Chapter 60 0059: Critical Hour
At present, the shooting time of most TV dramas is about three to six months, including ordinary modern dramas and some fantasy costume dramas with a lot of special effects.

The shooting time of a TV series is determined by many factors. The schedule of actors, daily shooting progress, arrangement of venue scenes, crew scheduling, equipment debugging, etc. will all affect the shooting time.

And the filming progress of "Little Fish and Flowers" is astonishingly fast.

The backbone of the crew, as well as all the actors, have never seen a drama that can be filmed so quickly. You must know that they are basically veterans who have worked in Hengdian for more than three years.

According to this speed, it is estimated that it will be finished in two months.

There are two main reasons.

1. The script of "Little Fish and Flowers" was condensed by Jiang Ge from 40 episodes to 32 episodes, and many meaningless plots were removed.

2. The script is too detailed, centering on the characters and scenes, listing all the plays from more to less.

In this way, there is no need to think too much at all, just shoot according to the script.

Huang Tao once felt that if Jiang Ge didn't look for him, he could complete the filming of this drama by himself.

He did think too much.

What Jiang Ge knows is superficial. It is really impossible to coordinate a shooting team of dozens of people.

Getting dozens of people to do one thing at the same time is not as easy as imagined. Even if everyone works together, it will still be a mess if the arrangement is not good.

In the blink of an eye, a month has passed.

November is already the beginning of winter. In principle, it has entered winter. The average temperature in Zhejiang Province is 12°C~20°C. It is fine during the day, but quite cold at night.

In the last few days, I have been filming Jiang Yuyan's scene, and tonight's scene is very important.

[Scene 237, night, outside.

In the evening, thunderstorms, on the street.

(Jiang Biehe became obsessed with practicing kung fu and passed the poison to Jiang Yuyan in order to save his life. His appearance was ruined. He tried to ask for help at home but failed, so he left home.)
Jiang Yuyan (internal monologue): No, I can't die, I can't do this, (holding the pillar) I can't sit and wait to die, no.

Staggering forward, he was knocked to the ground by a running pedestrian.

Jiang Yuyan (sorrowful and angry): "God, why did you treat me like this, (beating the ground) why did you treat me like this, why!"

Su Ying appeared with an umbrella, and the two looked at each other. 】


Huang Tao sat in front of the monitor, holding the walkie-talkie and said, "All departments are ready!"

The camera group, lighting group, sprinkler, etc. are all in place.


One command.

Gu Yao stumbled into the camera.

This scene is very short, only 14 minute and [-] seconds, but it is very important, indicating that Jiang Yuyan is on the road to the ultimate blackening.

After one pass, the sprinkler stopped sprinkling water, and the assistant ran towards Gu Yao with a towel and coat.

Gu Yao was shivering from the cold. In this weather, she was wearing thin clothes and drenched in cold water. After taking a breath, she walked over and asked, "Director Huang, how are you, Director Jiang?"

Huang Tao looked at it several times in the monitor, shook his head and said, "The eyes are too hollow, and I don't feel a little 'unwilling'."

Gu Yao took a sip of hot water to warm her body, and said, "Okay, let's have another one."

To her, dedication is not a spirit, but the most basic bottom line of life. The real reason for such a hard work is to cherish this opportunity, this opportunity to get rid of the supporting role of Wannian.

At this moment, Django raised his hand and interrupted: "Take a break first, I have something to say."

Huang Tao is very professional, whether it is in the use of the lens or in the design of martial arts, he is very appetizing. The main actors Gu Yao, Shi Lei, Shen Yang, etc. have also brought their acting skills to the extreme. There is basically nothing to criticize, so , In the past month, he has barely intervened in the filming.

However, this scene is very important. To be precise, it is from this scene that Gu Yao's performance will determine whether Jiang Yuyan's role can become a classic.

After weighing again and again, he planned to use [Star Card: Chu Yuan] to obtain Chu Yuan's director ability, and then talk to Gu Yao about the play.

Huang Tao gave orders on the walkie-talkie, and the main actors and staff surrounded him.

Jiang Ge's aura has undergone obvious changes, and he said to Gu Yao: "The beauty of Jiang Yuyan's appearance is in stark contrast to her badness. You should pay more attention to the psychological activities of the character, and use your language, expressions, and body Action and other resources and skills to create an image that gives people the strongest impact..."

He turned into a lecturer and talked eloquently: "She is charming and charming. When she is happy, she smiles like a flower. She is a pure girl. When she is vicious, she is a femme fatale. A bow can amaze all beings; a smile can captivate everyone; a tear can soften people's hearts." ;A soldier who looks down on others and can defeat others without fighting..."

He talked on and on, "The Jiang Yuyan I need doesn't need to draw long eyeliner, blacken her lips, or lengthen her nails. All I need is her smile and every move. It can make people frightened and fearful..."

After talking about the role, under the astonished eyes of everyone, he walked slowly into the venue.

Could it be that he wants to demonstrate in person?
This is a bit too much, not to question his power in the crew, but to say that after the three identities of songwriter, screenwriter, and director, there is another "actor" identity?
How is it possible, a person knows so many things, the key is that this guy is only 24 years old!
Gu Yao and Huang Tao didn't think there was a problem, the reason was that they kept their attitude very low, and they would accept any suggestions that could add color to the drama "Little Fish and Flowers".

"First this...then this...and finally this..."

Jiang Ge's gestures, from the aspects of walking position, camera sense, expression, etc., reveal the word "professional".

Gu Yao lowered her eyebrows and pondered deeply, trying to understand everything.

Huang Tao's expression was calm, but his heart was full of waves.

At this moment.

The expressions of everyone present were astonishingly unanimous.

He really will!
This is awesome, where did this person in front of him come from?

Django didn't stop, star cards were so valuable they had to be squeezed out of their value.

After talking about the acting skills, the use of the camera, the design of the action, the understanding of the martial arts drama... and so on.

In short.

In this hour, I talked about everything that could be said, and of course picked the key points.

Chu Yuan, well-known in the 70s and [-]s, was one of the "Four Great Directors" of Xiangjiang martial arts films, Hu Zhang Chuxu. At that time, there was an iron triangle combination of "Chu Yuan + Gu Long + Di Lon". As long as they were there, the box office would be guaranteed.

His experience and understanding are of great help to Huang Tao, Gu Yao and others.

Why so sure?
Because after a while, Jiang Ge received a long-lost prompt in his mind: "Ding dong, Gu Yao has an epiphany in acting, and the host [entry-level director knowledge] experience +20%!"

See it.

This rather high statistic can reflect that Gu Yao has gained a lot of improvement from it.

Django glanced at the system panel.

Very good, with another 5% of experience, 【Entry Level·Director Knowledge】will be upgraded to "proficient level", and my directing ability will also be upgraded to a higher level.

About 15 minutes passed.

The second filming of the last scene of the scene started, and Gu Yao's performance was undoubtedly better.

While Django was happy, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

So much preparation was made in the early stage, just to make Gu Yao famous, if she didn't have the taste that Jiang Yuyan should have, all the hard work would be in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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