Let you host the artist, how can you become a superstar

Chapter 437 0436: Almost ruined my event!

Chapter 437 0436: Almost ruined my event!
"Wrong guess, it's not a Cantonese song!"

"There have been two Cantonese songs in a row, it's time for a change."

"Although Cantonese songs are good, don't be greedy."

"This song has a lot of flavor."

"It's a bit like the style of the eight 90s."

"Yes, very old-fashioned."


In fact, the sense of age is a very mysterious thing. It can exist in music, movies, food, and even in a sentence. Full of sense of age.

In short, the sense of age represents the killing of memories, the old taste, and the story of time.

As far as music is concerned, the arrangement and lyrics of each era are often influenced by a certain trend, and then form a popular trend belonging to "it". "Sense of age" refers to the "past perfect continuous tense" of the music style.

The reason why Jiang Ge’s songs are not restricted by age and gender is because the lyrics are easy to understand, the melody is catchy, the emotion is sincere and moving, and the content is close to life. Simply put in one sentence, it is "high-end but close to the people, elegant but popular".

The melody and rhythm of this song "Looking Back Again" uses syncopation and triplets throughout the whole work. The rhythm is very strong, and you can really feel the romance and casualness of the music melody.

"Looking back
背影 已 远走

Look back

泪眼 朦胧
留下 你 的 祝福
寒夜 温暖 我

No matter how much pain and confusion you have to face tomorrow..."

What Mei Manlu showed tonight was euphemistic, elegant, delicate and lyrical timbre characteristics. The attack tone slowly brought the music in in a relaxed way, and then sang with a firm and soft voice, stating the tone and setting the nostalgic tone of the song.

On the stage, she closed her eyes slightly, her red lips were lightly raised, and the stars were shining brightly. Everyone locked their eyes firmly on her as if they had been enchanted.

The audience once again felt the charm of her and her singing voice. The low pitch was soft, as if she was talking about something in her heart, and the high pitch was transparent but not sharp, which made people feel emotional.

"I'm over 40, and my voice is exactly the same as when I was in my 20s."

"The throat is well maintained."

"This is the singer."

"As long as they/they don't leave, the Chinese music scene will not decline!"

"It's a pity that she didn't leave more works during her peak period."

"It's okay, it's not too late now."


Mei Manlu became popular with her "pure voice" in the heyday of the Chinese music scene. Typhoon Sashuang has captivated many fans, but she quit at the peak. It is estimated that only she herself knows how difficult this decision is.

Even if it is unavoidable to compromise with life, she can always express different emotions in the meandering flow of her singing, whether sad, angry, or sad... Singing, she heals the scars in her heart and puts on stars all over her body.

In her own opinion, the voice is an extremely flexible part of the body, it can have thousands of changes and possibilities, endowing you with a different kind of charm and temperament, and singing has become an indispensable nutrient in her life.

When gathering with friends, she sang from classic old songs to Douyin Divine Comedy, stirring up the atmosphere, holding the audience, and becoming a well-deserved Maiba among friends;

On the wedding anniversary, she and her husband sang a duet "As long as I have you", which ignited the passion of love in a marriage that had been dull;
When raising children at home, under her influence, her daughter, who was originally introverted, became fond of singing and acting, and was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music with a No. 1 score.

Just a few days ago, she also sent Jiang Ge a WeChat message, writing [Because of singing, I regained my confidence, regained my dreams, and saw the meaning and value of life, I will continue to sing, Jiang Dong, sincerely Thank u! 】.

Singing is actually very simple. There are only three out of 1 people in the world who are born unable to sing, so everyone can sing like a beam of light.

"I used to ask repeatedly in the dark

Only then did I realize that it is true to be calm and calm..."

Entering the chorus part, from the emotional point of view, this short section is a point of emotional catharsis. Mei Manlu's voice is short and breathless, and she uses the empty beat rhythm to express the helpless exclamation of the protagonist who is deeply emotional but powerless.

At this time, the stage background turned into a photo album, which was flipping page by page following the melody, and the yellowed photos on it were floating with traces of time, as if they were telling those beautiful stories.

Time flies by, lamenting the passage of time, now is no longer the scenery of the past, but the pictures left in the memory are still there, looking back, there are helplessness and relief, regret and aftertaste, regret and nostalgia.

"Looking back, it's like a dream
再 回首 我 心 依旧

Only the endless long road is with me. "

Under normal circumstances, the public thinks that most pop music songs have a simple structure and a casual singing style, and do not require too deep emotional expression.


Jiang Ge has a different view. For example, "Looking Back Again" has a heavy and affectionate style as a whole. It is necessary to fully understand and dig out its connotation before performing it. The essential connotation of the work is destroyed.

Therefore, when instructing Mei Manlu to sing this song, he first started from the content of the song, combined with lyrics, music, and arrangement to analyze layer by layer, so that Mei Manlu could understand the meaning expressed by the song, so as to achieve "the The singing state of expressing emotion and exuberant voice and emotion can only reveal the true feelings in the singing and bring the listener into the artistic conception of the song only after fully understanding the thoughts, feelings and connotation of the song.

"When I look back by chance, you spring into my heart."

"I must be very lonely. Listening to it, hearing the lyrics that touch my heart, I can't help but burst into tears."

"If you don't forget the original intention, you will always have it, but the original intention is easy to get, but it is always hard to find!"

"Looking back on the past few decades, there have been too many changes, but Mei Manlu's singing is still familiar, still kind, and I still can't forget all her works!"

"From "Those Flowers" to "The Lonely Brave Man" to "Looking Back Again", every song written by Jiang Ge is affectionate and true, and it is a clear stream in the Chinese music scene today."

"Listening to music is a kind of emotional immersion, a kind of spiritual decompression. Some people say 'people who don't understand music have no taste'. Maybe we don't understand music, but Django understands us."


There is always a love song that sings your heart out sadly;
There is always a storyline similar to every bit of your life;
There is always someone who makes you laugh the brightest and cry the most;

There is always a longing that reminds you of the unbearable memories of the past;
There is always a true love that makes you wait for it desperately.

At this moment, the audience who were crying, smiling, or relieved in front of the screen proved that Jiang Ge's approach and Mei Manlu's singing style were correct.

Tonight, the number of people online in Blueberry Satellite TV's webcast room was much less than the previous five episodes, but everyone's enthusiasm has not diminished at all, and they are responding to their love for the show and songs with barrage.

But there is such a small group of people who are extremely depressed.

Fang Wushui: Heart demon, heart demon, come and go, leave and come again!
He Na: Alas, the past is unbearable.

Feng Yilun: You are so young, how can you feel so much emotion?

Cai Fan: What are you using to compete for ratings?

Wang Cheng: Are there really people who will not lose their edge?

Yan Yu: There will be no day in this life to rival her.

At the same time, in a villa in the Shanshui villa area of ​​Hangzhou.

"Looking back, it suddenly feels like a dream..."

Jiang Yong murmured, leaned back on the sofa, raised his head slightly, looked at the lamp in the living room, his thoughts flashed through his mind like a tide.

Familiar scenes of Huafeng Media, people and things from the past, emerge one by one, every day, every year, for most people in the entertainment industry, people are different every year, every year Year after year "live" similar!
The songs written by her son and Mei Manlu's singing also infected Wu Xiuyun, making her intoxicated and lingering, but she could also feel what her husband was thinking.

A place where you have worked hard, struggled, and traveled for decades, you can let go of it, but you have said countless words of comfort before. At this moment, she just said softly: "Plain, calm and calm Tolerance is the truth."

Jiang Yong was startled for a moment, then smiled lightly, patted the back of his wife's hand, and said, "I'm fine."


It’s hard to find a standard for judging whether a song is good or bad, and it may sound different in different groups, but as long as it can make people empathize, it must not be a bad song.

Django is very good at analyzing the psychology of contemporary listeners and knows what kind of songs they need, and the current status of the song charts is a good proof of this.

Real-time data on April 2025, 4:
1. Zhang Liming's "Can't Say Goodbye", popularity 1232525.

2. Lin Yu's "An Ordinary Day", with a popularity of 1085653.

3. Zhang Liming's "Friends", popularity 1007710.

4. Mei Manlu's "Prose Poems Written by My Father", popularity 996331.

5. Qin Shiyue's "Mother in Candlelight", popularity 946331.

6. Stars "Story of Time", popularity 874874.

7. Mei Manlu's "Looking Back", popularity 462101.


Except for "Looking Back" which was just launched, the rest have won the daily crown for more than five days, which is equivalent to dominating the list for more than two months.


"Run, the charts are full of 'Django'!"

"Is this the real strong man? It's so terrifying!"

"When the eight episodes are over, aren't there nine songs?"

"Almost won the top ten!"

"The jury for next year's Golden Melody Awards: I'm quitting, I won't play like this!"


Although it was sung by different singers, the lyrics, music, and arrangement were all made by one person. There has never been such an "outrageous" thing in the Chinese music scene before.

All of a sudden, Jiang Ge once again appeared on the headlines and trending searches of the entertainment sections of major news platforms.

Penguin: 【The average viewership rate is 6.86%, and the average online view volume is 5000 million. Jiang Ge's "Story of Time" is expected to surpass "National Treasure" and become the number one domestic variety show. 】

NetEase: [Eight episodes, nine songs, Jiang Ge aims at the Grand Slam of the Golden Melody Awards! 】

Sina: [Jiang Ge brought spring to China Entertainment in just over four years! 】

Headline: [Redefining the Chinese music scene, Django will definitely become a memory of an era! 】

UC: [Until I met Django, I didn't know how weak the word "shock" is! 】

Baidu: [Jiang Ge, a person who makes music cleanly, has rekindled the hope of the music scene! 】


To be honest, we media editors really can't think of a better title.

In fact, in many cases, the word "Django" is enough to attract people.

And the data of the sixth issue of "Story of Time" also came out, the ratings fell below 7.0%, and closed at 6.69%, but the score increased by 0.1 to 9.2.

How could Blueberry Satellite TV let go of such a competitive variety show? They are already planning a second season.

However, they didn't know that Jiang Ge and Zhou Lingwei had no plans to continue.

Because if you want to do it well, you have to grasp everything from pre-planning to official recording to post-editing, and you need a lot of stories and songs that cannot be the same as the first season, which consumes too much energy and time.

Therefore, it is a good choice to choose to end at the most glorious time.

Django's popularity is very high right now, and everyone has their ideas on him.

Let's go!
First, Huafeng Media announced the theme song "Hua Guo Kung Fu" and the episode "Kung Fu Fighting" composed by Jiang Ge for "Kung Fu Panda";
Secondly, Fortune Games announced that "Legend of Sword and Fairy" will launch a new version of "Pandaman Origin" in conjunction with "Kung Fu Panda";

Then Zhang Shucheng released a trailer on his personal Weibo with the accompaniment of the theme song "Serving the Country with Loyalty" of "Dragon City Flying Generals 2" composed by Jiang Ge and sung by Lin Yu.

As for Django, he has no time to take care of these things, he is busy proposing marriage every day.

Time slipped away like this.

"Huh..." Django wiped his wet hair with a towel, and sighed, "I'm exhausted."

Zhou Lingwei got up from the sofa, made room for him, and said in surprise, "I've been working a lot lately? Isn't Chenyi and Yansi's marriage proposal arranged?"

Jiang Ge almost slipped his tongue, and hurriedly said: "Well, there is a lot of work, as you know, we have several movies in production, another animation film in production, and the post-production of "Langya Bang", all of which I need to review."

Zhou Lingwei said distressedly: "You, if you should delegate power, you should delegate power. If you don't let them get started, how can you improve your ability? I can't let you worry about everything."

Django nodded and replied, "Yes, the proprietress is right, I will change it tomorrow."

Zhou Lingwei rolled his eyes at him, and said, "Blueberry Satellite TV sent me a few copywritings to promote the eighth issue of "Story of Time", you can see which one is suitable."

Django said directly: "You can decide."

Zhou Lingwei said, "I'm not very satisfied. I feel that these few copywritings are weird."

"Strange?" Django put the towel aside, combed his hair a few times, and said, "Why is it strange?"

Zhou Lingwei took out her mobile phone, pulled out the copy, and said, "Look at the title [Jiang Ge Appears on Camera, Show Recording Scene Turns into Proposal Scene], it's understandable to rub your enthusiasm, but this is Chenyi and Yansi's proposal, Isn’t it weird to write like that?”

When Django heard it, he immediately said, "Normal...isn't that the case with all satellite TVs, they scribble headlines and edit randomly for the sake of ratings, in order to attract attention."

Zhou Lingwei pursed her lips, and didn't bother with this anymore, she just said: "Then you choose one of these copywriting, and I will reply to them after I choose."

Jiang Ge took the phone, seeing that she didn't suspect anything, secretly wiped off his sweat, and cursed inwardly: This Blueberry Satellite TV almost ruined my event!
Zhou Lingwei didn't get suspicious, picked up the remote control, and tuned the TV to Blueberry Satellite TV. Today is Friday, and the seventh episode of "Story of Time" will be broadcast.

(End of this chapter)

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