobi Hiruzen's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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