Let you host the artist, how can you become a superstar

Chapter 304 Chapter 303: Actor's Self-cultivation (2)

Chapter 304 Chapter 303: Actor's Self-cultivation (2)

The layout of the venue was completed, and the two torches in the prison were burning "sizzling", and the small space was filled with the smell of kerosene and mold.

"Each group is ready, the actors are in place!"

Django sits in front of a monitor and calls the shots.

"First scene, first scene, action!"

Everything is ready and the shooting begins.

【Linghu Chong woke up in the cell, looked around, and tested the hardness of the wall with his palm. 】

Pei Jie was performing, when suddenly there was a "click".

He sighed secretly, the first scene of the first scene was NG, which felt a bit unfavorable at the beginning.

Django shouted to stop, but it wasn't because of Pei Jie's performance, but because an important prop was missing.

He snapped his fingers at Shi Changxin and said, "That thing!"

With an "oh", Shi Changxin trotted out of the prison, and came back with an iron cage after a while.



Several female staff members passed by, causing a burst of exclamation.

There are more than a dozen mice in the iron cage. Of course, they are artificially raised pet mice.

This is not for fun, one is that the plot needs to be used, and the other is that this kind of prison should have such a thing to be reasonable.

Jiang Ge took the iron cage and walked towards Pei Jie's cell with it. When he came up to him, he asked, "Are you afraid of this thing?"

Pei Jie shook his head and said, "This is nothing to be afraid of."

Jiang Ge opened the door of the iron cage, took out five of them, and said with a smile: "Cultivate feelings with them, and I will be able to listen to your order later."

Pei Jie had read the script, so he naturally knew what to use them for, so he said, "Okay."

Jiang Ge lifted the iron cage and walked towards the opposite cell. Inside, Li Sheng was preparing, "Mr. Li, can you put a few of these little things?"

As he spoke, he raised the iron cage slightly, and then explained: "Don't worry, they are all pet rats rented from pet shops."

Li Sheng glanced at it, and said cheerfully: "No problem, I'll hang it up later, and put it on my arms and body, that will be real enough."

After the operation, Jiang Ge immediately returned to the monitor and started filming the scene again.

【While the guards were delivering food and water, Linghu Chong saw from the small window on the cell door that there seemed to be someone in the opposite cell, with a look of joy on his face, he shouted: "Girl, is it you?"

Unexpectedly, the guard kicked the food away and scolded: "Buzhun speaks, if you speak again, you will have a delicious meal!"

Linghu Chong remained silent, and looked through the small window again. In the light of the torch, he saw a skinny hand tied by an iron chain in the small window opposite.

He lowered his eyes to think, and happened to see the mouse eating the overturned food. He had an idea in his mind, and immediately tore off a large piece of cloth from his clothes, and used half of it to write "I am Linghu Chong, are you?" who", half of them were torn into strips and connected into ropes.

He caught a mouse, tied the piece of cloth and the cloth rope, and then lured the mouse to the window of the opposite cell with pieces of meat from the meal. 】


Jiang Ge called to stop again. In fact, Pei Jie acted pretty well. It seemed that he had practiced in private, but the mouse didn't cooperate at all and refused to go to the opposite side.

How to do?
Change the mouse!

In the end, I tried everything, as if I had discussed it, either I didn't move at all, or I ran around blindly.

Django remembered the plot in the original version, but he didn't research whether real mice or fake mice were used in the filming.

Shi Changxin on the side gave a suggestion: "Jiang Dong, why don't you use the fishing line to pull the cloth over, and then make a special effect mouse in the later stage?"

Jiang Ge gave him a blank look, and said: "Don't just watch the footage for a few seconds, the special effects cost a lot of money, try again, if it doesn't work, disassemble the footage."

Then, it came again, this time using the mouse's favorite ration to lure, and finally succeeded.

This kind of detail selection often occurs on the set, such as the placement of props, an actor's eyes, the angle of lighting, etc.

"Details determine success or failure" is also applicable to movie shooting, because details are the elements that reflect the authenticity of movies. In movie language, details are divided into factual details and image details. Specifically, it includes plot details, scene details, and image details. , sound details, color details, etc.

When the details are handled with precision and accuracy, the value of the movie can be perfectly presented.

However, as the filming progressed, some of Pei Jie's problems gradually emerged.

He performed well when he wanted a one-man show, and he could basically pass three or four.

But when it comes time to play a rival role, he still plays himself, without any interaction.


This is the No. 11 call to stop in this scene. Django looked serious, silent for a few seconds, and said: "Take a break for 10 minutes, Pei Jie, come here."

Pei Jie's heart skipped a beat, he walked over tremblingly, and said, "Jiang Dong, I'm sorry."

"If you can make a good movie, I can apologize to you." Jiang Ge said something, then relaxed his tone, and said: "In the process of acting in a rivalry, the most important thing is to cooperate. If you bring yourself A way of dealing with it is to play against the opponent invariably, without feeling the feedback from others, and the plot of the performance will only make the audience unable to get involved."

He was a little bit angry, and more because he hated iron and steel: "In the process of acting as an opponent, the most important thing is to seriously figure out what the opponent's handling method is. Only when your rhythm is unified will you be able to respond to this scene. The plot of the story and the relationship between this group of characters have an effect, and this scene is really performed well."

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "Remember, don't just focus on how you act."

Pei Jie nodded and said, "Jiang Dong, I understand."



Another one.

Every time Pei Jie acted very attentively, and felt the other party according to Jiang Ge's words, but the effect was not satisfactory.

"The record is broken, twenty."

"I have experienced the two most NGs."

"Director Jiang is so strict and patient. If he were any other director, he would have scolded him already."

"Isn't it? I would have fried the pot early."

"It's just Gu Yao's suffering, following the performance over and over again."

"I can't help it, I can't stop acting."


The crew began to discuss in a low voice.

Django lost his temper, and the actor he chose would continue even while crying.

Pei Jie's mood became more and more depressed, his mind was very confused, and he didn't know how to take pictures.

Because he made all the changes and attempts he could, and what he got in exchange was still NG again and again.

However, Pei Jie did not lose confidence. Instead, he aroused his fighting spirit, continued to figure out how his opponent would deal with it, and constantly adjusted his rhythm.

Gu Yao was fine, she didn't think there was any problem with adding a few more NGs, and she didn't resent Pei Jie's mistakes or Jiang Ge's seriousness.

Jiang Ge didn't think there was any problem with the NG remake, so he just made up with it?That's impossible, if one fails, then shoot another one, if one day fails, then shoot another day.

(End of this chapter)

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