Chapter 317 0316: Proud Teenager
Time passed day by day, and "Swordsman: Invincible in the East" finally wrapped up on November 11th, Singles' Day.

Generally, film and television dramas have a finale ceremony, Jiang Ge naturally will not let go of this opportunity to promote, and make the momentum very large.

"As expected of Django, he finished shooting a movie in less than three months."

"It's fast, it doesn't matter whether the filming is good or not."

"Yes, there will always be mistakes if the speed is fast, and it is inevitable to miss some details."

"Keep your heart in your stomach, 'Bad Movie' can't beat Django."

"Jiang Ge + Gu Yao + three post-95 florets + a group of powerful actors, there is no link that can be connected with 'bad'."

"Yes, besides, this is the martial arts that Django is best at."


The high-profile wrapping ceremony blew up the netizens.

Optimistic, not optimistic, have their own reasons.

In any case, everyone's expectations for the movie "Swordsman: Invincible in the East" are full.


I handed over the film I was afraid of shooting to the production department, and dealt with the company's accumulated affairs. It was November 11th when I returned home for vacation.

"It's on!"

After having dinner with Jiang Ge's parents, and walking around the community for a while, Zhou Lingwei brought Jiang Ge back, and the second season of "Things That Rabbit That Year" started broadcasting at eight o'clock.

"Are you so excited?"

Jiang Ge was actually looking forward to it, but it was different from Zhou Lingwei's expectation. He was looking forward to seeing the audience's reaction after the screenwriter was replaced. He was only responsible for the outline of the script, and the specific plot was expanded by the screenwriter department.

Zhou Lingwei went to the remote control to turn on the TV, and said, "Of course, this is nearly [-] days of waiting!"

It’s been a long time, and I didn’t plan to do it at first, but later I bought Niubi Animation Studio and set up an editorial department. I didn’t waste a good IP, so I restarted it.

Hey, it's delicious.

The second season of "Those Things That Rabbit That Year" has the same total number of episodes as the first season, and each episode is also about 10 minutes long.

The first season is mainly about various battles.

The second season is about the various things that the rabbit encounters in the world after establishing a new flower grower.

【Episode [-]: The First Friend

The rabbit who has no friends is very depressed. At this time, the figures of hippos appear by chance.

One of them, a hippopotamus, heard that the rabbit was considering coming to sponsor their construction project, so he couldn't help standing up and asking the rabbit to help him repair the railway...]

After seeing the hippopotamus use Li Xiaoyao's Feilong Tanyun to take out all the money in the rabbit's bag, the barrage is full of "Fairy Sword Make Money!".

When Hippo wanted to ask Rabbit to help build the road but had no money, Rabbit said, "It's okay if you don't have money, let's talk about resources."

However, after seeing the progress bar getting less and less.

"Although there is less tear-jerking feeling, it is still the familiar taste."

"Because a new flower grower has been established in the first season, the second season will definitely no longer be purely tear-jerking, but step by step towards becoming stronger!"

"I just saw a barrage saying that the reason for naming it 'Rabbit' is that Dad often scolds you as a little bastard. It makes sense when you think about it."

"But it's too short. After holding it for hundreds of days, it ended up being just a few minutes."

"Not enough to watch, no matter what, there are two episodes a day!"

"Brothers, put 'Jiagen' on the public screen!"


It seems that after such a long time, that rabbit has become everyone's feelings. The number of simultaneous online viewers on major video sites has exceeded 300 million, and the barrage has exploded. Everyone is complaining that it is too short to watch.

"It looks good as usual, but..." Even Zhou Lingwei couldn't help sighing, and said to Jiang Ge, "It's just that you made it too short."

Django raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said, "Wait, tell me clearly, what's wrong with me!"

"Isn't 10 minutes short?" Zhou Lingwei looked puzzled, and then seemed to understand something, blushing and said: "What are you thinking, I'm talking about the length of each episode!"

"I know, just to tease you." Django smiled and explained: "After all, it is an animation only for entertainment. It should be distinguished from historical documentaries. About 10 minutes is just right."

Zhou Lingwei thinks about it too. If it is changed to an episode of four to five 10 minutes, I will probably feel sleepy after watching it, so I don’t dwell on the issue of length, and said: "Listen to the "Dream Chasing Heart" at the end of the film. I haven’t listened to it for a long time. .”

Django heard this and said, "The ending song has been changed, it's not "Chasing Dreams".

"Ah?" Zhou Lingwei thought to herself, why did you change the song that matched that rabbit, and asked immediately, "Which one did you change to?"

Just as Django was about to speak, the music started.

At this time, the audience found out from the prelude that it was not "Chasing Dreams".


"The song has changed!"

"No way, without "Dream Chaser", the photos at the end of the film will not feel that way."

"Who came up with a bad idea?"

"That's right, it took away all the flexibility."

"Don't worry, what if it's a new song written by Django."


Chasing dream + that rabbit, everyone is used to this combination, if one of them is missing, it will always feel wrong.

However, Jiang Ge chose to replace it with the same ending song after careful consideration based on the situation of the second season of The Rabbit on Earth.

Just when he was struggling, Xu Chenyi's voice came.

"In the beginning I was
A naive and crying child

It took ten years to finally understand

There is nothing wrong with failure as long as you do your best..."

The melody and lyrics seem to be pretty good, you can listen to it below.

That's right, this song is "Proud Boy" composed and sung by Nan Zheng Bei Zhan.

It is not the kind of simple and crude patriotic song, it adopts a metaphorical way to reflect the patriotic theme.

Suddenly, the second stanza became Gong Li singing.

"Everything changed in the blink of an eye

A new starting point, a new world is just around the corner

I was hurt and shed tears

Crazy for dreams so what this time..."

Gong Li's voice was very simple, but it pointed directly at people's hearts.

Combined with the old photos in the screen, it seems to tell everyone that "you can't see the darkness because someone is trying to block the darkness from where you can't see".

Suddenly, the melody became exciting, even worse than "Chasing Dreams", and Lin Yu was singing this passage.

"Run, proud boy

In a young heart is a firm belief
Burn your proud blood
I will sing the victory song again. "

The high-pitched and loud singing voice made people's blood boil.

The grandparents did not lose to war, the fathers did not lose to poverty, and our generation will not lose to this most beautiful era.

Be a proud young man, go to the world, go all out, live up to your youth, and do not regret your youth.

Although life is not a movie, the ending may not be satisfactory, but we who have worked hard, when we are old, when we talk about ourselves when we were young, we still have a smile on our lips, and we can be proud of failure.

(End of this chapter)

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