Riding and cutting the imperial pirates of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 543 Autumn is sad and lonely since ancient times, I say autumn is better than spring

Chapter 543 Autumn is sad and lonely since ancient times, I say autumn is better than spring

Hearing this, Kuai Yue's burning eyes fell on Kuai Liang, and he asked in surprise, "What do you mean by elder brother?"

"Although Wangzheng had covered six counties before, except for one Beihai country, the other counties were all lands of long-term wars. The battlefield will involve more than half of its troops, and it will always be in a state of struggling to survive."

"It's very different today."

Kuai Liangdao: "Before Wang Zheng fought with Sun Ce, he had already secretly controlled several important towns in Lujiang, and Shouchun was almost under his control when he went to Jiujiang. Although Yangzhou has six counties and 92 towns, in fact, [-]% of the population of one million households is concentrated in Of these two counties, the other [-]% are in Wu County and Danyang, so it can be said that Wang Zheng has initially controlled Yangzhou."

"More importantly, Jiujiang, Lujiang, and the Guangling area in Xuzhou can control the Jianghuai water transport in the west of the Central Plains. From then on, Wang Zheng can use the Yangtze River and Huaihe River as a basis to fight against the northern forces and completely break away from the original all-enemies. Dilemma!"

Kuai Liang’s analysis is on point. The follow-up impact of Yuan Shu’s defeat is not only that Wang Zheng won Lujiang and Jiujiang, but more importantly, Xuzhou was truly unified after that, and the last and most important Guangling also returned to him. !
And Guangling, in fact, is the real "Yangzhou" and the real "Jiangnan" in later generations.

During the Kyushu period, all south of the Huaihe River was Yangzhou, and the core areas at that time were the Northland and the Central Plains. Ancient Yangzhou was actually the poorest state in the world, ranking ninth.

At that time, Jiangnan in the population of the Central Plains only represented the geographical south of the Yangtze River, and there was no reference to culture. For the culture south of the Yangtze River, they had a more contemptuous name, called Baiyue Culture.

And Guangling is the only place in the south of the Yangtze River in ancient times. In the Han Dynasty alone, five vassal states established their political power here, namely, the Jing State of the Western Han Dynasty, the Wu State of the Western Han Dynasty, the Guangling State of the Western Han Dynasty, the Jiangdu State of the Western Han Dynasty, and the Eastern Han Dynasty. In Guangling Kingdom, among them, Wu Kingdom in the Western Han Dynasty had Liu Bi, the initiator of the "Seven Kingdoms Rebellion", and the reason why he dared to ascend the heights and called for rebellion was also the confidence given to him by Guangling's wealth.

In the original history, after the fall of Yuan Shu's power, Jiangdong represented by Sun Ce only got Lujiang County, while Jiujiang County where Shouchun was located fell into the hands of Cao Cao. As for Guangling, both Sun Ce and Sun Quan never forgot about it. The place where I wanted to build the capital at the beginning was Guangling, and I specifically mentioned it when I professed my minister to Cao Pi.

At that time, Guangling had actually become a barren land. Because of strategic considerations, Sun Ce and Cao Cao chose to abandon this place. Sun Ce chose to move his people and empty the land. The purpose is to make the enemy unable to gain a foothold in Guangling.

As a result, Cao Pi categorically vetoed it. Guangling would not be given to you even if it was in ruins. In the end, Sun Quan reluctantly chose Moling, which was not well-known at the time, as his capital and changed its name to Jianye.

Although the power of the Wangzheng today is not as good as the Soochow regime in the Sun Quan era, but because of the possession of Guangling and Jiujiang that Soochow did not have until the end of the country, it actually has more initiative in the situation.

"As soon as Wang Zheng gets his birthday, Xuzhou can turn from the central hinterland to the front line of attack, immediately attacking and defending in a different position. Jiujiang and Lujiang are equivalent to opening the gate for Xuzhou's army to go upstream and enter the Central Plains. The strong dragon has already crossed the river."

"Looking at the current military situation, this son not only poses a serious threat to Yanzhou and Yuzhou, but also Qingzhou and Jizhou in the north feel like they are on their backs. Under such a severe situation, how can Cao Cao and Yuan Shu still have internal conflicts?"

"In particular, Cao Cao's Yanzhou has become a gap between the two heroes. The situation is no different from the previous Wangzheng!"

Cai Mao on the side was shocked: "You mean?"

"In a crisis situation, you will struggle to survive and actively seek a way to break the situation. This is exactly what Wang Zheng is doing today. Does the general think Cao Cao will do it tomorrow?"

"As I expected, there will be a battle between Cao Cao and me in Jingzhou at the latest at the turn of spring and summer next year!"

Speaking of this, Kuai Liang looked sideways at Liu Biao, cupped his hands and said, "The lord has already seen this festival when he sees thousands of miles away, so he said just now that Shen County has been acquired by Wang Zheng, so he will give it to him."

Kuai Yue suddenly realized: "So my lord wants to use this city in exchange for continued cooperation between Wang Zheng and our army. If Cao Cao attacks Jingzhou in the future, our army will not be helpless."


Liu Biao, who was silent for a long time, smiled and said, "Besides, we won't suffer this time."

more than nothing
Simply make a lot of money!

This time to jointly attack Yuan Shu, Liu Biaoyuan only sent Wenpin and less than 18 people along the way, but in exchange for the huge territory of [-] cities in Runan, and he is by no means a good person, Wang Zheng just robbed a county of Shen, But Liu Biao wanted to annex the three cities that Liu Chong had taken from Cao Cao, and he even had his finger on the opponent's country of Chen.

The reason why he hasn't acted now is that he hasn't found an excuse. After all, he can't write two "Liu" characters in one stroke.

Not only that, taking advantage of Wang Zheng's high-profile move into Shouchun, Liu Biao also had the idea of ​​Yuzhang, Kuaiji and other places in the south of Yangzhou.

These places had been occupied by Sun Ce before, but Sun Ce died in the hands of the Xuzhou army. These old officials of the Sun family naturally did not have much favor for Wang Zheng.

And Liu Biao, a member of the Han family, had a far better reputation than Wang Zheng, and Jingzhou bordered these places, so in the hearts of the local forces in these two counties, Liu Biao was obviously a better object of refuge.

If this trend continues, Yuan Shu will be the most profitable in the end, and the real big winner will be him, Liu Biao.

The strategy was planned by Guo Jia, Shouchun was brought down by the Xuzhou army, and even the main force of Pingyu's siege was Wu Sheng and Xu Fang's department. As a result, Yuan Shu's territory and Wangzheng only won the three counties in the end, and the most important Runan did not win. It is said that Yangzhou is equivalent to giving nearly half to Liu Biao for nothing.

Therefore, Liu Biao was not angry at all about Wang Zheng's taking away Shen County. If this continues, he can also take Yuzhang and Kuaiji, and form a situation of sharing Yangzhou with Wang Zheng.

Under Liu Biao's restraint and Wang Zheng's forbearance, at least so far, the two sides have maintained a superficial harmony, exchanging small concessions with each other for joint unity.Communicate with each other and work together.They are all actively preparing for the chain reaction that may be caused and the changes that may be about to occur.

Liu Biao agreed with Kuai Liang's analysis. Sooner or later, Cao Cao would attack Jingzhou. With Xuzhou as a backup, Liu Biao seemed to have a lot more confidence.He temporarily stopped his plan to capture the Chen State, and changed to shrinking the defense line. While reorganizing the newly acquired Yuan Shu's old troops, he digested the acquired Yuan Shu's old land, and at the same time hoarded food and grass, prepared troops, and waited for changes.

On the other side, Shouchun, which had just experienced turmoil, once again opened its doors. Under the leadership of Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, Qiao Wan and others, the Xuzhou Army attacked both land and water, and divided the surrounding areas of Shouchun.

The war progressed rapidly, and most areas were determined to be announced. However, in the past ten months, all 14 counties of Jiujiang County have fallen into the hands of Wang Zheng.

In order to quickly form absolute control over the newly attached territory, in the following days, Wang Zheng completely adjusted Yuan Shu's original strategic deployment on a large scale. The connection between the cities on the northern border and Xiapi of Xuzhou.

On the roads from Zhongli and Quanjiao in Jiujiang to Dongcheng and Huailing in Xiapi, he set up several post offices, dispatched elite guards, and dispatched a large number of civilians to expand roads and repair river transport to ensure that the connection between water and land reaches the maximum level. Smooth through.

Yu Jin, also known as stationed in Langya, dispatched a large number of people to station in Guangling. Now the place has a name and a real name. It not only produces grain, but also produces salt and copper. It is a major lifeblood of Xuzhou. Naturally, Wang Zheng will not Letting it go, it is natural to quickly integrate Guangling, get rid of Yuan Shu's remaining forces here as quickly as possible, and completely unify Xuzhou.

At the same time, Zhang Zhao was ordered to dispatch many capable ministers and officials from Xiapi and Langya. Following the experience of Beihai and Taishan, they all crossed the river east and south, and settled in Guangling, Jiujiang, Lujiang and other important cities.

Apart from these aspects, in order not to arouse the suspicion of local forces, in the most critical Yangzhou old army and Shouchun City, Wang Zheng did not move for the time being.

Not only did Gu Yong and other civil servants remain in their original positions, but even Li Ren, Li Yu and others allowed them to continue to lead the old ministry.

Of course, saying that they will not move does not mean that there is no reorganization at all. Wang Zheng used the excuse of forming a new army to select about [-] elites from these people in batches, and handed them over to Commander Gan Ning, with Li Ren as his deputy.

Gan Ning was also regarded as Yuan Shu's old department, and Li Ren and the others were dissatisfied when this man was handed over to him, but they had nothing to say.

Although Gan Ning was originally a Zhonglang general in name, because of the new attachment to Yuan Shu, there are not too many people who can really command in his hands, but only a thousand people. But it was Yang Hong who decided.

Now the official position seems to be the same, but the military power has increased by five times. Naturally, I am very excited, and I feel that I finally met the Ming Lord this time, but the deputy is Li Ren, a villain who is greedy for life and fears death. He was quite upset.

However, entering the system certainly represented Wang Zheng's full trust in him, and it also represented that Gan Ning could no longer go against Wang Zheng's will.

Since Wang Zheng asked him to let go of his hatred for Li Ren, he had no choice but to let go if he didn't want to.

In short, by adopting various measures and after more than two months of integration, the Xuzhou Army has gradually formed a network in the north of Yangzhou with Shouchun and Liu'an as the hubs, connecting Xiapi to the north, Guangling to the east, and Xiacai and Anfeng to the west. Front defense line, Xiapi and Kaiyang are the overall situation of the north defense line, and the original Xuzhou navy and Yangzhou navy were re-merged to form a Tianjun navy with a force of nearly [-] to control both sides of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River.

These measures involve military and political aspects, which is easier said than done. Fortunately, in recent years, Wang Zheng has repeatedly expanded his territory. Whether he, Guo Jia, Zhang Zhao and others have experience in this area, they are already familiar with it. The Beihai Middle School formed a complete set of ready-made plans. Under Zhang Zhao's overall responsibility, and the active cooperation of Lu Ji, local Shen, Zhao and other prominent families, the progress of the matter was relatively smooth.

Wang Zheng was not stingy with Lu Ji, who made great contributions. Lu Ji became the governor of Jiujiang, Li Shu became the governor of Lujiang, and Li Yu was promoted to Zhonglang General. Show off your duties to everyone.

On this day, Wang Zheng was busy with military affairs in the palace, and suddenly became very excited, so he called everyone to go to the imperial garden on the west side of the inner city to enjoy the autumn scenery, Guo Jia, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan and others were all accompanying him.

Yuan Shu loves luxury very much. After several times of construction, the imperial garden is full of paradise and fairyland, and there are rare wonders in front of his eyes.

But seeing all kinds of phenomena, strange and strange rocks, clear water flowing through them, waterfalls and colorful pools, it is natural, the water moves and the rocks change, and the colorful interweaving under the sun makes people never feel tired no matter how they look at it.

Wang Zheng was sitting on a stone beside a clear stream, listening to the sound of a waterfall pouring into the clear pool, admiring the rippling waves in front of him, he couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy, when he was enjoying it, he suddenly heard someone beside him sigh, and looked sideways in surprise, But it was Guo Jia.

"At present, why is Fengxiao sighing?"

"Back to my lord,"

Guo Jiadao: "When our army first came to Shouchun, it was the midsummer of June, and everything was full of vitality. In a hurry, it is now October. When we came, the trees were full of shade, and now the yellow leaves are about to wither. This wind blows the end of green duckweed, so I feel bleak in my heart."

"The wind rises from the end of Qingping, but it ends in the grass, not to mention that although the yellow leaves are withered, can Fengxiao ignore it?"

While speaking, Wang Zheng pointed to the bamboo forest beside him and said with a smile: "This thing is still green, evergreen all the year round."

Bamboo is green all year round, tender green in spring, dark green in summer, and dark green in autumn and winter when there is no shortage of water and nutrients, while ordinary deciduous trees have larger leaves , There is no waxy film on the surface of the leaves, which can easily lead to water loss, so they will turn yellow and drop leaves in autumn and winter.

Guo Jia was taken aback when he heard the words. His emotions just now were not for himself. In fact, he witnessed the changes of the seasons and suddenly evoked some inexplicable emotions. Now in October, winter is coming, and spring is coming. For the Xuzhou Army, perhaps another big battle is coming.

Wang Zheng was clearly aware of this point, but he didn't seem to care about it at all. He was still full of fighting spirit and full of confidence. After a moment of silence, Guo Jia smiled and said, "My lord's words are true. I'm just worrying too much."

"As it should be."

Wang Zheng stood with his hands behind his back, letting the mountain wind blow towards his face, causing his hair to fly wildly, his skirts rolled up and rustling, but he didn't care at all, he just thought about
This place is considered a wealthy place in the world, but it's not good enough!

This big Han world is picturesque, but there is actually a better, more central place!

The more I thought about it, the more heroic and courageous I felt, and the strong feelings could not be restrained for a while, and I immediately said to the sound of the wind: "Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely. Passionate to Bixiao!"

Turning to Guo Jia, Huang Zhong and others, Langsheng smiled and said, "Do you think so?"

All the generals said yes, Guo Jia and other knowledgeable people were immediately moved, and immediately sighed: "Although my lord is not good at poetry, he is gifted by heaven. If you recite it at will, it will become a famous sentence through the ages."


Wang Zheng blushed when he heard the words, he just felt something in his heart, so he blurted out Liu Yuxi's masterpiece of Yong Qiu, but the others didn't know about it, so naturally they thought it was Wang Zheng's work.

The more Guo Jia's "flattery" came from the heart, the more embarrassed Wang Zheng felt, and quickly changed the topic: "How can such a magnificent scene be rewarded alone? How about this, send someone to tell His Highness Liu She that he will bring a birthday party today. Chun Wenwu also came to visit this imperial garden."

"It's better to be happy alone than to be happy together."


At this time, another personal guard rushed over on horseback, knelt down and said, "General, Mrs. Feng has a request."

(End of this chapter)

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