Chapter 69 Injured
Another hour passed, and the fight between the two sides had lasted for more than half a day.

The shouts of killing on the top of the city gradually began to weaken.

It seems that the Tianfu Army finally withstood this wave of offensive and stabilized the situation.

The nerves that had been tense all of a sudden relaxed.

It is a pity that Wang Zheng, the supreme leader of the Heavenly Army, knew that this was not the case.

Even Wang Zheng, who was always on the battlefield fighting non-stop, still had spare energy to pay attention to the changes in the situation in the entire city.

What seems to be his own victory at the moment is already at the end of his battle.

On the opposite side, although waves of attacks continued, the intensity of the attacks gradually decreased unconsciously.

Until then, it's a matter of course.

This is accumulating energy, wanting to go all out, right?

Wang Zheng, who was thinking secretly, didn't panic at all, but instead took care to hide his full expectations.

Under the continuous series of offensives, both the offensive and defensive sides have been suffering huge casualties.

And this was what Yu Jin did on purpose.

In the same predicament, the Gong Fang is obviously more dominant, and it is easier for officers and soldiers to maintain morale.

When the people on the opposite side were also sent to the top of the city to participate in the defense, Yu Jin had the urge to press the whole army, but he held back.

When the bandit army on the three sides of the city began to show signs of fatigue, Yu Jin held back his impulse again.

When the thieves were overwhelmed and began to show signs of collapse, Yu Jin's eyes lit up.

Not only did not take the opportunity to press the whole army, but ordered the army to start to slow down the offensive.

This is a good time, and the reason for giving up a good time is because he is waiting for a better time.

It was the despair after rejoicing, and the inability to tense up after relaxation.

As he expected, the military situation on the opposite side changed.

He nodded in satisfaction.

The time has come!
Following the order of the captain, the last and most elite thousand Cao troops were ready to go.

On the other hand, Yu Jin is also ready to fight in person.

He unsheathed his long sword, raised it high, and stared at Zhao County opposite, with a cold smile on his lips.

The army did not move, and the momentum changed suddenly.

The two sides above and below the city wall sensed at the same time, and looked together.

Seeing the new recruits joining, the Cao soldiers in the city cheered up, their momentum soared, and they also worked hard, waiting for the drums of the final charge.

The faces of the Tianfu soldiers on the top of the city, which were originally flushed with excitement, turned pale in an instant.

Because of various reasons such as lack of equipment, lack of experience, and poor physical fitness.

During the half-day defense of the city alone, the casualty rate of the [-] Tianfu Army was close to [-]%.

What's more troublesome is that the first casualties were precisely a group of people in the Tianfu Army who were barely able to fight compared to other colleagues.

This is also a group of people who are most respectful and loyal to the king.

Such a casualty rate, plus the casualties of this group.
Just as Yu Jin expected, at the moment before, the entire Tianfu Army was actually on the verge of complete collapse.

Before the collapse, the enemy was finally killed and retreated. I thought I would survive today, and when everyone was rejoicing for their escape, they found that the enemy's strongest and fiercest attack was about to strike.

Once relaxed, it is difficult to tighten up.

Fortunately, Yu Yong is gone.

In the end, the loyalty of being willing to die for the king's government began to be replaced by the fear of death.

Wang Zheng noticed this chaotic and negative atmosphere immediately, but he didn't show any dissatisfaction or anger.

He clenched the knife in his hand.

I just hope that there will be no scene that I least want to see.

"After breaking the city, don't seal the knife for three days!"

With a sharp shout, Yu Jin took the lead in charging forward.

The direction of the sword is the west gate of the city where Wang Zheng is located.

The main general was so brave, Cao Jun's spirits were lifted up, and they followed closely behind.

The screams of killing sounded all over the sky!
The next moment, Yu Jin climbed up to the top of the wall vigorously.

As soon as he landed, he chopped down a group of Tianfu soldiers surrounding the city, as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.


After completely piercing through the last line of defense at the top of the city, Yu Jin snorted coldly, not showing any sign of concern, but drew out his long sword and kicked away the enemy's body.

Just as he was about to turn around and search for Wang Zheng's figure, he suddenly heard the whistling of knives.

On the neck, the cold invaded.

Someone raided!
Before he had time to think about it, his instinctive reaction was to turn the long sword upside down, turning it into a shield.

Swords collided.

A huge force came, and Yu Jin felt that his whole arm was shaken and numb. He almost fell down, and quickly rolled over, then turned around and looked around.

But he saw a young man on the opposite side who was as still as water, staring at him with some surprise in his eyes.

"The ban?"

"Wang Zheng?"

Two shouts sounded at the same time.

The sound of one side is like a bell, sonorous and powerful;

One side is clear and loud, full of passion.

A full-strength blow didn't cause the effect of knocking it into the air, but only made the opponent's posture slightly unstable?

Wang Zheng was a little disappointed, and sighed with emotion:
"It seems that I have to continue to increase my personal attributes."

Although he didn't understand the meaning of the strange words in the other party's mouth, Yu Jin did not hesitate, let out a deep drink, and immediately attacked with his sword.

For a moment, the cold light flourished and dazzled people's eyes.

Since time travel, this is the first time that he has fought against a person who has left a mark in history. Wang Zheng's heart is filled with excitement, until the opponent's long sword is an inch away from his chest, and he suddenly lifts his arm. Hit directly at the blade of the opponent's long sword.

Amidst another tremor, the long sword in Yu Jin's hand was swayed hard for a long time.

When he was stunned, Wang Zheng was just about to rub his body, and when the opponent's weapon was released to suppress him, he suddenly felt movement behind him. stab.

However, a group of Cao Jun also climbed to the top of the city. Seeing their master and general fighting against others, they quickly attacked from the side to help.

Wang Zheng secretly cried out that it was a pity, but he knew that he had lost the opportunity to kill Yu Jin.

It was a surprise that this person went into battle in person, which did not match the calm image in his memory.

He just wanted to attack and kill him suddenly, so the overall situation is settled.

There is no need to play any tricks to lure the enemy deep, and continue to sacrifice the lives of the Tianfu Army under his command.

It was just the first blow, Wang Zheng already found that although the opponent was not famous for his bravery, his strength was not much inferior to his own, so it was not easy to kill him in a short time.

Afterwards, Yu Jin, who held a long sword heavily, rushed over again.

More and more Cao soldiers boarded the city.

While facing the frontal attack of the ban, Wang Zheng also had to pay attention to the countless sniper attacks around him, and suddenly he was a little flustered.

We can't fight anymore!

With a loud shout, he turned around abruptly, and the fourth-level armor immediately activated.

But he was stabbed abruptly by Yu Jin.

A sword made meritorious service, blood spattered everywhere.

But after piercing the opponent's armor, Yu Jin tried hard, but the long sword could not penetrate another half inch.

It seemed to encounter a layer of obstacles. Although the skin was split, it never penetrated into the internal organs and did not cause enough damage.

Yu Jin was a little stunned, and when he was about to exert more energy, the blade suddenly felt empty.

However, seeing that Wang Zheng had already rushed in another direction, he was injured and got rid of Yu Jin's sword, and it was difficult for ordinary soldiers to pose a threat.

Amidst the screams, Wang Zheng broke out of the siege and fled towards the city.

Can this also run away for him?
Yu Jin was furious and shouted sharply.

"Catch me, don't let this beast go!"

(End of this chapter)

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