Let you host the artist, how can you become a superstar

Chapter 448 0447: An epoch-making work?

Chapter 448 0447: An epoch-making work?

Children are naturally irresistible to this kind of plush doll.

"I want Po!"

"I want Master Raccoon!"

"I want it all!"


Li Muchen grabbed his father's hand, jumping up and down and shouting.

Li Zhengyao was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the movie theater would start selling movie accessories, and the location was very tricky, it was right at the exit, and he couldn't avoid it even if he wanted to.

However, the quality of "Kung Fu Panda" is there, and it is not a bottomless money grab.

I went forward to look at it, touched it, dolls, figurines, pillows, etc. Although the materials used in the workmanship are not luxurious, they are very delicate, and the sense of quality will not be reduced. They are not comparable to cheap goods, let alone children. The adults couldn't help but be moved.


Li Zhengyao couldn't even take care of his son, so he picked it up enthusiastically.

The wife's face was as dark as charcoal, and the younger one was ignorant, but the older one followed along, and was about to have a fit to teach the father and son a lesson, but saw a pillow that was even cute, and then, muttered a few meanings, and followed.

At this time, many viewers who came out of the movie theater just now, even those who watched other movies, chose to go over to find out after a short hesitation.

"Everyone likes it very much." Zhou Lingwei looked back at the elevator entrance, and there were already three floors full of adults and children.

"At the beginning of designing the peripheral products of "Kung Fu Panda", considering the need to cover all kinds of consumer groups, there are not only many models, but also high and low prices, so that every consumer can find a suitable one among them." Jiang Ge It's not that you just do it recklessly when you are hotheaded, but have a plan.

"By the way, aren't blind boxes popular now? Why haven't you released them?" Zhou Lingwei felt that the small figures of characters like Ah Bao could be turned into blind boxes.

"Yes, it will be released on Huafeng's official website a week after the release. There are 7 models in total, 6 of which are basic models, and 1 is a hidden model." How could Jiang Ge not expect it.

"Is it sold in limited quantities?" Zhou Lingwei asked.

"Well, the first batch was 1000," Django replied.

"Ah, there are so few, isn't that hard to get?" Zhou Lingwei said.

"You don't need to grab it, I'll send all 7 models directly." Django laughed.

"No, no, it's interesting to open the blind box by yourself, not only the nervous and exciting mood when opening the blind box, but also the excitement of getting the hidden money." Zhou Lingwei refused.

"Okay." Django didn't experience it.

While talking, the elevator came, and the two took the elevator downstairs and left the cinema.

With the official opening of May [-]st, the first batch of viewers finished watching the movie, and various platforms on the Internet began to be lively, and everyone was expressing their opinions.

""This prince is not so calm" has been produced, and the content of 'Xia Duoyu' has reached 90%."

"Killing the time during the holidays, it's fun to watch, it's worth the time and ticket money!"

"With the ace duo of Xia Duoyu and Ma Zhu, this movie is not only not awkward, but also full of highlights!"


""Dragon City Flying Generals 2" is definitely a sequel that is better than the first one."

"Wei Qing raised my national prestige!"

"The theme song "Patriotism" really matches the movie and the protagonist."


Every time a hot movie is released, there will be no shortage of discussions about these movies on the Internet.

For example, "This Prince Is Not So Calm" by the Sesame Kaimen team and "Dragon City Flying Generals 2" by Zhang Shucheng have already arranged the headlines and trending searches.

As for Django's "Kung Fu Panda", before its release, it attracted a lot of attention because of its strong publicity, but after it was released, due to the attribute of "animation", the degree of discussion was relatively low.

Besides fans, who would have nothing to do to talk about what children watch?
However, the official Weibo of the Huaguo Animation Society posted an article titled [An Epoch-making Work of Domestic Animation Films! 】The article has attracted countless attention.

And at this time point, people can't help but think of Django's "Kung Fu Panda" which was just released today.

The point is, the title is kind of...

What does "epoch-making" mean?It refers to the inauguration of a new era in history due to the emergence of something new of great significance.

Before, "Those Things That Rabbit That Year" was called "the light of Guoman", and it was more of everyone's encouragement and support for Guoman, but now "Kung Fu Panda" has directly jumped into "an epoch-making work of domestic animation films". ", isn't that blowing a little too much?
Driven by curiosity, many netizens clicked on this article.

["Kung Fu Panda" sounded the clarion call for the rise of domestic animation films, recasting glory, unstoppable! 】

The first sentence of the text is as exaggerated as the title.


"If you weren't an official organization, I thought you were reading an article from a marketing account."

"It's really like taking money to do things."

"I almost couldn't help spraying."

"Is there a possibility that this Weibo administrator is a fan of Django?"

"Isn't it true that star chasing doesn't even require work?"


These netizens, firstly, have not watched "Kung Fu Panda", and secondly feel that the wording is inappropriate.

If I had posted this article on another Weibo, it would have been ruined long ago, and I was willing to read it again for the sake of the official organization.

[Anything must go through a tortuous and long time to rise, and the same is true for Guoman. The continuation from "anime" to "Guoman" has also experienced many tests of time. The lack of production and the reduction of innovative ideas have made Many people turn their attention to foreign animation, until Guoman enters the sleep period.

Today, stepping forward on the basis of animation, with the rapid development of the great era, Guoman is also growing like a bamboo shoot after spring, and it is out of control, shocking everyone from afar. 】

As expected of an article organized by an official organization, "official speeches" will never be absent.

Fortunately, it is not a long story, and the patience of netizens has not been exhausted.

[If animated films in European and American countries focus on excitement and adventure, and Japanese animated films focus on romance and freshness, then what we can feel in "Kung Fu Panda" is beauty and splendor.

And not only the beautiful rivers and mountains, and the gorgeous Chinese Kung Fu, but also the in-depth consideration and exploration of the traditional Chinese culture such as Confucianism and Taoism.

No matter in terms of color selection, composition, or painting, they all accurately show the essence of Huaguo's traditional culture "high, ancient, clean, elegant, and elegant", giving people a kind of "breasted universe, thinking about the ages" Deep and elegant, so that the audience can intuitively see that this is an animation style belonging to our Huaguo at the first glance of these pictures. 】

The next step is a professional analysis from various angles, which is well-founded.

If it is entrusted, it is also educated entrustment.

[We learned to organize to watch "Kung Fu Panda", the original purpose is to see how Django writes a good story with a learning attitude.

When I arrived at the movie hall, I found that even if the word "Django" was hung, it could not escape the same fate as other animated films. Most of the people sitting in it were parents who brought their children, and the remaining [-]% ​​were parents. fan.

But when the film started, we realized that we were wrong. Looking at the beautiful and indistinguishable picture of reality and illusion, everyone questioned from the bottom of their hearts, "Is this a cartoon?" The professor who was there since the founding of the Animation Society couldn't help expressing the emotion that "I never thought that animated films could be made like this".

"Kung Fu Panda" is really good, and it doesn't even take time to prove it, because when you step out of the theater, you will naturally like it. 】

Netizens who insisted on watching were stunned, their little heads filled with big question marks.

It's an official organization, yes...

It's justified...

But it looks unreal at all. Is there really such a good domestic animation film?

Soon the comment area under this Weibo gave the answer.

"Go to the ticket stub first, I'm at the scene, the blogger didn't exaggerate!"

"I can only say that the adults in the theater are more engrossed than the children."

"The picture is exquisite and close to realism. It turns out that 3D can be so beautiful!"

"Honestly, this is the only animated movie where I see the word 'end' come out."

"It is no longer a simple cartoon, but a very meaningful educational film."

"It's worth the fare, just look at it!"


More and more netizens posted comments on ticket stubs, and nine out of ten were positive.

If you thought this article was created by "Trust", "Navy Army" and "Temporary Workers" at first, then with so many voices of support, it can explain the problem.

Perhaps, "Kung Fu Panda" is really good, you can go and see it.

In front of the screen, someone opened Taopiao.com.


August 5,
August 5,
August 5,
Why are the tickets gone?

"so tired!"

Back in the hotel room, Zhou Lingwei lay down on the bed and turned around all day, it was crowded and hot.

"Then I'll take a shower first."

Django dug out a change of clothes from the suitcase and went to the bathroom.

Zhou Lingwei lay down for a while, then opened Douban to read comments.

The scoring system will not be opened until the day after the release, so I can only make a rough guess at the moment.

"Witty and funny, Po is really cute and super happy."

"The jokes in the film are very subtle, such as a dialogue between Mr. Bao Heping [A Bao began to doubt his identity as a dragon hero, so he said to Mr. Ping, 'I sometimes feel that you are not my father.' (The audience burst out laughing), And Mr. Ping saw that Po was very lonely, so he said, "It's time to tell you a secret, the secret is... actually there is no secret." (Audience laughs over)].

"It's still the story routine of a small person growing into a big hero, but after reading it, you will be moved and convinced."

"Because all the traditional cultural elements of Huaguo are not simply piled up, or just stay on the surface, but are truly integrated into the flesh and blood of the characters, subtly contained in the plot of the story."

"When I was learning Kung Fu, it was just a bun. Why bother? It's not funny in a kung fu movie, but why do you think it's so funny when you see pandas and raccoons grabbing buns? That's why cartoons are good."

"It feels very ordinary, the plot is old-fashioned, the jokes are far-fetched, and it's just a hodgepodge of Western-style heroism + 80s Chinese martial arts movies."


Zhou Lingwei read dozens of comments with the most likes, and the ratio of positive to negative comments is about 8:2, which is generally positive.

However, the audience base is still too small to form an effective word-of-mouth. Moreover, a large part of the fans who watched it on the first day of the show were fans, so the fan filter had to be removed.

But Zhou Lingwei believes that in just two to five days, it will be popular all over the Internet.

After reading it for a while, she felt bored again. She didn't know what to think of, a blush rose on her cheeks, and she tiptoed to the bathroom.

The spring night is worth a thousand dollars, and the flowers are fragrant and the moon is cloudy.

Early the next morning, Yanjing Zhima opened the door to Entertainment Culture Media Co., Ltd.

The new king of comedy, Xia Duoyu, is waiting in the office for the audience survey report of the Fifty Cities Cinemas. The reason why he didn't read the comments on the Internet is because most of the first day of the show was caused by trolls.

"President Xia." The secretary opened the door and came in.

"Have you got it?" Xia Duoyu seemed a little nervous.

"I got it." Seeing the anxious look of the boss, the secretary quickly sent the document over in three steps.

It’s a lie not to be nervous, “The Prince Is Not So Calm” has the highest film schedule, but it doesn’t make a big difference from “Dragon City Flying Generals 2” and “Kung Fu Panda”.

Therefore, if you want to win the box office champion of the [-]st gear, you have to look at the real feedback from the audience and rely on word of mouth to stabilize the film schedule and attendance.

Xia Duoyu didn't even dare to open the file, for fear that her dream would be shattered after reading it.

Seeing this, the secretary said, "Mr. Xia, you can rest assured. According to the survey report, the ratio of positive and negative comments from the audience is 7:3, with an average score of 8.5."

Xia Duoyu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately opened the file and went through it. After calming down, he asked, "By the way, how are the performances of "Dragon City Flying Generals 2" and "Kung Fu Panda"?"

A strange look flashed in the secretary's eyes, and he said guiltily, "The reviews of these two films on the Internet are not bad. After all, Zhang Shucheng and Jiang Ge are famous there, so it's normal that the attendance rate on the first day of the show is a little bit better."

"Just better?" Xia Duoyu frowned upon hearing this.

"Their games are few, and the attendance rate is completely negligible." The secretary answered irrelevantly.

Xia Duoyu's expression turned serious, no, no, this feeling is wrong.

Just about to read the film reviews of "Dragon City Flying Generals 2" and "Kung Fu Panda", Ma Zhu pushed the door in and said excitedly, "Have you seen the box office on the first day?"

Xia Duoyu was startled and said, "It's only nine o'clock?"

Ma Zhu nodded and said, "The announced time has been changed from ten o'clock to nine o'clock."

When Xia Duoyu heard it, he blurted out, "How much?"

Ma Zhu smiled and said, "Our film's first day was 5.8 million!"

Xia Duoyu had some expressions on his face, and asked again: "What else?"

Ma Zhu replied: ""Dragon City Flying Generals 2" 4.1 million, "Kung Fu Panda" 3.7 million."

Hearing the opponent's stats, Xia Duoyu frowned, let out a long breath, and then put on a happy smile on his face, and finally returned to the first place.

Zhang Shucheng's "Dragon City Flying Generals 2" is limited by the subject matter. It can be a hit, but it won't be a big hit. As for Django's "Kung Fu Panda", cartoons are cartoons after all, and they can't cause too much trouble.

Everything is moving in the direction he wants.


Ma Zhu's next "but" lifted Xia Duoyu's heart just now.

(End of this chapter)

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