Chapter 66 Throwing
At noon two days later.

When the figures of Cao Jun's brigade finally appeared, Gao Xiong's expression on the wall changed suddenly.

Even though there were still a few miles away, he hastily ordered someone to blow the horn to warn the whole city.

At the same time, he quickly ordered the sentry to report to the county government.

Soon after, Wang Zheng, who was surrounded by a group of people, climbed to the top of the city wearing armor and a knife.

He looked away.

Then I saw Cao Jun's infantry lined up solemnly under the city, rising to the sky with awe-inspiring momentum.

Compared with the previous cavalry of Niu Gai, the equipment of this trilogy is obviously not sophisticated enough, but it is far superior in terms of military appearance.

The [-] soldiers were all dressed in black armor and had a clear banner. At this time, the whole army stood silently. The huge army formation was neatly arranged. Wang Zheng observed for a long time, but there was no noise from the beginning to the end.

Looking at this oppressive black tide, Wang Zheng secretly sighed.

Sure enough, the gap between the unknown rats and the famous historical generals is really obvious at a glance.

Although our own Tiangang Army can also form such an atmosphere, it is the ability of the system, not his work.

In the middle of the opposite, a general rode his horse and stopped, it was Yu Jin.

Wang Zheng has amazing eyesight, carefully observing the strongest enemy he has encountered so far.

At the same time, Yu Jin was secretly observing the situation in Zhao County.

When he realized the opportunity of the battle, he noticed that the army was speeding up. In fact, he had already seen Zhao County yesterday.

Yu Jin noticed something immediately.

They had already set foot in the area of ​​the bandit's den for several miles, but they still didn't find the bandit's sentinel.

This made Yu Jin affirmed in his heart.

In his view, this was exactly what was to be expected.

After the bandits' victory, they were arrogant and frivolous, and had lost the vigilance and vigilance that an army should have.

Since the other party didn't find out, Yu Jin naturally took the opportunity to stop and let the trilogy rest for a night to replenish his strength and spirit.

At this time, the soldiers were approaching the city and approaching the trench.

The morale, fighting spirit, and body of this team have reached the best condition at the same time.

Looking at the city wall in front of him, Yu Jin let out a long breath.

Well, compared to the average county town, the city wall here is indeed much higher.

However, it is far from enough to cause too much hindrance to the army under his command, and it is even less likely to block their progress.

After thinking for a moment, he decided to minimize the other party's resistance.

With a wave of his hand, Hong Jin was brought by his confidants to the front of the formation.

The battle was imminent, and he was in a place where the military spirit was boiling, which made the butler feel very uncomfortable, and every step he took was cramped and nervous.

Following Yu Jin's whispered instructions, Hong Jin's complexion changed, but he still didn't dare to disobey, so he had to step forward tremblingly.

When he walked to a distance of nearly fifty steps from Zhao County, he saw many bows and arrows erected on the top of the city, but Hong Jin didn't dare to take a step forward, so he stopped quickly and shouted towards the top of the city. .

"Everyone in the city listen."

"Traitors of the king's government, big rebels, wolves with ambitions, our army of herdsmen from the state is here to punish the chief villain."

"You surrender quickly. If you wake up at this time and offer the city and the head of the king's government, you can still take the crime and make meritorious service."

"The captain of our army is magnanimous in banning weapons. He can educate and educate those foolish thieves with small punishments, and he can still save his own life."

"If you are obsessed with your obsession and try to fight against the leader of the bandit, when our army enters the city, we will eliminate the evil and do everything, and no one will be left behind!"

"Give me an hour, be sure to think about it!"

"In case it's too late to regret."

At the tower, the expressions of the people who heard this were different.

Wu Niu and Wu Yuan naturally showed anger and scolded loudly, but Gao Xiong carefully looked around to observe the reactions of other Tianfu soldiers.

Even though these ancients were ignorant of the existence of the system, they had instinctively noticed one thing.

The Tianfu Army is actually the only outlier among Wang Zhengjun at this time.

This is also the reason why everyone disagreed with Wang Zheng's plan in the previous meeting.

Whether it is the Tianzhu Camp or the Tiangang Army, as well as these people, they have naturally formed a whole, and they can protect each other with peace of mind.

Tianfu Army. Especially since most of Zhao County is Tianfu Army, they naturally have concerns.

Whether it is ability or attitude.

Wang Zheng was always calm.

Although he has noticed Kaohsiung's reaction, he himself will not be wary of his subordinates being instigated at this time.

At least, there is no need to be wary for now.

In his opinion, after such a long period of time, he has been doing favors and demonstrations, and even led this group of people to win one victory after another.

If so, they can be easily spoken by the enemy.
Then as a time traveler, I would be too embarrassing to my colleagues.

Looking at Hong Jin under the city, Wang Zheng suddenly asked:
"Look at this man's dress, he doesn't look like a soldier in the imperial army."

He looked towards Kaohsiung: "Is it the rats released in the county before?"

Gao Xiong quickly replied: "General, how about I ask Fu Bo to come up and recognize him?"

"Then there's no need to be so troublesome." Wang Zheng casually ordered, "Bring a javelin."

Before the war, Wang Zheng ordered someone to specially build a batch of javelins, which were weapons for him alone.

Taking the javelin handed over by the soldiers, Wang Zheng squinted his eyes as he looked at Hong Jin at the bottom of the wall.

Test the distance while aiming at each other.

Immediately, he bent down, pulled his shoulders, and charged up.

The ape arm stretched, the wolf's waist twisted, and at the same time as the legs were in a good posture, the three muscles all worked together.

He shook his hand violently!
The javelin fell out of his hand and rubbed violently with the surrounding air.

A thunderous explosion sounded suddenly!
A white dragon-like gun shadow roared angrily towards the opposing army formation.

In a few breaths, at a high speed that is hard to see with the naked eye, it smashed straight into the center of Cao Jun.

The next moment, there was a loud bang.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the general flag on the opposite side suddenly fell down.

At this time, Cao Jun's formation was also in an uproar.

When the loud noise happened, the tremendous force seemed to shake the earth.

The soldiers who were at a loss because of the falling of the flag were even more stunned and distracted after feeling the impact.

The lord will be banned, but he has no intention of rectifying military discipline.

Looking at the figure not far from him, his face was full of horror.

That is the bannerman of this trilogy.

The other party, who was still full of energy a moment ago, fell to the ground without warning.

He had been shot straight through the chest with a javelin.

Bright red blood is constantly spraying from the chest.

For a while.

Yu Jin managed to recover from the shock.

He turned to look.

At this time, on the top of the city, there was only a vague figure standing proudly alone, and the surrounding soldiers seemed to have bowed their heads.

This is that Shuzi Wangzheng?

Fear flashed in Yu Jin's eyes, and his lips couldn't help but dry out.

He suddenly felt that the rumor of "Zhang Jiao's reincarnation" seemed less absurd.

Leaving aside the power far beyond ordinary people, what is even more outrageous is the extremely precise aim.

If the opponent was aiming at him just now.
At this moment, Yu Jin felt a chill all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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