Chapter 699 Turmoil
Wang Zheng's identity is too important. Once he can be captured, not only will he be able to reverse the situation where the Jingzhou army is clearly at a disadvantage, but it will even affect the general situation of the whole world. Thinking of this, Cai Mao couldn't help being moved.

Kuai Liang, who was at the side, saw Cai Mao's expression of excitement while he was pondering, and immediately saw his thoughts, and before Cai Mao could speak, he said first: "It would be good if the king thief can be captured, but the king thief is not good either." Those who are ignorant, who dare to lead an army and go deep into Nanjun, must have a plan in mind."

"Lieutenant Liu, please think about it. Although there are not many rebel soldiers gathered in Jiangling, they are all cavalry. They walk like the wind and are flexible. Even if we send troops and horses, we may be able to win, but can we win quickly?"

"The thieves have now captured five cities in Linjiang in our Southern County. Even though each city does not have too much storage, but together, it is enough for the thieves to spend in the past month. As time goes by, there will be more variables. His three armies Once the commander is in danger, Linxiang, Nanchang, and even the various bandit armies in the rear of Yangzhou will be on the alert and come to support immediately!"

"Furthermore, we have dispatched more than [-] troops to rescue Jiangling before. If we send troops again, will the defense force in Xiangyang be insufficient? Bandit kings are always cunning. What should I do if I take the opportunity to attack Xiangyang?"

"What if the result of sending troops again is that instead of taking back cities like Jiangling and Dangyang, they will fall into a bitter battle again. If this happens, what should our army do?"

"This..." Xiaowei Liu is also a man who knows the soldiers, so he remained silent for a while.

"What Zirou said is true." Cai Mao on the side also agreed deeply, nodding repeatedly, and just rose up the last moment, and the idea of ​​attack circling in his mind immediately dissipated, "Then do you have a strategy to ward off thieves?"

Even Guan Yu and other invincible figures are in the hands of Wang Zheng, and Cai Mao no longer even has any thoughts of "breaking the thief" in his heart.

"We still have to take the initiative to attack." Kuai Liang said in a deep voice: "However, we must not rush in to fight Jiangling for the sake of merit, but we must first find a way to take back Dangyang and Huarong!"

He explained to Cai Mao: "Huarong is the gateway to the west. If this city is lost, it will cut off our connection with Huangzu in Jiangxia. As for Dangyang, it is the main throat from Jiangling to the north. These two cities If you don't take it back, the consequences will be dire!"

"After regaining Huarong and Dangyang, slowly advance to the base of Jiangling City, look for opportunities to clear out its outer strongholds, and then besiege the city. If there are wilds, there will be a city, and if there are no wilds, there will be no city. Without strongholds outside the city, Jiangling will be an isolated city. It's hard to hold on, if the king thief is smart, he should take the initiative to abandon the city and flee, otherwise, if Wenpin's army successfully returns to Nanjun and our troops gather, they can easily take it back!"

At this time, Han Song raised an objection and asked: "If the king's bandits take advantage of our army's recapture of Huarong and attack our troops in the sun, what should we do?"

Kuai Liang narrowed his eyes slightly, pointed at the map and said, "Send a few troops to the State of Su for defense; at the same time, order Wenpin to intensify the offensive against Huang Zhong's tribe in the Tang Dynasty in the near future, so as to restrain the king's thief in Jiangling, so that he will not dare to act rashly. , this is an attack, with this one defense and one attack, how can the king thief have the spare power to attack and harass our troops again?"

"Let's talk about it." Kuai Liang looked at the crowd and said with a sneer, "The king thief can besiege the city and fight for reinforcements, why can't our army?"

"However, this man is always deceitful. To send troops again this time, we must have a brave and wise general who can adapt to the situation and be calm and prudent, so as to be able to match him." At this point, he paused and said solemnly. : "This is the second time to send troops, there is no room for failure!"

Everyone knew the meaning of Kuai Liang's words. Although Xiangyang is a rare fortified city in the world, Wang Zheng and Tianjun are also invincible and famous commanders. If the number of defenders is insufficient, the risk is too great. , This will also be the last time Xiangyang sends troops and horses. If there is any accident, even if you know that "the isolated city cannot be defended", you can only stick to it and wait for reinforcements from the Civil and Employment Department and other places.

"Let Zhang Yun be the general this time." Cai Mao also knew that the matter was of great importance, after deliberating for a moment, he made a decision, and immediately ordered Zhang Yun to quickly regroup the army and prepare to set off to recapture Dangyang and Huarong.

At the end of the disbandment meeting, Cai Hao did not forget Cao Cao's previous promise, and immediately sent another messenger to Xudu, urging Cao Cao to act quickly.

Brother Meng De, the king thief is so powerful that even Guan Yu has fallen into his hands. Where are the soldiers you promised?Hurry up and send it.

A few days later, Brother Yu might not be able to hold on anymore!

Jingzhou's courier traveled through the vast Nanyang County again, traveled nearly a thousand miles in a few days, and entered Xudu three days later.

Not long after the envoy entered the General's Mansion, the guards and maidservants outside the door heard a cry of exclamation, and the crisp sound of bowls and cups shattering. Immediately he closed his breath and concentrated, not daring to breathe out.

"What did you say?"

Hearing the messenger's words, Cao Cao was very surprised. In a moment of loss of composure, he overturned all the cups in front of the case, and the water flowed all over the floor. Regardless of his manners, he pointed at the messenger and shouted, "Stop talking nonsense, what is Guan Yunchang?" A character, even if he loses to Wang Zheng, it is absolutely impossible to be killed by him!"

Although Cao Cao and Guan Yu were not monarchs and ministers, they knew their abilities. In his opinion, not to mention Wang Zheng, even Lu Bu, the number one Wenhou in the world, would be difficult to defeat Guan Yu in a dozen rounds. Among them, unless there is a huge gap in bravery between the two sides, it is difficult to achieve such a quick victory.

Since Lu Bu couldn't even do it, let alone Wang Zheng?

It has to be said that Cao Cao's idea is very reasonable. If the situation is normal, even today's Wang Zheng has not reached the level of bravery that can beat Lu Bu and crush Guan Yu.

In fact, this is mainly because Wang Zheng led Guan Yu into a deadlock from the very beginning, so that the opponent had no choice but to choose the road of fighting to the death when there was no way to avoid it and no way to escape.

This happened to be Wang Zheng's plan. He already had a certain advantage in strength and talent for strong strikes, but in the end he chose to fight head-on with his sword and slash.

You must know that the central idea of ​​drawing the sword from the beginning of its establishment is to ensure that the sword can kill the enemy instantly after it is drawn out of the sheath. If you can catch this knife, you can break out of the encirclement and escape from birth.

So this result may seem sensational, but it cannot be replicated, let alone prove the real strength gap between Guan Yu and Wang Zheng.

"General, I don't know if this is true or not." The messenger didn't expect Cao Cao's reaction to be so big, he was stunned for a moment, and quickly explained: "It's just that the intelligence on the front line of our army said so. People just tell the truth."

"Yun Chang must have been careless for a while, and fell into the siege of Zhuzi's treacherous tricks, and that's what happened to me!" Cao Cao snorted coldly: "Hey, this Zhuzi dares to make up such nonsense and make up the whole story in order to gain fame!"

He was so angry that it was not all because of Guan Yu. Cao Cao really admired Guan Yu very much, and Guan Yu is indeed a rare talent, but no matter how rare, the other party did not regard him as the master after all, and died as soon as he died It's time to be heartbroken, and it should be that big-eared thief who is filled with grief and indignation.

Seven out of ten reasons why Cao Cao was so angry was because of another person, Ma Chao who came to Xudu as an envoy from Liangzhou not long ago.

As expected by Cao Cao, Ma Chao was young and energetic, and he had a very strong heart. He only made a few words to tease his subordinates to advocate the king's government when they had nothing to do in front of him, such as "the first young hero of the Han Dynasty." The enemy is more brave than Lv Bu." Yun Yun successfully lured Ma Chao into fighting spirit, and he jumped up against the case, ready to lead the army and horses to Jingzhou for a while.

Just when Cao Cao was overjoyed, when Ma Chao was about to set off, he did not know where the news had leaked. Ma Teng dispatched Ma Chao's younger brother, Ma Dai, to dissuade him.
It would be fine if there was no hope for this kind of plan to kill with a knife at the beginning, but it is very annoying to see that it is only halfway to success when it is about to succeed.

After walking around the hall for a long time, Cao Cao couldn't help but grasped the sword at his waist, his expression uncertain.

To be honest, in his opinion, the heat is still not here yet, but when even Guan Yu was defeated by Wang Zheng, Jiangling fell again. If he continues to hold back the troops, let Wang Zheng reorganize the army and horses, defeat Wenpin's army and then send troops Going north, Xiangyang may really be in danger.

If Xiangyang fell, the situation in Jingzhou would be very different. Cao Cao knew very well that if he did not take action at this time, he would just sit back and watch Wang Zheng seize Jingzhou and defeat them one by one!
It is true that it is not yet the best time to kill Wang Zheng, but it has come to the moment when the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. Cao Cao was silent for a moment, sitting on the table, his eyes seemed to be closed and he asked: "What else did De Gui say?"

"The military adviser said that as long as the general can repel the yellow scarf bandits and force the king bandits to withdraw from Nanjun, and even Jingzhou, then it will not only be Nanjun."

The messenger said: "I have seven counties in Jingxiang, regardless of civil or military, regardless of superiority or inferiority, but there are appointments and dismissals, which are all determined by the imperial court."

The implication is that the whole Jingzhou will only follow Cao Cao's lead in the future?
Cao Cao opened his eyes suddenly, and the divine light shot out, he smiled and said, "Okay!"

"You go and tell De Gui that the general will send troops immediately!"

After weighing the pros and cons, Cao Cao made a decision in an instant.Without further ado, he wanted a quick fix.

Yangzhou, Lujiang County, Xunyangtun.

A sentinel entered the account and reported: "Reporting to the governor, Jiangxia's army has been frequently mobilizing at the border recently. Since the eve before, the brigade has left the city from Xiazhi, heading west one way, and heading north the other way. It arrived at Xinchun yesterday."

"Salary spring?"

Lu Xun frowned, and stepped forward to Zhou Yu, who was drawing a few cases on the map with a pen, and said, "Commander, Jiangxia prefect Huang Zu has come out with all his strength, could it be that he wants to attack Lujiang?"

Xinchun is located at the southeast pole of Jiangxia Army, facing Xunyang across the river, and the distance is less than a hundred miles, so Lu Xun asked this question.

"Huang Zu is a veteran in the battlefield. If he really has a plan to violate the border, I'm afraid he won't show his traces so easily."

Zhou Yu shook his head, and asked the sentry: "Didn't you say that the Xiling army divided into two groups, and where did the troops on the west side come from? Have you ever found out?"

The sentry said: "Judging from his marching route, it should be heading towards Jingling."


Hearing this, Zhou Yu and Lu Xun glanced at each other, and blurted out another word almost at the same time: "Hua Rong!"

Since this period of time, the news that Wang Zheng has defeated Jiangling, Dangyang, Huarong and other cities has been known to Cai Mao and Cao Cao as his opponents, and Zhou Yu, who is the commander of the Yangzhou Navy, has also known the news. When the good news arrived in Wancheng, he Anticipating that Huang Zu would have a change, he immediately took Lu Xun to the frontline Xunyang Tun overnight, and the two of them reacted immediately.

"Huang Zu specially sent a troop to Xinchun. On the one hand, it is to make a mystery, but on the other hand, he wants to increase the strength of the front line and form a check on our army."

Lu Xun said in a deep voice: "It seems that the real main force of Jiang Xia's army is on the road to the west. He wants to regain Huarong as soon as possible, so as not to be divided and cut off by our troops stationed in South County!"

"This is also expected." Zhou Yu was not surprised, and continued to ask without moving his face: "How many soldiers and horses does Jingling have now, and who is the leader? Have you checked it out?"

"I haven't found out who the general is for the time being." The sentry rider's face was reddish, and he said stammeringly: "The Jiangxia army is very guarded this way, and the brothers in the last general's department are not close, so they can only observe from a distance. Four 5000 men and horses."

"As for the original number of people in Jingling City, it has not been found out yet."

Zhou Yu listened attentively. After listening, he breathed a sigh of relief, looked around, and said in a deep voice: "The Huangzu tribe used to gather troops to go down to confront our army in Linjiang. Now that the two have divided their troops, the deadlock has been broken!"

"Captain, we need to guard against fraud." Lu Xun heard Zhou Yu's words implying a battle across the river, and hurriedly bowed, "Don't forget the state pastor's instructions."

For Zhou Yu, the idol of the previous life, even though he had never joined the team and his loyalty was "doubted", Wang Zheng was still very relieved and gave him a rare generosity.

Not only entrusted the over ten thousand sailors to Zhou Yu's hands, but also completely delegated power. How to train troops and how to choose generals are all at your own discretion. However, before heading to Nanchang and preparing to attack Changsha County, Wang Zheng still has a word to explain :

"It's not in a hurry to take Jiangxia. Huang Zu is not an easy person, so it's not appropriate to rush forward."

This is not distrust of Zhou Yu's ability, but that although Jiangxia and Lujiang are adjacent, after all, there is a section of the Yangtze River in between, and Huang Zu is not an ordinary person. If he hit it halfway, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Before Zhou Mu personally went to the front line, he did explain that he was not in a hurry to take Jiang Xia, so I should not rush forward,"

Having said that, Zhou Yu paused, turned his eyes to Lu Xun, his tiger eyes were shining brightly, and he said every word: "But the state shepherd also said that if there is a good opportunity, I can decide it myself!"

"Bo Yan, now is the time, stop and stop, and let it mess you up!"

(End of this chapter)

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