Chapter 524

"Mr. Guo has sent good news according to the general's order, but when Wang Duwei and I went out these two days, we found that the number of spies following behind has not decreased, but has gradually increased and intensified."

Zhou Tai said with displeasure: "General, it seems that our plan to divert the attention of the city with the destruction of Sun Ce's remnants has not achieved the expected effect."

Wang Zheng nodded, looking calmly at Mi Li who was bowing aside: "Where's your side?"

"Report to Zhou Mu."

Mi Li hurriedly cupped his hands and replied: "The news from the person who was placed in the palace said that Yangzhou Mu was in a good mood these past few days. He praised the lord's benevolence many times in front of people, and praised the might of my heavenly army. The villain thinks it should be from the heart. .”


Wang Zheng nodded, and said to Wang Xiong and Zhou Tai: "You have also heard it. From this point of view, the victory in Lujiang has had an effect. Yuan Shu has a good heart, but Yang Hong is still suspicious, so the surveillance of you has not decreased. , but intensified."

"What the general said is true," Wang Xiong said with worry on his face, "but Yang Hong is the mastermind of Yuan Shu, if he hinders him, it will always be a trouble."

"That's right, I tried several tricks, but I couldn't make this person feel relieved of me, and I always have doubts."

Wang Zheng sighed: "It seems that we have to find a way to deal with this person before making trouble."


This word moved Wang Xiong and Zhou Tai's hearts, and Wang Xiong's eyes immediately flashed Senhan's killing intent, and he took the initiative to ask for his life: "General, leave this matter to the last general. I will take a few brothers from the Tianzhu camp tonight Let this guy be completely quiet, so that he can no longer hinder the general's great cause!"

"That's not what it meant."

Wang Zheng shook his head slightly, knowing that they would be mistaken, he waved his hands and said with a smile: "Yang Hong is just a scholar, if it is easy to solve this person by violent means, why wait until today?"

"Although this person's official position is not high, he is the number one counselor under Yuan Shu's command. He is quite trusted. If something happens, the whole city will be shocked. Moreover, this person has always been suspicious of me and hostile. If we leave traces, the people of insight in the city will definitely be the first to suspect us, so this method is definitely not feasible!"

"Then how does the general want to deal with this person?"

"I'm still thinking about it." Wang Zheng frowned slightly, and sighed: "You guys are also helping to think of a way, how can we make this person quiet for a few days without making too much noise?"

For a moment, everyone fell into deep thought, and Wang Zheng also lazily leaned on the couch, watching the sunlight projected from the gap in the curtain, casting mottled shadow marks around the surrounding area, his eyes flickering.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly someone said softly: "I think of a way, but I don't know if it's feasible."

As soon as the voice fell, several people in the room turned their eyes at the same time, but saw that the speaker was Qiao Wan.

The stars are moving, and the sky is full of stars.

It was already midnight, and the old Chu Palace was still brightly lit.

In order to celebrate the final suppression of Sun Ce's rebellion, Yuan Shu personally ordered tonight to sing and dance. Yangzhou civil servants and military generals gathered together. After three rounds of drinking, Yuan Shu, who was drunk, went off in person, drew his sword and danced. Yang Hong and Gan Ning held a ceremony for him. The candle, the shadow of the candle is erratic, and the sword is as cold as water.

After a dance, the whole house applauds.

A civil official suddenly came out of the line, knelt down and held wine to congratulate: "In the 12th year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, Huainan Wang Yingbu rebelled and was defeated by Gaodi. It is "Dancing to the Sky", its generosity and majesty, and its reputation has been passed down through the ages, the dance of today's princes and princes, the grandeur of the dance is not inferior to the emperor, let it become a famous one, to demonstrate martial arts, and pass it on to future generations!"

When Yuan Shu heard that this person compared himself with Liu Bang, he immediately felt relieved, and said with a smile: "Your words are very kind, in your opinion, what is the name of this dance?"

"Suppressing the chaos is successful, and there are princes and marquises dancing at the same time. When the ministers watch the dance of the princes and marquises, they flicker and move, and fly across the audience, showing impassionedness. It should be named "Generous and Bandit Potential"."

As soon as these words came out, some people in the hall immediately frowned.

Sun Ce set off a rebellion. It is reasonable and reasonable to classify such rebellious officials and thieves as first-class thieves and bandits. There is nothing wrong with destabilizing bandits, but the key point is that the word "bandit" in today's Shouchun seems a bit garish.

You must know that it was the Xuzhou Army who really defeated Sun Ce, and that Xuzhou Mu Wangzheng was the word Yukou.
The name of Wang Zheng is Yukou, but you come up with "Great Bandits", does it mean something, or is it a pun?

Even those who reacted quickly muttered to themselves, once this matter spreads, what should be done if Wang Zheng is displeased?
Just as he was about to come out and suggest that some changes could be made, even if it was called "Generous Elimination of Thieves" or "Generous Elimination of Violence", it would be good, but Yuan Shu had already made a decision and laughed:
"Okay, Gu Qing is worthy of Jiangdong's talent, this name is very suitable for me, generous and powerful, um, what a "Great and generous", very good, great kindness, hahahahaha!"

Yuan Shu was drunk at the moment, but he didn't think too much about it.

In his eyes, Sun Ce is extremely hateful, and he is naturally the number one thief in Tianzi.

While Wang Zheng and the Xuzhou army have made great contributions, I, Yuan Shu, have also made great contributions!
If I hadn't made a decision at a critical moment and risked the risk of ordering Chengde's garrison troops to mobilize and capture Xiang'an, how could it be so easy for Sun Ce to hand over the leadership?

Isn't this decision generous?

Doesn't it show that Yuan Gonglu is a manly man?

Generosity is worthy of the name!
"Brother Xinglue," Lu Ji talked with Li Shu in the secret room again: "I heard that Yuan Shu held a banquet for the ministers yesterday, and even performed a sword dance called "Generous Bandits"?"

Li Shu couldn't help being slightly surprised, he was a school lieutenant, and he was there yesterday, but Lu Ji was because of his poor official position, and Lu's family is a bit down now, but he didn't accept his appointment: "How did you know so quickly? "

"I have my own source of information." Lu Ji said seriously: "Brother Xinglue, our chance has come!"

"what chance?"

"My lord's order, I order you and me to contact people from all walks of life, and within three days to express our praises and praises to Yuan Shu. The civil officials can write and write poems, and the generals will promote the "Great Bandits" in the army while submitting the form. Let the soldiers learn it." Lu Ji said: "This is the first time my lord has given us an order on his own initiative, so it can be seen that he attaches great importance to this matter!"

"Once it is done beautifully, isn't it a great dedication and meritorious service?"

"Wang Zhoumu's first order was to tell us to flatter Yuan Shu?" Li Shu was even more surprised: "What's the point?"

"My lord is a hero of today, with lofty aspirations. How could I guess his intentions? Besides, I wouldn't speculate on my own."

Lu Ji glanced at Li Shu lightly, and said with a faint smile: "Brother Xinglue, you must know that the lord is from the army, and the military order is like a mountain. At this time, what you and I should care about is not how to do this well?"

Li Shu is also a smart person, so he reacted immediately and nodded again and again: "That's right, that's right, what Wang Zhoumu told us to do, let's just do it."

"That's very good." Lu Ji said: "You come to contact the general, and then I will talk to Shen Kuang, Zhao Qian and others, let them go to the famous families in the city, and the Confucian scholars will immediately mobilize."

During this period of time, in order to strengthen his belief, Wang Zheng instructed Wang Xiong to reveal to him some internal conditions in Xuzhou today, which gave Lu Ji a clearer and deeper understanding of Wang Zheng's strength, especially when he thought of this It was the result of the other party's self-made work within two or three years. Lu Ji not only admired Wang Zheng more and more, but also firmly believed that his choice this time was extremely correct.

Although Wang Xiong secretly sent someone to spread the word the day before yesterday, saying that the action plan that Wang Zheng told him earlier may change due to the development of the situation, but no matter what, as long as he starts to act, can victory be far away?

Even if it fails, the risk is greatly reduced for Lu Ji at this time.

Because as early as a few days ago, Wang Zheng asked Mi Li to arrange for someone to quietly transfer his nephew Lu Yi, and some of the Lu family's children to Xiapi.

Perhaps Wang Zheng's original intention was to strengthen his control, but as far as Lu Ji was concerned, it made him feel more at ease.

Based on the information Wang Zheng has disclosed so far and the strength he has shown, whether it is success or failure, at least Wang Zheng himself can return to Xuzhou safe and sound. .

Because even if something unexpected happened to Lu Ji, judging by Wang Zheng's behavior in the past, I believe he would not treat those young children who have arrived at the Lu family badly.

Especially there is a Lu Yi!
Lu Ji knows what his nephew is capable of. As long as Wang Zheng, the thickest thigh in Xuzhou, takes care of him a little bit, he will definitely seize the opportunity and lead the Lu family to quickly recover their strength in Xuzhou, and soon become a real family of great power again!

Of course, the label prefix at that time may have changed from Wujun to Xiapi, Pengcheng, or Langya.

So at this time, Lu Ji became more energetic. Not long after he met Li Shu, he immediately rushed to various places in the city, visiting Shen and Zhao's families successively.

It is easy for literati to create something that praises their virtues, and the literati in this era are basically equivalent to the gentry, under the leadership of Shen and Zhao. "Potential" quickly became the focus of the topic among literati in Shouchun City, and soon began to spread to the lower-class people in the streets and alleys, and finally spread to the whole city, reaching the point that no matter when and where people gather, Here, the most talked-about topic is Yuan Shu's sword dance, and the "excellent martial arts, generous spirit" and so on.

As a result, almost all people, either under guidance or on purpose, gradually forgot one thing.

The man who really defeated Sun Ce
The man who really put down this rebellion once and for all
Who is it.

Mi Li bowed and said, "Report to Zhou Mu, public opinion in the city has now been formed."

Wang Zheng nodded, and looked sideways at Wang Xiong.

Wang Xiong also said in a deep voice: "Over the past few days, the general and Zhou brothers, whenever there are banquets, they intentionally or unintentionally lead the topic to join forces to counterattack Yuzhou, and according to the general's order, they secretly promised that if Yuan Shu intends to attack Cao , then my Xuzhou army will definitely join in the grand event, and don’t want a city to occupy a piece of land.”

"Then how did the generals react?"

"Nowadays in Shouchun, the praise for Yuan Shu is so high that it cannot be overemphasized. Even the military generals like them are all treated with honor. There are fewer mature and prudent ones, and more arrogant ones." Zhou Tai on the side added: "Especially That Gan Ning is most concerned about this topic and is very eager."

"The newly attached general, with a high position in Chad, naturally has the most urgent need for military merit."

Wang Zheng nodded and said: "If you want to gain military merit, you must fight first. Gan Xingba's attitude is human nature. Now that the plan is done, the next step is to follow Qiao Wan's plan and immediately start to separate the relationship between Yang Hong and Yuan Shu."

There is a saying in the Tao Te Ching that if you want to abolish it, you must solidify it.

And "Six Taos · Wu Tao" also said that because of what he likes and following his ambitions, he will be proud, and good things will happen, and if he can follow it, he will be able to get rid of it.

Similar words also appeared in "Book of Zhou" and "Lushi Chunqiu".
It can be said that the sages of the Celestial Dynasty mentioned a truth repeatedly in different books almost a long time ago, that is, if you want to destroy someone, you must first make him crazy.

So how to make him crazy?
Follow him, pamper him, praise him, sing him praises, make him proud, make him proud, let him think he is the smartest and the strongest!
The storm of public opinion praising Yuan Shu in Shouchun City was originally set off by Wang Zheng himself, and even the official named "Great Bandits" was bought by him from a member of the local forces in Jiangdong. Killing Yuan Shu made Yuan Shu proud of his fighting spirit, and he took the initiative to lead the army in Yuzhou to attack Cao Cao.

Of course, no matter how stupid Yuan Shu was, he would never choose to set off border quarrels during the autumn harvest, so the real purpose of Wang Zheng was to make him think of "going out", and then Lu Ji and his colleagues suggested that "after the great victory, there must be a reviewer, Now that Zhou Mu has made "Great Bandits", why not go to Lujiang with Wang Zheng to participate in the review to boost the morale of the army."

Of course, Wang Zheng will definitely not go in the end. He is not fit to go out because he is in poor health, so he will naturally express his deep regret that he cannot go with him.

Whenever there was a big victory in the Han Dynasty, there must be a review, and this excuse was seamless.

And considering the king's politics, and the Skeleton King's complacency at this time, he will definitely not miss this opportunity to show off and confirm his identity as the protagonist of the "generous bandit" in one fell swoop!

Yuan Gonglu probably felt itchy and ready to move!

But Yang Hong is still there, so he will definitely not allow Yuan Shu to make such rash actions, and will definitely stop him after hearing the news.

Yuan Shu, who was in high spirits, was once again disappointed by Yang Hong, how would he react?

Whether you listen or not, dissatisfaction is inevitable.

If he didn't listen, then Wang Zheng would be overjoyed, he didn't expect to divert the tiger away from the mountain, this is a surprise.

If he obeyed, Wang Zheng asked those insiders to report to Yuan Shu again: "Duke Yuan's golden body is indeed not suitable for lightly moving, but the Xuzhou army came from a long way to help Jiangdong to calm the chaos, fought hard for more than a month, and finally won today. I don't care about it." , It seems inappropriate, it is better to send an envoy as a representative to Hefei to inspect it on his behalf.

With the sentence "Xuzhou Army came to help Jiangdong from afar", Yuan Shu would definitely not ignore it, and would certainly readily agree, and Yang Hong couldn't say anything.

As for who will the envoy Yuan Shu care for?

Not important anymore.

Because according to Qiao Wan's plan, when things come to this point, no matter who Yuan Shu originally wants to go, Wang Zheng will mobilize all his forces to let Mrs. Feng, Lu Ji, prominent families in the city, and even Jiangdong forces all speak up together. .
Let Yang Hong, the most loyal first conspirator to Yuan Shu, replace the original envoy candidate!
Let Yang Hong, the biggest stumbling block in Wang Zheng's plan to seize Jiangdong, be kicked away by Yuan Shu himself for Wang Zheng!

Get away!
(End of this chapter)

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