Chapter 591 Is it a loss or a gain?

"My lord is right." Guo Jia nodded, "It is clear what Yuan Benchu's intentions are, so what are the pros and cons of this matter for my lord?"

What are the pros and cons for me?

Wang Zheng pondered for a moment, then laughed, "Of course I would be happy to see it come to fruition, and I even raised my hands to welcome it." Then he suddenly realized, "I will understand what you mean."

Lu Su had analyzed the current situation in the world before. For the current Wangzheng, it is best to go to the east of the Yangtze River. When the heroes in the north have not yet decided the winner, take the opportunity to wipe out Huang Zu, attack Liu Biao, and try to occupy the south of the Yangtze River. all over the place.

To put it bluntly, let others be the snipe and clam, fight each other to the death, fight to the death, and let him develop steadily and be the fisherman who is ready to take advantage of it.

But the problem is, Wang Zheng is not the only one who wants to watch the fire from the other side and make a fortune silently.
Cao Cao thought so too.

This is also the reason why when he saw Yuan Shao's dissatisfaction, he took the initiative to give up the "general" bestowed by Emperor Xian to Yuan Shao, and led Sikong by himself. Even soon, Emperor Xian will officially appoint Yuan Shao to supervise Ji, Qing, You, and Bing Si State, it can be regarded as official recognition of the opponent's rule over these four states.

They all have the trump card of Tianzi Zhengshuo, why did Cao Cao repeatedly back down when facing Yuan Shao?
On the one hand, the strength is indeed not as good as the latter, and the chances of winning head-on are extremely small. In this case, he has to swallow his anger.

On the other hand, it is natural that Wang Zheng has been making troubles in the south in the past few years, and it can be said that the wind is booming. Naturally, Cao Cao does not want to escalate the fight between himself and Yuan Shao, which will cause both sides to lose.

In the original history, on the one hand, it was Cao Cao's tolerance, and on the other hand, Gongsun Zan's unexpected firmness, which always held back Yuan Shao's footsteps going south. This gave him a certain amount of time to develop his power. In the third and fourth years of Jian'an , and did several major things, such as capturing and killing Lu Bu and conquering Xuzhou, recovering Zang Ba and sending him to Qingzhou, attacking Nanyang again and again, and finally subduing Zhang Xiu before the Battle of Guandu.

Conquering Xuzhou increased Cao Cao's power. Zhang Xiu led Nanyang Jujun to surrender, which solved his worries. Sending Zang Ba to Qingzhou was to restrain Yuan Tan. It can be said that it was during these few years that Cao Cao has been working hard to narrow the gap in strength with Yuan Shao, making full preparations for the upcoming battle that will determine the ownership of the Northern Territory.

But now everything has changed.

Compared with the original history, Gongsun Zan's defeat was a full two years earlier. As for Xuzhou, it fell into the hands of Wang Zheng. Now the power gap between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao is naturally greater than that of the Battle of Guandu!

The current situation is that Wang Zheng wants Yuan Shao to fight Cao Cao, and Cao Cao wants Yuan Shao to fight Wang Zheng. As for Yuan Shao, he naturally wants to deal with both of them, but it is still up to him to decide who will receive his iron fist of justice first.

But what if Yuan Shao becomes emperor?

For Wang Zheng, this doesn't really matter. His current strategy will still be to unify Yangzhou first, and then go south to Jingzhou, but this is not the case for Cao Cao.

Once Yuan Shao became emperor, he couldn't ignore it, let alone continue to ignore it!
Because there are no two suns in the sky, and there are no two masters in the country!
Once a second "Son of Heaven" appears, the legitimacy and legitimacy of the Han Dynasty will be reduced every day. If he lost the legitimacy he should have, he would have no capital to contend with Yuan Shao.

After being reminded by Guo Jia, Wang Zheng finally came to his senses at this moment. The surrender of the Jade Seal of the Kingdom was obviously for Yuan Shao's favor, but in fact it was to intensify the conflict between Yuan and Cao.
"If Yuan Shao won the jade seal, but didn't proclaim himself emperor immediately, then he would have lost his wife." Halfway through the sentence, he realized that the allusion hadn't appeared yet, so he quickly changed his words: "Stealing a chicken can't make you lose money?" Maybe it didn't appear, but it is more easy to understand. It is expected that Guo Jia and others will understand the meaning once they hear it.

"Stealing a chicken won't make you lose money"

Guo Jia smiled slightly, "Although these words are simple, they are very reasonable. They can be said to hit the nail on the head, but my lord does not need to worry about this. As long as the jade seal falls into Yuan Shao's hands, it means that he will not proclaim himself emperor for the time being. In order to maintain the integrity of the Han Dynasty , Cao Cao will also take action."

Seeing that Wang Zheng didn't react for a while, Guo Jia explained: "Your Majesty, you must have forgotten that this jade seal originally belonged to the Liu family. When it was in Yuan Shu's hands before, the imperial court never asked for it. He also knew that Yuan Shu was ambitious, even asking for it would be useless, so he gave up. '

"It's different now. The emperor and the imperial court have moved to Xu County in recent years, and it has become much more stable than before. At this time, both Emperor Xian and Cao Cao are eager to increase their orthodox legitimacy. In Yuan Shao's hands, what will you do?"

Guo Jiadao: "When Lu Bu first came to Xuzhou, Cao Cao sent his envoy Dong Zhao to confer on the lord Xuzhou the position of shepherd, and wrote a secret letter to teach Lu Bu to be killed. If I expected it to be correct, it should be based on Xun Wenruo's plan, but Xuzhou. As bait, it is a plan to provoke two tigers to compete for food, as the saying goes, it is indecent to come and not to go, the lord should reciprocate the color, give Yuan Shao the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, and then publicize it."

"Let everyone know about this!"

Zhang Zhao said, "In this way, in order to maintain the integrity of the imperial court, Cao Cao will definitely ask Yuan Shao for the jade seal, and Yuan Benchu ​​will definitely not be willing, so he will not proclaim himself emperor for the time being. If he refuses to return the jade seal to the court, There is also the reality of usurping, giving people a handle!"

"This is a conspiracy!"

After thinking silently for a moment, Wang Zheng nodded slowly and said, "In this way, the conflict between the two parties will not only intensify further, but will even surface. The threat of the Jizhou army going south needs to be considered.”

"Exactly." Guo Jia looked at Wang Zheng with a smile, cupped his hands and said, "That's why I suggested that my lord agree to Yuan Fang's request."

"Feng Xiao said so, and there is no reason why he would not allow it." Wang Zheng had never paid too much attention to Chuan Guo Yuxi. The reason why he did not want it before was nothing more than dissatisfaction with Yuan Fang's domineering, but now it is different: " It's just that the general had already pleaded that Yuxi is still in the hands of the Sun family, but now this..."

"This is easy to handle." Guo Jia said with a smile: "The lord will tell this Mr. Yuan that he will attack Wu County in the near future, and then he will hand over the jade seal." "


Speaking of this, Guo Jia paused, and said: "As Mi Jun said just now, the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom is so precious, no matter what, there is no reason to give it away for nothing."

Wang Zheng was startled when he heard the words, facing Guo Jia's eyes shining with wisdom, he suddenly reacted and nodded again and again: "Not bad, not bad."

"As it should be!"

Three days later, Wang Zheng summoned Yuan Fang again and took the initiative to tell him the results of the discussions with the ministers.

Of course, the rhetoric has changed.

"Yuan Gong is an important minister of the emperor and a famous family for many generations. As the saying goes, destiny is impermanent, and only those who are virtuous live in it. If you can find a sacred artifact like the Jade Seal of the Kingdom by chance, you should enshrine it in front of Yuan Gong's case."

After the scene was finished, he went straight to the point: "In the past few days, the general has already considered it clearly. Although our army has only gone through a war and all three armies are exhausted, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, we should conquer Wu County as soon as possible so that we can increase the number of jade seals. grasp."

In fact, neither Yuan Fang nor the people of Jizhou care about whether Wang Zheng will attack Wu County or when he will attack Wu County, because they have no direct interest relationship with them.

But since the other party firmly insisted that the Chuanguo Yuxi was still in the hands of Wu Jun's Sun family, the "Wu Jun" in his mouth naturally meant something else.

Although Yuan Fang is young, but the city is very deep, and he knows the elegance when he hears the string song, and he has heard some meanings at this time, he immediately asked with a smile: "The state shepherd has made a plan?" '

"If you want to conquer Wu County, you must first capture Danyang. Danyang has many fortified cities, and there are many mountain and mountain forces. If you want to conquer it in one fell swoop, at least [-] to [-] troops will be needed."

Wang Zheng said solemnly: "Shouchun's existing army is only 5, and it is obvious that more than [-] people cannot be dispatched. At least [-] must be left to guard the place; The actual usable army is only about [-]. It may be difficult to defeat Jiangyou with these troops, so I would have an idea."

When Yuan Fang heard this, he really wanted to refute. At the beginning, Sun Ce had all four counties, and his father Yu Yin had such a great momentum. Didn't you, Wang Yukou, bring 2 horses to confront him head-on?

Why is it that Sangoshi just wants to say that 2 horses are not enough?

Of course, after all, these can only be complained secretly, but they asked cooperatively: "What do you think?"

Wang Zheng glanced at Yuan Fang and said with a smile, "Young master came all the way from Jizhou. Did you pass by Qingzhou and enter Linzi on the way?" '

"Ah..." Yuan Fang didn't know why Wang Zheng's conversation changed so suddenly, he was silent for a moment, and then nodded.

"This general has had the honor of seeing the military appearance of Yuan Inspector (Yuan Tan has been listed as the Inspector of Qingzhou at this time). All the troops under his command are young and elite soldiers. They can be described as brave and good at fighting."

Wang Zheng said with a smile: "If I can get the help of Inspector Yuan, I will be more confident in overcoming Jiangyou earlier. You don't need too many troops, five thousand is enough."

Yuan Fang knew that Wang Zhenghui would raise conditions, but he never expected that Wang Zhenghui would take the initiative to propose "borrowing troops". Say more without much, say less but also less.

He coughed dryly, and asked in a deep voice: "What does Zhou Mu say, that is to say, as long as the second brother can send troops to help you conquer the four counties in the east of the Yangtze River, the Jade Seal of Chuanguo will be enshrined to the general?"

Wang Zheng smiled, nodded and said: "If Governor Yuan can mobilize five thousand tigers, it will take at most half a month, at least ten days later, the two parties can cooperate to fight together. At the time of the new year and the cold winter, it is not good to fight. , but it is also not conducive to absconding, and the defenders of Danyang and Wujun probably would never have imagined that they would mobilize troops at this time, and they should be very sure that they can make meritorious deeds in one fell swoop."

"If we wait until next year, we can only do it after the spring plowing. At that time, the enemy has taken precautions. Maybe after the Sun family's defeat in Danyang, they will choose to flee. That's it."

Yuan Fang frowned, picked up the teacup, and sipped his mouth slightly, meaning that if Yuan Tan didn't borrow troops, Wang Zheng couldn't guarantee that he would be able to "find" the Jade Seal of Chuanguo?
After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly asked: "If Linzi goes out to the army, how will the salary, rations, supplies, etc. be calculated?"

Now that he asked such practical questions, he was initially tempted. Wang Zheng was overjoyed, and immediately patted his chest and promised: "Since the friendly army is helping, of course I, Yangzhou, should be responsible."

"What if there is a loss?"

Wang Zheng is unwilling to take up this topic. If he has to be responsible for the damage, then it is no exchange. He just laughed and said: "Jizhou Army is a powerful army in the world, and this general is also a tiger. Fighting against a group of barbarians in the mountains can be said to be a sure thing, even if there are some losses, it won't be too big."

As he spoke, he summoned his personal guards, took out a stack of documents and handed them to Yuan Fang, "Don't worry, my lord, we will win this battle. This is the battle plan drawn up by the Overlord Mansion under my command who is in charge of military affairs just last night. Please have a look, my lord." , you should be relieved."

Yuan Fang started to look at it, and saw that it was written in great detail, which division and whose battalion were the vanguard, which division and whose battalion were the two wings, which division and whose battalion were the rear, and which division and whose battalion were the main force, etc. , All are very clear and detailed, regardless of the main attack, side response, road exploration, and even the supply of food, grass and luggage, cutting off the enemy's retreat, etc., have all been taken into account.

Lin Lin Zongzong, after some calculations, it is indeed as Wang Zheng said, this strategic plan requires at least [-] to [-] troops, and if it is implemented according to the plan, Wu County may be able to recover within one or two months.

At this time, Wang Zheng got up and walked to his side, pointing and explaining, what he said was that if the army and horses are really not enough, how many people can be reduced here, and how much can be reduced here, etc., but even if these less important things If the place is streamlined, there must be at least 5000 people just barely enough.

It's not like Yuan Fang is completely ignorant of military affairs. After watching carefully for a while, he knew that what Wang Zheng said was reasonable, so he couldn't help thinking about it.

A plan is always just a plan, and he is naturally aware of this. Since Wang Zheng asked Yuan Tan to send troops, the Jizhou army must be the main force in the next battle, such as tough battles and difficult bones.

But even so, after careful calculation, it is actually not unacceptable. To put it bluntly, if Yuan Fang agrees, it means that he must be mentally prepared for the loss of all 5000 troops. Use "Five Thousand Jizhou Army" to exchange Chuanguo Yuxi.

So is this a good deal, or a loss-making business?
Yuan Fang pondered for a while, and finally made a decision. He looked up at Wang Zheng and asked, "Since that's the case, what's Zhou Mu's plan? Is the second brother sending someone to talk about it, or is it better to go down?"

Hearing this, Wang Zheng felt certain in his heart, knowing that Yuan Fang had agreed to the deal, and that the other party could also make the decision.

Otherwise, Wang Zheng should wait for a few days and give him time to seek Yuan Shao's opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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