Chapter 572
The two discussed for a while, when the guard came out of the cabin and brought two meals.

Seeing this scene, Lu Su's face immediately collapsed, and he said to Zhou Yu beside him, "I have eaten this fish meal for half a month, and now I smell it from a distance, Gong Jin, do you think we should find a place to eat it?" Landing near the shore, to buy some fresh pork roast chicken?"

"Whatever, if you are not afraid of delaying the important matter, then I have no scruples."

Zhou Yu had been in the military, and he was not as picky as Lu Su when it came to food. After receiving the boiled fish and rice handed over by the guards, he sat cross-legged against the railing of the boat, and ate first.

"If I had known, I would have let Yanji come to Yangzhou with me." Lu Su still opened his mouth and said, "Gongjin, you don't know that the food cooked by my wife is called Xiangli."

"Nowadays, it's good to eat something."

"Didn't you say that Wang Zheng's daily life is nothing more than two dishes and one soup? Even if the lord is so simple, you, a servant, are still picky?"

"That's not what it says"

Lu Su was still waiting to complain, but Zhou Yu thought he was noisy, so he simply poured fish soup into the rice, stirred it slightly, took a few mouthfuls quickly, and then got up, walked to the other deck, facing the river wind , Touring the scenery on the shore.

At this time, they had arrived at Luo County in Jiangxia County, which is rich in mulberry and hemp. Both sides of the bank are full of mulberry trees. It is almost winter and it is still lush. Zhou Yu caught a glimpse of a group of peasant women busy in it, touching the scene. To work, to rest at the end of the day, to dig wells to drink, to plow the fields to eat"

"What does Dili have to me!"

This is the popular folk song "Song of Hiring the Land" in Guan, which means that when the sun rises, go to plow the fields, and when the sun sets, go home to rest.You can have water to drink just by digging a well, and you won’t be hungry when you grow crops. How comfortable are these days, and who would envy the power of the emperor?
Zhou Yu lived with his father in Luoyang when he was young, and he heard the people humming this song in the alleys. Although the big man at that time showed signs of decay, the traffickers inside and outside the capital still didn’t know it. I still feel that my life is peaceful and content.

It's just that after a while, when even they were no longer alone, no one sang such songs praising the good life.

Zhou Yu's voice was already gentle and elegant, but the manly and long chants that he uttered with emotion became more contagious, and the voice spread far away. Those peasant women who picked mulberries followed their reputation and saw that it was a tall and tall man. The handsome young man suddenly became interested, and Qiqi came to the shore, pointing at the boat, as if commenting on Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yujun blushed, and quickly stopped talking, but he couldn't help feeling a little complacent in his heart. Just as he was secretly happy, there was another voice from behind: "Hey, what are you singing? The tone is very interesting." But it was an inquiry from a building boat four or five meters away from the boat.

Since entering the river, this ship has been sailing in front of them. Because the other party is a sea ship, it is bigger and heavier, and the speed is slower, so the distance between the two sides is getting closer. Today Finally caught up completely.

At this time, a small window in the third-floor cabin of the building ship opened, and a beautiful girl with buns tied up, with dark almond eyes, was waving her hands. The bells are jingling and melodious.

"It's just a folk song in the first level."

Seeing that she was a beautiful woman, Zhou Yu immediately lifted his spirits, and immediately replied loudly.

"A folk song in the pass?"

When the girl saw how handsome Zhou Yu was, her eyes lit up, and she seemed to be more interested when she heard this. She waved her hand and said softly, "You are from the pass. A comedian from Jingzhou? Great, I'm bored."

As he said that, he pulled out the hairpin from the bun and waved it up, "Would you like to come and sing on my boat? If you sing well, how about I reward you with it? It's worth a thousand dollars."

From this question, it can be seen that the girl obviously has no common sense. If she entered Jingzhou from the north, she would not be able to walk through the waterway into the river.

So it's no wonder that girls regard Zhou Yu as a comedian who sings songs. After all, anyone with good eyesight, even if Zhou Yu is wearing ordinary clothes, can guess that this is definitely not a lowly slave just by looking at his demeanor and stature. .

Zhou Yu had a big heart, but he didn't feel annoyed, smiled slightly, and was about to tease a few words, when Lu Su happened to follow, but he was not happy when he heard this.

Immediately snorted coldly, and shouted at the girl: "Don't you have any elders in your family to teach you, girl? How rude are you?"


Seeing Lu Su scolded with a straight face, the smile on the girl's face stopped immediately.

She thought that since Zhou Yu and the others came to Jingzhou from the pass, they were naturally fleeing, and it must have been difficult to live. She asked him to sing a song, and even used the newly bought hairpins as rewards. Seeing such treatment, her beautiful eyes were clouded with mist, she rubbed her nose, and retracted her head.

After a while, when the figure of the girl reappeared, she came to the deck, dragging a young man in his thirties by the hand.

"Brother, they are the ones who bullied me!"

The girl pointed at Zhou Yu and Lu Su, stomped her feet repeatedly, and said bitterly: "Looking at the appearance of these two people, they are not good people, maybe they are thieves, you arrest them quickly, and send them to the official when they arrive in Xiangyang."

The man who was called senior brother seemed to be used to the cunning of young girls. With just a quick glance, he could see that Lu Su and Zhou Yu were extraordinary characters, especially Zhou Yu's appearance and demeanor. Even he couldn't help but admire secretly, and immediately said: "Stop talking nonsense."

Then he clasped his hands to Zhou Yu and Lu Su and said with a smile: "My sister is impolite, she has a childish temper, you two don't care about her."

The young man looked at Zhou Yu with admiration, but he didn't know that Zhou Yu's heart was also moved when he looked at the young man.

Because this person's appearance is also very handsome, and he is not the feminine beauty of Confucian scholars, his brows and face are even more heroic, almost reminding Zhou Yu immediately of Sun Ce, his family's acquaintance, and he immediately fell in love with the young man, and quickly handed him over Reply: "No problem."

Until the boat passed the building boat, I could vaguely hear the brothers and sisters still arguing, "If the eldest sister was here, she would definitely listen to me and go and catch these two thieves."

"Nonsense, you didn't even look carefully. That young man looks ordinary in his clothes, but his belt is made of fine velvet. How could he be a comedian? He misunderstood others first, and he didn't know his mistake."

"What's the matter with fine velvet? It's not like my Qiao family doesn't have any."

The boat was far away, and the voice gradually became unclear. Lu Su looked back again, looked sideways at Zhou Yu and said, "This man has very good eyesight."

"It's more than eyesight."

Zhou Yu thought of a detail he saw just now. When the young man cupped his hands, he showed his thumb with a bluish-colored thumb. He smiled slightly and said in a deep voice, "He should still be a very good shooter!"

Unconsciously, it has entered the winter solstice in November of the first year of Jian'an.

The Winter Solstice Festival has been highly valued by the people since the pre-Qin period, and it was even regarded as a major festival second only to New Year's Day in the Han Dynasty. "Book of Etiquette in the Later Han Dynasty" records: "Before and after the winter solstice, gentlemen should be quiet and quiet, and all officials must do nothing. "Not only that, but also select "capable people", play the lute and sheng, and play the rhythm of the yellow bell to celebrate.

According to the tradition, the ceremony of "He Dong" was held, and after offering sacrifices to the heavens and gods, Wang Zheng held a banquet in the palace that night, summoned all the officials to gather together, and even approved a two-day holiday.

On the second day, Wang Zheng also wanted to relax, so he invited Guo Jia and other close officials, and brought along Xu Fang, Wu Sheng, Gu Jian and others, and went out of the palace in disguise to have fun with the people.

After getting out of the palace, after walking not far, turning into the street, you can see the crowds and voices.

Shouchun was originally the capital of Jiujiang, and it has always been prosperous and prosperous. It didn’t take long for Wang Zheng to restore this place, and even some damage and casualties were concentrated in the outer city. The inner city was unscathed. After entering the city, the military discipline was strict. The Heavenly Army has never disturbed the people, so the result of changing the king's banner at the top of the city has little impact on the people.

In addition, the winter solstice is a big festival in the Han Dynasty, so there are quite a lot of people who come out to wander today, some call friends, some bring their families.Shoulder to shoulder, sweat profusely.

On both sides of the street, there are many small stalls.They sell food like sugar cakes and jujube cakes, as well as things like lanterns and clay figurines.In front of each stall, many people gathered, especially children.Looking at the delicious and fun things, I can't walk one by one.If the family is rich, the adults are generous and buy whatever they want.If there is no money, the adults will try their best, or buy less, or use other things to divert attention, and do not want to make the children unhappy on this good day.

Seeing this scene, Wang Zheng nodded slightly, then suddenly remembered something, and asked Guo Jia beside him, "I remember Lu Ji once mentioned that the government office specially prepared some snacks, clothes, etc., and planned to distribute them to the poor families in the city. Is it done?"

As the prefect of Jiujiang, the more festivals come, the less free Lu Ji will be, so he is not with Wang Zheng today. Guo Jia knows a thing or two about this matter, and replied, "My lord, the division was made yesterday afternoon."

"What do the people say?"

"Of course I'm very happy. There were several city officials sitting next to me at the banquet last night, and I heard them talk about it. Under this kind of benevolent government, the people in the city are all grateful to the lord. Everyone calls the lord a benevolent lord." .”

It is indeed a virtuous government, and it is a virtuous government that borrows flowers to present Buddha.

Now that Wang Zheng has reduced to the level of borrowing food, naturally he will not take out the little surplus food to help the people at this time, so this matter is actually led by two aristocratic families, Shen and Zhao, who asked the gentry and gentry in the city to contribute money and food. On the surface, it is to please Lu Ji, the newly appointed governor of Jiujiang, but in fact it is to please Wang Zheng and help Wang Zheng buy people's hearts.

The meaning of Wang Zheng's question was to ask Lu Ji whether he had done anything on the surface, but in fact, he was to confirm whether these big households had really put into action after they finished their beautiful words.

After all, he had heard too much "fake charity" in his previous life, so of course he kept an eye on it.

Hearing what Guo Jia said now, Wang Zheng nodded his head, thinking that these people are quite knowledgeable, but on the surface he said calmly:

"It doesn't matter whether the benevolent Lord is not benevolent. It is our luck to be in troubled times, but it is the great misfortune of the people."

"Once the hero draws his sword, it will be another ten years of calamity for the common people. This year, the people in the two states will continue to expand their territories, but they will make life more difficult for the people of the two states. Naturally, I feel ashamed. At least they should be happy during the festival. "

"Where the teacher comes out, thorns will grow. After the army passes, there will be a bad year."

Hearing this, Guo Jia was slightly moved, and nodded again and again: "The Shouchun battle has just ended, and people's lives are inevitably difficult. This is something that can't be helped. If the master has this heart, it is true benevolence and righteousness."

"Besides, the lord has not been in Jiangdong for a long time, and the life of the local people is difficult. After all, the fault is Yuan Shu in the past, not the lord."


Wang Zheng shook his head and said: "When I was in Xuzhou, I also looked down on Yuan Shu, but after entering Jiangdong, looking at Yuan Shu's past affairs, although he is not good at managing the army, he is still good at internal affairs and people's livelihood. , if you don’t act too hastily on Xuzhou and add to your ambitions, maybe the people’s livelihood in Jiangdong will be much better than it is now.”

Although Yuan Shu's foundation was seized and his widow was usurped, Wang Zheng actually didn't have much ill feeling towards Yuan Shu. After all, since they met him, they had treated him well.

And after personal contact, Wang Zheng's inherent impression of the Skeleton King has also changed a lot.

Yuan Shu was really bad at fighting, but not being good at war didn’t mean he was not good at anything. At least during his time in power, the people in Jiangdong lived well, and the territory was even more prosperous. This was one of the reasons that supported his ambition to become emperor.

It's just that people are not as good as God.

Yuan Shu never expected that after he proclaimed himself emperor, a rare super-large-scale drought suddenly broke out in the Jiangdong land with well-developed water conservancy!
After the severe disaster, there should have been a great famine in the Jianghuai region in the second year of Jian'an. This caused Yuan Shu's strength to be greatly damaged before "the world attacked together", and made his defeat a certainty.

Hearing this, everyone glanced at each other and didn't know how to respond. Wang Zheng could praise Yuan Shu, but they couldn't. Only Guo Jia pondered for a moment, then nodded:

"Of course Yuan Shu has a certain amount of talent. Otherwise, how could he get out of this wonderful game of going south after the big defeat, and gain a firm foothold in Jiangdong as a northerner? If my lord did not move the tiger away from the mountain, let this People are out of Shouchun, I'm afraid we will have to spend a lot of effort if we want to seize Jiangdong."

While speaking, a few children suddenly appeared from the crowd in front of them. They walked around, chased back and forth, and suddenly came straight to Wang Zheng and his party.

Seeing that the leader was about to bump into Wang Zheng, the faces of the guards changed, and they reached out to take out the weapons hidden under their clothes, but Wang Zheng waved his hand to stop them.

He touched the head of one of the children, and immediately turned his head sideways with a smile, asking everyone to make way for them.

Seeing the children running away yelling, Wang Zheng's eyes became softer, he turned around and continued to walk slowly with the crowd, continuing the topic just now: "What Feng Xiao said is good, I went to the countryside a few days ago, After walking through many villages, it is a great feeling."

Wu Sheng on the side asked, "How does Ah Zheng feel?"

Wang Zheng said beforehand, since today is disguised, don't be too formal, others may just promise, but Wu Sheng immediately climbed up, and he didn't even call "general".

"One, as I said just now, life is not easy for the common people."

Naturally, Wang Zheng would not be offended, and said in a deep voice: "The other one, when talking to the people, I often hear them mention Yuan Shu, and every time they mention it, they must be respectful and polite, and they are called "junhou". It's a great feeling."

 As the loser, not only Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao also had a good reputation among the people of Jizhou under his rule.

  In terms of word-of-mouth at the bottom, Cao Cao should be the worst among the princes.

(End of this chapter)

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