Chapter 559
At noon the next day, Wang Zheng personally went outside the city to greet him.

In order to show courtesy, I went out of the city for ten miles in person. Looking ahead, I saw the uniform appearance of the army, the flags like a forest, and the appearance of a strong army. I was quite satisfied. I looked around and asked: "How do you think about this army?"

"I have heard that General Xu is very strict in governing the army. When I saw him today, he really deserves his reputation."

Lu Ji on the right took the lead and praised: "Although he has just been through the war and traveled a long distance, he still has an undisturbed banner and an orderly team. This shows that General Xu Fang is well-known in ancient times for governing the army."

Gu Yong on the side also echoed: "There are good generals in the state shepherd, so although the world is big, where can't you go?"


Hearing these flattering words, Wang Zheng was also quite happy.

Although he was slightly dissatisfied with Xu Fang's closeness to the gentry and his kind treatment of scholars, he was different from Yu Jin, President Huang and others. The more outstanding the performance of Xu Fang, the famous general and marshal, the more outstanding he is, the more he can show his vision and ability to cultivate talents as a master.

Even more, it can generate a kind of lofty ambition to change history and even create history.

Seeing that his return to the teacher was approaching, Wang Zheng ordered Wang Xiong and his personal guards to take out the desks, fine wine and cups that had been prepared in advance, put them away one by one, and then sat on the horse and waited.

After a while, they saw a group of people separated from the billowing smoke and dust in front of them, galloping over quickly, but Xu Fang and others had already received the news of Wang Zheng's personal welcome, and urged their horses to hurry, passed the army, and came to meet each other.

Wang Zheng laughed, and Gu Pan said to the left and right: "If Xu Fang hadn't led the army to defeat the enemy in Pingyu, he might not have been able to capture Shouchun so easily this time. Ladies and gentlemen, the heroes are here, how about dismounting to greet them?"

Without waiting for the left and right to answer, he took the lead and turned his leg, jumped off the horse, dropped the rein, and walked forward.

As a master, he first greeted Xu Fang's generals ten miles outside the city, waited for them to arrive, then dismounted and walked forward to greet them. This kind of respectful etiquette is too great.

Seeing this, Guo Jia and Mi Heng's hearts moved at the same time, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan and other generals at the side showed envy, and Lu Ji even sighed: "It's rare in the world for the lord to be so ruthless!" He also hurriedly greeted the crowd The ministers got off their horses one after another and caught up with them.

It is true. You must know that when the king's political power was weak, Yuan Shu was very different from the strong and weak. When the latter sent Sun Ce to visit Kaiyang as an envoy, he only let Yu Jin go out of the city for five miles to meet him. Now he not only goes out of the city in person, And to greet each other for ten miles, such a courtesy is not insignificant.

Xu Fang rode his horse and galloped, came to the front of Wang Zheng, turned over and rolled off the saddle, without saying a word, just plopped, first knelt down straight on the ground, bowed his head and said: "The guilty minister Xu Fang pays his respects to the general!"

"Afang, what are you doing?"

Wang Zheng was caught off guard, he was taken aback, hurried to help him, and said: "We brothers have been separated for several months, meeting today is a happy event, why are you acting like this?"

Xu Fang refused to get up, but lowered his head and said in a low voice: "The guilty minister has failed the general's high hopes, and the minister is guilty."

Hearing this, Wang Zheng sighed secretly, looked at Xu Fang who was kneeling on the ground, his eyes became dim and uncertain for a moment.

From the moment Xu Fang called "Sinful Minister", he had already guessed it. Presumably, Xu Fang already knew about the fact that he sent people to Pengcheng to inspect and "Guangcheng Chen's case".

But speaking of it, could this be Xu Fang's fault?

In fact, strictly speaking, it doesn’t count, because Xu Fang went to supervise Pengcheng to defend against foreign enemies as a wing of the Quartet Army and to monitor Lu Bu in Wu County. In fact, he did not neglect his duties in this job, and at best he did not do enough. , It is too true to say that he is guilty.

But even so, Xu Fang immediately lowered his posture and confessed his mistake when he came up. Under such circumstances, how could Wang Zheng have the heart to blame him?

"Why is Ah Fang doing this? I can't blame you for this matter."

Wang Zheng understood what was going on, couldn't help smiling, and immediately pulled Xu Fang up with a little force, and patted the dust on his body himself, and said softly: "Now you are a general in charge of one side, and tens of thousands of people under your command All the people need to pay attention to their dignity at all times, and don't let it be too casual."


Xu Fang was still talking, but Wang Zhengwei waved his hand, and the guards behind him brought the wine case.

In fact, Wang Zheng originally wanted to exchange a few words with Xu Fang first, expressing his feelings of missing after the farewell, but Xu Fang came up to fix such a place. If you are not a friend, Wang Zheng has no choice but to take advantage of the situation to pay and congratulate him.

He wanted not to "see outside" Xu Fang, but helplessly, the other party started "seeing outside" with him first.

The so-called high places are extremely cold, and this is probably the case.

Heartbroken, Wang Zheng seemed to have no influence on the surface, and he still poured it with the generals with a happy expression, drank it all in one gulp, and after making a courtesy to Zhang Liaolue, who came one step later, let Wang Xiong lead thousands of soldiers Ma Zi went to build a camp and stay there.

He personally dragged Xu Fang, Zhang Liao and others back into the city, and had a banquet to celebrate their victory.

For those who attended the banquet, if we were talking about the guest of honor, Wang Zheng was the main one, Xu Fang, Zhang Liao, and Zhang Zhao were the guests, and Guo Jia, Mi Heng, Huang Zhong, and Wei Yan were accompanied by Wen and Wu.

In addition, Lu Ji, Gu Yong, Gan Ning, Li Ren and other local civil and military officials in Shouchun also attended the banquet.

The place of the night banquet was exactly Zhongyuan in Chu Palace.

In the early years of Yuan Shu's birthday, he spent a lot of money to renovate the garden of the old Chu Palace, and named it "Zhongyuan". There are not only bamboo forests on the left and flower gardens on the right, but also strange stones and clear springs. Facing each other, there are towers and waterside pavilions in the garden to welcome guests and enjoy the scenery. The pottery is pleasant, so Wang Zheng deliberately chose one of them as the place for today's banquet.

Under the flames and lights, hundreds of soldiers from the Tianzhu Camp either stood guard or patrolled back and forth. These people were basically second- and third-tier soldiers, and each of them was tall and tall. After going through the battlefield, killing people is useless, just standing still in silence can give people a cold and murderous aura down to the bone.

This line of defense spread out from the banquet hall as the center, stretched to the periphery of Zhongyuan, and then went outward, and there were other guards in the palace to guard it.

Outside the gate of Zhongyuan stood many personal soldiers of the generals and entourages of civil servants.

Wang Xiong had already set the scope of their activities for them. Without Wang Zheng's royal order, no one should go out of the circle, and anyone who violated it would be killed.

In fact, logically speaking, the entourage of civil servants is nothing more than that. The personal soldiers of the generals were not suitable to enter the palace with weapons. , Gan Ning, and Gu Jian are the privileges of a few people.

Of course, the most important thing is that almost all these people and their personal soldiers have entered the system, and it is absolutely impossible for them to have different intentions, or even do things that disobey the orders of the king's government. "Evaluation, Wang Zheng also limited the number of them.

For example, Xu Fang can bring the most soldiers into the palace, reaching 20 people, followed by Huang Zhong, who can bring 15 people, and Gan Ning and Gu Jian, who can bring [-] people. Those who have not entered the system, sorry, but at most they can only bring about two to five people.

In the atrium on the moon, the banquet has just begun.

In the midst of the defenses of Zhongyuan, under the vigilance of the heroic and masculine guards, inside and outside the inner hall of the banquet, groups of maidservants with light makeup and embroidered clothes held high antique cups, Wine vessels, coming in and out; rows of servants, carrying steaming delicacies and delicacies, came in from the banquet hall door in an endless stream.

The fire outside the door is already bright enough, and the inside of the hall is even more glorious.

In the hall, which can accommodate 200 people, the floor is covered with fine wool blankets from the Western Regions, which are thick, soft and colorful.

On both sides of the hall, there are tall mahogany pillars supporting the curved dome, and the beams below pass through. On the beams, dozens of palace lanterns are hung, or they are made of bronze. , or made of silk, some lit aromatherapy red candles, and some directly put pearls and treasures used for decoration.Carved beams and painted buildings, jewels and treasures.

The brightness of the palace lantern alone is not enough to reflect the brilliance of the hall.On the front, back, left, and right walls, there are a lot of lamp panels densely placed; next to each table in the hall, there are also copper wax stands.

The lamp panels and wax stands are of various shapes.Some look like beauties, some look like boys worshiping Buddha, some look like dragons, and some look like plum blossoms.Being in it is like walking between fantasy and reality, especially the little lights, which add to the dreamlike unreality.

This is all the wealth and luxury that Yuan Shu has accumulated over the years, but now it is all at the expense of Wang Zheng.

At this time, Wang Zheng is also very complacent.

If he still felt a little bit guilty when he first entered his birthday, then as he enjoyed the luxury left by Yuan Shu, his beautiful wife, and even the supreme authority, those little bits of guilt have long since disappeared.

Instead, there was an intensified and uncontrollable complacency and joy.

Didn't Temujin say that?

The greatest joy in life is in defeating the enemy, chasing the enemy, taking everything from him, seeing his closest relatives wash their faces with tears, riding his horse, and accepting his wife and daughter.

This is actually normal. The longer a man enjoys power, the lower the bottom line will be.

Or to be more precise, it is the beastiality and desire to conquer in the bones of human beings that will gradually overwhelm the so-called rationality and moral sense!
Of course, what Wang Zheng is more pleased with at this time is not only the luxury in front of him, but also the civil servants and generals in the hall who are living in luxury.

Although the banquet was held in Shouchun, these characters in the hall, looking at the entire Han world, can be counted as one of the few talents!

These talents are the essence of each of the three kingdoms in the future!

Zhang Zhao and Gan Ning of Eastern Wu; Huang Zhong and Wei Yan of Shu; Guo Jia, Yu Jin and Zhang Liao of Wei.
By the way, Zhang Liao hasn't recruited yet, so hurry up this time!
Thinking of this, Wang Zheng's heart moved. Tiger eyes toured the audience for a while, then turned to look at the guard standing behind him, and sent a silent inquiry through the system:

What about Lu Qiling, why didn't anyone see it?

The personal guard hurried forward and whispered: "The villain just wanted to go to the embassy to invite him, but Zhang Guoxiang said that the wedding is approaching, and it is not suitable for the general to meet him at this time."

Wang Zheng nodded slightly, then turned to Wang Xiong, Wang Xiong understood, and quickly bowed and said: "General, all the guests have arrived."

At this time, the hall was full of noise, for example, Guo Jia and other civil servants were better, they strictly abided by etiquette, even if they talked, they mostly spoke in low voices.Warriors are different.

Although Huang Zhong has not been in the army for a long time, he has already won the recognition of Pengcheng's generals because of his extraordinary bravery. The two sides fought side by side when they attacked Beihai. Went to introduce Wei Yan, Gan Ning and others to the generals. During the conversation between the two sides, one side talked about long admiration, the other side said disrespect. It is even more dancing.

Even Zhang Liao and several Bingzhou generals, who were still outsiders at this time, might have been infected by the atmosphere, and they all joined in later on. The several parties kept laughing and talking, and the atmosphere was lively and lively, but it also appeared to be a mess.

These fools
Secretly complaining, Wang Zheng picked up the wine, stood up with a long laugh, looked at the audience, and said leisurely: "My lords."

The sound like a bell reverberated in the space of the hall, immediately making the audience silent.

The next moment, everyone's eyes were focused on him, and then there was a "wow", and as Xu Fang and Guo Jia took the lead, Tang Wenwu also stood up one after another.

After all, the lord Wang Zheng has already got up, so who can sit still?

Actually there are.

Speaking of which, Zhang Liao and those generals of the Bingzhou Army are not currently under Wang Zheng's command, but they should pay attention to the etiquette of host and guest even if they don't practice the etiquette of monarchs and ministers. Unable to be at ease any longer, they stood up one after another.

Wang Zhengyan laughed at Yan Yan, and said loudly: "Not only is the scale of the Jiangdong battle far greater than in the past, it is also unprecedentedly time-consuming and labor-intensive. It lasted for two months. At the most dangerous time, even the general will be trapped. Shu County is at stake."

"Being able to defeat the enemy and turn danger into safety depends entirely on the strength of the kings!"

"For example, General Xu Fang organized nearly ten thousand soldiers to go south to Yuzhou in a short period of time. First, he captured Long Kang and completely cut off the way for Yuan Shu's reinforcements to turn around. Afterwards, he fought dozens of fierce battles under Pingyu City, and finally won the victory. , It can be said that the march is exhausting! The military exploits are outstanding!" ""

Having said that, Wang Zheng paused, looked at Xu Fang, then at Huang Zhong and Wei Yan, and finally at Gan Ning and the other generals, smiled slightly, and continued, "Of course, if there were no Han Sheng, Wen Chang, and Wu The victorious generals risk their lives and charge into battle, how can they defeat Sun Ce first and then defeat Yuan Shu?"

"Especially Wu Sheng, although he is not here tonight, he has made great contributions in both the battle of Lujiang and the subsequent battle of Pingyu. Only by defeating the enemy and winning the victory can we have today's high wine meeting!"

"Tonight's banquet, on the one hand, is to welcome the heroes of Bingzhou, such as General Zhang Liao, to clean up the dust, and on the other hand, it is also to celebrate the achievements of all of you who can work together to expand the territory of our heavenly army."

"Let's fill up the glass and drink together!"

After the words were finished, a beautiful maid came forward with a pot and added wine to the table one by one. Everyone, regardless of whether they were civil or military, raised their glasses one after another.

It's just that the military commander's side is fine, but the expressions of the civil servants behind the wine cup and sleeves are different.

For example, Lu Ji and Gu Yong peeped at each other after drinking, and saw each other's thoughts.

Zhou Mu first praised Xu Fang alone, then focused on Huang Zhong and Wei Yan, but at the end he said that Wu Sheng "has made great contributions", and at the end he went back and praised everyone present again
So who is he bragging about?

Who is the first to do it?

(End of this chapter)

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