Chapter 585
For some reason, Tai Shici and the Kuai Zhou sent by the Huang family to pick up Xiao Qiao never saw her, but the prodigal girl followed her all the way to Shouchun.

After welcoming Zhou Yu at the pier, they rode back to the city together. When he heard that Tai Shici and Zhuge Liang's future father-in-law were standing behind him, Wang Zheng liked Xiao Qiao more and more. "I like it", and immediately ordered people to choose a clean house and decorate it cleanly, and held a banquet in the palace. At the same time, he told the porter that there might be a boat from Xiangyang coming, and if he saw it, report it quickly.

As for what Zhou Yu said about Tai Shici shooting and killing Zhang Chongyue, to be honest, Wang Zheng almost didn't realize it at the time. Who is Zhang Chongyue?Naturally, with a wave of his hand, the matter was written off.

The guests and hosts had a great time at the banquet, needless to say, by the time Zhou Yu and Xiao Qiao returned to the mansion, it was already dusk.

Today is different from the past. In the past, when Wang Zheng first got Shouchun, all kinds of things were waiting to be done. Also, at that time, the local officials and gentry in Shouchun were less stubborn and more surrendered. It was too ugly, so when Guo Jia, Xu Fang, Wu Sheng and others came, they had no place to live, so they had to live in the embassy.

It is different now, the lack of food is a dilemma for Wang Zheng, but it is also an opportunity.

Under such circumstances, since ancient times, there have been some bold and stupid thieves who have taken the opportunity to drive up prices, but they have given Wang Zheng an excuse. A batch of crimes of "people" have been cleared up. In addition, since they have all asked Jingzhou for food, the private warehouses of the local gentry will naturally not be let go.

What, unwilling to sell?

That is disobedience!

He has practiced two faces in the past few years. Most of the time, he is naturally humble and polite. The only thing he has to do is to engrave the four characters "conquer people with virtue" on his face, but once he encounters a few situations, he feels uncomfortable. When it is too good to "reasonable", the mask of warmth will be torn off in an instant, and the fangs will be exposed arrogantly.

Under such circumstances, many of the gentry in the city were beheaded and their homes were confiscated, and the vacated fields and rice grains were naturally returned to the government. As for the houses, Wang Zheng ordered them all to be distributed For all the ministers under his command, everyone who works in Yangzhou, regardless of civil or military, has one room for everyone above the fifth rank.

This kind of things of seizing people, killing heads, and copying people's families is common in the last days of the dynasty. After all, there are also high and low noble families. The so-called unspoken rules of mutual non-intrusion are only common among the top families, and they are all smarter and more interesting. , As for those middle-level gentry, not only Wang Zheng, but people like Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, after occupying a territory, they will generally clean up a group, which is actually not surprising.

For example, when Yuan Shu came to Yangzhou from Yuzhou, did he come here alone?
How many civil servants and military generals accompanied them?When we come to Shouchun, where do these people live?Didn't the houses of Yang Hong and Ji Ling also be snatched from the former local wealthy families?
Therefore, although Wang Zheng's behavior made many people feel dissatisfied, it was still within the tolerable range.

Compared with other yellow turban bandits, even princes like Cao Cao (when he attacked Xuzhou, the rich and powerful families in Pengcheng were basically killed, leaving no chickens and dogs behind, it was ten households and nine empties in the true sense) Wang Zheng's behavior is already considered It's "benevolent", at least, he will still give a "reason" for killing people, such as not allowing prices to go up.

In this regard, the royal government has no choice. The regime system in the feudal era must rely on the gentry class, otherwise the regime will be difficult to stabilize, but it will not work without killing. After all, almost all wealth and land are in their hands. With wealth and land, how can one increase one's own wealth?

How can you reward heroes and attract people's hearts if you don't have money?
It's just that there is a standard to be grasped between killing and not killing.

Shouchun is the heart of Yangzhou, and it needs absolute stability. Anyone who is not in the same heart with Wang Zheng must not stay!

However, the gentry and gentry in other places cannot be killed at will. As long as there is no collusion with the enemy, other aspects can be determined according to the situation. For pregnant.

It can be said that starting from Xuzhou, Wang Zheng has always been "overbearing and miscellaneous" according to his own image.

What image is he?
Yellow Turban bandits!
This image is bad to say the least, but it is not completely without some benefits. For example, because he is a Yellow Turban bandit, when he sometimes shows a cruel and tyrannical side, those gentry will not be too surprised or even resentful. Well, it is not surprising to do such things!
But if it is only the image of a "yellow turban bandit", it will not work. Even with the help of the system and the prophet, it will be difficult for him to fight his way out of the place of the Four Wars like Xuzhou, and he has today's foundation and atmosphere.

Therefore, Wang Zheng hopes that in the eyes of the world, especially the gentry, he will be seen as a yellow-turban bandit with ideals and ambitions, who has been working hard to learn from a modest gentleman, rather than a "hopeless" yellow-turban bandit.

Occasionally doing some bad things is only because he has not completely become a good person, a gentleman, everyone must give him more time, a little endurance, and earnestly teach him. One day, he will become the "benevolent lord and wise king" in the hearts of the gentry.

The mansion assigned to Zhou Yu was originally the house of a middle-class noble family in Shouchun.

As soon as he stepped out of the palace, the smile on Zhou Yu's face disappeared, because Wang Zheng not only praised him at the banquet, but what was more troublesome was that he and Guo Jia talked about a few military affairs and government affairs without hesitation.

If it were people like Lu Su or Lu Ji, they would be ecstatic, after all, it means closeness and trust.

But Zhou Yu's heart became more and more heavy, because knowing these things, the chance of him wanting to withdraw became smaller and smaller.

Of course, one more point is that the government affairs mentioned by Guo Jia mentioned the relocation of tycoons. Among them, not only the tycoons from Xiapi and Donghai were relocated to Jiangdong, but also the tyrants from Yangzhou to Xuzhou.

After learning about this, Zhou Yu couldn't bear it.

He is different from Guo Jia. One is that he has not entered the system, and he does not have the loyal dog spirit of "abandoning the ego to achieve the big self". On the other hand, he is from Yangzhou, and the Lujiang Zhou family is also one of the top families in Yangzhou. Most of Zhou Yu's friends and in-laws are the children of big Jiangdong families.

Zhou Yu could see clearly that compared with the Yi clan who copied the family, the migrating tyrants actually targeted the middle and high-level families. Once it became a resolution, if they disobeyed orders, they would naturally be killed again, and if they obeyed orders, then few of his friends and relatives would be killed. Half of them must meet the conditions for migration
For the people of the Han Dynasty, it is not a disaster to leave their hometown, so how could Zhou Yu not feel compassionate.

He returned to the mansion with a heavy heart. Most of the servants in the mansion were left behind from before, but Zhou Yu didn't know if there were any eyes and ears arranged by Wang Zheng, so he naturally didn't want to show his thoughts in front of them, so he greeted them casually a few times. Then he retreated from the crowd, went into the study alone, and pondered over and over again.

Hearing the sound of the rain outside the window, the cold rain soaked into the room, unaware that the dusk was gradually turning into night, Zhou Yu lit a red candle, looked at the dew dancing in the sky, and the beautiful figure of Xiao Qiao appeared in his mind, unconsciously He laughed, with tenderness in his eyes.

It turned out that her sister was Wang Zheng's Captain Qiao, who had risen to fame in recent years.
In this way, it was right for my family to send her here in Shouchun.

It's just that looking at her expression when she heard the news, it seemed that she was not very happy, but she didn't know why?

The night was getting darker, and while he was thinking, the maidservant came to report that there were visitors outside the door.


Zhou Yu couldn't help but be surprised, he naturally had some acquaintances in Shouchun, but his family just arrived in Shouchun today, and Wang Zheng held a private banquet, logically no one would know about it, so where did the visitor come from?

When I went out to have a look, it was the sacrificial wine Guo Jia standing facing the wind, I couldn't help being more and more surprised, she didn't show her face, she went out to greet her personally with a smile on her face, went into the room, sat down relative to each other, and said just now: "Guo Jijiu Kui Ye Mao Yu came to visit, but something happened?"

"It's not a big deal." Guo Jia smiled slightly, "I just came out of the palace, and I live right next to Gongjin's mansion, so I thought of visiting first."

"I see."

Zhou Yu said softly "Oh", and nodded slightly, wondering if Wang Zheng had arranged this intentionally, but he said with a smile: "It's a coincidence, Guo Jijiu's name is a genius, and I have admired it for a long time. It seems that there will be more in the future." Here’s the opportunity to ask you face to face.”

"If Gongjin really thinks highly of Guo, she should stop calling her an official position in private, it will seem unfamiliar."

Guo Jia said with a faint smile: "By the way, you are also present at the banquet today. Do you have any insight into the important matters that my lord said?"

"If you're not in your position, you don't plan for your own affairs." Zhou Yu shook his head slightly, "I don't have any opinion."

"If the lord asks, Gongjin can avoid it and not answer." Guo Jia pretended to be displeased and said, "Now in the private room, it's just you and me, but what's the taboo about talking over wine?"

"Furthermore, these few incidents all involve Yangzhou. If the government is inappropriate or inappropriate, it will also hinder the stability of Jiangdong. Gong Jin is also a local child. Are you really willing to turn a deaf ear?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yu was startled for a moment, and then laughed. He is also a free and easy person, and he said straight away: "Since it's an easy talk, why should Brother Guo put such a big hat on me, but I don't dare to see it, and I do have some opinions."

"Appreciate further details."

"Recruiting Shanyue to serve as an army is to benefit for a while, and it will definitely be unfavorable in the future. It is not advisable. Migration of the wealthy people may be for the sake of turmoil for a while, but it will definitely benefit the future. It is a good strategy and is advisable."

The latter had the same idea as Guo Jia, but Zhou Yu's approval was beyond Guo Jia's expectation, while the former's opinion was completely opposite, so he couldn't help being interested, and asked, "Why did recruiting Shanyue benefit for a while? How did the emigration of the rich people benefit them?" Why is it beneficial to the future?"

"I heard what Wang Zhou said at the pastor's table today, the chief official Liu Ye came up with the plan to recruit Shanyue?"

Seeing Guo Jia's nod, Zhou Yu continued: "Perhaps Liu Changli achieved a lot in the previous Lujiang meeting, so he thought that Shanyue could be used for a while, and suggested that in the future, he should mainly appease other Shanyue. If he can use money to lure Driven by me, not only greatly increased strength, but also able to defeat the soldiers of the four counties on the right side of the river without bloodshed, this is a temporary benefit."

"However, in my opinion, Jiangzuo and Jiangyou are very different for the same Shanyue."

Guo Jia looked sideways and asked, "How do you say that?"

Zhou Yu said loudly: "The left side of the river is like Jiujiang County. There are few mountains in the territory, and there are almost no people living in the mountains, and there are only some mountain activities in the south of the Lujiang River. It has not been established and is often suppressed. Therefore, it is easy to appease and not difficult to control. "

"But the places on the right side of the river are different. For example, Danyang, Kuaiji, and Wujun have many mountains and mountains, not to mention a very wide distribution. They are also united with local tyrants. They are rampant and unruly. Even if they surrender for a while, they may not return to their hearts. After a long period of time, if the local wealthy family incites a little bit, it is hard to predict whether they will surrender and rebel."

"Before, although there were many Shanyue in these places, they still did their own thing. If Liu Zhangli's strategy was followed, after recruiting, Shanyue would be unified and formed into an army alone. The power of that generation would increase. People with different intentions climb up and shout, and turn against each other and cause chaos, and the damage is not insignificant!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Yu paused, and said seriously: "So from my point of view, recruiting Shanyue is the most beneficial for a while. If you form an army alone, it will be a handle to others. If it goes on for a long time, you will definitely suffer from it. It will not be good for the future. .”

Hearing this, Guo Jia was silent for a while, then asked in a deep voice: "Yi Gongjin means that Shanyue is not usable?"

"Jiangzuo is available, Jiangyou is not available."

Zhou Yu smiled slightly: "If you want to use Jiangyou Shanyue, it's easy. First, you must not let Shanyue form an army alone, and second, let him be like Jiangzuo Shanyue!"

"It's just like Jiang Zuo's mountains."

Guo Jia was stunned when he heard the words, and he realized something in his heart, "What does the meaning behind the words mean?"

"The barbarians of that generation are afraid of prestige and do not cherish morality. They must be shown to be shocked by thunder, and divided and divided. They can only be recruited by force, not lured."

Zhou Yu talked eloquently, "If the state herdsman conquers Danyang in the future, when the army knows it, it will show its momentum and try to show its momentum to the outside world. After hearing about it, the rich people in Jiangyou will contact the Shanyue tribes and fight to the death. Since then, this It is true that the difficulty of winning the battle has increased a lot, but if it can win, Shanyue will also be severely injured, and he will not be able to make trouble for several years."

"After conquering the right side of the river, Wang Zhoumu can arrange generals to guard the four counties, order each to protect the borders, and then divide the troops to control the dangerous places, divide and surround the mountains, and usually only repair the fences, and do not take the initiative to confront them. They only wait for the grain to be ripe. , The soldiers plundered and robbed Shanyue to force Shanyue to go out of the mountain to survive. After the first battle, the strong captured became soldiers, and the weak became civilian households. It's okay to recruit and appease."

"It may not even be necessary to appease. Although Shanyue is a barbarian, he is not stupid. If such a situation can be formed, if they can be made clear that Wang Zhoumu's soldiers are definitely not capable of confronting them head-on, then staying in the mountains will be a dead end. , the only way to survive is outside the mountain, so Brother Guo thinks, what will happen to their choice?"

"Forced to go out of the mountains and move to the plains"

Guo Jia patted the table and sighed: "What a Zhou Yu, he really is the unparalleled scholar of the country!"

 It's sunny, and I have a headache while coding, I really can't guarantee the quality.

  But I ran out of leave notes (not enough points), so I had to bite the bullet and write.

  The quality of the next few chapters is not guaranteed, and some other articles may be used to fill up the daily guarantee, but they will be marked in advance, book lovers should pay attention to it, and turn off the automatic subscription first during this period.

(End of this chapter)

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