Riding and cutting the imperial pirates of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 577 Concubine's Body Step Trainer, Meet the General.

Chapter 577 Concubine's Body Step Trainer, Meet the General.

Bu Wan'er, or Bu Lianshi, originally hated Wang Zheng very much.

Without him, because Wang Zheng is a yellow scarf bandit.

But in Bu Lianshi's eyes, the reason why she and her mother left Huaiyin and took refuge across the river, and the reason why they were displaced and left their homes, was the result of the Yellow Turban Uprising.

Of course, for Wang Zheng Wu Sheng and other grassroots people, it is also true that they rose up, because the world at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty has made it impossible for them to survive.

But for another group of people, for those small and medium gentry gentry, if there is no Yellow Turban Uprising, their original life can be very peaceful and happy.

The Huaiyin Bu family, where Bu Lianshi was born, is one of them.

Although the Bu family in Huaiyin had a prominent ancestor, they had already declined at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is obvious that from the generation of the ancestors of Bu Lianshi Bu Zhi and others, no one took up official positions. This situation proves that they have passed away from the Xuzhou family The status and class slipped to the local humble family, also known as the common people.

Of course, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although the influence of the Bu family has declined seriously, and they cannot bestow the honor of family status on the children of the clan, at least they can get a good education and training. Therefore, he got the virtuous name of a young handsome man, which is considered a bit of fame.

But in Dahan, having fame means having a chance to stand out, and with the endorsement of the ancestors, if there is no accident, Bushi will still be able to complete a "return of the king" drama sooner or later.

But it turned out unexpectedly.

During the Yellow Turban Uprising, there was unavoidable great turmoil in Xuzhou. I don’t know how many people destroyed their families. In desperation, he had to cross the river from Huaiyin with his mother and fled to Yangzhou.

You can think about it, orphans, widows and mothers have no one to rely on, and life is already difficult. All the way, trekking through mountains and rivers, thousands of miles, not to mention eating and sleeping in the open, if there is any rain or snow, the road is muddy, the mountains and rivers are frozen, adult men can't bear it. Let alone a foot trainer in his teens at that time?

Not only natural disasters, but also man-made disasters.

At that time, there were many bandits and wars, and it was impossible for the road to be peaceful. It would be better if there were a small group of thieves, and at most they would extort some food and property, but what if they met a large group of robbers?
Not only do they want food, but they also want to rob people, and they also want to coerce and gather people!

Under such circumstances, if the refugees are unwilling, they can only flee in a large group. At this time, in a swarm of swarms, no one cares about others. There are several times when the step trainer almost got lost. It is all due to Mrs. Bu who ignored the danger , without hesitation, turned back to find her again.

Imagine the scene at that time, the bandits chased after them, screaming to kill the sky; everyone on the left and right fled in panic, and looking around, the pursuers and refugees could not see the end.I only heard horses neighing and people screaming, the earth shaking and landslides; I saw broken limbs everywhere, blood flowing like rivers, if there was more wind and rain, it would be like a dark rain and rain, and the sky and the earth would be shaken.

In the crowd, a little girl stood alone in the middle. When the horseshoes trampled over, there was no way to hide; when the refugees crowded over, there was no way to hide.

Just when he felt that he was going to die and the sky was about to fall, suddenly, he saw a woman rushing towards her through the crowd, looking at the dirty, messy, surprised and happy face.What kind of feeling should it be?
For the step trainer, the mother is like a mountain, she is the greatest support, as long as there is a mother, even though the world is chaotic, there will be nothing to make her feel afraid.

In the end, Mrs. Bu did not disappoint Master Bu's trust, and they finally managed to escape to Shouchun without any danger.

Later, Mrs. Bu married Chen Wen as a concubine, and the mother and daughter finally lived a peaceful and happy life, as if they had returned to the days when her father was still alive.

However, with the appearance of Yuan Shu, the peace was broken once again.

His stepfather, Chen Wen, died, and his mother also died of depression not long after. Because she was still young, she could already tell that she was a beautiful woman, so Bu Lianshi stayed in the palace for the time being and became a maidservant, only to be accepted by Yuan Shu after Ji Pick.

This result is naturally unacceptable to the step trainer. Not being able to avenge her mother has made her extremely sad and indignant, so why should she commit herself to her enemy?
That's right, although Mrs. Bu died of illness, in Bu Lianshi's eyes, if it wasn't for Yuan Shu, her mother would never have ended up in this fate!
After staying in the palace every day, the trainer feels that the days are like years. She is like a small trapped animal, confined in a narrow space. Every time Yuan Shu enters and exits the palace, she can climb up and watch See, hear the footsteps of the opponent, but the enemy is close at hand, but the foot trainer is helpless.

Gritting his teeth, the trainer's mentality finally changed, and it seemed that it was no longer an unacceptable thing to commit himself to the enemy.
Because she found that if she wanted to avenge her mother, this seemed to be the only feasible way?
But Bu Lianshi didn't want to use the name her parents gave her to do such a humiliating thing, so she gave herself a new name, Wan'er.

Wanzhe means to bend the grass to cover itself, that is, to bend the grass to cover itself, extending the name of roundness and inflection.

The trainer Bu Wan'er became Bu Wan'er. She began to take pictures of herself in the mirror every day, eager to grow up quickly. This was also the moment when she cared the most about her appearance in her life. After one year, she finally became an adult and a peerless beauty in the true sense.

The attitudes of the people around him suddenly became milder, and the original harsh words, insults and insults suddenly disappeared.

Because everyone has seen her future, with the appearance of a young girl, once she is lucky enough to be favored by the prince, it is almost inevitable that she will be favored, so naturally she has to please her in advance.

Bu Wan'er is also looking forward to it, she sharpens her personal dagger every day, waiting for the moment when Yuan Shu will summon her, and the moment when Yuan Shu will be alone with her.
"Don't be nervous when you see Yuan Thief, and you must hide the dagger well."

She told herself over and over again, holding the dagger and repeating several chopping and stabbing movements, so as to achieve a sure hit.

Not long after, Yuan Shu finally summoned her!
When Bu Wan'er entered the hall, everyone was stunned, including Yuan Shu, who was in the high seat, and his mind was shocked, with a feeling of astonishment and shock.

It was not the first time he saw Bu Wan'er, and he also knew that Chen Wen's stepdaughter was originally a beauty, but he didn't expect that the other party had just reached the age of Ji, and she already possessed such a charming beauty.
Seeing the enemy's soul-giving expression, Bu Wan'er was sure, but she didn't expect Yuan Shu to fall into a long silence in the next moment.

He would look at her from time to time, as if reluctant to part.

what's the situation?
While Bu Wan'er was puzzled, she felt a bad premonition inexplicably, and bit her lip involuntarily.

At this time, a scribe next to Yuan Shu suddenly approached Yuan Shu and whispered in his ear, as if he was trying to persuade him. The distance was too far, and Bu Wan'er couldn't hear clearly, but only vaguely heard a few words such as "Virgin" and "Xi Shi" .

Not long after, Yuan Shu finally made a decision, and only gave in at the first sentence. The smile on Wan'er's face was completely frozen, and she fell into a state of astonishment. She couldn't hear what Yuan Shu said behind her. .

It turned out that Yuan Shu's purpose of summoning her today was not to bring her into the room at all.
But I want to give it to a person named Wang Zheng.

At this moment, Bu Lianshi didn't even care about who Wang Zheng was, he just kept thinking about giving me to someone else.
Send me to someone else?

Isn't that about to leave the palace soon?
Bu Wan'er lowered her head deeply, so that no one could see her. At this time, the girl's eyes were full of hatred and anger, burning her little reason like a flame.

Once out of the palace, there will be no chance to avenge mother, so why not fight to the death now?

Just as Bu Wan'er was about to pull out the dagger, a military general surnamed Ji beside Yuan Shu suddenly glanced over coldly.

With just one glance, the thoughts in Bu Wan'er's mind completely dissipated, and her instinct reminded her that the other party seemed to have noticed something and became vigilant. Under such circumstances, even if she got close to Yuan Shu, she would hardly have anything to say Opportunity to start.

In the end, Bu Wan'er had to be sent out of the palace and sent to the embassy with all kinds of unwillingness.

At this time, she already knew who Wang Zheng was from Yan Xiang's mouth, he was just a yellow scarf bandit who caused troubles in Xuzhou. This alone made her dislike him, not to mention that the appearance of the other party destroyed her plan, which made Wan Wan even more compromised. My son hated Wang Zheng even before he met him!

but unpredictable
With the deepening of getting along with Wang Zheng, the inherent prejudice cannot match the charm of the system, and the original dislike is gradually replaced by good feelings.

Even when Bu Wan'er didn't realize it, her love for Wang Zheng was so deeply rooted that she couldn't extricate herself. At this time, the only reason why she didn't let go of her heart towards Wang Zheng was that the appearance of the other party prevented her from taking revenge. .

Only this point is hard to let go, and this is the only point that is the most brooding.

Of course, this last grievance completely dissipated after Bu Wan'er heard the news of Yuan Shu's defeat in Pingyu.

At that moment, Bu Wan'er's eyes became clear again, as if she had returned to her childhood.

At that time, she was a step trainer, not Bu Wan'er.

At that time, there was only one person in her eyes, and she only trusted one person. As long as this person was by her side, Step Trainer felt peaceful and happy, and would not feel at a loss.

Because no matter what kind of situation she encountered, no matter what danger she was in, this person would save her from it, and then give her warmth and safety.

That person is her mother.

Today, this person has become Wang Zheng.

When Bu Wan'er returned to Shouchun again, she only had Wang Zheng in her eyes, and only one thought in her heart, which was to try her best to win Wang Zheng's favor.

Let him continue to stay by her side, always by her side!
When Wang Zheng lost his mind, the step trainer was staring at him deeply, with deep affection in his eyes, and a bright and eye-catching smile suddenly appeared on his face, just like a delicate flower, with a shyness rushing towards his face The feeling of being pleasing to the eye is very heart-pounding.

She bowed profusely again, and saluted with all her clothes on her back, and said softly: "I am a step trainer, and I pay my respects to the general."

This was the first time she was addressed by her original name in front of Wang Zheng.

Since the Zhou Dynasty, Xiangyang, Jingzhou has been a large county in the north of Chu.

The convenience of transportation has contributed to the development of the economy. Zhou Yu traveled all the way, and the road was full of prosperity. In addition, Xiangyang is the center of Nanzhang Chusang silk culture. Quite prosperous and flourishing, Liu Jingsheng started righteous school again, educated the people, after several years of edification, even the roadside peddlers, they all showed a little bit of gentleness.

Not only the silkworm silk, but also the lobster in Xiangyang is a must. The crayfish in Hubei will be the best in the world as early as this time. Grind into a paste, salted and fermented, put into a wooden box, and made into a brick shape. This is Jingzhou's famous specialty "shrimp brick".

Zhou Yu had heard the name of this product a long time ago. Now that he was in Xiangyang, he naturally wanted to try it out. He bought two pieces and carried them with a straw rope. After walking a few steps, he was attracted by its unique taste and moved his index finger. I simply found a food stall, cooked two bowls of Yangchun noodles, and asked the stall owner to cut a small piece of shrimp bricks and sprinkle them into the noodles.

"This special sauce is really fresh."

Zhou Yu is kind and easy-going. During this time, everyone in the envoy group knows that Wang Zheng attaches great importance to him. In order to become a high-ranking official in the future, the guards are not restrained. Before Zhou Yu moved his chopsticks, he sipped Mouth soup, boasting intoxicatedly.

"Is it really so delicious?" Zhou Yu was also a little greedy when he saw the guards eating delicious food. He picked up a chopstick noodle and was about to eat it when a figure came over with rouge and light fragrance. He tilted his head and stared at Zhou Yu back and forth. Once encountered, he immediately clapped his hands and shouted: "Well, it looks familiar from a distance, it really is you, a little thief!"

The other party's tone was delicate, not to mention, with a unique Lujiang accent, which was very recognizable. Zhou Yu's heart moved, and he looked up. Wasn't it the rich girl on the boat on the river who had money and had no place to spend?
At this time, the other party's finger was on the delicate chin, biting his lip, and his cheeks were puffed up, "I was nagged all the way by my senior brother, and my ears are numb. It's all because of you who are still humming."

"Miss, don't run so fast, be careful not to sprain your foot."

At this moment, five or six attendants also rushed over, crowded a food stall and thatched shed to the brim, surrounded by a maidservant screaming and screaming, and several guards with swords stood in front of him, sizing up Zhou Yu. , looking bad.

Seeing this, the guard quickly put down the bowl, stood up and stood in front of Zhou Yu.

He is a Xuzhou old soldier who has experienced many battles, he has no fear despite being outnumbered, instead he rolled his eyes strangely and shouted sharply: "What are you waiting for, do you want to court death?" Removed the waist handle.

"Don't be impatient."

Zhou Yu comforted her first with gentle words, and then looked at the girl, thinking that she is just a young girl, and arguing with her is not self-deprecating?Immediately smiled slightly: "Okay, I did something wrong and caused the girl to be disturbed, so I apologize to you."

Seeing that the other party is also from Lujiang, Zhou Yu took the initiative to back down, "That's fine, please don't hinder me from eating noodles."

It's a pity that the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. He wants to calm things down, but the other party is unwilling to cooperate.

The girl rolled her eyes a few times, then went to the stall owner and threw out a bag, "How much is this stall worth, are these enough?"

"Enough is enough." The stall owner opened it and was overjoyed immediately, nodding repeatedly.

An old shed, a few straw mats and wooden tables, including the pots and stoves, cost seventy or eighty yuan at most, and this bag of five baht can buy him at least five or six stalls.

"This is my Qiao family's business now." The girl turned around again triumphantly, "Hey, don't eat it, you little thief, I won't sell it!"

"Oh, that's fine, but the shrimp bricks for the sauce are made by myself."

Zhou Yu didn't argue or get annoyed, just pointed at the sauce covered in the bowl, and said with a smile, "Please pay for it, this Xiangyang shrimp brick was originally intended to be brought back to my hometown to honor my uncle and elders, the truth in it, It’s worth a thousand dollars.”

The guards on the side were dumbfounded when they heard the words, and secretly exclaimed: "Young Master Zhou is a scholar after all, it's really ruthless to play tricks."

(End of this chapter)

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