Chapter 44

Spider God Possession is a characteristic possessed by individual spider-type soul beasts after reaching ten thousand years of cultivation.

Under the possession of the spider god, the spider will consume its own cultivation, turn on the berserk mode, and increase the almighty increase.

When one's own cultivation is exhausted, it means that the spider will die.

Phantom Soul Spider, want to use the last trick 'Spider God Possession', in order to carry out the dying struggle.

The spider used blood to condense eight blood-colored spider legs to prop up its body, and its eight eyes shone with colorful lights.

The spider's roar aroused extremely crazy energy ripples, which were able to resist Wang Lin's domineering coercion.

When countless golden and green chopping waves were about to hit him, the Phantom Soul Spider used its soul skill, condensing a green film to wrap its whole body.

The green film is like a shield, protecting the Phantom Soul Spider from the falling blows.

Rumble ---
Continuous golden-green chopping waves fell straight down from the sky, hitting the Phantom Soul Spider's green shield one after another.

Within a radius of tens of meters, everyone was attacked by Chopper Kuanglue.

Rumble ---
In the psychedelic forest, the trees kept shaking, and the power of the chopping waves actually cracked the ground hundreds of meters away.

The power of Wang Lin's wave chopping has reached unprecedented horror. Wherever the wave chopping goes, not only the giant tree is lifted up by the roots.

The ground a few meters deep was also cut to pieces, and it sank in an instant.

About ten seconds later, Wang Lin stopped waving the light blade and golden sword. At this time, the smoke and dust were billowing, and he could not see his surroundings clearly.

However, Wang Lin's sharing eyes can clearly see all the movements of the smoke and dust species, including the flow of soul power in the phantom soul spider.

After the smoke and dust cleared, he had a slash that destroyed a hundred meters away beyond recognition, but failed to break the shield covering the whole body of the Phantom Soul Spider
All the attacks that hit its shield turned into star points and disappeared, while the shield remained intact.

Seeing this, the phantom soul spider let out a burst of triumphant laughter. In the state of being possessed by the spider god, he turned into a soul beast with a cultivation base of nearly 4 years. How could he be killed so easily?
"Sword Qi, Meteor!" Wang Lin threw away the blazing light blade and the God-killing sword in his hands, and raised his hands high, the golden-green aura entwined around his body gradually rose.

Countless golden swords condensed from sword energy suddenly appeared in the sky, and the entire sky was dyed golden.

In an instant, the clouds in the sky were divided into two halves, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the entire forest shook.

In the clouds, several golden swords approached each other and converged to form a golden epee tens of meters long.

The new usage of "Sword Qi, Meteor" combines several golden swords refined by Qi training into one, forming a god-killing sword with a height of more than 30 meters. The sword body is still burning with the fire of sword Qi .

Wang Lin pressed down with both hands, and the huge golden epee fell towards the Phantom Soul Spider with the momentum of falling.

Although the epee was big, it fell to the ground extremely fast, piercing the sky like a meteorite falling to the ground.

Wherever he went, it seemed that the air was rubbed by the burning sword energy, giving off a scorching smell.

The Phantom Soul Spider, who had just finished shaking, realized the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly moved the eight blood-colored spider legs condensed with blood, trying to escape.

The spider legs that are constantly intertwined, the switching frequency is very fast, the spider that started the spider god possessed to fight to the death, unexpectedly started to flee again.

It was enough to see that the horror of Wang Lin's move had already made him feel that he could not resist.

"The first soul skill, luck!" Wang Lin muttered silently, and the huge golden epee that quickly fell began to accelerate.

With the blessing of luck, Wang Lin's luck became very good, which increased the hit rate of the epee.

Even if the spider fled to the ends of the earth, it would still be hit by this huge golden sword.

A moment later, the huge golden epee instantly shattered the Phantom Soul Spider's shield, and the attached sword-like fire burned the spider's body to pieces.

The sharp sword energy penetrated the soul spider's body, and the huge epee pierced it alive deep into the ground.

A huge golden epee stands in the forest, even taller than many trees.

When the golden sword fell to the ground, energy ripples burst out like huge waves, constantly impacting the surrounding giant trees, sharp rocks, etc.

In a radius of a hundred meters or even a thousand meters, everything was destroyed, and the vegetation on the surface became bare.

This is the destruction brought about by horror tricks
The parents of the original owner died under the impact of this overbearing energy ripple.
Perhaps Wang Lin also indirectly killed many lives.

This is the case in Douluo Continent, the strong are respected, and the strong fight, they only care about how domineering attacks they use to subdue their opponents.

It took more than half an hour for the smoke and dust to completely dissipate.

Somewhere in the psychedelic forest, there were already ruins. In the [-]-meter-deep pit, the golden epee also turned into golden light and drifted away with the wind.

Wang Lin lifted the dawn armor and possessed the martial spirit, and came to the bottom of the deep pit, looking for his own spoils with the insight of Sharingan.

With the blessing of luck, this 3-year phantom soul spider will definitely drop some treasure.

"Yes!" During the search, Wang Lin found a head soul bone produced by the phantom soul spider.

"It's a spirit bone produced by a spirit beast with a head spirit bone. The attached skills should be related to spirit skills! If it's a spirit ability that increases mental power, then this head spirit bone is of great use to me!".

Wang Lin picked up the head spirit bone emitting a shimmer of color. After observing it, he began to analyze whether this spirit bone was useful to him.

"My qi training is not affected by soul power, but it is affected by spiritual power. The stronger the mental power, the faster the refining speed of qi training, and the more 'real' the things created!".

"Six years ago, I was unable to support Qi training to refine a complete set of armor because of lack of mental strength. If I can improve my mental power, Qi training will become more handy!".

Wang Lin put this head soul bone into the small red grid of the ring, "Let's find a safe place to absorb it then."

Just as Wang Lin was about to jump out of the deep pit, the black ten thousand year spirit ring suspended in the air was agitated, as if it had exploded, and instantly shattered into black spots scattered on the ground.

A violent sound attracted Wang Lin's attention.

Wang Lin's eyes followed the black dots in the sky to the gravel on the ground.

With the insight of Sharingan, Wang Lin found some kind of substance buried in the gravel.

After removing all the gravel, what Wang Lin saw was a small purple sphere, about the size of a table tennis ball.

"Is this dropped by the Phantom Soul Spider?" Wang Lin tentatively touched the purple sphere. It was warm and seemed to contain energy fluctuations in the sphere.

"Could it be that this is an energy body?" Wang Lin suddenly realized.

Long before, in his research on soul beasts, he had come up with a theory that after a soul beast was killed, two-thirds of the energy would gather into a soul ring, and one-third of the energy would disappear.

If a spirit bone bursts out, one-third of the lost energy will be attached to the spirit bone.

As long as you absorb the spirit ring and spirit bone that exploded from the same spirit beast, you can absorb 100% of the energy of this spirit beast, and your spirit ability and spirit ring will be maximized.

This is the theory of '100% absorption of soul beast energy' summed up by Wang Lin.

However, under the extension of this theory, there is another theory, that is, in addition to dropping soul bones and soul rings, soul beasts may also drop an energy body!

When the soul beast undergoes a large amount of energy transformation, unfortunately dies, resulting in the termination of the energy transformation process, and an energy body will be produced.

The energy contained in this energy body is exactly the unconverted part of the energy of the soul beast before death!

The purple sphere that appeared in front of Wang Lin, through the observation of Sharingan, found that it does contain a huge amount of energy.

It must be that when the Phantom Soul Spider was on the verge of death, the energy transformation of the spider god possessed state was not over, so this energy body burst out!

Wang Lin refined a pair of golden gloves using qi training techniques, and carefully picked up the purple danzhu. The purple light emitted by the purple danzhu was corrosive to a certain extent. Thanks to the protection of the golden gloves, Wang Lin's hands were safe and sound.

After careful observation for a long time, Wang Lin can be sure that this purple pill is the energy body burst out by the Phantom Soul Spider, and the theory is established!

"If there is another energy body like this bursting out in the future, it will prove that my theory is correct!".

Wang Lin raised a smile, and used Qi training to refine it into a small golden box, sealed the purple pill, and put it in the small white grid of the ring.

The ring has a small white grid, and the stored items are items whose functions are currently unknown.

Although this purple pill proves that Wang Lin's theory may be valid, Wang Lin did not conclude, what is the function of these energy bodies?
Can it be absorbed or swallowed by the body?
Or is it harmful to the human body?

Wang Lin still doesn't know about this. He only knows that although he strayed into the psychedelic forest this time, although it was thrilling, he harvested the soul bone and verified the theory.

Sharingan did not evolve into a kaleidoscope Sharingan, but the ability of Sharingan has become stronger, and Qi training has become more sophisticated.

If the skill attached to the Phantom Soul Spider's head spirit bone is a spirit-enhancing soul skill, Wang Lin's Qi training technique will be improved even more after absorbing it!

(End of this chapter)

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