Chapter 697
As soon as the soft sound of feet landing appeared, it formed a rhythm that seemed to be a reminder of life. Not only did Guan Yu immediately respond, turning his head and looking sideways, even the two sides fighting on the entire battlefield suddenly stopped their movements at this moment. The battlefield, which was still fighting fiercely, suddenly became quiet, so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Judging from the sound, this person seemed to be walking in a hurry, but for some reason, Guan Yu somehow felt that even if he rode his horse back immediately, he would be stopped by his hand.

What made Guan Yu even more awe-inspiring was that before the other party even showed his face, he already exuded a powerful and domineering aura, rushing towards this place like a wave, which made him unable to resist.

You must know that Guan Yu has fought more than a hundred tricks in his life, and he has encountered countless powerful enemies, but the opponent who can bring him such a terrifying feeling before that is only Lu Bu who was in Hulao Pass!

No matter the enemy or us, everyone on the battlefield is waiting intently for this moment, and I don't know how long it has passed.
Finally, the footsteps stopped.

The next moment, a majestic figure similar to Guan Yu appeared in front of everyone.

He didn't continue to approach the battlefield, but stood in the center of the road, but everyone including Guan Yu almost immediately realized that this person who looks like a mountain in the distance is one of the most powerful princes in the world today , Xuzhou Mu Wangzheng!

At this moment, Guan Yu saw Wang Zheng, and Wang Zheng also saw Guan Yu, and there was not even a second in time.

The instant the eyes of the two met, it was like a thunderclap. Guan Yu was silent for a moment, then suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and then his tongue burst into spring thunder, and he shouted loudly: "Wang Zheng! It really is you!"

Seeing Guan Yu who was still perched on his horse with a proud face despite being surrounded by heavy siege, Wang Zheng nodded slightly and said, "Brother Yun, hello."

"It turns out that you have already arrived in Jiangling." Guan Yu said in a deep voice: "You have been hiding and not revealing, because you want the general to underestimate the enemy and fall into your trap? Hey, it is really deliberate!"

Guan Yu naturally understood everything at this moment. It turned out that in this killing round against him, thousands of heavenly troops, and even brave generals like Wang Xiong and Wu Niu, were nothing more than obstacles. The real siege, the real killing It turned out to be Wang Zheng, the majestic prince and commander of the three armies!

"Such a good head, if you want to take it, you need to plan carefully."

Wang Zheng looked Guan Yu up and down, smiled and said, "Brother Yun, don't worry, you are a hero in the world, I have always admired you, as long as you don't make a move to leave yourself, I will be willing to give you a fair chance to fight , as much as you can let go.”

Talking about looking around, he said loudly: "I will fight Guan Yu in the meeting, and no one is allowed to interfere. Anyone who violates the order will be killed!"


The generals and soldiers present were all direct descendants of Wang Zheng, and they had long regarded him as a god, so naturally they were not worried, and they readily agreed.

"Hey, is it so big?"

If it was someone else who dared to show such an appearance of being determined by himself, Guan Yu would definitely be very upset, but Wang Zheng is different!
On the one hand, Guan Yu had seen Wang Zheng's skills when he was in Xiapi before, and on the other hand, it was even more crucial, that is, the momentum Wang Zheng displayed at this moment was too amazing, obviously better than before!

Therefore, the more confident Wang Zheng is, the less Guan Yu dares to be careless. Although he vaguely knows that today may be difficult to get out of trouble, Guan Yu is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He is deep in a dangerous situation, which arouses his pride and blood. , with a wave of his arms, the Qinglong Saber was raised high above his head again, and he shouted in a low voice: "Since that's the case, Guan will use the long saber in his hand to test the sharpness of Wang Zhoumu's divine sword!"

"Excalibur, are you talking about riding a thousand li volts?"

Wang Zheng laughed when he heard the words, and patted his waist lightly, "That will disappoint Brother Yun, but this time the general's weapon is not it!"

Hearing this, Guan Yu was stunned, looked down at Wang Zheng's waist, and suddenly showed surprise, "Sword?"

With Guan Yu's eyesight, he should have discovered this a long time ago, but it was only because Wang Zheng himself had attracted the attention of him and everyone on the field from the first moment he appeared on the stage. And be distracted from looking at anything else.

As a result, not only Guan Yu, but even Wang Xiong, Wu Niu and others did not realize that what Wang Zheng was wearing today was not a sword. At this moment, they realized that there was a commotion among the spectators.

They were just talking about it, but Guan Yu's expression turned pale the next moment, and he laughed coldly at Wang Zheng, "Okay, okay!"

It would be understandable to say that Wang Zheng ordered the soldiers next to him not to participate in the siege. After all, it can be explained that he was conceited in martial arts, and at the same time cherished his feathers, so as not to be ridiculed by the world in the future. I can't help the anger in my heart!
Although those who are highly skilled in martial arts generally have the possibility of being proficient in [-] kinds of weapons, but the five fingers still have lengths, so naturally it is impossible to have the same attainments in swords, guns, swords and halberds. When facing a strong enemy, they will inevitably rush to their best weapons!
But Wang Zheng used one-handed sword when he was fighting against the enemy, even when he was in battle. It can be seen that this is what he is best at. Why did he switch to using a sword when he was facing me, Guan Yu?
This is not even considered pride and underestimation of the enemy, it is simply a humiliation for Hong Guoguo!
Guan Yu naturally didn't know that Wang Zheng's "skillful swordsmanship" was not obtained through hard work, but was endowed by the riding and cutting system.

And in the system, when one-handed weapon proficiency, sword specialization, and knife specialization are all full, his saber and sword skills can really be said to be indistinguishable.

"Being underestimated is out of the question."

Wang Zheng waved his hand, his eyes shone sharply, and his eyes were like lightning, as if he had seen through everything in the world, and no one could hide his thoughts from him: "The purpose of abandoning the sword and using the knife this time is to recover an old friend. It's just a place."

What do you mean?
When Guan Yu was wondering, Wang Zheng said indifferently: "I heard that when Elder Brother Yun broke Wuyuan City and beheaded my general, he once said wildly that bandits with yellow scarves are not worthy of using knives?"


Guan Yu frowned, recalled for a while, but still had no impression.

After all, people like Zhang Rao are not qualified to be remembered by him, but even if Wang Zheng said that, Guan Yu didn't remember, and he wouldn't say anything else, lest he think he was showing weakness, so he nodded immediately. Proudly said:

"It seems to be the case, so what?"


Wang Zheng chuckled: "The general would like to see it today. I don't know if it's your Qinglong Yanyue Saber that overwhelmed me, the bandit Shanfeng, or I used this yellow scarf blade to cut off your leader of the Six Suns!"

Speaking of this, Wang Zheng raised his eyebrows, and the eyes staring at Guan Yu suddenly became extremely cold, as if a sword was piercing the sky, with unparalleled sharpness: "Guan Yu, Guan Yunchang!"

He spoke word by word, each word full of murderous intent: "Go forward and lead to death!"

"Shuzi is arrogant!"

The part of the ceremony was over, Guan Yu stopped talking nonsense, let out a long howl, clamped his legs around the waist of the horse, and the horse under his crotch held his head high and hissed angrily, and suddenly accelerated to the limit, turning into a flash of lightning, straight to the one standing with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the only way out. Wang Zheng rushed forward.

Under the silent betting of the audience, the distance between the two quickly narrowed to a distance of ten feet, and a decisive battle was imminent.

Guan Yu raised the Qinglong Yanyue Knife high again, and a shocking ray of light burst out, reflecting the blazing sun high in the sky. It was sharper, but far surpassed the sun.

However, Wang Zheng didn't even look at the world-renowned magic weapon, and his eyes were only on Guan Yu. Until now, his saber hadn't been drawn out of its sheath!
Nine feet, eight feet, seven feet.
Guan Yu drove straight in, and seeing the opponent's horse riding charge, and his aura climbed to the highest point, Wang Zheng finally made a move.

But he saw his feet spread apart, his proud and steady body leaned forward slightly, and at the same time, he pressed both hands on the knife at his waist, in the posture of pressing the sheath with the left hand and the handle with the right.

If the people of later generations see this scene, they will naturally recognize it immediately. This is the most imposing posture of drawing a sword and slashing in Dongying Martial Arts, but people in the Han Dynasty did not know it.

Not only was Guan Yu greatly astonished, but the two armies watching the battle were also buzzing and whispering, obviously completely confused by Wang Zheng's unprecedented move.

When Wang Zheng opened his posture, Guan Yu was already approaching three feet.

The invincible and invincible Qinglong Yanyue Knife seems to have sensed that its master has met an unprecedentedly powerful enemy. The blade trembles, and it sings without wind, like the roar of a dragon or the howl of a tiger. .

The people and swords matched each other, the aura was as high as the sky, and the frightening cold air was forced out. The surrounding trees were shaken, and the leaves were scattered, not to mention Wang Zheng, who was the first to bear the brunt. ,but.
His knife is still not out of its sheath!


Seeing this scene, Guan Yu's eyes burst into anger. He raised his arms and shouted violently. The Qinglong Yanyue Knife burst open and turned into countless blue shadows, shooting out from the flying leaves. The real killing move, roaring and slashing straight at Wang Zheng!

I don't know if it's because Wang Zheng's power is too intimidating, or the posture he puts on is too weird, Guan Yu was afraid, and gave up his previous simple and rude style of using force to overwhelm others, and used false moves for the first time!
At this time, the distance between the two was only ten feet.

And the shadow of the knife all over the sky completely enveloped Wang Zheng's entire figure!
Just when everyone was shocked and their hearts were suspended for half the sky, suddenly, a bright sword light hit the sky, and slashed straight at Guan Yu. To be awed by it.

But at this moment, Wang Zheng's saber was finally unsheathed!
The shadow of the knife that covered the sky and the sun suddenly became dim under this dazzling and sharp light. Guan Yu, who was already mad with anger, was frightened by this peerless sharpness, and his movements could not help but stagnate.

From the meeting to the confrontation between the two contemporary bears and tigers, there was no time buffer.

At this time, the fallen leaves fell to the ground one after another, and when the people watching the battle in the distance could finally see the battle clearly, the two had already collided head-on, just like when the world saw two electric fires, they had already struck together.

Life and death are decided in an instant.

The two were finally separated by a short distance. At this moment, hundreds of knife shadows disappeared at the same time, or they reunited into one knife, meeting the knife light that shot to his waist in the blink of an eye.


The two knives bombarded each other, and there was a clear sound of gold and iron, followed by a light "chi" sound, like tearing thick paper, Wang Xiong and others in the distance exclaimed at the same time, but it was the long sword in Wang Zheng's hand. The knife broke in two and fell to the ground with a bang.


This scene seemed familiar to Wang Xiong. Didn't Zhang Rao and Guan Yu also cut off their weapons before they were killed in battle?
Wu Niu on the side couldn't help shouting: "Even if the general doesn't use the magic sword, he shouldn't use ordinary weapons. What should we do?"

Before the words were finished, Guan Yu, who thought he had the upper hand, let out a long howl, his horse shrank his hind legs, jumped over Wang Zheng in the air, and landed back.

Wang Zheng didn't make any moves to pursue, but straightened his body again, with Zhuo Li behind his back, and watched Guan Yu gallop tens of feet away quietly.

What's happening here?
Who wins and who loses?

When everyone was puzzled, suddenly there was another loud hissing, and everyone's eyes were turned away for a while.

I saw Guan Yu's war horse suddenly limp in front legs and fell forward feebly. Immediately after, countless blood spurted out from its eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

But the power of Wang Zhengfang's saber was too earth-shattering, Yu Jin alone had shocked this excellent war horse to death!
If the mount is like this, then Guan Yu
At this moment, Guan Yu just got up from the ground. Although he was a bit ashamed, he looked the same as before. His body was still upright, and his face still had that arrogant and supercilious expression on his face, which didn't look like he had been seriously injured. .


At this time, Guan Yu's army on the battlefield was no more than one or two hundred people, and they all surrounded them, "you"

Guan Yu turned a blind eye, just looked back at the beloved horse who accompanied him to fight in the world, was silent for a moment, then turned around slowly, looked around, suddenly smiled and said: "Put down your weapons."


Someone in Guan Yu's army realized something, and immediately cried out: "General, we are such a good man, how can we follow the thief? We must fight to the end!"

Guan Yu shook his head, looked at Wang Zheng in the distance again, and said in a deep voice, "Wang Zhoumu, can you?"

Before he finished speaking, Wang Zheng cut him off with a wave of his hand: "This general is not a bloodthirsty person! You can go at ease!"


After a moment of silence, Guan Yu nodded, "That's good." Immediately there was a muffled groan, his whole body shook, and immediately a large rain of blood shot out from his waist, splashing all over the air. The next moment, Guan Yu's tall body The body slumped to the ground.

A generation of famous generals passed away!

The technique of drawing swords, also known as juhe chopping, originated from the two-handed sword technique of the waist strike style in the Ming Dynasty, and it was originally a killing technique aimed at the waist.

"Qingshan is honored to bury his loyal bones."

Seeing Guan Yu whose eyes were open but not breathing, and glanced at the remnants of the crying army surrounding Guan Yu's body, Wang Zheng commented lightly, and said to Wang Xiong beside him: "The one who surrenders will not die." , Pack it up as soon as possible, and immediately send troops out of the mountains to quickly support Gan Ning and other troops."

Now that Guan Yu has solved it, the next step is naturally to select Jiangling as soon as possible.


(End of this chapter)

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