Chapter 100 Good Night

Guangrao County, county government.

At this time, the night was quiet, and it was supposed to be the time to sleep soundly and fall asleep.

Wang Zheng was lying on the couch, tossing and turning for a long time.

After the system added points many times, his physique far surpassed his peers, and he also brought amazing vigor.

On weekdays, Liben only sleeps for a few hours, which is much shorter than ordinary people.

Today, I feel excited and excited, but it is becoming more and more difficult to fall asleep.

This reminded him of the experience of staying up late for games in his previous life.

Finally, he got up.

He casually hung up a cloak, opened the door, walked out of the house, and came to the courtyard of the county government.

Looking at the past, the garden is lonely and silent.

He thought for a while, first came to the back kitchen through the veranda, and when he turned back, he was already carrying a wine jug.

Arriving in the gazebo in the courtyard, Wang Zheng lit up several lanterns.

The evening breeze is gentle.

At this time, the moonlight lights blend with each other, bathing the pond in a light yellow halo.

This is a good night.

Just like his mood at this time.

Wang Zheng, who was sitting on the stone bench, smiled, and secretly sighed while raising his head to drink.

Since the rebellion, he has not had such a leisurely life for several months.

Although there are many hardships in the place of crossing, but now, although the power is not too big, it is easy to be a local emperor.

It's just that no matter when he was in Zhao County or in Guangrao now, Wang Zheng has never thought about his personal thoughts or actions in terms of pleasure.

It's not that he was born with low bones, suffering from a strange disease such as not being able to enjoy wealth.

Just kidding, would an otaku be willing to suffer?

It's really because of this stage.
It's really not the time to enjoy wealth.

In Zhang Rao and Zhao Hong's view, Wang Zheng looted all the wealth in the two counties, so he should be extremely rich.

But in Wang Zheng's own view, he was still poor.

Because his requirements for his own troops, no matter the combat power or equipment or all the corresponding configurations, including military merit awards to motivate everyone's morale and sense of honor, are definitely not comparable to other Yellow Turban bandits.

Under such a requirement, all the previous savings are added, but in fact, he still faces the dilemma of too many monks and too little food in terms of resources and equipment.

At this time, even though there is a system to guarantee most of the obedience and loyalty, Wang Zheng is really embarrassed to play extravagantly by himself.

Let's start with me, he thought.

The implementation is simple, hoping to be effective.

Therefore, in terms of living conditions, apart from living better, it may not be much better than the little boy back then.

Just like the backyard of the county government today.

Except for my family, Huo's mother and daughter, Wu Sheng and Xu Fang and other close people who brought their families to live in, most of the dozens of houses are still vacant.

Because Wang Zheng left all the slaves and servants of the former county magistrate, and they have all been resettled out.

Either they worked as civil servants, or they were arranged to join the women's army, responsible for the army's logistics and daily work.

After a few sips, he drank the whole pot, Wang Zheng smashed his lips, but he still couldn't finish it.

He was really happy and in a good mood.

This kind of excitement and joy that fills the heart because of subduing the prohibition, except for himself, no one will really understand it.

Isn't he just a captain?

For Wang Zheng, in a sense, this is truly zero breakthrough.

On the one hand, as a future traveler, he finally subdued a real Three Kingdoms general.

This greatly satisfied his collection addiction.

On the other hand, Wang Zheng finally had the confidence to look at those famous names in history from a different angle.

From looking up, to looking up, even
Overlook from above.

Wang Zheng was finally convinced that even if he started out as a yellow turban bandit, as long as he worked hard, he could still be the master of those famous generals and counselors.

If we say that after the time travel, the first exciting moment was when he discovered the mount and slash system, which made him feel that he also had a future and a way out in this world of great controversy.

So today is the second time.

When he stared at Yu Jin, he also saw the taller and stalwart figures behind him.

Such as Guan Yu, such as Lu Bu.

Oh yes, there is also system credit.

Thinking of this, he looked at the transparent box affectionately.

Wang Zheng: General

Rating: 17
Health: 170/170
XP: 71531
Experience required to level up: 50000
Force: 35 "+30"

Min: 25「+20」

Wisdom: 10 "+05"

Charm: 30 "+25"


Strong hit "1"

Affiliated teams:

Heroes: Lan Zhishan Yu Jin, Feather Capturer Pan Zhang, Yu Yu Zhang Rao "3"

Tier 6: Yellow Turban Elite [-]
Tier 297: Elite Light Cavalry 12 "-754", Yellow Turbans 685 "+[-]"

Tier 6553: Yellow Turban Militia 3351 "+[-]"

"Current upgradeable units: None"

"Quota of arms that can be upgraded: None"

"One-handed weapon proficiency: 61"

"Two-handed weapon proficiency: 13"

"Long-range weapon proficiency: 1"

Take the initiative to fight against 6000 people? The results of this battle are very brilliant.

Especially the damage paid, compared to the gains, can be said to be a huge profit.

Whether it is Zhang Rao's attachment of nearly ten thousand people, or the huge experience value.

Of course, this kind of field battle is to fight more with less. When Wang Zheng led the sergeants to drive straight into the enemy's encirclement, it also means that there are not many seriously injured this time.

The so-called casualties, no matter how small, were the lives of hundreds of precious system soldiers.

In addition to the previous gains from capturing Guangrao, even if it cost a fortune when the "miracle" was revealed today, it still retained nearly [-] experience points.

If you use it for yourself, it will be another level increase, and you will get a little talent and five attributes.

Once strength and agility are added, Wang Zheng is confident enough to compete head-on with the world's top generals without losing the wind.

And if it is added to the team, the growth of power will be more obvious.

It just so happened that all the nearly [-] Yellow Turban militiamen under his command were promoted to the ranks of the Yellow Turbans.

After weighing the pros and cons for a while, Wang Zheng restrained his impulse.

He decided not to use this experience point for the time being.

Whether individually or as a whole, the current strength is enough to gallop across the territory of Qingzhou.

Wang Zheng hopes to keep this experience as a hole card in case of emergency.

Tapping the stone table with his finger, looking up at the dark starry night sky, Wang Zheng thought of a question.

Next, whether it is the attack on Linzi, or the countless siege battles that can be seen later, how should he face it?
He is already confident enough in field battles, and the defense and siege of the city has become the key to his thinking.

It's not that I'm worried about not being able to attack.

What Wang Zheng thought about was how to reduce his family's contribution, or casualties.

The lack of equipment has made the Heavenly Army currently in a state of strong attack and weak defense. Once facing a big city, Wang Zheng is really reluctant to attack it with flesh and blood.

This is the typical mentality of the rich.

When there were hundreds of people, he never considered the number of casualties.

Now that the total number of teams in the system has exceeded [-], he felt pity on the contrary.

 As a reader, the thing that annoys me the most about system articles is that system introductions pop up every now and then.

  So in my novel, if there is no need to use the system face frame introduction, I will use it as little as possible.

  But at the same time, when it appears, I will try my best to fully interpret the information changes, so I added a change note (+) and (-).

  It's not the number of words, because some book friends asked today, how many attributes should be added to the protagonist at the first level, why the number of troops is not equal to the previous chapters, etc.

  This should be clearer.

(End of this chapter)

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