Chapter 57 Trap
After sending out these batches of finished pills, both the money and the goods are settled, and the next thing has nothing to do with Sun's Medical Center.

The temporarily closed sign was removed, and the grandparents of the Sun family continued to see patients.

Just when Jiang Qiongxing also put down his guard, thinking that he was really nervous and overthinking a few days ago, and this was just an ordinary transaction, an unexpected visitor suddenly came to the door.

Today, the store wasn't too busy, Jiang Qiongxing was discussing with A Luo who would go out to buy candied haws, when he suddenly saw Zhang's steward with a livid face appearing at the door.

Seeing Peng Zhuang with a malicious expression standing behind him, Jiang Qiongxing's heart sank suddenly.

This is indeed a trap.

The grandparents of the Sun family were still seeing the doctor, so she jumped off the stool behind the counter, walked around the counter, and went up to the steward of the Zhang family: "I don't know if the steward will come to the door today, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter?" The manager of the Zhang family seemed very angry, and he was not as kind as he was two days ago. "Is this how your Sun's medical center treats our East Lake Zhang family?"

Jiang Qiongxing glanced at Peng Zhuang, who was behind him with an increasingly obvious smile, and said in a normal tone: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"Let those messy people go out! Let's talk slowly." The manager of the Zhang family said.

It's easy.

Peng Zhuang shouted angrily.

All the ceramic products in the entire store burst and shattered, and the fragments flew around. Everyone in the store was caught off guard and screamed again and again.

"Get out!" he yelled.

Such a big commotion could be seen as the work of a cultivator of immortals. Ordinary people did not dare to refute, and hurriedly ran out of Sun's Medical Center with their heads in their arms.

All that was left was the porcelain shards all over the shop floor.

Sun Suxi, who was seeing a doctor inside, didn't know what happened, and ran out in panic. When she raised her eyes, she saw Peng Zhuang who was blocking the door like an iron tower, and her face instantly turned pale.

Peng Zhuang showed an inevitable smile.

"What, what's the matter?" Grandpa Sun limped out from behind the doctor's desk.

There was a line of blood on his ankle, where he had just been cut by a splinter of porcelain.

"Grandpa, don't move around, be careful of the debris on the ground." Sun Suxi said hurriedly.

"Hmph, isn't it just a few pieces of porcelain?" Zhang's steward snorted coldly, "When you mixed the pills with poison, why didn't you consider what would happen to those refugees after taking the poison?"

"What? Adding drugs?" Sun Suxi was shocked and angry, "Don't slander us! Why do we need to add drugs to pills?"

"How do I know this? It's just that I don't want to save those refugees, or want to confuse the medicinal materials we provided!" The manager of the Zhang family seemed to have forgotten what he just said two days ago.

"We didn't." Jiang Qiongxing said, "You have read all the records of medicinal materials at that time, and they are clearly written in black and white. Why are you coming back to slander our medicinal materials now?"

"After all, I'm a layman, so I don't know if what you've written is true or not—speaking of it, if you really have a clear conscience, why bother to write such detailed things for me to read?" The steward said convincingly, "If this immortal master hadn't accidentally discovered that your medicines are poisonous, I would almost have loaded them into the convoy to Ningcheng!"

How many people will be killed by then?
He didn't dare to think about it.

Sure enough, it was Peng Zhuang who moved his hands and feet.

Jiang Qiongxing didn't bother to argue with him anymore, so he reached out his hand directly: "You said our medicine is poisonous, where is it? Give me one."

The manager of the Zhang family didn't understand what she wanted to do, but he still threw a bottle to her.

Jiang Qiongxing didn't even look at it, he uncorked the bottle and poured the pill into his mouth.

Even the steward of the Zhang family was shocked by her heroic behavior: "You are..."

"Didn't you say it's poisonous? I'll know if it's there after all." Jiang Qiongxing said.

Her tone was too provocative, and Zhang's steward's anger soared: "Don't think that you can fool the past by doing this!"

The immortal cultivator behind him stopped him: "Hey, let her eat it. The poison will naturally prove that this batch of medicine is indeed poisonous. At that time, let's see how they explain it."

Hearing this, the manager of the Zhang family calmed down a bit.

"When the evidence is conclusive, according to the rules of ordinary people, they should be handed over to the government, thrown into prison, at least in exile, at worst, beheaded." Peng Zhuang continued dignifiedly.

Jiang Qiongxing, who was waiting for the effect of the medicine to take effect, looked at him contemptuously - the matter has developed to this point, and this person's mind is clearly revealed.

When the grandparents of the Sun family are in prison, as a cultivator, it will be easy for him to get someone out of the prison. At that time, sister Sun can only let him bully him, and there is no room for resistance.

Before she could speak back and sarcastically, a violent dizziness hit Jiang Qiongxing, who swayed all over, and was quickly supported by the grandparents of the grandson's family who were watching her with concern.

"Quick, detoxify!" Grandpa Sun said as he was about to feel her pulse.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Jiang Qiongxing stopped his movement, felt the negative effects of the toxin attacking his whole body for a while, and then took out the detoxification pill calmly and took it.

At this time, she kept an eye out for the detoxification pill that she could take directly from the storage ring, so she put her hand into her sleeve without any hassle, as if the bottle of pill was on her body.

She instinctively didn't want the other party to discover her identity as a cultivator so early.

Peng Zhuang didn't ignore this detail, and his eyes became more contemptuous: he knew that the Sun family probably got the detoxification pill from the immortal cultivator through some channels, and it failed last time. Now that he has made perfect preparations for this trip, he will definitely be able to embrace the beauty.

At that time, if Sun Suxi is obedient, he can show mercy and let this family go...

Seeing that Jiang Qiongxing returned to normal, Grandpa Sun heaved a sigh of relief, and blamed him: "Can poison be eaten casually?"

"It's okay, Grandpa, I know, it won't hurt your body." Jiang Qiongxing comforted.

The immortal cultivator on the opposite side seemed to have grasped something all of a sudden: "You finally admit that the medicine is mixed with poison!"

"This medicine is indeed poisonous," Jiang Qiongxing looked at him, "Not only that, but I can tell you what it is."

"What poison?" Zhang Family Steward asked.

"Immortal Drunk, as the name suggests, can make people sleepy until death. It is a common poison in the world of cultivating immortals."

Coincidentally, it was the poison that the organization gave her back then, and Jiang Qiongxing couldn't be more familiar with it.

Peng Zhuang sneered: "Of course you know what you poisoned yourself!"

"This is the poison of the world of cultivating immortals. Do you know how many taels of gold the price of a bottle can be converted into? If we really did it, what are you trying to do?" Jiang Qiongxing said, "Besides, if I know what kind of poison it is, why bother to take the risk and test the poison myself?"

The manager of the Zhang family is not a fool. Hearing this, he hesitated and asked: "...You mean, someone framed you?"

"That's right, the medicine has never left our eyes from the time it was produced to the time it was delivered. The steward may wish to think about whether someone took advantage of it after it was shipped back." Jiang Qiongxing said.

If this is admitted, wouldn't it be a charge of ineffective supervision?The steward of the Zhang family shook his head repeatedly and denied: "Impossible, this batch of medicine is of great importance. I have been locked in the warehouse, guarded by guards in shifts of twelve hours outside, and it is impossible for others to get it."

Jiang Qiongxing nodded: "Then there is only one possibility left."

"What?" the steward asked instinctively.

"A certain immortal cultivator called out to stop the thief." She raised her eyes and stared at Peng Zhuang whose eyes were twinkling. "You may not know the manager, but this person just came to our medical center to make a fuss a while ago. Before he left, he told us to wait, causing our family, the old and the weak, women and children to be in panic all day long."

(End of this chapter)

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