Riding and cutting the imperial pirates of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 529 Although the tiger walks away, the tiger's den is still difficult to break into

Chapter 529 Although the tiger walks away, the tiger's den is still difficult to break into

Everyone entered the cabin and sat down separately.

It was also the first time meeting with Wang Zheng. Compared with Shen Shu, at least he had some interaction with Wang Xiong. Zhao Ning and Zhao Jia had only met Lu Ji before, but now that they finally saw the deity, they immediately showed enthusiasm and initiative.

"The state herdsman, Bailong Yufu, went to the enemy's country in person, and his courage is really admirable." Zhao Ling flattered him with a serious face: "This is a true hero!"

Wang Zheng smiled slightly when he heard the words, and said in his heart: "How can you spare yourself when you do great things?"

Besides, although Guangling County is not in his sphere of influence on the surface, the cities along the river such as Tangyi and Jiangdu are secretly controlled. How dangerous is it to come by boat?

However, with Wang Zheng's current status and status, he went to Jiujiang twice in person. To put it bluntly, he is very courageous. To put it bluntly, it is the same as Guo Jia's evaluation of Sun Ce. He is indeed light and unprepared.

So regarding Zhao Ning's flattery, he didn't answer the conversation, he just asked the attendants to serve tea, after some pleasantries, he returned to the topic.

Wang Zheng first asked Lu Ji, "It's been half a month since I left Yangzhou, what's the situation in Shouchun now?"

"My lord."

Lu Ji, who had already set his status as a monarch and minister, naturally couldn't talk and laugh like Zhao Ning when facing Wang Zheng, and said in a respectful voice: "Our army's tigers are in full swing in Jibei, and the success reports are frequent. Our army, General Wu Sheng, has already arrived at Pingyu City, Runan County, so Yuan Shu summoned all the generals five days ago to gather the three armies, and two days ago, dispatched a vanguard force to Pingyang, Runan."

"I will already know about this matter." Wang Zheng nodded. The reason why he returned to Jiujiang at this time was because he had received the news that Shouchun and Yuan Shu had already started to send troops, and the transfer of the tiger from the mountain was about to happen. "What else?"

"This time, Yang Hong originally suggested that Feng Feng be the commander, but Yuan Shu finally decided to go out in person. It is because of the persuasion of Gu Yong and other ministers, it seems to be part of it."

Speaking of this, Lu Ji paused, hesitated and said: "There is also the impetus of the palace wind."

The argument that Gu Yong and others persuaded Yuan Shu to conquer in person was nothing more than the fact that the Northern Expedition to Xudu was a major event related to the structure of the world, and its grandeur was no less than the war of destroying the country.

And in a war of this scale, once the victory is won, the commander will surely be well-known all over the world. If Feng Feng is used as the commander, there is a danger that the master will be overwhelmed by his achievements in the future.

And because this time the army is not only Yangzhou, the three powerful princes in the south all have their share, and the initiator is Xuzhou, so even if he fails, Yuan Shu does not need to worry about damage to his reputation. It can be said that winning is beneficial and losing is not harmful. Personal enlistment?
But Yang Hong always insisted on his own opinion, and believed that Yuan Shu must never leave Shouchun in person. The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and Yuan Shu was also hesitant.

At the critical moment, Mrs. Feng stepped forward.

The woman said that Liu Biao in Jingzhou was old and was born as a Confucian scholar, so he would not lead the army in person, but Wang Zheng in Xuzhou has already threatened that he will definitely go out in person.

If Feng Feng is the commander-in-chief here in Yangzhou, it may be difficult to fight against him. Wang Zheng will naturally be the leader who will do his part. If he wins, wouldn't the glory and reputation after the war be exclusive to Wang Zheng?
There is also a more critical point, after breaking through Xudu, how will Emperor Xian and the princes of the court deal with it?

In the end is to go to Xuzhou, or Yangzhou?

These words completely moved Yuan Shu, and he was also full of confidence in the victory of this battle, so he thought more about how to distribute the fruits of victory after the battle.

What Liu Biao valued most was Yingchuan County, but what he valued most was Emperor Xian!
Thinking of this festival, Yuan Shu immediately made a decision to leave Yang Hong to guard Shouchun, while he personally led the three armies to attack the front line.

"Yuan Shu's expedition this time, Feng Feng, Liang Gang and other veterans of the Runan faction also brought them with them, but Yang Hong was left behind to guard Shouchun." Lu Ji said: "And Gan Ning is the general who patrols the city for Shouchun. , Li Ren is his deputy."

"Is Gan Ning staying in Shouchun?"

Wang Zheng was taken aback when he heard that, Yang Hong was Yuan Shu's mastermind, Yuan Shu didn't take him to the front to fight, but stayed in Shouchun, probably nothing more than Shouchun is his fundamental place, it is reasonable that he should not be lost.

As for Li Ren, his record has been poor in the past few years. Not only has his status and prestige in the Yangzhou Army been damaged, but more importantly, his reputation has not been very good. It can't help but make people feel that he is a disaster star, and Yuan Shu thinks he is an eyesore, so he doesn't want to bring this kind of battle.

Why did Yuan Shu keep Gan Ning, a newly attached general known for his bravery, in Shouchun?

Isn't this overkill?

Seeing Wang Zheng's surprised expression, Lu Ji guessed his doubts, and reminded: "My lord, Gan Ning was originally a general under Liu Biao's command, so naturally he can't take him to the front line this time."

Wang Zheng immediately came to his senses and nodded repeatedly.

That's right, from Yuan Shu's point of view, the three parties joined forces to attack Cao Cao this time, so the Jingzhou army is no longer an enemy at this moment. If Gan Ning is brought over and Jingzhou people feel dissatisfied, wouldn't it be a small loss?
But Gan Ning's stay in Shouchun is not good news for him, Wang Zheng thought, he, a traveler, naturally knows Gan Ning's ability, this person already has the courage of all men, plus a careful thought Yang Hong, the two of them complement each other perfectly, which will probably make his next plan more difficult!
After pondering for a moment, Wang Zheng looked around: "Has it been decided when Yuan Shu's main force will leave the city?"

These are all military secrets. Although Shen Shu and Zhao Ning are direct descendants of aristocratic families, they naturally don't know. Although Lu Ji is a captain, his rank is still a bit low after all, and he only knows a little bit, so only Li Shu can answer in detail.

"Report to Zhou Mu," Li Shudao: "According to what the general knows, tomorrow is Gang Day, and Yuan Shu will go to do the Ritual Sacrifice, Yishe, Zuoyou, Zuoji, and Jianya, so the day after tomorrow should be the swearing-in ceremony. The army will go out in four days."

There must be oath masters in the Qin and Han Dynasties. Before the oath, there must be sacrifices. There are four sacrifices: heaven, earth, ancestors, and the military god Chiyou.

Class sacrifice, reporting the upcoming conquest to the Emperor of Heaven, expressing respect for the punishment of heaven, and punishing the enemy in the name of the Emperor of Heaven. She is the god of the land, and the meaning of Yishe is to show the god of the land that the conquest of the enemy is to defend the country and open up territories. , so it is called "Yishe". To make you is to offer sacrifices to the ancestors, and to offer sacrifices is to sacrifice the army god and the tooth flag. The army god is Chi You, and the tooth flag is the army flag. The saying of "the shape of the army" began in Guangwu. Before the army of the Eastern Han Dynasty went out, there was often a ceremony of "building teeth".

Listening to Li Shu's explanations one by one, Wang Zheng was dumbfounded. He has been fighting for almost two years, and it is inevitable to swear an oath in every battle. Even this is omitted, I didn't expect there to be so many etiquettes.

Or the Skeleton King and other high-school kids can play?
Feeling secretly, Wang Zheng coughed dryly and asked, "Very good, how many soldiers and horses are left in the city?"

"It's hard to say the exact number," Li Shu said, "but based on the parts left in the city, it should be around 1 horses."

As he spoke, he couldn't help asking: "Shouchun was the capital of the king of Chu in the past. It was originally a big city. After Yuan Shu came to Yangzhou, he repaired it many times and built the city wall. Now Yang Hong and Gan Ning are left behind to make sure. Yuan Shu himself is not here, and with the last general and Brother Lu as internal support, it may be difficult to overcome him quickly, I don't know my lord."

Hearing this, Lu Ji, Zhao Ning, and Shen Shu also looked at Wang Zheng.

Strong cities, brave generals, masterminds, and more than ten thousand garrisons.This is all for the benefit of Yuan Shu's home court, and Wang Zheng has not even had a city in Jiujiang as a stronghold so far. He has worked so hard to move Yuan Shu away from the mountain, and now he has indeed succeeded, but how will he seize Shouchun next?

This question not only hovered in Li Shu's mind, but everyone else was also puzzled.

Before, Wang Zheng did tell Lu Ji a set of "best policy" to outwit Shouchun through Wang Xiong's mouth, but in fact, this so-called "best policy" was rejected by Wang Zheng when Guo Jia first proposed it. Wang Zheng also told them clearly that due to the changing situation, another "middle policy" will be adopted to come and go to Shouchun.
But what this middle strategy is, Lu Ji and others still don't know.

Waterfowl fly high, and the waves are churning.As the waves and ships sway slightly, the autumn wind on the river rushes into the cabin, rolls up the curtains, and rustles.Many people in the cabin were silent, waiting for Wang Zheng to speak.

Counting the various schemes that Wang Zheng has used since entering Shouchun, he first deceived Yuan Shu into believing that he came to Shouchun to attack Xudu by surprise, and then used countermeasures to provoke the relationship between Yuan Shu and Yang Hong. Although it failed in the end, it was a coincidence He used means to transfer Yang Hong away from Hefei, and then used the famous scholars in the city to create public opinion, which aroused Yuan Shu's pride and wanted to capture him hard.

Then he made a long-distance and close attack, secretly reached an alliance with Liu Biao, and joined forces with the latter to sing and make peace, further adding fuel to the flames, stimulating Yuan Shu's unrealistic ambitions, and finally pulling out his salary from the bottom of the pot and turning the tiger away from the mountain.

Now that Yuan Shu is about to leave Shouchun and head north, it seems that he has accomplished everything, but another contradiction has emerged
Although the tiger walks away, it is still difficult to break into the tiger's den!
It should be known that the Xuzhou army currently does not have a single garrison in Jiujiang, let alone a city to stand on. It is like a castle in the air, and no matter how strong it is, there is no use for it.

Taking a ten thousand step back, Luan and Hefei do still have some troops from Guo Jia and Huang Zhong, but even in the nearest city of Hefei, if you want to reach Shouchun, you have to go through two important towns, Chengde and Xiquyang, which are thousands of miles apart. It's really hard to be surprised, what kind of surprise attack.
And if Wang Zheng throws everything away and adopts a frontal attack, not only will his previous positive image in Yangzhou be destroyed, but this unjustified backstab will immediately trigger a local rebound in Jiangdong. Even if he wins in the end, he will definitely lose heavy.

Besides, in the eyes of Lu Ji and others, this year alone, the Xuzhou army has experienced several battles, the Beihai battle against Kong Rong, Taishan against Yuan Tan, and Jiangdong against Sun Ce. The army has also become a long-weary army.
Under such circumstances, a frontal attack is not advisable.

Not to mention that if the strong attack encountered obstacles, if Yuan Shu could not attack for a long time, and gave Yuan Shu time to react, and then let him lead the army to fight back, it was still unclear who would win the battle.It's not worth the candle.

So what to do next?
Naturally, Wang Zheng would not choose to attack head-on. If he wanted to take Jiangdong by force, he would have led his soldiers back to Xuzhou long ago to recuperate and go south again next spring.

The decision he discussed with Guo Jia was the most difficult step to adjust the tiger away from the mountain. Once this step is successfully taken, the next step is actually easy. It is nothing more than four words: repeat the old tricks.

As for which old trick it was, and how to repeat it?

Wang Zheng smiled slightly at Lu Ji and the others, and slowly explained the plan for the next step.

After hearing this, everyone was shocked and surprised.

As high as Zhao Ning, he couldn't help but scream at the table, but as cautious as Shen Te, he immediately showed worry. Lu Ji and Li Shu looked at each other. .”

Lu Ji added from the side: "Although the strategy is dangerous, there are also surprises in the danger, which are unexpected."

"It's more than unexpected?" Zhao Ning on the side said loudly: "It's simply wonderful! The person who came up with this plan is a real countryman!"

"If this strategy is successful, Wang Zhoumu will have a great reputation, and it can be said that he will turn against the guest in an instant."

Zhao Ling said excitedly: "With the fame and righteousness in hand, even if Wang Zhoumu encounters some obstacles in the process of capturing Shouchun in the future, it will not matter. If you win Shouchun, the cities of Yangzhou will be determined!"

Everyone had no objection to Zhao Ning's analysis. They looked at Wang Zheng again, in addition to the previous admiration, there was more awe. They all thought in unison:
"I heard that this son once received Huang Tian's favor and divine power, now it seems that it is not only the divine power, but also the wisdom of the heaven!"

Otherwise, at such an age, such a background, how come such a city, such a strategy?
"If this plan is successful, then Shouchun will be in the bag." Wang Zheng is very satisfied with the approval of Lu Ji and others, which greatly satisfies his psychology of "being a good counselor", and although this plan is Guo Jia's I figured it out, but I also made the right judgment.

Looking at Shen Shu again, Zhao Ling said: "The two are from famous families and have great talents in governing the country and the country. In the future, the six counties and hundreds of towns in Yangzhou may not be able to say, and they still need to help. I will naturally listen to the instructions."

The world is all for profit.

Regardless of Lu Ji, Li Shu, or the Shouchun gentry represented by Shen and Zhao, the reasons for their willingness to take refuge in Wangzheng were generally the same. It was simply because Yuan Shu didn't give them enough wealth or didn't want it.

The reason why he didn't want it was naturally not because he didn't love wealth, but because he wasn't optimistic enough about Yuan Shu.

They don't like it, they feel that the wealth offered by the other party is hot, and since they choose Wangzheng, if they really think that the other party is the right man, it may not be true, but at least they can be regarded as the master, and the chances are several times higher than Yuan Shu.

Then they will not refuse the wealth and honor given by Wang Zheng, and the more the better.

"It's really a shame to be a talent for governing the country." Shen Shu hurriedly said: "However, the state shepherd doesn't think my virtue is weak, and he is willing to do the work of a dog and a horse."

The summoning order was even more direct, and he immediately bowed down and bowed down: "The minister summons the lord to pay homage to the lord. In the future, he only needs a word from the lord, and he will go through fire and water without hesitation."

(End of this chapter)

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