Riding and cutting the imperial pirates of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 599 Is there anything wrong with pouring down the Milky Way?

Chapter 599 Is there anything wrong with pouring down the Milky Way?
Thinking of this, Quan Rou's expression was somber that she was about to drop water, and she couldn't help shouting loudly: "The thief will kill and surrender under your city, so tyrannical, isn't it afraid that it will hinder your lord's reputation of benevolence, righteousness and honor?"

"When the two armies are at war, they are enemies. When you beheaded our brothers, how did you forget what benevolence and righteousness are?"

Gu Jian smiled when he heard the words: "I thought General Quan was a Confucian general, but now it seems that he is just a pedantic scholar. I am really disappointed."

Quan Rou snorted heavily, stopped talking nonsense, told the left and right, passed down orders, brought over the catapults, bed crossbows and other defensive equipment, and objected to aiming at the killing place outside the city.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Qi hadn't reacted yet, but Gu Jian nodded slightly, thinking: "This person is definitely not an incompetent person, and his heart is quite resolute. This is clearly thinking that it is better to let the enemy kill and surrender. If they do it themselves, they can also increase the grief and indignation of the soldiers."

Sure enough, Quan Rou said in a loud voice: "Brothers, the Yellow Turban bandits have arrived outside the city. They are heartless. If they conquer the city, the consequences will be disastrous. Therefore, our city gates must not be opened."

"Instead of watching the brothers outside the city be slaughtered, let's do it, send them on the road happily, with less humiliation, manly man, life will stand upright, and death will not kneel down!"

"Let's write down this vengeance. We will avenge the vengeance of the brothers outside the city in the future!"

Before he gave the order to throw arrows and stones, Gu Jian saw the opportunity quickly, and ordered his family to retreat in advance, beyond the range of the arrows and stones, and specially ordered many people to light up torches to illuminate the slaughter site as bright as day.

As the screams continued before the soldiers died, Gu Jian showed no emotion on his face, but laughed out loud. Not only that, but also ordered the soldiers to set up a pole for every death, hang their heads on it, and surround the city outside.

This method was pioneered by Wu Sheng at the beginning, and it was often used to deter the enemy. The effect is good, but generals such as Xu Fang and Huang Zhong always feel that they are too cruel and rarely follow suit. Quite agree, there are many scholars, and Gu Jian is one of them.

Seeing that Quan Rou was determined and refused to leave the city, Gu Jian immediately ordered all the troops to shout together: "Quan Rou! It is unrighteous for you not to rescue Bu Qu when you see Bu Qu died in battle. It is inhumane to let the soldiers lay dead and do nothing. , so benevolent and unrighteous, how to lead the army? How to convince the masses?"

Quan Rou was furious and had no way to deal with it. The thousands of Cheng Pujun on the top of the city just watched helplessly as one or two hundred comrades in arms were killed by Xuzhou soldiers.Many of them were relatives and friends of those who were killed, and their grief was obvious, and it was true that their morale was greatly improved.

After killing the soldiers, Gu Jian left before he could, ordering the army to blow horns and beat drums.

The horn is powerful, the sound of the big drum is strong, and it disperses with the wind, disturbing the countryside. Before the sound of the drum and the sound of the horn, Cheng Pujun on the top of the city saw cavalry pawns rushing from a distance, who could not see the horizon, and Gu Jian and Jiang Qi. The army is in one place, and the flag covers the sky.

The next moment, three horns sounded again, and there was a torrent of steel rushing towards Yingye from both sides of the city, shouting to kill Yingye, but it was Wei Yanbu who had been ambushing on the side early, because the night could not see clearly, and he did not know how many people had come. I feel overwhelming, and the momentum is amazing.

Seeing the ancient sword killing and cruelty first, and seeing Xuzhou's military power again, everyone in the city was speechless and terrified.

Seeing the three armies raised their arms, all the people shouted: "Xuzhou Mu led the general who conquered the East and ordered: All my soldiers and civilians in Xuzhou will not be rewarded unless they are military exploits; they will not be awarded land unless they are military exploits. Today we will fight to the death, and tomorrow we will be rich and honored. , the rich are tens of millions!"

"Whoever wants to gain fame, kill!"

"Whoever wants to be rich, kill!"

"If you want to show our heroic qualities, kill! Kill! Kill!"

Every time "kill" is called, the cavalry pawns will ride their horses and trample on the ground, and the pawns will also stomp and stamp on the ground at the same time. Fire, night, and dust all mix with each other and gather in one place, turning into a murderous aura.Murderous, black clouds over the city.Cheng Pujun watched from the top of the city, and he felt that the three armies of Xuzhou were like a fierce tiger, roaring outside the city, not only seemed to want to devour people, but also seemed to devour the city!
Several generals beside Quan Rou also showed shock, and some of them couldn't help but said: "Unexpectedly, the yellow scarf bandits are so sharp, no wonder they are brave with the master." Halfway through speaking, Quan Rou was already cold Glaring over, he suddenly came to his senses and quickly shut up.

On the other side of the city, Jiang Qi was also infected by the momentum of the friendly army. He felt his blood rushing forward. Go die!"

"The general is right!"

Wei Yan followed up and said: "Quanrou, just now you said something right. My lord Xuzhou Mu has always been benevolent and righteous. He tried to tell us that God has the virtue of good life. Thinking of this, I will give you another night. It’s good to think about it, if it’s still stubborn.”

"Tomorrow, let's see how my Xuzhou Huben will conquer the city!"

After saying that, the flag was waved, the pawns retreated first, the three generals each led their headquarters, and galloped around the city for another week. After showing off their might enough, they blew the trumpet and drum, and retreated slowly.

Until the entire army retreated into the depths of the night, the sound of drums and horns seemed to last forever, echoing in the ears of the defenders at the top of the city. Ken withdrew it, as if this group of wolves and tigers would rush out of the night at any moment.

Xiapi on the other side is the old Chu Palace.

After the banquet is over, it is already five o'clock.

Yesterday I paid homage to the two main wives. Wang Zheng originally planned to go to the rooms of several concubines today. He was about to go to Qiao Wan's place when the guards outside the hall reported that Wang Xiong begged to see him.

As soon as Wang Xiong entered the hall, after saluting, he took out a stack of documents from his sleeve and presented it to Wang Zheng: "General, there is another military report from the front line."

Wang Zheng caught it and unfolded it to look at it. Seeing that the sky was dark, Wang Xiong had good eyesight, so he quickly fetched a candlestick and illuminated it. well!"

This military report came from Jiangdu. It said that all the troops on the front line had arrived at the city of Qu'a, and they had a dedicated army to copy Qu'a's back route, cutting off the connection between Qu'a and Wu County, and turning it into a A lonely city.

But yesterday and the next day, Wei Yan and Gu Jian had joined forces with the Jizhou Army to complete an annihilation of the Cheng Pu army who had left the city. It was successful, but it also greatly damaged the morale of Cheng Pujun.

Wang Zheng has been in battle for a long time, and the situation can be roughly inferred from these words alone. Now that the deployment of the Xuzhou army has been completed, the morale is like a rainbow, while Cheng Pu's army is trapped in the isolated city, and the hearts of the people are scattered.

And the military newspaper also said that Wei Yan and Gu Jian had issued a military order, saying that Qu'a would be conquered within five days.

"Don't be careless, let alone rush."

Although the start was good, Wang Zheng still remained calm, thought for a moment, and told Wang Xiong: "Qu'an is an important town in Wu County, and this guard is called Quanrou."

"Although this general has never heard of his name, he is not an incompetent person to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Cheng Pu. Although Qu'a is now an isolated city, it is still a cornered beast. It should not be underestimated. You let the general's order The order is passed down, teach the frontline generals to be cautious, not to be greedy, not to grab credit, and not to fight for credit!"

"Don't talk about five days, as long as I can conquer Qu'a within ten days, I will count them as a great achievement." After thinking about it, he said: "Originally, the ancient swords were mainly used here in Jiangdu. Separate the primary from the secondary, and order the troops in the frontline battalion to be dominated by Wei Yan and supplemented by the ancient sword, and if any of the generals disobeys the order and engages in light combat, beheaded!"


Wang Xiong received the order awe-inspiringly, turned around and stepped out of the hall, suddenly paused, seemed to hesitate for a moment, then turned and said: "General, although Wei Yan is a general, but he doesn't have a deep connection with Gu Jian, Gu Jian has a young heart, whether"

Wang Zheng raised his eyebrows, he naturally heard the implication of Wang Xiong's words, that they didn't have a deep relationship, it clearly meant that Wei Yan had not been in the army for long, and since he had the same rank as Gu Jian's officer, it might be difficult to restrain him.

This is unavoidable, he couldn't help but nodded slightly, pondered for a while, suddenly thought of someone, and asked, "Is Lu Su back?"

Lu Su's current official position is still low, so he is naturally not qualified to participate in the banquet in the hall, and Wang Zheng can't see anyone, so he asked this question.

But how could Wang Xiong know this question?After hesitating for a moment, he said uncertainly: "The food in Jingzhou has been delivered, so Lu Zhengshi should have returned."

"Go to his mansion to confirm." Wang Zheng immediately ordered: "If you return, ask Bafu to draft an order, ordering Lu Su and Zhou Yu to go to the front line Qu'a on the same day." "

"Lu Su and Zhou Yu?"

Wang Xiong was taken aback, what's the use of sending this scholar to the front line?But he said, "In what name?"

"Engage in governance."

It is not a big deal to be engaged in the management of Cao documents in general, but it is different to add "Zhizhong", which means that it is the state shepherd, the assistant officer directly under the governor, and if he appears on the front line, it means he has the opportunity to advise the army and draw the plan. Quan, anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that the title given by Wang Zheng is clearly for him to coordinate with the generals.

"Lu Su is easy to talk about, but Zhou Yu" Wang Xiong hesitated: "He is a white man, and he has never been an official before. Will he be willing to accept this position?"

"Maybe it was hard to say before." Wang Zheng smiled slightly: "It's not necessarily so now, with Lu Su persuading him, it's probably not a problem."

According to Wang Zheng's thinking, the relationship between Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao must have warmed up after this period of time, and since Xiao Qiao and Qiao Wan have reunited, Zhou Yu must have known very well that sooner or later he and his family would be brothers-in-law, since they are a family He's an old man, and now at most he's a little shy on the surface, and there shouldn't be much rejection in his heart to work for him.

Wang Xiong didn't say much anymore. As for why Wang Zheng thought that Zhou Yu could deal with Gu Jian and Wei Yan by just working in the middle of the government, this was not something he needed to consider. , our army took Qu'a by surprise, we had the initiative, and we already had the upper hand, but now we have Zhou Yu and Lu Su two sages, the generals will be united."

"The military is excellent, the generals are peaceful, and our soldiers are all brave. In this battle, our army will surely win!"

Wang Zheng couldn't help laughing: "This flattery is too blatant."

"It seems that the general will still need to learn a lot from Mr. Zhang."

Wang Xiong rubbed his head, laughed at himself, changed the subject, and talked about another matter: "By the way, general, there is a message from the Benming Division today, saying that the foreign envoys in the embassy have behaved abnormally."

Wang Xiong's words immediately attracted Wang Zheng's attention, and he asked, "What abnormal behavior?"

"It seems that the envoys have already known about our army's capture of Wujun and Danyang."

Wang Zheng wanted to take advantage of the big wedding and the New Year's Eve to seize the two counties on the right side of the river by surprise. Although he has always kept secrets, it has been three days since the battle in Chungu, and the soldiers and horses from all over the two prefectures Mobilization, the military cavalry traveling to and from Xiapi was extremely frequent, leaving traces after all.

And these envoys from other places, this time they came to Xiapi to say that they are happy, but they will basically take on other tasks, such as understanding the internal affairs and people's livelihood, the strength of soldiers and horses under Wang Zheng's current rule, and so on. It is not surprising to see some clues so quickly.

Wang Zheng frowned slightly, and said: "I'm going to know about this matter, you go ahead, look at your face, you must have not slept all night, I will give you half a day off tomorrow, and have a good rest. In addition, Xu Fang will come to see me."

"No!" Wang Xiong took a few steps back, turned and left.

Wang Zheng was in the courtyard, lost in thought.

As Wang Xiong said, after a series of secret and sufficient pre-war preparations, Xuzhou has now taken the lead in both Danyang and Wujun. Down, the back will also be like a broken bamboo.

However, according to the current situation, Qu'e's own army has the upper hand in terms of strength, and all the generals are brave. Once Zhou Yu is ordered to set off and arrives, with his "charm bestowed by heaven", even though he is a newly attached minister, he will definitely be able to coordinate generals.

And with his outstanding military strategy talent, it can be concluded at this time that Qu'a will undoubtedly win this battle without waiting until after the war, and there is no suspense in the cities of Wu County behind!

Fumiao counts, more counts wins, less counts too much.Since the chances of winning are in his hands, Wang Zheng's contemplation at this time is no longer on the right side of the river, but because he was reminded by Wang Xiong, he began to shift the focus of his thinking to the next step.

What is military?
In the final analysis, military is only a means, but it is still politics at the root. Wang Zheng just captured Jiujiang and Lujiang in the autumn, and it turned out that not long after that, he showed his fangs to Jiang You in the blink of an eye.
Once this news is released, it will definitely attract the attention of the local heroes again. On the one hand, on the other hand, in the eyes of the world, will it further aggravate his image of "poor soldiers and deposed martial arts"?

Of course, if the result of such poor soldiers deposing Wu is still victory, it is not necessarily a bad thing, so Wang Zheng wondered if he could use this opportunity to expand the Xuzhou Army or his own "martial arts" influence, and create public opinion, to lay the foundation for the next action?

But what to do, how to create gods, Wang Zheng couldn't help but put his ideas on the foreign envoys, and started pacing in the court.

At the beginning of the second year of Jian’an, the sky was twilight, dawn was about to break, and it was cold all night. The bluestone slabs in the courtyard were covered with dew, and the trees, flowers and plants in the corner of the courtyard gradually revealed their outlines. new.

Wang Zheng stood upright with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, seeing the bright red morning glow faintly rising behind the clouds, gradually revealing its gushing momentum, he felt something in his heart, and couldn't help but let out a deep sigh of pride and arrogance.

What Yifang Yuxi got in exchange was not only an alliance with Yuan Shao, but also a resolution of his alliance with Cao Cao. The next thing was that Yuan Shao would not trouble Cao Cao, and Cao Cao could no longer shrink back and tolerate him.

Now that the threat from the north is gone, then the next step is to concentrate on planning how to take Jingzhou.

But the war is very active, how can I find an excuse?

(End of this chapter)

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