Chapter 574
Zhou Yu's second concern was that even if the powerful resistance from Cai and Kuai could be resolved, it was still unknown what Liu Biao's intentions would be.

Although Liu Biao made an ally with Wang Zheng, but it was just to deal with Yuan Shu, or because he was greedy for Yuzhou. No one knows how this person views Wang Zheng and Yangzhou.

Don't forget, Liu Biao is the clan of the Han Dynasty, and Wang Zheng, no matter how glamorous his status is on the surface, but in essence, he is nothing more than a yellow scarf bandit.

In particular, Wang Zheng's current power has grown from Xuzhou to Yangzhou, and Jingzhou has become a neighboring country. In Liu Biao's view, it may be a great blessing that it is in a food crisis. The Xuzhou army quickly gained a firm foothold in Jiangdong. Could the next step be to use troops against his Jingzhou?

If this is the case, wouldn't it be a tiger breeding trouble, and Liu Biao reaped the consequences?
Zhou Yu asked himself that if he was Liu Biao's adviser, he would definitely see this point, analyze the pros and cons of it, and make Liu Biao think twice and deal with it carefully. As for such people, there must be no shortage of such people in Jingzhou, which is full of talents.
All in all, no matter whether it is public or private, Zhou Yu did not find the reason why Jingzhou borrowed food from Yangzhou. From the perspective of profit, it is more likely to cause Liu Biao to ask for trouble. If Lu Su wants to persuade him, it is difficult to complete the task smoothly. Really not small.

Hearing Zhou Yu's news, Lu Su smiled, and suddenly said, "So what if you're sure, but what if you're not sure? It's absurd for Gong Jin to ask this question."

Zhou Yu asked in surprise, "Why did you say that?"

Lu Su looked up at the sky, and said in a low voice: "I will not disgrace the king's order when I am sent to the four directions. Even if I can't do it, I must do it with all my strength. This is what my subordinates should do. Although this trip is full of difficulties, we must face it. up is"

Then his eyes flashed sharply, he stared at Zhou Yu, and said word by word: "Why ask how sure you are?"

Zhou Yu was startled when he heard the words, a smile escaped from the corner of his mouth the next moment, and he nodded slightly: "Brother Zijing's words are true, it should be clear, but "

After a pause, the topic changed abruptly, "I have worked with Wang Zheng in Hefei for a while, and I know a little bit about it. Although this son of Yukou is not arrogant, he has a very high-minded personality. It is the first time that Zijing has been entrusted with an important task when he is envoy to Jingzhou, if he does not go well and disgraces the king's order, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to have a second chance to show his talent."

Speaking of this, Zhou Yu looked sideways at Lu Su, and said seriously: "If this is the case, Zijing's ambition may not have a chance to be displayed in the future."

"I'm also worried about this, so I want to ask you how sure you are, and whether you already have a good strategy in mind?"

Hearing this, Lu Su was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "The land of Jingchu has brilliant culture, many capable people, and many wise men. There will definitely be no shortage of talented people under my command, as far as I am concerned in Yangzhou, and as far as I am an envoy to Jingzhou, they will all become the opposite party in the future."

"Gong Jin, you are a man who knows the soldiers. You must know yourself and the enemy before you can win a hundred battles. And these are the kung fu that you have to do before the battle. In the rush of time, we don't know what Liu Biao is thinking and how much local resistance is. What's the best way?"

"Now that we have arrived in Jingzhou, the situation is like that the two countries are in line for a decisive battle. With the sound of horns and the sound of war drums, we are about to charge and kill. At this time, all we can do is "forward bravely and adapt to the situation". If we want to talk about a good strategy, this is My good strategy!"

Amidst the sound of horseshoes, the envoys had already entered the inner city, and soon arrived in front of Liu Biao's mansion.

Borrowing food is a business matter, so it is reasonable to go to the Supervisory Office of the state pastoral office, but after Zhou Yu's reminder, knowing that there are many obstacles to this trip, and there is no solution for the time being, Lu Su thought of bypassing them and going directly to meet Liu Biao , since the imp is difficult to deal with, then go directly to Hades.

This is also the reason why the envoys have been disguised in disguise since they entered Jingzhou, and did not play the official banner of Yangzhou with much fanfare, just to avoid people's eyes and ears!

"The river collapses at the end of the ant's hole, and the mountain crumbles from the ape's hole. Slandering evil harms justice. Floating clouds obscure the day. Alas, the difficulties of the world are all seen here."

At the back garden of Liu Biao's mansion, there were loud words coming from a pavilion at this time, mixed into the gentle wind and drizzle.

In the land of Jingchu, the human nature is disturbed, the people's nature is fierce and brave, and the surrounding area is shocked by the war, and the thieves are inciting each other to make troubles. It is very martial, but since Liu Biao became the state shepherd, he has respected literature, respected Confucianism, and established The official school, while restoring Duanjing in the territory, has also changed the atmosphere. Especially in recent years, the current situation has become more and more chaotic, the princes are constantly fighting, and the scholars are depressed. Then invite relatives and friends to invite friends and guests, smell the fragrance and drink wine, and secretly demote the current affairs.

"Because of the difficulties in the world, we should forge ahead even more. As the saying goes, a gentleman should strive for self-improvement."

A young literati said generously: "It's just like Wen Jugong's work, fortunately entrusted with an unworthy body, and it is like a tiger. An Neng suffers all his life, and he lives with the world. The compassion and compassion of the words make people sigh. Float a glass of dirty wine to soothe your heartache."

The critic's surname is Han and his name is Song, and his style name is Degao. He is from Yiyang, Yuzhou.Seeing that the world would be in chaos, he lived in seclusion in Lixi Mountain with several friends.In the aftermath, Liu Biao took the leave and became a Zhonglang.

"The poem is born from the meaning, which shows that Kong Guoxiang is worried about the country and the people. It's a pity that there is no holiday, and he was killed by the bandit Wu Sheng!"

Another scribe interjected that this person was named Yi Ji, and he was the chief bookkeeper of Liu Biao's account. What he said was that at the beginning of the year when the Xuzhou army attacked the Beihai Kingdom, Wu Sheng took the lead, broke through the city first, and then killed Kong Rong.

Yi Ji was known for his grace and demeanor, and it was rare for him to speak so rudely. From this, it can be seen how much he hated Wu Sheng.

Hearing this, Liu Biao frowned slightly on the main seat, and said calmly: "In the battle field, the outcome depends on fate, Uncle Ji was mistaken, not to mention that when we are talking about it, why bother to discuss it?" Are outsiders right or wrong?"

"Besides, Wu Sheng is the general of Xuzhou, and Wang Yukou and I are allies. We will rarely communicate with each other in the future. As for sending envoys, the king is good at eloquence, and he is the right person. If you have such prejudices, I dare not let you go out. make?"

"That's what the lord said."

Cai Mao on the side pointed to Yi Ji and said with a smile: "Uncle Ji made a slip of the tongue, you should punish yourself with a full cup."

When the words fell, a beautiful maid came forward with a pot, everyone toasted and drank, Liu Biao turned to look at another middle-aged man, "Mr. Pang De, I heard the report from the prefect of Nanjun yesterday that nephew Shi Yuanxian has not been appointed yet, but why? "

The middle-aged man is a famous person in Xiangyang, Pang Degong, the patriarch of the local Pang family. Hearing this, he hurriedly cupped his hands and replied: "Reporting to Zhou Mu, my nephew left home to visit friends in other places a few months ago. After receiving the appointment of Zhou Mu, I have sent someone to send a letter to urge him to return, presumably because the war in Jiangdong delayed his trip, so he has not returned so far, and he will not be able to go to Nanjun to serve as a meritorious officer."

"I see."

Liu Biao glanced at Mr. Pang De with a half-smile, and nodded: "I thought it was Nephew Pang Xian who thought that this meritorious person was lowly and unwilling to give in. In fact, I have heard about the talents of scholars for a long time. How can I not use them again?" As long as he stays in Jingzhou, he will be entrusted with important tasks sooner or later."

"My nephew was born here and grew up here, so it's only natural to serve the state shepherd."

Mr. Pang De said solemnly: "Besides, in today's world, Yuan Shao is very domineering and has endless private wars with Marquis Ji. After Cao Cao was eunuch, he was not righteous. Only the state shepherd is my Han clan, and he has a strong army and a strong horse. Not only my nephew, but also my family Now, no one in the world knows the meritorious deeds of helping the Han family and saving the common people, and there is no one else outside Shezhou and herdsmen."

Even though he guessed that although the other party's statement was generous, it might not have much sincerity, Liu Biao still enjoyed it quite a bit, with a happy smile on his face, "It's fair to say, in fact, the young emperor is in Xudu now, and I also quite agree. Worried about my heart, tossing and turning, I can't sleep, thinking about who Cao Mengde is."

Before he finished speaking, Cai Mao on the side laughed and said: "My lord just talked about drinking freely, no matter what is right and wrong, why did he take the initiative to mention outsiders? Doesn't this live up to the beauty of today's good day?" "

"What Degui said makes sense."

A courtier dared to interrupt his own speech, which is absolutely impossible in Xuzhou, but Liu Biao seemed to be used to it, and he didn't get angry. Instead, he laughed, "I will punish myself three cups."

Looking around again, he said with a smile, "Masters, fill your cup and drink again!"

At this moment, the steward of the mansion tiptoed into Lin Yuan, first glanced at Liu Biao, hesitated for a moment, then changed direction, walked to the side seat opposite Cai Mao, and winked slightly.

Seeing this scene, Cai Mao's heart skipped a beat, he didn't get up immediately, he waited for a while, and only then tiptoely got up and walked out of the pavilion when everyone was drinking more and more happily.

The two walked to another quiet place one after the other, Cai Mao just turned around and asked, "What's the matter?"

"There is a guest outside the door asking to see you." The steward bowed and replied in a soft voice, while handing over the invitation card.

"Guest? Is it from the north?"

Cai Mao received the invitation card, and when he caught his eye, his eyes lit up, and he blurted out: "Good calligraphy!" He was born in a family, and he was naturally not bad in literature. After admiring it for a while, he continued to read, "Zhou Yu of Lujiang?"


The steward interjected: "This Zhou Yu was born in the Lujiang Zhou family. He is the son of Zhou Yi, the former Luoyang Ling. You can say he is a son of a high school."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Cai Mao's face had darkened, and he returned the sticker to the housekeeper.

"No." He snorted coldly.


Guan was startled at first, and then explained embarrassingly: "General, Master and Zhou Yi were ministers in the same palace back then, and they had a very close friendship. Since Zhou Yu is the son of the old man, it would not only be disrespectful to reject him today. , let the master know about this in the future."

Liu Biao has always been the most famous. He often said that if everyone in the country is a confidant, this life will not be spent in vain, and he rarely acts like this behind closed doors.

"You don't know something."

Cai Hao didn't want to say much at first, but after thinking about it, although the manager had been secretly bought by his Cai family, he was an old man in front of Liu Biao after all, so he patiently explained: "It's been a long time since Zhou Yi passed away. I haven't seen the lord for many years, Zhou Yu paid a sudden visit today, if I expected it, I must have something to ask for!"

"Then what are you asking for? Now Lujiang has been occupied by Qingzhou Wangzheng, and I have heard that the Zhou family in Lujiang has a lot of flattery. I think Zhou Yu must have come here under the order of this Zhuzi. What he is asking for is nothing more than food or soldiers. That's all."

"If you let him in, the lord may not be able to refuse because of his affection. Instead of that, why not just find an excuse and turn him away!"

From the manager's point of view, Cai Mao's reasoning is really a bit blunt. Although Lujiang is under Wang Zheng, it does not mean that the Zhou family has also submitted to Wang Zheng's sect. Besides, if Wang Zheng wants something, he can just send an envoy directly. Why bother? Want Zhou Yu to visit Liu Biao in private?
But seeing Cai Mao's ugly expression, he seemed to have deep prejudice, shook his head slightly, said no more, then nodded, turned around and left.

On the way here, both Zhou Yu and Lu Su had secretly rehearsed countless scenes, but they never expected that all these efforts would be in vain because of an unexpected closed door.


Lu Su was stunned for a long time, then turned his head to Zhou Yu and said, "Could it be that Venerable Father and Liu Jingsheng were not very friendly back then?"

He could only think of this reason, and it was a very rude behavior to refuse the door. Not to mention Liu Biao, a big man who pays attention to his reputation, is an ordinary small family, ordinary people, visiting visitors, even if they don't have deep friendship. , I also know that please come in for a glass of water first, right?
In fact, Zhou Yu was also very surprised at this time, and immediately became furious!
Taking the returned famous stab from the disdainful doorman, Zhou Yu took a deep look at the slowly closing gate of the Liu Mansion, and the cold murderous intent in his eyes was fleeting.

When he turned his head to look at Lu Su, he didn't show his expression. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders slightly, pretending not to care, and teased: "My father passed away for many years, and he didn't leave much affection. Zijing, you have to think about it again." gone."

"That's why I can't go this way, so I can only disclose the identity of the envoy,"

After thinking for a moment, Lu Su said in a deep voice: "But this is not urgent, we have to solve the situation first."

"I don't have any acquaintances here in Jingzhou. I still have to think of ways to do this. Let's go back to the post house first."

"You go back first." Zhou Yu waved his hand, "I'm not an envoy, I finally came to Jingzhou, let's go for a walk."

On the other side, I spent half a day in Shouchun City, and the king's government was finally exhausted at dusk. After returning to the palace, I went to the inner hall where Mrs. Feng lived.

It is now the third month of Madam Feng's pregnancy. Although there is no obvious change in the lower abdomen, due to the instructions of the medical officer Wu Pu, pregnant women are prone to miscarriage during this period, so everyone in the uterus is very careful. Dare to neglect.

No matter how busy Wang Zheng was with his official duties, he had to visit her every day, and seemed to attach great importance to Madam Feng.

Of course, everyone knew that what Wang Zheng really valued was the flesh and blood she conceived, and Mrs. Feng was no exception, but she was still extremely happy.

Because this is a "bastard"!
Naturally, she didn't know that in the eyes of future generations like Wang Zheng, she didn't care much about the status of the heir. Instead, she "seeed him differently" because of the extraordinary appearance of the other party, giving birth to some inexplicable illusions and self-confidence.

Ah Zheng valued children so much, was it in his heart that this was actually his legitimate son?

Maybe he originally wanted to make me his wife, but it was only because of the obstruction of those talkative people that he failed to do so!

With so many emotions, Mrs. Feng lost her former wisdom and calmness.

Just when Wang Zheng was sitting on the side saddle, taking care of the horse carefully, Mrs. Feng's soft words made Wang Zheng raise his eyebrows, feeling displeased.

The original love of children, tenderness and nostalgia disappeared immediately.

 There is a plot in Jingzhou with many characters, so the latest chapters will temporarily show one branch in each chapter, forming the "dual protagonists" of Wang Zheng and Zhou Yu

(End of this chapter)

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