Chapter 545
In the golden autumn of October, when Wang Zheng was worrying about the status of his heirs, another person was thinking about the same problem.

At the junction of Pengcheng and Wuxian, the sky is clear and the sun is shining brightly.

On the outskirts, dozens of knights were chasing back and forth, shooting and hunting. This was originally the private garden owned by the Zhang family in Pengcheng. On that day, when Zhang Zhao came to Wu County, he donated it to the future mistress for the sake of pleasing the future mistress. Lu Bu.

This garden covers an area of ​​a hundred miles around, with meandering rivers flowing through it, with fertile water and grass, lush forests, and all kinds of wild animals haunting it, it is really a good hunting place, and it is also just like the people of Bingzhou like Lu Bu and Zhang Liao. Smile.

At this time, there were hundreds of soldiers under martial law around the garden. Through the woods and rolling low hills, looking up, the guns were shining in the sun from far and near, and the flags were like forests.

Following the dozens of knights, there was another group of cavalrymen, each with their bows and flags, cheering and shouting.Hundreds of horses galloped, rolled up the soil, stepped like thunder, crossed the river, and splashed in all directions.Countless forest birds flew up, many hares and horned deer panicked and ran around.

It has been almost a year since I came to Wu County. Lu Bujing was very moved. A month ago, he and Zhang Liao led 5000 troops to attack Lu State in Yuzhou. At a critical moment in the county, he was attacked by the Yanzhou army from Rencheng, and was defeated at Luqiu Pavilion. He had to lead the remnant soldiers back to Wuxian County. Rejected, after all, the king's government at this time has reached the critical moment of attacking Jiangdong. Even Xu Fang personally led the army to Pingyu. war?

Later, Wei Xu, who was stationed in Xue County of Lu State, surrendered Cao Cao, and ten days ago, Hou Cheng of Fan County also betrayed Lu Bu.

The two of them surrendered, and the key is that the three thousand soldiers stationed in the two cities also surrendered to Cao Cao.
After receiving the news, Lu Bu's heart was about to bleed, 3000 people, for him now, it is simply another disaster for his not rich family!

You must know that Lu Bu was ambushed by Cao Cao when he was hunting in Yanzhou that day, and Lu Bu had already suffered heavy losses. When he finally fled to Pengcheng, most of the Bingzhou wolf riders were almost withered, and Wu County was not big at all, not even as good as Liu Bei sent him in history. Xiaopei, who is stationed, has recruited more than 6000 people after hard work in the past six months.

Half of the reduction, plus those who were killed and injured, is mostly in vain again!
What annoyed Lv Bu even more was that Wei Xu and Hou Cheng also declared that the reason they betrayed Lv Bu was because Lv Bu was a rebellious person with no loyalty, who killed the master and rebelled against the superior, and rebelled against the law.

It's nothing more than Hou Cheng alone, Wei Xu is also from Bingzhou, and his clan sister even became Lu Bu's concubine. The two are related by marriage. Such a brother-in-law who takes the lead in bringing up this topic is comparable to Zhang Fei's. The "house slaves with three surnames" were too strong, and the Bingzhou army was in a state of instability. If Gao Shun and Zhang Liao hadn't been working hard to suppress them, they would have been torn apart.

Lu Bu had always thought highly of himself and was self-willed. After suffering such a big loss, the anger in his heart can be imagined for the murderous intentions of the two generals Wei and Hou.

But no matter how angry he was, after all, he couldn't change the shortage of troops, and with no way to resolve it, he simply brought all the generals to hunt the countryside.

Few of the world's lords are thrifty and more extravagant. Although Lu Bu's reputation is not as good as it used to be, he is not deterred by the death of a tiger.

But I saw him wearing a gold helmet, a unicorn armor, a splendid robe, a horsewhip inlaid with jade, a saddle with beads, shouting to the left and right, galloping against the wind, as if the wind was speeding, and it seemed like a god descended from the world.The generals who followed him were all elites from Bingzhou.In response to his call and command, sometimes the clouds gather in one place, and sometimes the birds disperse in the suburbs.There are more than ten people in the area, and the momentum is as if a thousand horses are in full swing.

Startled by it, a black muntjae, with long legs and narrow back, crossed the variegated meadow like lightning, making everything passing by, whether it was a small bush or the grass all over the ground, seem to be moving fast. Water flows under it.

Regardless of the north and the south, most of the common muntjacs are yellow-brown. This kind of black muntjac is relatively rare, and everyone immediately became energetic, urging their horses to chase, shouting repeatedly, trying to catch this rare prey.

It's just that I didn't expect that the black deer was extremely fast and had strong legs. At the moment of escape, it seemed that its full potential had burst out.

Seeing this, Lu Bu's eyes flickered sharply, he lightly lifted the reins, and the red rabbit horse neighed, and suddenly stopped in the high speed of billowing dust and smoke, and even steadied itself quickly.

At this time, Zhang Liao also rode up behind him. The horse under his crotch was a horse about eight feet high, and it was also a dragon colt. Junshang was dwarfed by comparison, and seemed a little scared, pawing his hooves restlessly all the time.

"The beast has such quick legs,"

Zhang Liao tapped the horse's shoulders with a whip to calm it down, and watched the muntjac's figure flashing in the grass in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "It seems that we can't catch up."

Lu Bu nodded when he heard the words, "The terrain here is not suitable for Chitu to let go and gallop."

"No matter how good Chitu is at running, he is not familiar with the place after all."

Zhang Liao laughed, and said with a pun: "After all, it is not as familiar as these local wild animals, and because of the agility that has escaped all its life, it is normal for it to escape if it cannot catch up."

Hearing this, Lu Bu glanced at Zhang Liao lightly, and suddenly laughed, "Wen Yuan, I only said that I couldn't catch up with it, but I didn't say that it could escape."

Zhang Liao was startled when he heard the words, and was about to speak when he saw that Lu Bu had already pulled out a uniquely shaped horn bow from the side pocket of the saddle. This bow is made of tiger bones and the strings are made of dragon tendons. It is the famous dragon tongue bow all over the world. .

Lu Bu lightly buckled a spiked arrow, without trying the string, just casually aiming in front of his eyes, suddenly pinched his legs, Chituma understood it, hissed up to the sky, and suddenly put his hooves out and rushed out!

Zhang Liao waved his hand to stop the group of generals following the hunt, and everyone stood still, watching Lu Bu unfurl his horn bow on the galloping Chitu horse.

At this time, the muntjac kicked on the ground with all four hooves, and bounced into the sky like a bullet at the end of the grassy slope. His vigorous body stretched out in mid-air. The color of humanity is not only like the pride of successful escape, but also like the contempt for these pursuers.

The next moment, I only heard a "bang".

The strings of the Dragon Tongue Bow cut through the air clearly, and as a gray light passed through two hundred steps away, the graceful figure at the end of the grassy slope suddenly froze in the air, as if time stopped for a short time.

The next moment, the spiked arrow pierced through its energetic back with ease, sending blood flying all over the sky, painting a gorgeous stroke in the blue sky and white clouds.

Before the black deer was unable to carry it down, Lu Bu turned back with indescribable confidence and smiled, "How?"

After a short silence, Zhang Liao took the lead in drawing out his sword and tapping on the scabbard and applauded loudly. The other generals also recovered from the shock at this time, they all drew out their weapons and tapped on the scabbard in a unique way of Bingzhou people. Way to cheer for the heroes in my heart.

At such a distance, facing such a nimble prey, he can still hit with one arrow.
Indeed, it can only be described as miraculous!

Lu Bu held his bow high and galloped back into the crowd with his horse. He said with a smile, "No matter how agile the muntjac is, it will never escape the hunter's bow and arrow."

"It's not the hunter's bow and arrow, it's the parachutist's magic arrow." Zhang Liao said with admiration, "There are more than ten million hunters in the world, but this kind of archery is only owned by the general, just like all birds have wings, but they can really fly. The only ones in the sky are the goshawks."


Zhang Liao's words made Lu Bu very happy, and he showed a rare smile and said, "Wen Yuan's words won my heart, so I roasted the deer here, and gave you the head as a gift from the general."

The scorched muntjacs were roasted on a bonfire, and the smell of cooked meat wafted in their nostrils. People in Bingzhou were sitting on the ground casually, some were throwing dead branches, and some were holding copper pots to heat barley tea, while Lu Bu and Zhang Liao were quiet. Staring at the campfire with anticipation in his eyes, waiting for the moment when he will feast on it.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in the distance. Lu Bu and Zhang Liao were startled at the same time. They looked up together and saw a cavalry team coming from the west, and the leader was Chen Gong.

Seeing Chen Gong, Lu Bu frowned immediately, knowing that something important must have happened, and his mood that had just improved became restless again.

Chen Gong Juechen rushed to him, got off his horse and said anxiously: "General, urgent report from the Southwest!"

"Southwest?" Lu Bu was taken aback when he heard the words, "What happened in Yuzhou, so urgent?"

I immediately thought in my heart, could it be that Cao Cao has changed again?


Chen Gong shook his head and said: "It was Xu, Yan, Jing, and Chen Sifang's joint attack. Yuan Shu was defeated in Runan Pingyu a few days ago, and his whereabouts are unknown!"


Hearing this, Lu Bu was dumbfounded, and jumped up in shock, while Zhang Liao at the side immediately asked a more crucial point: "Military division, what about Yangzhou now?"

Chen Gongdao: "Wang Zheng has occupied Jiujiang and Lujiang, and Liu Biao wants to occupy Yuzhang, Kuaiji, and Danyang. Wu County has no owner, and Jiangdong has become a land divided by two people."

The news was earth-shattering, and the attention of the generals was immediately diverted. Zhang Liao even gasped and said, "Wang Zheng rushed to help Yangzhou and assisted Yuan Shu in fighting Sun Ce. The general thought that this son was too impulsive. Unexpectedly, it was this Such a conspiracy, now it seems that it is actually a plan to destroy Guo by false ways!"

"It's just that it's morally wrong to act like this. Besides, if Wang Zheng deals with Yuan Shu like this, isn't he afraid that the Yuan family in Runan and Yuan Shao will raise their troops to avenge Yuan Shu?"

"And bring the urgent report."

Lu Bu took the military newspaper from Chen Gong, looked at the text carefully, his face was cloudy for a while, and suddenly he looked up to the sky and laughed: "What a king, what a king!" His tone was full of admiration.

"What is there for Yuan Shao to be afraid of?"

Lu Bu looked sideways at Zhang Liao and shouted coldly: "Speaking of strong men and strong horses, the Jizhou army was defeated by Wang Zheng not long ago. How can a defeated general speak bravely?"

"Speaking of territorial power, Yuan Benchu ​​only steals Qing and Ji prefectures, but Wang Zheng's power has spread all over Xu, Yang, Yan, and Qing. Where did Yuan Shao have the courage to make a mistake?"

"As for the Yuan family in Runan, what year and month is it now, how much influence does the "Four Generations and Three Dukes" still have? Do the Yuan family still think that they can get people from all over the world to gather their shadows with a single call? It's ridiculous!"

"The king's government is indeed very good. Dare to act, bold and decisive, and a man should be like this!"

Chen Gong on the side smiled and said, "The most wonderful thing is that he not only made good alliance with us, but also is the general's son-in-law!"

The implication is that Wang Zheng and them are really in the same camp, and they are all in the same camp. The stronger his power, the better for Lu Bu.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Liao had a different opinion: "Military commander, don't forget that a marriage contract is too shallow after all. Since Wang Zheng and Miss are not married, it is still unknown whether they are on the same path as us."

"I was also worried about this, so I hurried to inform the general after receiving the urgent report."

Chen Gong said solemnly: "When the marriage contract was made in the past, the date of marriage was already stated and it was carried out according to the etiquette of the princes. Now half a year has passed since the date of the appointment. It is better to let the young lady marry Wang Zheng as soon as possible."

The ancients have their own regulations on the period of employment and marriage: one year for the emperor, half a year for the princes, one season for the doctor, and one month for the common people.

Lu Bu was very moved when he heard the words, and while he was pondering, Zhang Liao said, "Nowadays in Yangzhou, where Wang Zheng is new, at this moment, all thoughts and thoughts must be on appeasing Yuan Shu's old officials. Maybe you don't want to?"

"Besides, from the point of view of the general, the king's government has been fighting for the past few years. It is true that the army is full of power and majesty, but such a poor soldier may be able to rule the roost for a while. It will not be so for a long time."

"How do you say that?" Lu Bu asked in amazement when he heard the words.

"General, although the king's government won Xuzhou before, but it was such a land of the Four Wars, and the people's livelihood was ruined due to the war, it has been stored for a long time, so neither Cao Cao nor Yuan Shao really paid attention to it, but now it is different."

Zhang Liao said: "Jiujiang and Lujiang counties are the most affluent places in the southern land. The king's government is like a tiger with wings added to this treasure land. If the weather is given to facilitate its development, in the eyes of Yuan and Cao, it will become a serious disaster!"

"Especially Yuan Shao, now he has entered Youzhou and forced Gongsun Zan to hide in Yijing. Once the old enemy is dealt with, it will be difficult for this man to tolerate Wang Zheng in public and private!"

"In the end, the general expected that within a year, the two will have a battle. The two heroes will hunt, and the outcome is unknown. At this time, urging him to marry the young lady is unpredictable."

Chen Gongdao: "Judging from General Zhang's words, it seems that you are not very optimistic about Wang Zheng?"

"The last general just thinks that Wang Zheng has used too many troops in the past few years, and his foundation is not solid, but Yuan Shao has the right time, place and people to get both. In comparison, the latter has a better chance of winning."

At this time, Lu Bu suddenly said, "What if I add this general?"


Zhang Liao was startled when he heard the words: "The general's meaning is that he has made up his mind to fight side by side with this son?"

"Qi Ling is already in Xiapi now, and it's hard to get over the flood." Lu Bu said in a deep voice, "And Wen Yuan, you forgot one thing."

He stared at Zhang Liao, and said word by word: "If we really wait until the foundation of the king's government is stable before we mention the marriage, then will people still think highly of us?"

Before Zhang Liao could answer, Lu Bu had already stood up with his head held high, and stood looking into the distance. He could only see the vast sky and vast fields, the wind blowing through the trees, and the river sparkling.Flags fluttered in the wind in the distance, and armor rustled nearby.

"Others are victorious in even battles, but this general loses troops and loses horses, hey"

Lu Bu murmured: "Don't say that in the future, even now, Ling'er's position in the main room may not be stable anymore, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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