Chapter 4 Soldiers Rank
It was Xu Shu himself, as long as he got on Wang Zheng's thief ship, he ordered Xu Yuanzhi to kill Liu Bei.

If the other party wants to learn what to play after joining Cao Ying, the system will not agree.

Want to end this strong and unreasonable affiliation?
I am sorry.

Here in the Eastern Han Dynasty, like the game "Qiqia", the initiative to end the relationship is always with the player.

This setting in the game used to make Wang Zheng feel distressed because of the relationship punishment after the release, but it has become an incomparable advantage after time travel.

What's more, there are even greater benefits.

Looking at the newly displayed six columns of values ​​on the interface, Wang Zheng greeted the villagers with a smile, and clicked on the top row of words.

After Wu Sheng and others entered the team, the default unit was the Yellow Turban Militia.

Behind them are the strong men of the yellow turban, the fine soldiers of the yellow turban, and the platoon soldiers of the yellow turban.
And the ultimate unit: Yellow Turban Warriors.

This is a promotion route given by the system based on factors such as Wu Sheng's camp and physique.

With enough time and experience points, Wang Zheng can have a group of perfect soldiers and warriors.

They can rival the strongest elite of any force at present, and even rival the strongest representative arms in the magnificent war history of the Chinese Dynasty for thousands of years.

Such as Yue Wumu's Beiwei Army, Li Shimin's Xuanjia Army, and Chen Qingzhi's White Robe Army.

According to historical records, 47 white-robed troops traveled thousands of miles, fought 32 battles, attacked 50 cities, and destroyed more than [-] troops.

There are nursery rhymes from time to time singing praises: Famous teachers and generals don't work hard, thousands of troops avoid white robes.

In terms of record alone, it is definitely the strongest army in the history of the Millennium War of the Celestial Dynasty.

The most direct evaluation of the incredible performance of Chen Qingzhi and Baipaojun by later generations of netizens is:
"Report, someone hacked."

Wang Zheng disagreed.

Netizens this year have too little vision, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are ignorant.

Just wait, watch my seven thousand yellow turban fighters form an army, and your eyes explode in shock.

But, time waits for no one.

In a few more years, it will be the real world of great controversy.

Moreover, there are not many wild beasts in the nearby mountains and forests, and the experience gained from hunting is not enough for myself.
Thinking of this, Wang Zheng fell into deep thought.

At this time, Wu Sheng also showed up holding a wooden basin. It was his eating guy. He was walking on the road while holding wooden chopsticks and knocking non-stop.
"Ha, brother, let's go and eat at my place?"

"You starved to death and reincarnated."

Wang Zheng looked at the wooden plate that was the size of a child's washbasin, and his eyelids twitched, this idiot! Changed the bowl again
"Open your mouth and shut your mouth all day long to eat."

"You must eat enough today, otherwise how can you have any strength?"

Wu Sheng was aggrieved by what was said, and couldn't help muttering to explain: "You forgot to practice formation this afternoon."

Hearing this, Wang Zheng's eyes lit up, he patted Wu Sheng's shoulder vigorously, and laughed loudly as the latter bared his teeth and screamed in pain.

Yes, practice!
On the school grounds, thousands of people are constantly walking in accordance with the orders, and the yellow sand is billowing vertically and horizontally, covering the sky and covering the sun.

At this time, for most of the military leaders at that time, most of the drills were done with pain in the heart.

It not only consumes a lot of time for soldiers to pick up, but also consumes a lot of energy for soldiers
And the addition of the two will double the ration loss.
Therefore, the biggest feature of military drills in this era is that it is difficult to "daily".

Without him, it costs food and can't afford to practice.

Cao Cao and his army were no exception.

Therefore, except for its direct descendants, the training mechanism of other ministries adopts the same two-five cycle as the army establishment.

That is, one small training session every five days and one big session session every ten days.

The small training only has array drills and endurance training, while the big training adds strength training and movement training.

The Qingzhou Army is neither a direct descendant of the Central Army, nor is it different from other border guards.

Because in their eyes, the big thing is nothing more than filling their stomachs. Even if they wear military uniforms and receive military pay, they are still a group of farmers in essence, and there are occasional part-time bandits, but they are the least like a group of soldiers.

It has been four years since Chuping.

Cao Cao's garrison system will not appear in two years, and the Qingzhou Army has already gone ahead in history.

They spend a lot of time on farming every day, and they strongly resist even Cao Cao's preferential treatment of practicing every five days.

Of course, after several rounds of negotiations, the Qingzhou Army finally sold Cao Cao or "received the military salary" a little bit, and agreed to participate in a drill every ten days.

And only do array drills.

Array drills are actually meaningless in Wang Zheng's case.

Ancient military formations are nothing more than square formations, circular formations, several formations, and wild goose formations.

Their functions on the battlefield may be different, but the essence of requiring soldiers to drill is actually to cultivate the unity and cooperation of soldiers, so that it is more convenient for generals to command when they are actually in battle.

In the "Riding and Slashing" system, it refuses to admit that this kind of training is valuable, so naturally it will not provide experience.

After discovering this incident, Wang Zheng was rather disappointed. Although he did not grind his skills like others because of this, he did not take an overly serious attitude either.

But what Wu Sheng said today reminded him.

The training ground in the game "Riding and Slashing" is the only way for novices to gain experience in the early stage. If you have no experience in array drills, it doesn't mean that others have no experience, right?
Endurance training, strength training, especially movement training.
Wang Zheng moved his mind and wanted to experiment.

Then the next question arises.

How to practice?

He had never served in the army in his previous life, nor was he a military enthusiast, so he knew nothing about modern militarized management and training.

Besides, the high-intensity training in the 21st century may not be suitable for Wang Zheng.

After all, the ancient people did not absorb enough nutrition, and their physique was far inferior to that of the modern people of later generations.

The system is also helpless in this regard.

It gave Wang Zheng superhuman strength and agility, but without any martial arts skills.

Over the past few months of battlefield experience and fighting wild beasts, Wang Zheng has a wealth of actual combat experience, but what he lacks the most is...
On the contrary, it is the theoretical knowledge of kung fu on paper.

"I remember reading a web article in which the traverser seems to ask the militia to practice a special movement, chopping or chopping? It seems to work well?"

Wang Zheng absent-mindedly kept moving with the changes in formation, his brain kept spinning, but he didn't notice the difference between the school field and the past.

There are more strangers.

It was more than a dozen robust armored soldiers, surrounding a young general like stars.

The young man seemed to have a high status, and even the leader of the camp, Captain Gong Xu, respectfully accompanied him.

Looking at the soldiers who were lazily practicing, contempt and disgust flashed across the boy's face from time to time.

Gong Xu seemed to feel ashamed as well, and kept smiling with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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