Chapter 17 Rules
Xia Houmao was in charge of leading the mule team, and the first few vehicles carried all kinds of ordnance such as weapons and armor.

Those who are brave and ruthless are delighted, and even can't wait to wear it immediately.

But most of the ordinary people showed disappointment on their faces, and then ran to the back without nostalgia.

What about food?All we need is food!

So when the first cloth bag wrapped in grain was cut open, the crowd was shocked when they watched the rice flow down like fine sand, and the most important item finally appeared in front of them.

Deafening cheers sounded.

But what followed were quarrels and fights for food.

Farmers are honest but not stupid, and the predicament of living as the weak for a long time also makes them have a unique cunning and sensitivity when facing many things.

The number of mule teams that can be seen at a glance, and a little evaluation of the loading capacity of each mule cart, most people have instinctively realized a problem.

Seemingly a lot of rice seems to be enough to satisfy everyone, including them and the women, children and children behind them, but how long can it be satisfied?
It won't be too long.

Everyone quickly came to such a judgment in their hearts.

Therefore, driven by the self-interest of human nature, even if it is to gain a moment of fullness, the internal struggle will start immediately.

In front of food, the once familiar and friendly folks in the village have become the most annoying existence in each other's eyes.

This scene was also expected by Wang Zheng.

Most of the peasant rebels in history were mobs. From the time of rebellion to failure, they always staged various unsightly operations in turn. Qingzhou Yellow Turban is no exception.

What's more, the lessons and disappointments of the previous few times have made Wang Zheng's tolerance for these people very high.

Of course, it is only emotional restraint and tolerance, which does not mean that he will sit idly by and ignore him in behavior.

So Wang Zheng, who had his own plan, didn't attack immediately when he saw the situation, and he was not in a hurry to stop it. Instead, he strolled more and more leisurely, and at the same time allocated 20 points to the Charm, which had never been added, from the 10 points he had just acquired. While slowly approaching the mule team.

As he approached, the first few faces that came into view surprised him, and he immediately realized the reason.

It has been like this since ancient times that one person attains the Tao and ascends to heaven.

Wang Zheng couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, looking around Wu Sheng, Xu Fang and other teenagers jokingly said:
"The people in our Wujia Village are all brave and strong."

Because "Zhang Jiao's reincarnation" and the current leader of this team are both Wang Zheng, under the guise of a tiger, the group of people who robbed the most fiercely at this time were the villagers of Wujia Village, that is, the elders of Wang Zheng and others.

For example, Wu Sheng's father, Wu Zhuang, was punching and kicking a man holding a rice bag and refusing to let go, with a fierce look on his face.

How can there be half of the kindness in the past?

If this group of people just surprised Wang Zheng, then the other group of participants made him frown, and finally a cold look appeared on his face.

Those were the Yellow Turban militiamen who had joined the system team. Except for Wu Sheng and others beside the guards, the remaining hundreds of people were all robbing at this time.

Perhaps this is also reasonable, at least from the perspective of the system, the two things of serving oneself and grabbing food are not contradictory in essence.

When they heard Wang Zheng's ridicule, Wu Sheng and others all showed shame.

The longest-lived followers of Wang Zheng were all youngsters from the Wu Family Village. Under the influence of their ears and eyes, although most of them were illiterate and never understood any great principles, they could faintly feel that something was wrong.

It seems wrong for fellow countrymen to do such a thing, and it is likely to arouse the resentment of Wang Zheng.

At this time, the crowd seemed to be angry, fists and kicks alone were no longer enjoyable, and the past relationships had long been forgotten, so as the first person raised his sword, more and more people gradually showed murderous intent in their eyes .

Seeing that the internal strife is intensifying, and it is time to hurt people to see the blood, a loud shout came:

Seeing Wang Zheng's appearance and opening his mouth, the yellow turban men stopped first. They were the able-bodied men selected by the system from 5000 people, and they were also among the winners with the most number of victors in the competition. Once an order is given, it is almost like an instinctive reaction to stop the order.

Seeing this, most of the other people also stopped their hands.

Only a small number of people may be red-eyed, or they may be blinded by the rations. The fear and obedience to the king's government is not important at this moment. Instead, they think, "Why should I listen to a brat?"

Not only did it fall on deaf ears, but it became more and more excessive.

One of them rushed to a mule cart without hesitation, brandished a long knife in his hand, and shouted wantonly:
"Let me get out of the way."

In front of the sharp knife light, the eyes of the few people in front of the mule cart showed fear, and they immediately dispersed.

The man was proud of himself, but he didn't see his companions not far away, and his eyes also showed fear at this time.

Just when the man was about to go forward to pack up the loot, he suddenly felt that the collar of his clothes was pulled from behind violently, and then his feet stepped on the ground, and the whole person was already suspended in mid-air with both feet off the ground.

The man was stunned for a moment, and just about to turn his head to look back, a voice that seemed to have no emotion at all sounded coldly.

"I said stop." Wang Zheng raised the other party casually, and asked, "Didn't you hear?"

Wang Zheng, who was already tall and tall with long hands and feet, now stretched out his ape arms, carrying an adult who weighed a hundred catties, but his posture was casual, like a child holding a pen.

After the increase in charm, he is more domineering and majestic than before. Others look at him like a god, and they are heartbroken and frightened.

God's grace is like the sea, and God's power is like a mountain.

The most direct manifestation is that there are more than 30 people in the team application information that pops up directly on the system interface.

This is true for others watching from a distance, but the people who are close to each other will naturally feel more deeply and feel frightened.

Although the man turned his back to Wang Zheng and never faced him face to face, Mo Ming's qi lock and imposing aura enveloped him, and he was so frightened that his whole body was limp and powerless, and his eyes directly revealed the softness and begging for mercy.

It's a pity that he forgot that Wang Zheng behind him couldn't see these things.


With a wave of Wang Zheng's long arm, he had already thrown the man far away, and his head hit the mountain wall a few meters away, blood flowed from his brain immediately, and he could no longer survive.

Everyone was used to seeing Wang Zheng kill people, but this was the first time they saw people from their own camp being murdered by him. They all fell silent, and the audience was completely silent.

"Is the edge of the sword pointed at your family?"

Wang Zheng glanced coldly at the few remaining people, and asked sharply, "Don't you dare to show your bravery only when facing the folks and elders?"

"Everyone has a share in this batch of supplies, no matter whether it is food or military equipment. Why do you want to rob them?" Seeing that those people were submissive, Wang Zheng pointed to the mule cart and asked, "Why do you want to rob them?"

"If you don't say it first, we don't care about the past."

As he spoke, he turned to point at the man's body, and his voice became harsher again:
"But if someone dares to point a weapon at his companion again, that person will be punished!"

Having said that, Wang Zheng paused, looked at the crowd and softened his tone:
"It's not the first time we Qingzhou people have rebelled. I know that you are all good men and are not afraid of death, but do you want to be like the previous few times and become a loser again?"

"Do you want to continue to bear those contempt and contempt?"

Hearing this, many people's eyes darkened, and more people showed shame.

Seeing everyone's reaction like this, Wang Zheng felt a little comforted in his heart, after all, it was not hopeless.

These Qingzhou people have lost the courage that an army needs most, but they have not lost the sense of honor and shame that men should have.

If you know your shame, you will have the possibility of being brave.

"Why did you fail a few times before?"

"Why can't 40 people defeat tens of thousands of officers and soldiers?"

"Why can't 30 people defeat Cao Cao's 1 people?"

"Have you ever wondered why?"

A series of questions made many people feel ashamed and annoyed, and began to fall into deep thought.

They used to think that losing was a matter of course and a matter of course, because they were thieves and those people were officials.Officers and soldiers should be stronger than bandit soldiers.

But never considered the disparity between the number of people, this should not have ended like this.

No matter how strong a man is in the countryside, it is impossible to beat forty with one.

Even forty old people and forty young children can crush a strong man to death.

However, with their limited knowledge of the times, it's hard to figure it out. At most, they can only think about the difference in body and equipment.Those are considered some knowledgeable and wise people among the people.

So Wang Zheng took the initiative to say the answer.

"Because neither the great virtuous teacher nor the previous team has any rules."

Wang Zheng looked around the audience and said word by word: "If we don't want to face failure like before, our team must have rules."


Doesn't the word mean honest?

In villages and villages, when someone praises a farmer, they often say, "This is a well-behaved man."

But no matter how stupid people are, they also know that the rules mentioned by Wang Zheng should not be the rules they understand.

A confused townsman couldn't help asking anxiously, "Is it the rules?"

"It's very simple." Wang Zheng smiled gently at the fellow, but there was no smile in his smile.

He pointed to himself.

"What I say is the rule."

(End of this chapter)

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